940 resultados para Safety attitudes questionnaire


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Background: Tens of millions of patients worldwide suffer from avoidable disabling injuries and death every year. Measuring the safety climate in health care is an important step in improving patient safety. The most commonly used instrument to measure safety climate is the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). The aim of the present study was to establish the validity and reliability of the translated version of the SAQ. Methods: The SAQ was translated and adapted to the Swedish context. The survey was then carried out with 374 respondents in the operating room (OR) setting. Data was received from three hospitals, a total of 237 responses. Cronbach's alpha and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of the instrument. Results: The Cronbach's alpha values for each of the factors of the SAQ ranged between 0.59 and 0.83. The CFA and its goodness-of-fit indices (SRMR 0.055, RMSEA 0.043, CFI 0.98) showed good model fit. Intercorrelations between the factors safety climate, teamwork climate, job satisfaction, perceptions of management, and working conditions showed moderate to high correlation with each other. The factor stress recognition had no significant correlation with teamwork climate, perception of management, or job satisfaction. Conclusions: Therefore, the Swedish translation and psychometric testing of the SAQ (OR version) has good construct validity. However, the reliability analysis suggested that some of the items need further refinement to establish sound internal consistency. As suggested by previous research, the SAQ is potentially a useful tool for evaluating safety climate. However, further psychometric testing is required with larger samples to establish the psychometric properties of the instrument for use in Sweden.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar a adaptação transcultural do Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - Short Form 2006 para o Brasil. O instrumento foi aplicado em seis hospitais de três Regiões do Brasil. Foi realizada a validade de conteúdo, face e de construto. A análise da confiabilidade do instrumento foi realizada por meio da análise da consistência interna dos itens por meio do alfa de Cronbach. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 1.301 profissionais das enfermarias clínicas e cirúrgicas de seis hospitais. A análise confirmatória mostrou que o ajuste do modelo final dos 41 itens foi considerado satisfatório. Aversão do instrumento em Português apresentou alfa de 0,89. As correlações item/total entre os domínios foram consideradas de moderada a forte, com exceção do domínio percepção do estresse. Conclui-se, portanto, que a versão do instrumento adaptada para o Português é considerada válida e confiável nesta amostra.


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The objective of this study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - Short Form 2006 for Brazil. The instrument was applied in six hospitals in three regions of Brazil. Content, face, and construct validity was performed. Analysis of the instrument's reliability was performed by verifying the items' internal consistency through Cronbach's alpha. The sample was composed of 1301 professionals working in clinical and surgical wards of six hospitals. Confirmatory analysis showed that the model including 41 items was satisfactory. The Portuguese version presented an alpha of 0.89. The item-total correlations among the domains were moderate to strong, except for the domain Stress Recognition. We concluded that the instrument's version adapted to Portuguese and applied in our sample is valid and reliable.


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The Paternal Adjustment and Paternal Attitudes Questionnaire (PAPA) was designed to assess paternal adjustment and paternal attitudes during the transition to parenthood. This study aimed to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Portuguese versions of the PAPA-Antenatal (PAPA-AN) and -Postnatal (PAPA-PN) versions. A nonclinical sample of 128 fathers was recruited in the obstetrics outpatient unit, and they completed both versions of the PAPA and selfreport measures of depressive and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum period, respectively. Good internal consistency for both PAPA-AN and PAPA-PN was found. A three-factor model was found for both versions of the instrument. Longitudinal confirmatory factor analysis revealed a good model fit. The PAPA-AN and PAPA-PN subscales revealed good internal consistency. Significant associations were found between PAPA (PAPA-AN and PAPA-PN) and depressive and anxiety symptoms, suggesting good criterion validity. Both versions also showed good clinical validity, with optimal cutoffs found. The present study suggested that the Portuguese versions of the PAPA are reliable multidimensional self-report measures of paternal adjustment and paternal attitudes that could be used to identify fathers with adjustment problems and negative attitudes during the transition to parenthood.


