966 resultados para School sports


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In 2002, The Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) identified that in providing extracurricular sport programs schools are faced with the 'new realities' of the education system. Although research has been conducted exploring the pressures impacting the provision of extracurricular school sport (Donnelly, Mcloy, Petherick, & Safai, 2000), few studies within the field have focused on understanding extracurricular school sport from an organizational level. The focus of this study was to examine the organizational design (structure, systems, and values) of the extracurricular sport department within three Ontario high schools, as well as to understand the context within which the departments exist. A qualitative multiple case study design was adopted and three public high schools were selected from one district school board in Ontario to represent the cases under investigation. Interviews, observations and documents were used to analyze the extracurricular sport department design of each case and to better understand the context within which the departments exist. As the result of the analysis of the structure, systems and values of each case, two designs emerged- Design KT1 and Design KT2. Differences in the characteristics of design archetype KT1 and KT2 centered on the design dimension of values, and therefore this study identified that contrasting organizational values reflect differences in design types. The characteristics of the Kitchen Table archetype were found to be transferable to the sub-sector of extracurricular school sport, and therefore this research provides a springboard for further research in organizational design within the education sector of extracurricular high school sport. Interconnections were found between the data associated with the external and internal contexts within which the extracurricular sport departments exist. The analysis of the internal context indicated the important role played by organizational members in shaping the context within which the departments exist. The analysis of the external context highlighted the institutional pressures that were present within the education environment. Both political and cultural expectations related to the role of extracurricular sport within schools were visible and were subsequently used by the high schools to create legitimacy and prestige, and to access resources.


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This is a critical qualitative inquiry into secondary school students' experiences of power relations within physical activity and physical education settings. More specifically the study examines the reproduction ofpower relations through the use of domination and subordination in physical activity and physical education. This study will attempt to understand power relations that take place between and among students and between teachers and students and how certain sports or activities reinforce power relationships within the gymnasium. Thirty eight first and second year university students completed a questionnaire which asked them to reflect upon their high school physical education experiences. Feedback fi*om the questionnaires described that highly skilled male students benefit the most fi-om high school physical education and receive more power and privilege when compared to lesser skilled students.


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Sampling may promote prolonged engagement in sport by limiting physical injuries (Fraser-Thomas et al., 2005). Overtraining injuries are a concern for young athletes who specialize in one sport and engage in high volumes of deliberate practice (Hollander, Meyers, & Leunes, 1995; Law, Côté, & Ericsson, 2007). For instance, young gymnasts who practice for over 16 hours a week have been shown to have higher incidences of back injuries (Goldstein, Berger, Windier, & Jackson, 1991). A sampling approach in child-controlled play (e.g. deliberate play) rather than highly adult-controlled practice (e.g. deliberate practice) has been proposed as a strategy to limit overuse and other sport-related injuries (Micheli, Glassman, & Klein, 2000). In summary, sampling may protect against sport attrition by limiting sport related injuries and allowing children to have early experiences in sport that are enjoyable. Psychosocial Benefits of Sampling Only a small percentage of children who participate in school sports ever become elite athletes. Therefore, the psychosocial outcomes of sport participation are particularly important to consider. Recent studies with youth between the ages of 11 to 17 have found that those who are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities (e.g. sports, volunteer, arts) score more favourably on outcome measures such as Grade Point Average (GPA; Fredricks & Eccles, 2006a) and positive peer relationships (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b) than youth who participate in fewer activities. These patterns are thought to exist due to each extracurricular activity bringing its own distinct pattern of socialization experiences that reinforce certain behaviours and/or teach various skills (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b; Rose-Krasnor, Bussen, Willoughby, & Chambers, 2006). This contention is corroborated by studies of children and youths' experiences in extracurricular activities indicating that youth have unique experiences in each activity that contribute to their development (Hansen, Larson, & Dworkin, 2003; Larson, Hansen, & Moneta, 2006). This has led Wilkes and Côté (2007) to propose that children who sample different activities (through their own choice or by virtue of parental direction), have a greater chance of developing the following five developmental outcomes compared to children who specialize in one activity: 1) life skills, 2) prosocial behaviour, 3) healthy identity, 4) diverse peer groups and 5) social capital.


