342 resultados para Slum dwellers
As a result of a broad invitation extended by Professor Martin Betts, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, to the community of interest at QUT, a cross-disciplinary collaborative workshop was conducted to contribute ideas about responding to the Government of India’s urgent requirement to implement a program to re-house slum dwellers. This is a complex problem facing the Indian Ministry of Housing. Not only does the government aspire to eradicate existing slum conditions and to achieve tangible results within five years, but it must also ensure that slums do not form in the future. The workshop focused on technological innovation in construction to deliver transformation from the current unsanitary and overcrowded informal urban settlements to places that provide the economically weaker sections of Indian society with healthy, environmentally sustainable, economically viable mass housing that supports successful urban living. The workshop was conducted in two part process as follows: Initially, QUT academics from diverse fields shared current research and provided technical background to contextualise the challenge at a pre-workshop briefing session. This was followed by a one-day workshop during which participants worked intensively in multi-disciplinary groups through a series of exercises to develop innovative approaches to the complex problem of slum redevelopment. Dynamic, compressed work sessions, interspersed with cross-functional review and feedback by the whole group took place throughout the day. Reviews emphasised testing the concepts for their level of complexity, and likelihood of success. The two-stage workshop process achieved several objectives: Inspired a sense of shared purpose amongst a diverse group of academics Built participants’ knowledge of each other’s capacity Engaged multi disciplinary team in an innovative design research process Built participants’ confidence in the collaborative process Demonstrated that collaborative problem solving can create solutions that represent transformative change. Developed a framework of how workable solutions might be developed for the program through follow up workshops and charrettes of a similar nature involving stakeholders drawn from the context of the slum housing program management.
How Insecurity impacts on school attendance and school drop out among urban slum children in Nairobi
This paper discusses how perceptions of personal security can impact on school enrolment and attendance. It mainly focuses on threats to physical harm, crime, community and domestic violence. These security fears can include insecurity that children suffer from as they go to school, maybe through the use of unsafe routes; insecurity that children feel at school; and the insecurity they suffer from in their homes. Although poverty is an indicator of insecurity, this paper does not focus solely on poverty as it is well covered elsewhere in the literature. The paper relies on qualitative data collected in Korogocho and Viwandani slum areas in Nairobi, Kenya between October and November 2004. The paper analyses data from individual interviews and focus group interviews and focuses on the narrative of slum dwellers on how insecurity impacts on educational attainment. The conclusion in this paper is that insecure neighbourhoods may have a negative impact on schooling. As a result policies that address insecurity in slum neighbourhoods can also improve school attendance and performance.
Since the launch of the ‘Clean Delhi, Green Delhi’ campaign in 2003, slums have become a significant social and political issue in India’s capital city. Through this campaign, the state, in collaboration with Delhi’s middle class through the ‘Bhagidari system’ (literally translated as ‘participatory system’), aims to transform Delhi into a ‘world-class city’ that offers a sanitised, aesthetically appealing urban experience to its citizens and Western visitors. In 2007, Delhi won the bid to host the 2010 Commonwealth Games; since then, this agenda has acquired an urgent, almost violent, impetus to transform Delhi into an environmentally friendly, aesthetically appealing and ‘truly international city’. Slums and slum-dwellers, with their ‘filth, dirt, and noise’, have no place in this imagined city. The violence inflicted upon slum-dwellers, including the denial of their judicial rights, is justified on these accounts. In addition, the juridical discourse since 2000 has ‘re-problematised slums as ‘nuisance’. The rising antagonism of the middle-classes against the poor, supported by the state’s ambition to have a ‘world-class city’, has allowed a new rhetoric to situate the slums in the city. These representations articulate slums as homogenised spaces of experience and identity. The ‘illegal’ status of slum-dwellers, as encroachers upon public space, is stretched to involve ‘social, cultural, and moral’ decadence and depravity. This thesis is an ethnographic exploration of everyday life in a prominent slum settlement in Delhi. It sensually examines the social, cultural and political materiality of slums, and the relationship of