987 resultados para SYNCHROTRON RADIATION


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We conducted an in-situ X-ray micro-computed tomography heating experiment at the Advanced Photon Source (USA) to dehydrate an unconfined 2.3 mm diameter cylinder of Volterra Gypsum. We used a purpose-built X-ray transparent furnace to heat the sample to 388 K for a total of 310 min to acquire a three-dimensional time-series tomography dataset comprising nine time steps. The voxel size of 2.2 μm3 proved sufficient to pinpoint reaction initiation and the organization of drainage architecture in space and time. We observed that dehydration commences across a narrow front, which propagates from the margins to the centre of the sample in more than four hours. The advance of this front can be fitted with a square-root function, implying that the initiation of the reaction in the sample can be described as a diffusion process. Novel parallelized computer codes allow quantifying the geometry of the porosity and the drainage architecture from the very large tomographic datasets (20483 voxels) in unprecedented detail. We determined position, volume, shape and orientation of each resolvable pore and tracked these properties over the duration of the experiment. We found that the pore-size distribution follows a power law. Pores tend to be anisotropic but rarely crack-shaped and have a preferred orientation, likely controlled by a pre-existing fabric in the sample. With on-going dehydration, pores coalesce into a single interconnected pore cluster that is connected to the surface of the sample cylinder and provides an effective drainage pathway. Our observations can be summarized in a model in which gypsum is stabilized by thermal expansion stresses and locally increased pore fluid pressures until the dehydration front approaches to within about 100 μm. Then, the internal stresses are released and dehydration happens efficiently, resulting in new pore space. Pressure release, the production of pores and the advance of the front are coupled in a feedback loop.


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This contribution outlines Synchrotron-based X-ray micro-tomography and its potential use in structural geology and rock mechanics. The paper complements several recent reviews of X-ray microtomography. We summarize the general approach to data acquisition, post-processing as well as analysis and thereby aim to provide an entry point for the interested reader. The paper includes tables listing relevant beamlines, a list of all available imaging techniques, and available free and commercial software packages for data visualization and quantification. We highlight potential applications in a review of relevant literature including time-resolved experiments and digital rock physics. The paper concludes with a report on ongoing developments and upgrades at synchrotron facilities to frame the future possibilities for imaging sub-second processes in centimetre-sized samples.


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A formula has been derived for the mean-square error in the phases of crystal reflections determined through the multiwavelength anomalous scattering method.The error is written in terms of a simple function of the positions in the complex plane of the 'centres' corresponding to the different wavelengths. For the case of three centres, the mean-square error is inversely proportional to the area of the triangle formed by them.


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A novel method for functional lung imaging was introduced by adapting the K-edge subtraction method (KES) to in vivo studies of small animals. In this method two synchrotron radiation energies, which bracket the K-edge of the contrast agent, are used for simultaneous recording of absorption-contrast images. Stable xenon gas is used as the contrast agent, and imaging is performed in projection or computed tomography (CT) mode. Subtraction of the two images yields the distribution of xenon, while removing practically all features due to other structures, and the xenon density can be calculated quantitatively. Because the images are recorded simultaneously, there are no movement artifacts in the subtraction image. Time resolution for a series of CT images is one image/s, which allows functional studies. Voxel size is 0.1mm3, which is an order better than in traditional lung imaging methods. KES imaging technique was used in studies of ventilation distribution and the effects of histamine-induced airway narrowing in healthy, mechanically ventilated, and anaesthetized rabbits. First, the effect of tidal volume on ventilation was studied, and the results show that an increase in tidal volume without an increase in minute ventilation results a proportional increase in regional ventilation. Second, spiral CT was used to quantify the airspace volumes in lungs in normal conditions and after histamine aerosol inhalation, and the results showed large patchy filling defects in peripheral lungs following histamine provocation. Third, the kinetics of proximal and distal airway response to histamine aerosol were examined, and the findings show that the distal airways react immediately to histamine and start to recover, while the reaction and the recovery in proximal airways is slower. Fourth, the fractal dimensions of lungs was studied, and it was found that the fractal dimension is higher at the apical part of the lungs compared to the basal part, indicating structural differences between apical and basal lung level. These results provide new insights to lung function and the effects of drug challenge studies. Nowadays the technique is available at synchrotron radiation facilities, but the compact synchrotron radiation sources are being developed, and in relatively near future the method may be used at hospitals.