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Sampling may promote prolonged engagement in sport by limiting physical injuries (Fraser-Thomas et al., 2005). Overtraining injuries are a concern for young athletes who specialize in one sport and engage in high volumes of deliberate practice (Hollander, Meyers, & Leunes, 1995; Law, Côté, & Ericsson, 2007). For instance, young gymnasts who practice for over 16 hours a week have been shown to have higher incidences of back injuries (Goldstein, Berger, Windier, & Jackson, 1991). A sampling approach in child-controlled play (e.g. deliberate play) rather than highly adult-controlled practice (e.g. deliberate practice) has been proposed as a strategy to limit overuse and other sport-related injuries (Micheli, Glassman, & Klein, 2000). In summary, sampling may protect against sport attrition by limiting sport related injuries and allowing children to have early experiences in sport that are enjoyable. Psychosocial Benefits of Sampling Only a small percentage of children who participate in school sports ever become elite athletes. Therefore, the psychosocial outcomes of sport participation are particularly important to consider. Recent studies with youth between the ages of 11 to 17 have found that those who are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities (e.g. sports, volunteer, arts) score more favourably on outcome measures such as Grade Point Average (GPA; Fredricks & Eccles, 2006a) and positive peer relationships (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b) than youth who participate in fewer activities. These patterns are thought to exist due to each extracurricular activity bringing its own distinct pattern of socialization experiences that reinforce certain behaviours and/or teach various skills (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b; Rose-Krasnor, Bussen, Willoughby, & Chambers, 2006). This contention is corroborated by studies of children and youths' experiences in extracurricular activities indicating that youth have unique experiences in each activity that contribute to their development (Hansen, Larson, & Dworkin, 2003; Larson, Hansen, & Moneta, 2006). This has led Wilkes and Côté (2007) to propose that children who sample different activities (through their own choice or by virtue of parental direction), have a greater chance of developing the following five developmental outcomes compared to children who specialize in one activity: 1) life skills, 2) prosocial behaviour, 3) healthy identity, 4) diverse peer groups and 5) social capital.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Relatório de atividade profissional de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física no Ensino Básico e Secundário


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O presente relatório constitui-se como uma análise reflexiva do processo de formação do Estágio Pedagógico desenvolvido na Escola Secundária com 2º e 3º ciclos Anselmo de Andrade, em Almada, no ano letivo 2013/2014. O estágio em questão integra o 2º ano do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O relatório teve por base o Guia de Estágio Pedagógico 2013/2014, que define as competências a adquirir em quatro áreas de intervenção: (1) Organização e gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem, (2) Investigação e inovação pedagógica, (3) Participação na escola e (4) Relação com a comunidade. É feita uma contextualização do estágio seguida de uma descrição e reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica de cada área e uma reflexão sobre a contribuição das aprendizagens para o meu futuro profissional, sendo ainda lançadas algumas propostas de atividades que poderiam ter sido desenvolvidas no estágio pedagógico ou no futuro. É também realizada uma reflexão final sobre todo o processo inerente ao estágio, destacando-o como um processo interligado, e, ainda, uma reflexão sobre a importância do Plano Individual de Formação, efetuando um resumo das competências desenvolvidas ao longo do processo de estágio.


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There is an emerging awareness that children with poor motor abilities are at particular risk for overweight. This cross-sectional study examined the influence of physical activity behaviour on the relationship between motor proficiency and body composition. Participants were 1287 (646 males, 641 females) Grade 6 students in the Physical Health Activity Study project. Height, weight, waist girth, and motor proficiency (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Performance BOTMP-SF) were assessed. Physical activity behaviours were also evaluated with a multifaceted approach and reported for school-based, non-school based physical activity, free-time play, and sedentary activities (Participation Questionnaire), and leisure time exercise (Godin-Shephard Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire GS). Overweight was defined by BMI scores: boys :::20.6-21.2 and <25.1-26.0; girls: ::: 20.7-21.7and <25.4-26.7 and obesity was defined as: boys:::: 25.1-26.0; girls: :::25.4-26.7. Children were classified as case group (CG,::; 10% on BOTMP-SF), borderline case group (BC, > 10% to ::; 20% on BOTMP-SF) or non-case group. Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) uncovered a significant difference in overweight and obesity between the case group and non-case group. Normal-weight children reported higher participation in organized school-sports (intra-mural and inter-school teams). The CG reported significantly lower participation in school sports teams and lower GS results, with a trend towards lower participation in all active pursuits. They also reported a significantly higher duration of television watching and book reading. There were no significant differences between motor proficiency groups by gender, age, nonschool sports, or free-time activity. Multivariate ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that the case group was 10.9 times more likely to be overweight/obese than their peers. No single aspect of physical activity was able to explain the difference in odds ratios for the motor proficiency groups. However, for the entire cohort, children who participated in more organized school sports were less likely to be overweight/obese. These findings confirm that children with low motor proficiency are at significant risk of developing overweight. It is evident that these children have generally attenuated activity levels and heightened levels of sedentary pursuits. School-based activities appear particularly limited, and are the one area where children have near autonomy in their decision to pursue active opportunities. The promotion of school-based programs, specifically intramural sports may be an important aspect in increasing children's overall activity levels. It is also essential to consider the needs of those children with low motor proficiency when designing activity promotion programs. Future research should further explore motor proficiency and overweight/obesity.


