994 resultados para Service failures


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This work reports on a critical measurement to understand the intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) of pipeline steels: the atom probe field ion microscope (APFIM) measurement of the carbon concentration at a grain boundary (GB). The APFIM measurement was related to the microstructure and to IGSCC observations. The APFIM indicated that the GB carbon concentration of X70 was similar to 10 at% or less, which correlated with a high resistance to IGSCC for X70. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coalition loyalty programs are on the rise, yet few studies investigate the impact of service failures in such programs. Using data from a retail context, the authors show that a program partner deemed responsible for a service failure suffers negative customer responses. However, customers' perceptions of the benefits of the coalition loyalty program buffer these consequences. Perhaps most importantly, when customers perceive the program's special treatment benefits as low, direct and indirect spillover effects occur, such that a service failure by one program partner has a negative effect on customer loyalty toward the program itself. © 2013 New York University.


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An increasing range of services are now offered via online applications and e-commerce websites. However, problems with online services still occur at times, even for the best service providers due to the technical failures, informational failures, or lack of required website functionalities. Also, the widespread and increasing implementation of web services means that service failures are both more likely to occur, and more likely to have serious consequences. In this paper we first develop a digital service value chain framework based on existing service delivery models adapted for digital services. We then review current literature on service failure prevention, and provide a typology of technolo- gies and approaches that can be used to prevent failures of different types (functional, informational, system), that can occur at different stages in the web service delivery. This makes a contribution to theory by relating specific technologies and technological approaches to the point in the value chain framework where they will have the maximum impact. Our typology can also be used to guide the planning, justification and design of robust, reliable web services.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how customers with different relational bonds respond to the same service failure. In particular, the framework to service failure and recovery devised by Fournier and Mick is applied.
Design/methodology/approach – To uncover rich emotional and cognitive responses to service failure, in-depth interviews with eight former and current patrons of an Australian opera were used.
Findings – Three types of relationship were identified: satisfaction-as-love (SaL), satisfaction-as-trust (SaT) and satisfaction-as-control (SaC). Each responded to the same failure in different ways. SaL customers had emotional bonds with the product category and thus reaffiremed their loyalty following the failure. SaT customers saw the service failure and inadequate recovery as a breach of the brand's implied promise and thus excited the relationship. SaC customers took charge of the situation, using their status to improve their situation and then defended the brand.
Practical implications – The findings indicate the importance of customizing service recovery strategies, in this case to those customers with the strongest emotional bonds to the brand, not the product class.
Originality/value – This is the first paper to examine how relational customers respond to service failure and identify how different customer-brand relationships result in different post-failure reactions and expectations of service recovery.


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Traditionally, consumers who have been dissatisfied with service have typically complained to the frontline personnel or to a manager in either a direct (face-to-face, over the phone) manner, indirect by writing, or done nothing but told friends and family of the incident. More recently, the Internet has provided various “new” ways to air a grievance, especially when little might have been done at the point of service failure. With the opportunity to now spread word-of-mouth globally, consumers have the potential to impact the standing of a brand or a firm's reputation. The hotel industry is particularly vulnerable, as an increasing number of bookings are undertaken via the Internet and the decision process is likely to be influenced by what other previous guests might post on many booking-linked sites. We conducted a qualitative study of a key travel site to ascertain the forms and motives of complaints made online about hotels and resorts. 200 web-based consumer complaints were analyzed using NVivo 8 software. Findings revealed that consumers report a wide range of service failures on the Internet. They tell a highly descriptive, persuasive, and credible story, often motivated by altruism or, at the other end of the continuum, by revenge. These stories have the power to influence potential guests to book or not book accommodation at the affected properties. Implications for managers of hotels and resorts are discussed.