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”METKU –projektissa” (Merenkulun turvallisuuskulttuurin kehittäminen) tutkitaan kansainvälisen turvallisuusjohtamiskoodin (ISM-koodin) vaikutuksia merenkulun turvallisuuteen ja etsitään kehittämiskohteita merenkulun turvallisuusjohtamisen parantamiseksi. Tämä haastatteluraportti on laadittu METKU –projektin yhteistyössä työpakettien 1 ja 2 kesken. Tähän raporttiin haastateltiin yhteensä 94 merenkulun ammattilaista. Suurimman osan haastateltavista muodostivat aktiiviset merenkulkijat: miehistön jäsenet, päällystö ja alusten päälliköt. Haastattelukohteena oli seitsemän suomalaista varustamoa. Haastatteluissa kerättiin merenkulkijoiden kokemuksia ja mielipiteitä ISM-koodin vaikutuksesta heidän käytännön työhönsä. Suomalaiset merenkulkijat uskovat, että tänä päivänä varustamoiden johtajat ovat hyvin sitoutuneita turvallisuuteen. Myös miehistön asenteet turvallisuuteen ovat ISM-koodin käytön myötä parantuneet. Haasteltavien yhteinen huoli kohdistui jatkuvan parantamisen toimivuuteen. Kaikki haastatellut ryhmät olivat samaa mieltä siitä, että poikkeamien raportointi ei ISMkoodin vaatimuksesta huolimatta toimi kunnolla. ISM-koodin käyttöön otosta on ollut merenkululle selkeää hyötyä. Haastateltavat esittivät hyötyinä parantuneen yhteistyön ja tiedonkulun alusten ja varustamon välillä sekä sen, että merenkulun toiminnan laatu on parantunut. Monet haastateltavat korostivat, että ISM-koodin selkeät turvallisuusvastuut yhtiölle on ollut merkittävä hyöty. Itse ISM-koodiin merenkulkijoilla ei ollut juurikaan huomauttamista. Sen sijaan turvallisuusjohtamisen käytännön toteutuksessa nähtiin parantamisen varaa. ISMkoodin aiheuttamina ongelmina mainittiin mm. lisääntynyt byrokratia ja liian monimutkaiset ja yksityiskohtaiset turvallisuuskäsikirjat. Monet haastateltavat toivovat, että ISM-koodin käytännön soveltamiseen laadittaisiin ohjeita.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Os blocos operatórios têm uma prevalência alta de incidentes sendo uma prática complexa, interdisciplinar, com forte dependência da atuação individual, onde a ergonomia e os fatores organizacionais desempenham um papel fundamental. Devido a estes fatores torna-se imperativo que o clima de segurança seja analisado de forma a melhorar a segurança do doente. Metodologia: A versão original anglo-saxónica do “Safety Attitudes Questionnaire” ou SAQ foi traduzida e adaptada para o contexto português e aplicada no serviço de cirurgia de um centro hospital público. As escalas psicométricas foram analisadas usando o alfa de Cronbach e interpelações entre as escalas. Resultados: O teste de validade interna do instrumento foi de 0.90 para os 73 itens. Os dados de 82 questionários foram analisados revelando diferenças significativas na classificação da qualidade de comunicação entre os vários grupos profissionais. Verificou que o clima de equipa e segurança é afetado em larga parte pela satisfação profissional e condições de trabalho. Conclusão: O SAQ revela boas capacidades psicométricas para o estudo do clima de segurança no entanto são necessários estudos mais extensos para colmatar a falta de dados nalguns itens. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que as condições de trabalho e a satisfação profissional são satisfatórias, no entanto é sugestivo a necessidade de melhoria do clima de segurança e do envolvimento da gestão de topo.