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There has been considerable research that investigates the outcomes, benefits, and perceptions of wilderness trip experiences. However, the transfer of learning from a wilderness trip to the everyday lives of youth trip participants, that has deliberately explored post-trip experience, is minimal. Using a qualitative multi-case study approach, methods of data collection included interviews with six youth program participants, six parents/legal guardians, and three program staff, as well as document solicitation. Reports from the participants suggested that the key content transferred to a post-wilderness trip context were interpersonal skills; life skills; and instances of personal growth. Participants applied their learning content from the wilderness trip to school; sports; community and international volunteering; work and career aspirations; family and home life; and social life contexts. Implications for adventure programming and curriculum design, instruction, and transfer are considered.


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RESUMO: Numa sociedade cada vez mais exigente, onde o acesso a estudos e estatísticas se torna cada vez mais fácil, deve consciencializar-se os intervenientes no contexto desportivo para a falta de actividade física e desportiva dos nossos jovens no seu dia-a-dia, bem como o seu abandono precoce da prática desportiva. Esse abandono apresenta-se como um fenómeno multifactorial, na medida em que são diversos os contextos e motivos que o determinam. Na actividade diária de professores/treinadores, os aspectos relacionados com os factores que conduzem ao abandono dos praticantes devem merecer uma atenção permanente. Torna-se importante responder às perguntas “o abandono surge porquê?”; “Quais as causas?” ou “Quais os factores?”, sendo esse o principal objectivo deste estudo. A amostra foi constituída por alunos de ambos os sexos, de diversas escolas de Lisboa, num total de 174 inquiridos dos ensinos básico e secundário, que abandonaram a prática do desporto escolar durante o ano lectivo 2011/2012. Foi aplicado como instrumento de medida o Questionário de Razões para o Abandono da Prática do Desporto Escolar – QRAPDE versão adaptada para o desporto escolar com base num instrumento similar desenvolvido por Cruz e colaboradores (1988; 1995). Os resultados evidenciam como causas mais importantes para o abandono as questões relacionadas com a dimensão “Falta de tempo” com média de 1,84, seguida da dimensão “Orientação desportiva” apresentando uma média de 1,44 e, como causa menos importante, a dimensão “Indicadores de treino e competição” (1,26). A todos os intervenientes desportivos, especialmente professores, cabe uma introspecção sobre os factores de abandono. Acreditamos que com uma orientação consciente e sustentada será possível inverter o abandono do desporto escolar pelos alunos.ABSTACT: In an increasingly demanding society, where access to studies and statistics is becoming rather easy, all subjects for sport activities must be aware concerning the lack of physical and sports activity of our young people in their day-to-day life, as well as the early withdrawn. This dropout mus be presented as a multifactorial phenomenon, as there are several contexts and motives which determine it. In daily work of teachers/coaches, aspects related to the factors that lead to the abandonment of the youngsters deserve continued attention. Therefore, it is important to answer the questions "Why does abandonment arises?" "What are the causes?" or "What are the factors? This is the key issue and the goal of this study. The sample was 174 students of both genders, of elementary and secondary school grade, from several schools in Lisbon, who had abandoned the practice of school sports during the academic year 2011/2012. To determine the reasons of dropout we use the Questionnaire of Reasons for the Abandonment of School Sports – QRAPDE, version adapted for school sports based on a similar instrument developed by Cruz et al (1988; 1995) The results show that the most important causes for the abandonment are related to the dimension "lack of time" with an average of 1.84, followed by the dimension "Sports Guidance" with an average of 1.44, and, as the less important cause, the "Indicators of training and competition" (1.26). All responsible intervenients, namely teachers, should thoroughly reflect about the factors of dropout. We believe that with a conscious and sustainable guidance it will be possible to reverse the abandonment of school sports by students.