slums with the middle class. In doing so, it highlights the politics of sensorial ordering of slums as ‘filthy, dirty, and noisy’ by the middle classes to calcify their position as ‘others’ in order to further segregate, exclude and discriminate the slums. The ethnographic experience in the slums, however, highlights a complex sensorial ordering and politics of its own. Not only are the interactions between diverse communities in slums highly restricted and sensually ordained, but the middle class is identified as a sensual ‘other’, and its sensual practices prohibited. This is significant in two ways. First, it highlights the multiplicity of social, cultural experience and engagement in the slums, thereby challenging its homogenised representation. Second, the ethnographic exploration allowed me to frame a distinct sense of self amongst the slums, which is denied in mainstream discourses, and allowed me to identify the slums’ own ’others’, middle class being one of them. This thesis highlights sound – its production, performances and articulations – as an act with social, cultural, and political implications and manifestations. ‘Noise’ can be understood as a political construct to identify ‘others’ – and both slum-dwellers and the middle classes identify different sonic practices as noise to situate the ‘other’ sonically. It is within this context that this thesis frames the position of Listener and Hearer, which corresponds to their social-political positions. These positions can be, and are, resisted and circumvented through sonic practices. For instance, amplification tactics in the Karimnagar slums, which are understood as ‘uncultured, callous activities to just create more noise’ by the slums’ middle-class neighbours, also serve definite purposes in shaping and navigating the space through the slums’ soundscapes, asserting a presence that is otherwise denied. Such tactics allow the residents to define their sonic territories and scope of sonic performances; they are significant in terms of exerting one’s position, territory and identity, and they are very important in subverting hierarchies. The residents of the Karimnagar slums have to negotiate many social, cultural, moral and political prejudices in their everyday lives. Their identity is constantly under scrutiny and threat. However, the sonic cultures and practices in the Karimnagar slums allow their residents to exert a definite sonic presence – which the middle class has to hear. The articulation of noise and silence is an act manifesting, referencing and resisting social, cultural, and political power and hierarchies.
Os jovens podem assumir riscos de acordo com a imprevisibilidade do ambiente em que vivem. Este comportamento pode variar também de acordo com a experiência individual, o sexo, dentre outras variáveis contextuais. O Rio de Janeiro apresenta uma das menores taxas de expectativa de vida dos estados do Brasil e a maior em mortes por violência que atinge os jovens. No entanto, essa experiência de violência pode variar entre os jovens, principalmente em função da desigualdade social, expressiva em determinadas áreas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A presente dissertação de Mestrado teve por objetivo aproximar-se desse campo de investigação através da perspectiva Evolucionista da Psicologia, centrando-se nas estratégias que orientam os comportamentos humanos e nossas expectativas de futuro. Partindo desses presupostos, este estudo se propôs a analisar o comportamento dos jovens residentes em contextos distintos do Rio de Janeiro: moradores de duas comunidades (favelas) situadas em regiões bastante distintas da cidade, Rocinha, localizada em uma área nobre da cidade, zona sul e Vigário Geral, na periferia da cidade, no subúrbio e não-moradores de comunidades, de diferentes regiões do estado. Buscou-se investigar o quanto esses jovens percebem o local onde vivem como hostil e violento e o como isto pode afetá-los na orientação para o futuro e ainda; o efeito dos eventos violentos dos últimos doze meses e a percepção subjetiva e objetiva deste contexto em relação a orientação que os jovens têm para o aqui e agora, como uma medida de se descontar o futuro. Pelos resultados encontrados, pode-se perceber que as estratégias que orientam as escolhas desses jovens, a curto ou a longo prazo, estão fortemente ligadas a experiência de violência. Quanto pior a percepção objetiva ou subjetiva do contexto no qual estão inseridos, maior a orientação para o aqui e agora, sendo esta uma medida de desconto do futuro. Na busca da compreensão do comportamento humano dentro de uma abordagem biopsicossocial, não é possível considerar apenas os riscos, mas as pessoas que assumem os riscos e, principalmente, o contexto em que vivem. Neste sentido, estratégias e condutas arriscadas só podem ser consideradas adaptativas ou não em função do contexto em que são manifestadas. Espera-se que as informações obtidas através da presente dissertação possam beneficiar profissionais voltados para políticas públicas e à promoção de saúde, sugerindo direcionamentos importantes que viabilizem aos jovens o acesso a melhores condições de vida.
Uma das principais discussões na dimensão social perpassa sobre o tema emancipação social, o que na concepção de Santos (2007, p.17) é um conceito absolutamente central na modernidade. Estudos que venham revelar as evidências emancipadoras por meio das práticas de projetos sociais são relevantes socialmente e representam alternativas de intervenção social. A tese central é a de que os projetos de intervenção social em áreas de vulnerabilidade social propiciam a emancipação dos atores locais. Este estudo se justifica pela necessidade de compreender como são construídas essas redes de intervenção social que atuam em comunidades pobres. Os objetivos do estudo foram: i) verificar as possibilidades de emancipação que se associam às políticas e práticas de extensão universitária; ii) identificar as representações de mulheres sobre o tempo que destinam a esperar os filhos que participam de atividades em uma Vila Olímpica; iii) analisar os objetivos e ações que mobilizaram a Central Única das Favelas (CUFA), com atenção na fundação e sua trajetória, do Street Basket das Favelas, em 2005, à competição Taça das Favelas, em 2011; iv) identificar o conteúdo das representações sociais (RS) acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Para a realização dos estudos, adotou-se a abordagem qualitativa. No primeiro estudo utilizou-se a metodologia da análise documental para seleção dos documentos e análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2009) para identificação das categorias a serem analisadas. Definimos um marco referencial básico a partir das reflexões de Boaventura de Sousa Santos e Paulo Freire para conceituar a extensão e emancipação social. Os tópicos contemplados na análise se desdobraram em três questões: qual a concepção de extensão universitária está presente nos documentos institucionais; de que forma a universidade promove a articulação com o território; como se dá a prática da extensão universitária na UNISUAM. Os resultados da análise evidenciaram processos emancipadores nas práticas extensionistas. O segundo estudo é de natureza etnográfica, com aportes da etnometodologia e da pesquisa-ação colaborativa. O grupo pesquisado se caracteriza por mulheres que frequentam a Vila Olímpica do Complexo do Alemão. Os resultados em relação à representação das mulheres sobre o tempo que esperam os filhos revelaram que é um tempo para a aprendizagem. O terceiro estudo é sobre o papel da CUFA na cultura hip hop no basquetebol, no Rio de Janeiro e na Taça das Favelas, uma competição de futebol de campo entre 80 seleções, com jovens moradores das favelas. O estudo seguinte é sobre representações sociais acerca da participação de jovens adolescentes na Taça das Favelas. Os dados provêm de entrevista semiestruturada com 11 jogadores da Taça das Favelas.
Poverty alleviation lies at the heart of contemporary international initiatives on development. The key to development is the creation of an environment in which people can develop their potential, leading productive, creative lives in accordance with their needs, interests and faith. This entails, on the one hand, protecting the vulnerable from things that threaten their survival, such as inadequate nutrition, disease, conflict, natural disasters and the impact of climate change, thereby enhancing the poor’s capabilities to develop resilience in difficult conditions. On the other hand, it also requires a means of empowering the poor to act on their own behalf, as individuals and communities, to secure access to resources and the basic necessities of life such as water, food, shelter, sanitation, health and education. ‘Development’, from this perspective, seeks to address the sources of human insecurity, working towards ‘freedom from want, freedom from fear’ in ways that empower the vulnerable as agents of development (not passive recipients of benefaction).
Recognition of the magnitude of the problems confronted by the poor and failure of past interventions to tackle basic issues of human security led the United Nations (UN) in September 2000 to set out a range of ambitious, but clearly defined, development goals to be achieved by 2015. These are known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The intention of the UN was to mobilise multilateral international organisations, non-governmental organisations and the wider international community to focus attention on fulfilling earlier promises to combat global poverty. This international framework for development prioritises: the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger; achieving universal primary education; promoting gender equality and empowering women; reducing child mortality; improving maternal health; combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; ensuring environmental sustainability; and developing a global partnership for development. These goals have been mapped onto specific targets (18 in total) against which outcomes of associated development initiatives can be measured and the international community held to account. If the world achieves the MDGs, more than 500 million people will be lifted out of poverty. However, the challenges the goals represent are formidable. Interim reports on the initiative indicate a need to scale-up efforts and accelerate progress.
Only MDG 7, Target 11 explicitly identifies shelter as a priority, identifying the need to secure ‘by 2020 a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers’. This raises a question over how Habitat for Humanity’s commitment to tackling poverty housing fits within this broader international framework designed to allievate global poverty. From an analysis of HFH case studies, this report argues that the processes by which Habitat for Humanity tackles poverty housing directly engages with the agenda set by the MDGs. This should not be regarded as a beneficial by-product of the delivery of decent, affordable shelter, but rather understood in terms of the ways in which Habitat for Humanity has translated its mission and values into a participatory model that empowers individuals and communities to address the interdependencies between inadequate shelter and other sources of human insecurity. What housing can deliver is as important as what housing itself is.
Examples of the ways in which Habitat for Humanity projects engage with the MDG framework include the incorporation of sustainable livelihoods strategies, up-grading of basic infrastructure and promotion of models of good governance. This includes housing projects that have also offered training to young people in skills used in the construction industry, microfinanced loans for women to start up their own home-based businesses, and the provision of food gardens. These play an important role in lifting families out of poverty and ensuring the sustainability of HFH projects. Studies of the impact of improved shelter and security of livelihood upon family life and the welfare of children evidence higher rates of participation in education, more time dedicated to study and greater individual achievement. Habitat for Humanity projects also typically incorporate measures to up-grade the provision of basic sanitation facilities and supplies of safe, potable drinking water. These measures not only directly help reduce mortality rates (e.g. diarrheal diseases account for around 2 million deaths annually in children under 5), but also, when delivered through HFH project-related ‘community funds’, empower the poor to mobilise community resources, develop local leadership capacities and even secure de facto security of tenure from government authorities.
In the process of translating its mission and values into practical measures, HFH has developed a range of innovative practices that deliver much more than housing alone. The organisation’s participatory model enables both direct beneficiaries and the wider community to tackle the insecurities they face, unlocking latent skills and enterprise, building sustainable livelihood capabilities. HFH plays an important role as a catalyst for change, delivering through the vehicle of housing the means to address the primary causes of poverty itself. Its contribution to wider development priorities deserves better recognition. In calibrating the success of HFH projects in terms of units completed or renovated alone, the significance of the process by which HFH realises these outcomes is often not sufficiently acknowledged, both within the organisation and externally. As the case studies developed in the report illustrate, the methodologies Habitat for Humanity employs to address the issue of poverty housing within the developing world, place the organisation at the centre of a global strategic agenda to address the root causes of poverty through community empowerment and the transformation of structures of governance.
Given this, the global network of HFH affiliates constitutes a unique organisational framework to faciliate sharing resources, ideas and practical experience across a diverse range of cultural, political and institutional environments. This said, it is apparent that work needs to be done to better to faciliate the pooling of experience and lessons learnt from across its affiliates. Much is to be gained from learning from less successful projects, sharing innovative practices, identifying strategic partnerships with donors, other NGOs and CBOs, and engaging with the international development community on how housing fits within a broader agenda to alleviate poverty and promote good governance.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) contributes to food security, serves as an opportunity for income generation, and provides recreational services to urban citizens. With a population of 21 Million people, of which 60 % live in slums, UPA activities can play a crucial role in supporting people’s livelihoods in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). This study was conducted to characterize the railway gardens, determine their role in UPA production, and assess potential risks. It comprises a baseline survey among 38 railway gardeners across MMR characterized by different demographic, socio-economic, migratory, and labour characteristics. Soil, irrigation water, and plant samples were analyzed for nutrients, heavy metals, and microbial load. All the railway gardeners practiced agriculture as a primary source of income and cultivated seasonal vegetables such as lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), red amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.), and white radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) which were irrigated with waste water. This irrigation water was loaded with 7–28 mg N l^(−1), 0.3–7 mg P l^(−1), and 8–32 mg K l^(−1), but also contained heavy metals such as lead (0.02–0.06 mg Pb l^(−1)), cadmium (0.03–0.17 mg Cd l^(−1)), mercury (0.001–0.005 mg Hg l^(−1)), and pathogens such as Escherichia coli (1,100 most probable number per 100 ml). Levels of heavy metals exceeded the critical thresholds in surface soils (Cr, Ni, and Sr) and produce (Pb, Cd, and Sr). The railway garden production systems can substantially foster employment and reduce economic deprivation of urban poor particularly slum dwellers and migrant people. However this production system may also cause possible health risks to producers and consumers.
El fenómeno de las revueltas urbanas apareció en Francia a finales de los años 1970, se arraigó en la década de los 80s y experimentó en 2005 una generalización inédita. Se desarrolla localmente desde esta fecha. Con algunas excepciones, se desata en la mayoría de los casos por la muerte de jóvenes en relación con una operación de policía. Este artículo propone una síntesis de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en Francia en los últimos años y trata de desglosar un marco de interpretación global de este fenómeno al articular sus dimensiones económicas, sociales y políticas. Este trabajo pone énfasis en los procesos de creación de guetos, en las fallas de la regulación estatal y en la ausencia de representación política de los habitantes de los barrios pobres. Finalmente, se analizan las revueltas como una « forma elemental de protesta política».
Illegal occupation of urban land in Brazil is a widespread phenomenon. Slum dwellers are excluded from the attributes of urban citizenship although they provide the labor force required by low productivity urban services needed by cities. Illegal settlements generate multiple problems for the rest of the city . Its solution is of key relevance to the city in general but also provide an opportunity for the social and economic advancement of slum dwellers. The programs required to attain these results are complex and difficult to implement underscoring the challenges countries will face to attain the Millennium Development Goals of reducing the population living in slums.