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A questão dos resíduos sólidos tornou-se um tema preocupante uma vez que os mesmos têm sido gerados em grande quantidade na sociedade capitalista do consumo com a substituição dos produtos e criação de complexas embalagens. Esse fator reflete no meio ambiente, pois há uma dificuldade de gestão adequada desses resíduos sem que os mesmos causem impactos ambientais negativos devido à sua demora em degradar-se e aos elementos contaminantes que podem conter. Alternativas de tratamento e destinação final vêm sendo incentivadas para atenuar os malefícios gerados pelos resíduos sólidos. A reciclagem está se destacando como mecanismo de utilização dos resíduos sólidos como matéria prima. A coleta seletiva é uma ferramenta fundamental para viabilizar o processo de reciclagem. Dessa forma a participação popular se faz necessária visto que os consumidores são fonte geradora dos resíduos e efetuando uma separação logo após o consumo facilita e qualifica todo o procedimento. Contudo os municípios brasileiros vêm apresentados baixos índices de reciclagem e coleta seletiva. Uma revisão bibliográfica foi feita acerca de casos de sucesso no Brasil e no mundo em ambas as práticas. Questões pertinentes à compreensão de todas as vertentes envolvidas também serão abordadas através de fundamento teórico. Os prédios residenciais representam grande contribuição nesse processo de geração de resíduos uma vez que concentram elevado contingente populacional em pequena área. Niterói é um município urbano localizado na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, com uma população considerável possuindo diversos prédios e condomínios residenciais de grande porte. Existe um programa de coleta seletiva municipal, promovido pela Companhia de Limpeza Urbana de Niterói (CLIN) que está em vigor há mais de quinze anos que direciona os recicláveis a duas cooperativas de catadores no município (COOPCANIT e Morro do Céu). Esse estudo busca identificar todos os atores envolvidos no programa de coleta seletiva da CLIN (moradores, CLIN, COOPCANIT) assim como avaliar o desempenho do programa e sugerir formas de melhoria do mesmo baseado no referencial teórico. A partir de visitas técnicas, entrevistas com os responsáveis e a aplicação de questionários de avaliação da consciência ambiental de moradores de condomínios residenciais com e sem oferta do serviço de coleta seletiva. Foram verificadas falhas no programa como a pouca divulgação do mesmo e ausência de programa de educação ambiental aos moradores dos condomínios, refletindo na baixa adesão popular. Assim como foi possível identificar aspectos positivos como a busca por parcerias, representada pela atuação da empresa AMPLA que oferece desconto na conta de luz aos moradores que entregam seus resíduos nos postos de entrega voluntários. Algumas recomendações e sugestões são feitas aos gestores locais assim como propostas de futuros trabalhos e estudos relevantes ao problema.


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In this paper game theory is used to analyse the effect of a number of service failures during the execution of a grid orchestration. A service failure may be catastrophic in that it causes an entire orchestration to fail. Alternatively, a grid manager may utilise alternative services in the case of failure, allowing an orchestration to recover, A risk profile provides a means of modelling situations in a way that is neither overly optimistic nor overly pessimistic. Risk profiles are analysed using angel and daemon games. A risk profile can be assigned a valuation through an analysis of the structure of its associated Nash equilibria. Some structural properties of valuation functions, that show their validity as a measure for risk, are given. Two main cases are considered, the assessment of Orc expressions and the arrangement of a meeting using reputations.


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A web-service is a remote computational facility which is made available for general use by means of the internet. An orchestration is a multi-threaded computation which invokes remote services. In this paper game theory is used to analyse the behaviour of orchestration evaluations when underlying web-services are unreliable. Uncertainty profiles are proposed as a means of defining bounds on the number of service failures that can be expected during an orchestration evaluation. An uncertainty profile describes a strategic situation that can be analyzed using a zero-sum angel-daemon game with two competing players: an angel a whose objective is to minimize damage to an orchestration and a daemon d who acts in a destructive fashion. An uncertainty profile is assessed using the value of its angel daemon game. It is shown that uncertainty profiles form a partial order which is monotonic with respect to assessment.


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Literature suggests that various customer outcomes are likely to be negative after a failed service encounter. Service failures can arise for many reasons and consumers may react differently, depending on the type of failure. This study focuses on exploring whether consumer outcomes differ based on whether the consumer experiences a process failure or outcome failure. The results from this study suggest that variations in consumer outcomes differ across the two types of failures; with consumers generally being more dissatisfied in outcome failure situations as compared to process failure situations.


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This study examined how apology as interaction justice impacts on consumer perceptions of service recovery attempt.  Data was collected using hypothetical scenarios.  Two types of service failures were proposed and the impact of recovery action on each failure type was compared.  Findings include that there is direct effect of recovery action on consumer future intentions in both type of failures.  Implications and direction to the future research were proposed.


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A utilização de compósitos poliméricos na fabricação de aeronaves vem sendo cada vez mais intensa. em função disso, a possibilidade de ocorrer falhas em serviço de um componente fabricado em compósito polimérico torna-se cada vez maior. A análise de falhas de materiais compósitos ainda é um tema pouco explorado, principalmente no Brasil, porém vem tornando-se cada vez mais importante em apoio à área de prevenção e investigação de acidentes aeronáuticos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização de fraturas em laminados unidirecionais de fibra de carbono de módulo intermediário com sistema de resina epóxi modificada, tipo 8552, em resistência ao cisalhamento interlaminar nas condições ambiente e saturado de umidade em câmara higrotérmica. A análise fractográfica no plano de falha dos laminados foi realizada por microscopias óptica e eletrônica de varredura. A comparação dos resultados mostrou que o condicionamento higrotérmico afetou significativamente a região de interface da resina sem alterar a adesão interfacial fibra/resina. Os aspectos de fratura presentes na região de resina, como cristas de galo e escarpas, e do reforço foram detalhados, podendo-se assim estabelecer a direção de propagação da trinca e caracterizar o modo de falha, por ser do tipo misto (arrancamento e cisalhamento simultaneamente).


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One of the current challenges of Ubiquitous Computing is the development of complex applications, those are more than simple alarms triggered by sensors or simple systems to configure the environment according to user preferences. Those applications are hard to develop since they are composed by services provided by different middleware and it is needed to know the peculiarities of each of them, mainly the communication and context models. This thesis presents OpenCOPI, a platform which integrates various services providers, including context provision middleware. It provides an unified ontology-based context model, as well as an environment that enable easy development of ubiquitous applications via the definition of semantic workflows that contains the abstract description of the application. Those semantic workflows are converted into concrete workflows, called execution plans. An execution plan consists of a workflow instance containing activities that are automated by a set of Web services. OpenCOPI supports the automatic Web service selection and composition, enabling the use of services provided by distinct middleware in an independent and transparent way. Moreover, this platform also supports execution adaptation in case of service failures, user mobility and degradation of services quality. The validation of OpenCOPI is performed through the development of case studies, specifically applications of the oil industry. In addition, this work evaluates the overhead introduced by OpenCOPI and compares it with the provided benefits, and the efficiency of OpenCOPI s selection and adaptation mechanism


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Facing the competitive current market, increases the growing managerial commitment to minimize the frequent occurrence of service failures that characterized the past. Given the fact that the supply of a product in the correct location and on time, undamaged and correctly billed market requirement becomes framed the present work. Based on a case study, supported in parallel bibliographical references in the literature in a company of sugar and alcohol sector, the survey aims to measure and evaluate the real-time delivery from suppliers in order to ensure the best level of service to the company in question by suppliers, by reducing idle time of delivery, since the control system does not supply the pre-established and / or observed above, thus obtaining a better management and supply of replacement material. To assist the work, developed a project in the company in question in order to analyze and identify applications of concepts of lead time along the supply chain through an exploratory study in order to provide a beneficial outcome to the company through monitoring and performance of its suppliers, which will enable an aid to future decision-making


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It is said that the deprofessionalisation of social work and other welfare occupations reduces workers' professional discretion and autonomy, and thus their capacity to act in the best interests of their client. Without necessarily regarding the deprofessionalisation thesis as conclusive, this paper will ask how the state's control of the role and task of social workers impacts on their role-implicated obligations as professionals. If workers are reduced (as claimed) to the status of mere functionaries in systems they neither approve of nor control, does this exonerate them from bad outcomes or service failures? How should we view the dramatic increase in formal regulation now seen in the UK - as professionalisation or deprofessionalisation? The paper will argue that whatever the drift of policy, workers remain in some measure personally accountable. Service failures imply faults of practical reason that are partly attributable to the moral and intellectual character of professionals as individuals. It is therefore up to professionals, and their organisations, to attend to the improvement of professional character.