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RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a percepção dos profissionais de saúde sobre o clima e a cultura de segurança do paciente em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI) e a relação entre os instrumentos Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) e o Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). Método Estudo transversal realizado em hospital de ensino no interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em março/abril de 2014. Aplicaram-se o HSOPSC, o SAQ e um instrumento para levantamento das informações sociodemográficas e profissionais aos funcionários das UTI adulto, pediátrica e neonatal. A análise utilizou a estatística descritiva. Resultados As escalas apresentaram boa confiabilidade. Maiores fragilidades para a segurança do paciente foram observadas nos domínios “condições de trabalho” e “percepções da gerência” do SAQ e “resposta não punitiva aos erros” do HSOPSC. As fortalezas no SAQ foram o “clima de trabalho em equipe” e a “satisfação no trabalho” e para o HSOPSC “expectativas e ações de promoção de segurança supervisores/gerentes” e “aprendizado organizacional e melhoria mútua”. Na UTI Neonatal houve maior satisfação no trabalho do que nas demais UTI. A UTI Adulto apresentou menores pontuações para a maioria dos domínios do SAQ e HSOPSC. A correlação entre as escalas foi de força moderada (r=0,66). Conclusão Há diferenças de percepções quanto à segurança do paciente entre as UTI, o que corrobora com a existência de microculturas locais. O estudo não demonstra que o SAQ e o HSOPSC sejam equivalentes.


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Since the publication of the report "To Err is Human" by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) , which estimated that between 44.000 to 98.000 Americans die annually as a result of errors in health care, patient safety spent gaining prominence, emerging studies assess the safety culture by measuring the safety climate. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify safety culture perceived by nursing professionals working in the intensive care unit of a maternity school in Natal/RN through the Security Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). This was a descriptive study, cross-sectional and quantitative approach undertaken in the Intensive Care Unit Maternal and Neonatal a maternity school in Natal/RN. The project was submitted to and approved by Brazil Platform Zip/UFRN under number 309 540 and CAAE 16489713.7.0000.5537. It was used to collect data two instruments: a questionnaire in order to collect socio-demographic data of the subjects and the Questionário Atitudes de Segurança , a cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the instrument of the World Health Organization titled Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - (SAQ ) Short Form 2006. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively by the organization in electronic databases in Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet and exported to statistical software for free access to be coded, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study included a total of 50 nurses, 31 and 19 of the NICU Maternal ICU, predominantly female, mean age 35 years, median time of 10 years training and working in maternity, mostly, less than 05 anos. As a result, two articles were produced. The first refers to the first two domains of the instrument entitled "climate of teamwork" and "climate security" . The scores of the two areas were slightly higher in Maternal ICU compared to the NICU, but no sector has reached the ideal minimum score of 75: in the first domain Maternal ICU had an average of 74.77, with medians of 75 and 100, while Neonatal ICU reached an average of 69.61 with median also 75 and 100, while the second field means were 69.35 and 66.01 for Maternal and Neonatal ICUs respectively, with a median of 100 in the two sectors. The second article relates to the field "Perception Management Unit and Hospital", which 9 assessed the perception of management units and motherhood by professionals. In general, the items of the domain in question also obtained scores below the ideal minimum: 63.68 to 51.02 and maternal ICU for neonatal, featuring a clear separation between the management and the professionals who work in direct care. These findings indicate a warning sign for the institution and point to the need to implement actions aimed at patient safety


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção do clima de segurança dos profissionais de enfermagem atuantes nas clínicas médicas e cirúrgicas de um Hospital de Ensino. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo e com abordagem quantitativa. Foi utilizado o Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006, traduzido para a língua portuguesa. RESULTADOS: A percepção do clima de segurança dos profissionais variou conforme o gênero, a clínica, a categoria profissional e o tempo de atuação. A satisfação no trabalho foi demonstrada por todos os profissionais, com escores acima de 75, enquanto o domínio Percepção da Gerência apresentou valores mais baixos. CONCLUSÃO: A satisfação do profissional, o diálogo e o suporte à equipe por parte da administração são essenciais para a garantia da segurança do paciente. Conhecer a percepção dos profissionais de enfermagem sobre o clima de segurança contribui para a melhoria do cuidado em saúde e para a redução dos riscos ao paciente.


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Quase um em cada dez pacientes é lesionado ao receber cuidados de saúde e, destes, muitos sofrem lesões incapacitantes ou morte todos os anos. Entendendo a importância e o impacto negativo das falhas na segurança do paciente em âmbito global e a influência que a cultura e o clima de segurança exercem sobre a adoção de ações e decisões mais seguras, este estudo teve por objetivo a analise da cultura de segurança do paciente em instituições hospitalares, por meio da mensuração do clima de segurança. Trata-se de pesquisa quantitativa, transversal, do tipo Survey, em que para a realização da coleta de dados foi aplicado o Questionário de Atitudes de Segurança, adaptação transcultural para o Brasil do Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) - Short Form 2006. O estudo ocorreu em dois hospitais gerais do estado de São Paulo, localizados em diferentes regiões metropolitanas, sendo um público e o outro privado. Os profissionais Médicos, Enfermeiros, Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem, Fisioterapeutas, Farmacêuticos e Nutricionistas, que atuavam nestes hospitais há pelo menos 6 meses, com carga horária de trabalho semanal de no mínimo 20 horas, constituíram a população deste estudo. Foi realizado um estudo piloto com 25 profissionais em cada hospital e a prevalência resultante deste teste foi utilizada no cálculo do tamanho amostral com nível de significância de 5%, erro relativo de 10% e perda de 20%, resultando em um total de 235 participantes. Os profissionais escolhidos como parte da amostra foram sorteados empregando-se amostragem aleatória simples computadorizada. As variáveis de cada domínio da escala quando testadas pelo Teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov não apresentaram normalidade. Deste modo, foi aplicado o Teste Mann-Whitney para comparar os valores das pontuações entre os hospitais e entre as categorias profissionais. Com relação aos resultados houve índice de participação de 86,8% da amostra sorteada, prevalecendo os sujeitos com 5 a 20 anos de tempo na especialidade, do gênero feminino, e trabalhadores da enfermagem. Não houve diferenças significantes dentre as pontuações obtidas pelos dois hospitais. Os participantes do estudo apresentaram percepção negativa quanto ao clima de segurança do paciente, com domínios Reconhecimento do Estresse e Percepção da Gestão apresentando resultados negativos, tanto para a amostra como um todo quanto por hospital. Os domínios Clima de Trabalho em Equipe, Satisfação no Trabalho e Comportamento Seguro/Práticas Seguras resultaram em percepções positivas para todas as categorias profissionais. Já o domínio Percepção da Gestão do Hospital resultou em percepção negativa para todas estas. Os Médicos e os Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem apresentaram percepções negativas em mais domínios. Em contrapartida, os Enfermeiros foram os únicos a apresentar atitude de segurança do paciente positiva, com escore total do SAQ exibindo diferença significante quando comparado a todas as outras categorias, apresentando também percepção positiva em maior número de domínios. Concluiu-se que existe a necessidade de abordagem relacionada ao Reconhecimento do Estresse dos profissionais, além dos aspectos do Gerenciamento. As categorias profissionais diferiram entre si com relação às percepções sobre a atitude de segurança do paciente. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento da cultura de segurança deve englobar todas as categorias profissionais, uma vez que esta abrange toda a organização, destacando-se a necessidade de enfoque de ações com relação a categoria dos Médicos e dos Técnicos e Auxiliares de Enfermagem. Além disso, ficou evidente o papel de destaque e liderança dos profissionais Enfermeiros nos processos de melhoria da qualidade, e colocando-os em posição privilegiada para conduzir os esforços de melhoria contínua da qualidade nos serviços de saúde