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X-ray synchrotron radiation was used to study the nanostructure of cellulose in Norway spruce stem wood and powders of cobalt nanoparticles in cellulose support. Furthermore, the growth of metallic clusters was modelled and simulated in the mesoscopic size scale. Norway spruce was characterized with x-ray microanalysis at beamline ID18F of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble. The average dimensions and the orientation of cellulose crystallites was determined using x-ray microdiffraction. In addition, the nutrient element content was determined using x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Diffraction patterns and fluorescence spectra were simultaneously acquired. Cobalt nanoparticles in cellulose support were characterized with x-ray absorption spectroscopy at beamline X1 of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron in Hamburg, complemented by home lab experiments including x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and measurement of magnetic properties with a vibrating sample magnetometer. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) and x-ray diffraction were used to solve the atomic arrangement of the cobalt nanoparticles. Scanning- and transmission electron microscopy were used to image the surfaces of the cellulose fibrils, where the growth of nanoparticles takes place. The EXAFS experiment was complemented by computational coordination number calculations on ideal spherical nanocrystals. The growth process of metallic nanoclusters on cellulose matrix is assumed to be rather complicated, affected not only by the properties of the clusters themselves, but essentially depending on the cluster-fiber interfaces as well as the morphology of the fiber surfaces. The final favored average size for nanoclusters, if such exists, is most probably a consequence of these two competing tendencies towards size selection, one governed by pore sizes, the other by the cluster properties. In this thesis, a mesoscopic model for the growth of metallic nanoclusters on porous cellulose fiber (or inorganic) surfaces is developed. The first step in modelling was to evaluate the special case of how the growth proceeds on flat or wedged surfaces.


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We report 3d-4d4d Auger spectra of Ce metal with the use of synchrotron radiation to excite the initial core hole. By sweeping the excitation energy through the 3d-->4f threshold, it has been possible to excite different initial states selectively, enabling us to analyze the complex spectrum in terms of different contributions arising from various deca channels.


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We report the 4d-XY (X, Y = 5p, 4f, and the conduction band) Auger spectra of clean Gd using a monochromatic photon source with energies above and below the 3d threshold. The spectra with higher hv show the existence of intense spectator-hole Auger transitions. Comparison of these spectra with those obtained with a primary electron source allows detailed interpretation of the various features and explains the unusual spin polarization of the electron-induced spectrum reported earlier.


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We describe here a photoelectron spectroscopy beamline installed on Indus-1 storage ring. Initially we give a brief description of optical and mechanical layout of beam-line. The beamline optics was designed to cover energy range from 10 eV to 200 eV and it consists of a pre-focusing mirror, a toroidal grating monochromator and a post-focusing mirror. We then discuss indigenously developed ultra high vacuum compatible work station to carry out angle integrated photoemission experiments. The beamline has been successfully commissioned and photoemission measurements on a variety of standard samples are presented.


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An electron with an appropriate initial velocity injected into an oncoming, ultraintense circularly polarized laser pulse can execute a circular relativistic motion at the peak of the laser pulse. The circulating electron then radiates in the same manner as that in the storage ring of a conventional synchrotron source. Owing to the extremely small orbit radius, the laser-field synchrotron radiation thus generated can be a compact source of radiation pulses at short wavelength and short duration.


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Photoluminescence spectrum of Ce:YAG single crystal was studied employing vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation. Intrinsic absorption edge at about 52,000 cm(-1) was observed in the absorption spectrum. From the VUV excitation spectrum, the energy of the highest d-component of 53,191 cm(-1) (188 nm) for the Ce3+ ions in YAG was obtained at 300 K. The disappearance of the third 5d level at 37,735 cm(-1) (265 nm) in absorption and excitation spectra in our samples may be due to the impurity Fe3+ ions absorption. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of K on the n-GaAs(I 0 0) surface was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy (SR-PES). The Ga3d and As3d core level was measured for clean and K adsorbed GaAs(I 0 0) surface. The adsorption of K induced chemical reaction between K and As, and the K-As reactant formed when the K coverage theta > I ML. The chemical reaction between K and Ga did not occur, but Ga atoms were exchanged by K atoms. From the data of band bending, the Schottky barrier is 0.70 eV. The Fermi-level pinning was not caused by defect levels. The probable reason is that the dangling bonds of surface Ga atoms were filled by the outer-shell electrons of K atoms, forming a half-filled surface state. The Fermi-level pinning was caused by this half-filled surface state. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By means of low temperature photoluminescence and synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction, existence of stacking faults has been determined in epitaxy lateral overgrowth GaN by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition.