975 resultados para School transport


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La optimización de sistemas y modelos se ha convertido en uno de los factores más importantes a la hora de buscar la mayor eficiencia de un proceso. Este concepto no es ajeno al transporte escolar, ambiente que cambia constantemente al ritmo de las necesidades de sus clientes, y que responde ante una fuerte responsabilidad frente a sus usuarios, los niños que hacen uso del servicio, en cuanto al cumplimiento de tiempos y seguridad, mientras busca constantemente la reducción de costos. Este proyecto expone las problemáticas presentadas en The English School en esta área y propone un modelo de optimización simple que permitirá notables mejoras en términos de tiempos y costos, de tal forma que genere beneficios para la institución en términos financieros y de satisfacción al cliente. Por medio de la implementación de este modelo será posible identificar errores comunes del proceso, se identificarán soluciones prácticas de fácil aplicación en el manejo del transporte y se presentarán los resultados obtenidos en la muestra utilizada para desarrollar el proyecto.


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O senso comum vincula a falta de qualidade do ensino público à insuficiência de recursos financeiros disponíveis. Também no meio acadêmico, pesquisadores alegam a inexistência de recursos suficientes para que seja fornecida uma educação de qualidade, enquanto outros acadêmicos defendem que, apesar de poucos recursos disponíveis, o maior problema é a falta de eficiência dos investimentos financeiros pelo gestor público. Nesta pesquisa foram realizadas duas análises: a primeira correlacionando a qualidade do ensino aos investimentos financeiros sob uma perspectiva quantitativa destes investimentos, utilizando um modelo de análise bivariável; enquanto a segunda análise correlaciona a qualidade do ensino aos investimentos financeiros sob uma perspectiva qualitativa destes investimentos, utilizando a alocação dos recursos financeiros para qualificá-los. A análise dos resultados desta pesquisa comprova que os investimentos financeiros no ensino não devem ser vinculados somente em função da quantidade dos investimentos financeiros. Os investimentos financeiros podem ser alocados em diversos tipos de despesas no universo educacional, tais como: remuneração de magistério, alimentação e transporte escolar, distribuição de uniformes, materiais didáticos, infra-estrutura, dentre outros. Algumas dessas despesas agregam maior valor ao ensino que outras. Assim, a prioridade dos programas e políticas educacionais municipais está diretamente ligada à qualidade do ensino municipal.


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This dissertation aims to analyze the specialized educational services(AEE, Portuguese) implemented in four municipal schools of Mossoró/RN, with attention to the process of collaboration between regular classroom teachers and multifunctional resource classroom teachers. We use as theoretical reference the works of Vygotsky and others authors that write about education and collaboration. To accomplish the research we chose a qualitative approach, using as a methodological resources: study of cases, bibliographical, documental and field research. For the field research we make observations in regular and multifunctional classrooms. We produce group intervieus with regular and multifunctional teachers. From the analysis performed we identify that the concepts and the practices of teachers in regular classrooms changes, with integrationist predominance. The AEE s teachers had more inclusive conceptions and greater investment in continuing education than the regular classroom teachers. The practices of regular classroom teachers are more traditional, what makes the learning process more difficult for the students, even more for the students with disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders. Teachers of AEE was more interactive and creative, however, the attention to the students was more individual. In three of the four schools surveyed stand out the efforts of the teachers of specialist classroom to collaborate with regular school teachers, by notes, e-mails, phone calls and resource sharing. In one of the four was noted a good collaborative interactive between the AEE teachers and the regular school teachers. The school with the worst improvement was that in which the actions of the teachers of the AEE were limited to actions in multifunctional resource classroom. The resistance to these professionals was identified in the statements of the regular classroom teachers. Another issue raised was the lack of time for teachers to conduct AEE actions that contribute to the process of school students, because their working hours is restricted to the opposite turn in school. Transport difficulties for the students to attend the resource classroom multifunctional and the lack of dialogue with the health sector was challenges for the four schools. The families were with a practically constant interest to interact with the AEE teachers in the four schools. Thus, we believe that the presence of AEE school can make contributions to the educational process, however, it is necessary more attention to the collaborative process between teachers and the school community