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ABSTRACT - Objectives: We attempted to show how the implementation of the key elements of the World Health Organization Patient Safety Curriculum Guide Multi-professional Edition in an undergraduate curriculum affected the knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards patient safety in a graduate entry Portuguese Medical School. Methods: After receiving formal recognition by the WHO as a Complementary Test Site and approval of the organizational ethics committee , the validated pre-course questionnaires measuring the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to patient safety were administered to the 2nd and3rd year students pursuing a four-year course (N = 46). The key modules of the curriculum were implemented over the academic year by employing a variety of learning strategies including expert lecturers, small group problem-based teaching sessions, and Simulation Laboratory sessions. The identical questionnaires were then administered and the impact was measured. The Curriculum Guide was evaluated as a health education tool in this context. Results: A significant number of the respondents, 47 % (n = 22), reported having received some form of prior patient safety training. The effect on Patient Safety Knowledge was assessed by using the percentage of correct pre- and post-course answers to construct 2 × 2 contingency tables and by applying Fishers’ test (two-tailed). No significant differences were detected (p < 0.05). To assess the effect of the intervention on Patient Safety skills and attitudes, the mean and standard deviation were calculated for the pre and post-course responses, and independent samples were subjected to Mann-Whitney’s test. The attitudinal survey indicated a very high baseline incidence of desirable attitudes and skills toward patient safety. Significant changes were detected (p < 0.05) regarding what should happen if an error is made (p = 0.016), the role of healthcare organizations in error reporting (p = 0.006), and the extent of medical error (p = 0.005). Conclusions: The implementation of selected modules of the WHO Patient Safety Curriculum was associated with a number of positive changes regarding patient safety skills and attitudes, with a baseline incidence of highly desirable patient safety attitudes, but no measureable change on the patient safety knowledge, at the University of Algarve Medical School. The significance of these results is discussed along with implications and suggestions for future research.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Danger Rangers Fire Safety Curriculum in increasing the fire safety knowledge of low-income, minority children in pre-kindergarten to third grade in Austin, TX during a summer day camp in 2007.^ Methods: Data was collected from child participants via teacher and researcher administered tests at pretest, posttest (immediately after the completion of the fire safety module), and at a 3 week follow-up to asses retention. In addition, a self-administered questionnaire was collected from parents pre- and post-intervention to assess home-related fire/burn risk factors. Paired t-tests were conducted using STATA 12.0 to evaluate pretest, posttest, and retention test mean scores as well as mean fire safety rules listed by grade group. McNemar's test was used to determine if there was a difference in fire-related risk factors as reported by the parents of the participants before and after the intervention. Only those who had paired data for the tests/surveys being compared were included in the analysis.^ Results: The first/second grade group and the third grade group scored significantly higher on fire safety knowledge on the posttest compared to the pretest (p<0.0001 for both groups). However, there was no significant change in knowledge scores for the pre-kindergarten to kindergarten group (p=0.14). Among the first/second grade group, knowledge levels did not significantly decline between the posttest and retention test (p=0.25). However, the third grade group had significantly lower fire safety knowledge scores on the retention test compared to the posttest (p<0.001). A similar increase was seen in the amount of fire safety rules listed after the intervention (p<0.0001 between pre and posttest for both the first/second grade and third grade groups), with no decline from the posttest to the retention test (p=0.50) for the first/second grade group, but a significant decline in the third grade group (p=0.001). McNemar's chi-square test showed a significant increase in the percentage of participants' parents reporting smoke detector testing on a regular basis and having a fire escape plan for their family after the intervention (p=0.01 and p<0.0001, respectively). However, there was no significant change in the frequency of reports of the child playing in the kitchen while the parent cooks or the house/apartment having a working smoke detector.^ Conclusion: We found that general fire safety knowledge improved and the number of specific fire safety rules increased among the first to third grade children who participated in the Danger Rangers fire safety program. However, it did not significantly increase general fire safety knowledge among the pre-k/k group. This study also showed that a program targeted towards children has the potential to influence familial risk factors by proxy. The Danger Rangers Fire Safety Curriculum should be further evaluated by conducting a randomized controlled trial, using valid measures that assess fire safety attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, as well as fire/burn related outcomes.^