Within the development discourse, the narratives of the poor are a well utilized rhetorical tool to describe poverty and its causes. However, narratives can also reveal the beliefs and ‘world-view’ of the narrators. To explore this influence, the authors applied a discursive approach, to deconstruct the narratives of 101 slum dwellers in Kibera, Nairobi. The results revealed that poverty was largely attributed to external constraints, beyond an individual's control. Despite wanting a better life, participants held low expectations for the future. Hopes and dreams were placed on their children. While risk and uncertainty was a constant theme, large differences were found between genders as to the aspirations for the future. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.
O estudo de grupos socialmente marginalizados como gays, negros, usuários de drogas, entre outros, não é fácil, porém de extrema relevância para a área de comportamento do consumidor, pois a determinados grupos sociais é negado praticamente o status de membros de uma sociedade moderna e de consumo (BARBOSA, 2006). Dessa forma, esta tese de doutorado teve como objetivo investigar como o discurso associado a posses é utilizado por gays masculinos para enfrentarem o estigma da identidade homossexual nos níveis individual, familiar, grupal e social. A análise abrange tanto a identidade homossexual como o estigma relacionado a ela, considerando ambos como construções sociais impostas por um discurso médico produzido no século XIX, que, por sua vez, criou a categorização da homossexualidade. Como método de pesquisa adotou-se a observação de participantes no grupo gay da cidade do Rio de Janeiro e também foram realizadas 20 entrevistas semiestruturadas com gays masculinos entre os anos de 2005 e 2008. Os resultados sugerem que: (i) para os gays, o mundo culturalmente constituído parece estar dividido entre o “mundo gay” e o “mundo heterossexual”. A divisão entre estes dois mundos não se dá somente no imaginário dos gays, mas também pode ser representado por produtos e posses; (ii) alguns ambientes de consumo gay passam de um significado de profano para sagrado no decorrer da vida dos gays; (iii) o corpo é visto como uma construção cultural e representa valor no mundo gay, assim como também é usado como signo de distinção e hierarquia.
O objetivo do presente trabalho é elaborar uma reflexão sobre os processos de construção e os usos políticos da memória na favela do Borel. Para o alcance dessa finalidade, serão analisados o livro “As lutas do povo do Borel”, de autoria de Manoel Gomes, ex-morador local e ex-militante comunista, já falecido, e o projeto Condutores de Memória, realizado por moradoras das favelas do Borel e da Casa Branca em parceria com a Agenda Social Rio. Desse modo, pretende-se pensar as características da articulação de diferentes atores na elaboração de suportes de memória de moradores de favelas, a partir do caso do Borel, bem como a forma como diferentes contextos históricos podem interferir na instrumentalização da memória como forma de reivindicação política.
Essa dissertação versa sobre a construção da favela Paraisópolis (São Paulo- SP) como destino turístico. Estevão, Berbela e Antenor, moradores da favela, realizam “trabalhos artísticos” que compõem o elemento principal da atratividade turística de Paraisópolis. A partir do trabalho de campo, do tipo observação participante, descrevo os posicionamentos divergentes dos artistas, guias de turismo e a União de Moradores de Paraisópolis. Aponto que esses posicionamentos geram disputas simbólicas e relações de poder entre os diversos atores envolvidos no processo de transformação de Paraisópolis em um destino turístico. A intenção principal é entender como esse processo é perpassado por conflitos, tanto de ordem econômica quanto de ordem política e ideológica. A perspectiva de análise tem como enfoque central as visões em disputa sobre o turismo e as práticas que as tomam por base. Assim, procuro entender como os valores e práticas locais se articulam com ações e discursos exógenos voltados para o desenvolvimento do turismo.
In field experiments with subjects living either inside or outside Brazilian slums (n=955), we show that consumers living in slums are less price sensitive, in opposition with recent price sensitivity research. Comparing slum and non-slum dwellers, we found that negatively stereotyped consumers (e.g. slum dwellers) were more likely to pay higher amounts for friendlier customer service when facing social identity threats (SITs) in marketplaces such as banks. The mechanism which makes them less price sensitive is related to the perception of how other people evaluate their social groups, and we argue that they pay more because they are seeking identity-safe commercial relationships. This work, besides extending the literature in SITs, presents a perspective for the exchange between economics and psychology on price sensitivity, showing that consumers living in slums are willing to pay more to avoid possibly social identity threating experiences.
Includes bibliography