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O estudo foi realizado em 2 (duas) escolas do campo do município de Bujaru pertencente à microrregião de Castanhal na mesorregião do Nordeste Paraense. Seu objetivo foi identificar e analisar as condições de funcionamento de escolas do campo, visando propor indicadores de custo-aluno-qualidade para esse tipo de escola. A seleção das escolas se orientou pelos seguintes critérios: distância da sede do município; quanto ao tamanho; classificação em unidocente ou pluridocentes; número de professores, número de alunos; níveis de ensino oferecidos e da região em que as mesmas estão inseridas. Para a obtenção das informações foram realizadas entrevistas com: diretores; professores; pais/representantes da comunidade; e alunos. Além das entrevistas, foram utilizados formulários e observação em lócus. Os eixos de análise tomaram como questões norteadoras: as condições de funcionamento das e os seus principais problemas e necessidades e o que dizem os sujeitos que trabalham e estudam nas/as escolas do campo sobre os indicadores necessários para uma educação do campo de qualidade? Após análise dos dados, concluímos que os problemas enfrentados por professores, alunos, pais e gestores que atuam nas escolas do campo estão relacionados principalmente: a atuação em classes multisseriadas; falta de mobiliário, equipamento e materiais didáticos; falta de transporte escolar; condições precárias de infra-estrutura e falta de pessoal docente. Quanto à questão dos indicadores de qualidade, os sujeitos apontaram os seguintes fatores como fundamentais para melhorar a qualidade do ensino nessas escolas: infra-estrutura adequada, (com mobiliários, bibliotecas, laboratórios, equipamentos e material didático); contração de pessoal (professores, serventes, merendeiras, vigias e secretária); qualificação e valorização do professor; transporte e merenda escolar. O trabalho apresenta um leque de questões que podem explicitar e compor as possíveis dimensões e indicadores de qualidade, mas que não são generalizáveis para um conjunto maior de escolas. Evidentemente, que há regularidades, similitudes e aspectos que são comuns e que devem ser considerados para escolas localizadas no campo. De modo geral verificou-se que a definição de um custo-aluno-qualidade na educação, sobretudo, na educação do campo, continua a ser um desafio, especialmente porque tal discussão traz à tona a complexidade, as tensões e as contradições do fenômeno educativo em um país marcado pela desigualdade.


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The vehicle routing problem is to nd a better route to meet a set of customers who are geographically dispersed using vehicles that are a central repository to which they return after serving customers. These customers have a demand that must be met. Such problems have a wide practical application among them we can mention: school transport, distribution of newspapers, garbage collection, among others. Because it is a classic problem as NP-hard, these problems have aroused interest in the search for viable methods of resolution. In this paper we use the Genetic Algorithm as a resolution


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Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.


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Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.


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This socio-legal thesis has explored the factors responsible for explaining whether and how redress mechanisms control bureaucratic decision-making. The research considered the three principal institutions of administrative justice: courts, tribunals, and ombudsman schemes. The field setting was the local authority education area and the thesis examined bureaucratic decision-making about admissions to school, home-to-school transport, and Special Educational Needs (SEN). The thesis adopted a qualitative approach, using interviews and documentary research, within a multiple embedded case study design. The intellectual foundations of the research were inter-disciplinary, cutting across law, socio-legal studies, public administration, organization studies, and social policy. The thesis drew on these scholarly fields to explore the nature of bureaucratic decision-making, the extent to which it can be controlled and the way that learning occurs in bureaucracies and, finally, the extent to which redress mechanisms might exercise control. The concept of control was studied across all its dimensions – in relation both to ex post control in specific cases and the more challenging notion of ex ante or structuring control. The aim of the thesis was not to measure the prevalence of bureaucratic control by redress mechanisms, but to understand the factors that might explain its presence or absence in a particular area. The findings of the research have allowed for a number of analytical refinements and extensions to be made to existing theoretical and empirical understandings. 14 factors, along with 87 supporting propositions, have been set out with the aim of making empirically derived suggestions which can be followed up in future research. In terms of the thesis’ contribution to existing knowledge, its comparative focus and its emphasis on the broad notion of control offered the potential for new insights to be developed. Overall, the thesis claims to have made three contributions to the conceptual framework for understanding the exercise of control by redress mechanisms: it emphasizes the importance of ‘feedback’ in relation to the nature of the cases referred to redress mechanisms; it calls attention to the structure of bureaucratic decision-making as well as its normative character; and it discusses how the operational modes of redress mechanisms relate to their control functions.