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Study Objective: This study analyzes differences between adolescent and adult pregnant women and the contribution of maternal age to maternal adjustment and maternal attitudes during pregnancy. Design, Setting, and Participants: A sample of 398 Portuguese pregnant women (111 younger than 19 years) was recruited in a Portuguese Maternity Hospital and completed the Maternal Adjustment and Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire between the 24th and 36th weeks of gestation. Main Outcome Measures: Maternal Adjustment and Maternal Attitudes Questionnaire. Results: Adolescent pregnant women show lower maternal adjustment (poorer body image and worse marital relationship) and poorer maternal attitudes (more negative attitudes to sex) than adult pregnant women. When controlling for socio-demographics, age at pregnancy predicts poorer body image and more negative attitudes to sex, but not a worse marital relationship, more somatic symptoms or negative attitudes to pregnancy and the baby. A worse marital relationship was better predicted by living without the partner, and more somatic symptoms and negative attitudes to pregnancy and the baby was predicted by higher education. Conclusion: Adolescent pregnant women show lower maternal adjustment and poorer maternal attitudes than adult pregnant women according to socio-demographics and unfavorable developmental circumstances.


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Verbal auditory hallucinations can have a strong impact on the social and professional functioning of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. The safety-seeking behaviours used to reduce the threat associated with voices play a significant role in explaining the functional consequences of auditory hallucinations. Nevertheless, these safety-seeking behaviours have been little studied. Twenty-eight patients with schizophrenia and verbal auditory hallucinations were recruited for this study. Hallucinations were evaluated using the Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale and the Belief About Voice Questionnaire and safety behaviours using a modified version of the Safety Behaviour Questionnaire. Our results show that the vast majority of patients relies on safety behaviours to reduce the threat associated with voices. This reliance on safety behaviours is mostly explained by beliefs about origin of voices the omnipotence attributed to hallucinations and the behavioural and emotional reactions to the voices. Safety-seeking behaviours play an important role in maintaining dysfunctional beliefs with respect to voices. They should be better targeted within the cognitive and behavioural therapies for auditory hallucinations.


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Next to leisure, sport, and household activities, the most common activity resulting in medically consulted injuries and poisonings in the United States is work, with an estimated 4 million workplace related episodes reported in 2008 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009). To address the risks inherent to various occupations, risk management programs are typically put in place that include worker training, engineering controls, and personal protective equipment. Recent studies have shown that such interventions alone are insufficient to adequately manage workplace risks, and that the climate in which the workers and safety program exist (known as the "safety climate") is an equally important consideration. The organizational safety climate is so important that many studies have focused on developing means of measuring it in various work settings. While safety climate studies have been reported for several industrial settings, published studies on assessing safety climate in the university work setting are largely absent. Universities are particularly unique workplaces because of the potential exposure to a diversity of agents representing both acute and chronic risks. Universities are also unique because readily detectable health and safety outcomes are relatively rare. The ability to measure safety climate in a work setting with rarely observed systemic outcome measures could serve as a powerful means of measure for the evaluation of safety risk management programs. ^ The goal of this research study was the development of a survey tool to measure safety climate specifically in the university work setting. The use of a standardized tool also allows for comparisons among universities throughout the United States. A specific study objective was accomplished to quantitatively assess safety climate at five universities across the United States. At five universities, 971 participants completed an online questionnaire to measure the safety climate. The average safety climate score across the five universities was 3.92 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating very high perceptions of safety at these universities. The two lowest overall dimensions of university safety climate were "acknowledgement of safety performance" and "department and supervisor's safety commitment". The results underscore how the perception of safety climate is significantly influenced at the local level. A second study objective regarding evaluating the reliability and validity of the safety climate questionnaire was accomplished. A third objective fulfilled was to provide executive summaries resulting from the questionnaire to the participating universities' health & safety professionals and collect feedback on usefulness, relevance and perceived accuracy. Overall, the professionals found the survey and results to be very useful, relevant and accurate. Finally, the safety climate questionnaire will be offered to other universities for benchmarking purposes at the annual meeting of a nationally recognized university health and safety organization. The ultimate goal of the project was accomplished and was the creation of a standardized tool that can be used for measuring safety climate in the university work setting and can facilitate meaningful comparisons amongst institutions.^