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Introducción: El transporte activo (TA) puede ser una oportunidad para incrementar los niveles de actividad física diarios de los niños y adolescentes, además de destacarse como una estrategia práctica, accesible y sostenible a largo plazo. Objetivos: El objetivo del presente estudio es doble: Analizar los patrones de desplazamiento activo en bicicleta al y desde el centro educativo, y b) Identificar los factores asociados al uso de la bicicleta como TA; en una muestra de niños y jóvenes pertenecientes a escuelas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Material y métodos: Se trata de un sub-análisis del estudio FUPRECOL en 8060 niños y adolescentes entre los 9-17 años de edad). El modo de desplazamiento del escolar fue determinado a través de la pregunta: “¿Durante los últimos 7 días, usaste bicicleta para ir al colegio/escuela y volver a la casa?. Dicha respuesta se categorizó en activos “Si” (si se desplazan en bicicleta) y pasivos “No” (si se desplazan en vehículo motorizado). Se midieron parámetros antropométricos de peso, talla y perímetro de cintura. El máximo nivel de estudios alcanzados por la madre/padre (no reporta, primaria o secundaria/técnico o tecnólogo/universitario o postgrado) y la composición del hogar (vive con padre/vive con madre/con ambos padres/con abuelos/otros familiares) se auto-reportó por los padres. Las relaciones entre el TA y los factores anteriormente descritos se analizaron mediante regresión logística binaria. Resultados: El 21,9% del total de la muestra reporta usar la bicicleta como medio de transporte y el 7,9% acumula más de 120 minutos al día. Se observó una mayor probabilidad de usar la bicicleta como medio de desplazamiento activo a la escuela en los varones, en los jóvenes entre 9 y 12 años, y en aquellos cuyo padre/madre reportaron mayor grado académico, es decir, “universitario/postgrado”. 3 Conclusión: Los hallazgos del presente estudio sugieren que es necesario promover el TA desde la niñez, poniendo mayor énfasis en el paso a la adolescencia y en las jóvenes, para así aumentar los niveles diarios de AF de estos.


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In integrable one-dimensional quantum systems an infinite set of local conserved quantities exists which can prevent a current from decaying completely. For cases like the spin current in the XXZ model at zero magnetic field or the charge current in the attractive Hubbard model at half filling, however, the current operator does not have overlap with any of the local conserved quantities. We show that in these situations transport at finite temperatures is dominated by a diffusive contribution with the Drude weight being either small or even zero. For the XXZ model we discuss in detail the relation between our results, the phenomenological theory of spin diffusion, and measurements of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in spin chain compounds. Furthermore, we study the Haldane-Shastry model where a conserved spin current exists.


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Que ce soit d'un point de vue, urbanistique, social, ou encore de la gouvernance, l'évolution des villes est un défi majeur de nos sociétés contemporaines. En offrant la possibilité d'analyser des configurations spatiales et sociales existantes ou en tentant de simuler celles à venir, les systèmes d'information géographique sont devenus incontournables dans la gestion et dans la planification urbaine. En cinq ans la population de la ville de Lausanne est passée de 134'700 à 140'570 habitants, alors que les effectifs de l'école publique ont crû de 12'200 à 13'500 élèves. Cet accroissement démographique associé à un vaste processus d'harmonisation de la scolarité obligatoire en Suisse ont amené le Service des écoles à mettre en place et à développer en collaboration avec l'université de Lausanne des solutions SIG à même de répondre à différentes problématiques spatiales. Établies en 1989, les limites des établissements scolaires (bassins de recrutement) ont dû être redéfinies afin de les réadapter aux réalités d'un paysage urbain et politique en pleine mutation. Dans un contexte de mobilité et de durabilité, un système d'attribution de subventions pour les transports publics basé sur la distance domicile-école et sur l'âge des écoliers, a été conçu. La réalisation de ces projets a nécessité la construction de bases de données géographiques ainsi que l'élaboration de nouvelles méthodes d'analyses exposées dans ce travail. Cette thèse s'est ainsi faite selon une dialectique permanente entre recherches théoriques et nécessités pratiques. La première partie de ce travail porte sur l'analyse du réseau piéton de la ville. La morphologie du réseau est investiguée au travers d'approches multi-échelles du concept de centralité. La première conception, nommée sinuo-centralité ("straightness centrality"), stipule qu'être central c'est être relié aux autres en ligne droite. La deuxième, sans doute plus intuitive, est intitulée centricité ("closeness centrality") et exprime le fait qu'être central c'est être proche des autres (fig. 1, II). Les méthodes développées ont pour but d'évaluer la connectivité et la marchabilité du réseau, tout en suggérant de possibles améliorations (création de raccourcis piétons). Le troisième et dernier volet théorique expose et développe un algorithme de transport optimal régularisé. En minimisant la distance domicile-école et en respectant la taille des écoles, l'algorithme permet de réaliser des scénarios d'enclassement. L'implémentation des multiplicateurs de Lagrange offre une visualisation du "coût spatial" des infrastructures scolaires et des lieux de résidence des écoliers. La deuxième partie de cette thèse retrace les aspects principaux de trois projets réalisés dans le cadre de la gestion scolaire. À savoir : la conception d'un système d'attribution de subventions pour les transports publics, la redéfinition de la carte scolaire, ou encore la simulation des flux d'élèves se rendant à l'école à pied. *** May it be from an urbanistic, a social or from a governance point of view, the evolution of cities is a major challenge in our contemporary societies. By giving the opportunity to analyse spatial and social configurations or attempting to simulate future ones, geographic information systems cannot be overlooked in urban planning and management. In five years, the population of the city of Lausanne has grown from 134'700 to 140'570 inhabitants while the numbers in public schools have increased from 12'200 to 13'500 students. Associated to a considerable harmonisation process of compulsory schooling in Switzerland, this demographic rise has driven schooling services, in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, to set up and develop GIS capable of tackling various spatial issues. Established in 1989, the school districts had to be altered so that they might fit the reality of a continuously changing urban and political landscape. In a context of mobility and durability, an attribution system for public transport subventions based on the distance between residence and school and on the age of the students was designed. The implementation of these projects required the built of geographical databases as well as the elaboration of new analysis methods exposed in this thesis. The first part of this work focuses on the analysis of the city's pedestrian network. Its morphology is investigated through multi-scale approaches of the concept of centrality. The first conception, named the straightness centrality, stipulates that being central is being connected to the others in a straight line. The second, undoubtedly more intuitive, is called closeness centrality and expresses the fact that being central is being close to the others. The goal of the methods developed is to evaluate the connectivity and walkability of the network along with suggesting possible improvements (creation of pedestrian shortcuts).The third and final theoretical section exposes and develops an algorithm of regularised optimal transport. By minimising home to school distances and by respecting school capacity, the algorithm enables the production of student allocation scheme. The implementation of the Lagrange multipliers offers a visualisation of the spatial cost associated to the schooling infrastructures and to the student home locations. The second part of this thesis recounts the principal aspects of three projects fulfilled in the context of school management. It focuses namely on the built of an attribution system for public transport subventions, a school redistricting process and on simulating student pedestrian flows.


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But La diminution du transport actif scolaire est une problématique préoccupante dont les déterminants sont encore mal connus. Nous nous sommes donc penchée sur la question suivante : Quelle est la contribution de l’environnement bâti pour le choix d’un mode de transport actif pour les déplacements scolaires des enfants demeurant à proximité de leur école ? Méthodologie Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous sommes basée sur le cadre conceptuel de Tracy McMillan. Nous avons caractérisé le voisinage de trois écoles en milieu urbain et de trois écoles en milieu suburbain de la région de Montréal. Également, nous avons analysé les données du Groupe de recherche Ville et mobilité concernant les comportements des enfants ainsi que les comportements et perceptions des parents. Résultats Quatre des cas à l’étude se démarquent en raison de leur forte proportion de transport actif scolaire, soit les trois milieux urbains et un milieu suburbain. Les points communs de ces quatre cas sont la perméabilité du réseau viaire pour les piétons et les cyclistes et la perception favorable des parents vis-à-vis le transport actif scolaire. Conclusion Les environnements suburbains génèrent des comportements de transport actif uniquement chez les enfants alors que les environnements urbains génèrent systématiquement des comportements de transport actif chez les adultes et les enfants. Ce faisant, nous pouvons penser que les caractéristiques de l’environnement bâti des milieux urbains influencent les perceptions et les comportements des parents en faveur du transport actif scolaire.