992 resultados para STRATUS OCT
AIMS: To compare morphometric parameters and diagnostic performance of the new Stratus Optical Coherence Tomograph (OCT) Disc mode and the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph (HRT); to evaluate OCT's accuracy in determining optic nerve head (ONH) borders. METHODS: Controls and patients with ocular hypertension, glaucoma-like discs, and glaucoma were imaged with OCT Disc mode, HRT II, and colour disc photography (DISC-PHOT). In a separate session, automatically depicted ONH shape and size in OCT were compared with DISC-PHOT, and disc borders adjusted manually where required. In a masked fashion, all print-outs and photographs were studied and discs classified as normal, borderline, and abnormal. The Cohen kappa method was then applied to test for agreement of classification. Bland-Altman analysis was used for comparison of disc measures. RESULTS: In all, 49 eyes were evaluated. Automated disc margin recognition failed in 53%. Misplaced margin points were more frequently found in myopic eyes, but only 31/187 were located in an area of peripapillary atrophy. Agreement of OCT with photography-based diagnosis was excellent in normally looking ONHs, but moderate in discs with large cups, where HRT performed better. OCT values were consistently larger than HRT values for disc and cup area. Compared with HRT, small rim areas and volumes tended to be minimized by OCT, and larger ones to be magnified. CONCLUSIONS: Stratus OCT Disc protocol performed overall well in differentiating between normal and glaucomatous ONHs. However, failure of disc border recognition was frequently observed, making manual correction necessary. ONH measures cannot be directly compared between HRT and OCT.
Aim To compare the ability of scanning laser polarimeter (SLP) with variable corneal compensation (GDx VCC) and optical coherence tomograph (Stratus OCT) to discriminate between eyes with band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve and healthy eyes. Methods The study included 37 eyes with BA and temporal visual field (VF) defects from chiasmal compression, and 29 normal eyes. Subjects underwent standard automated perimetry (SAP) and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) scans using GDx VCC and Stratus OCT. The severity of the VF defects was evaluated by the temporal mean defect (TMD), calculated as the average of 22 values of the temporal total deviation plot on SAP. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated. Pearson`s correlation coefficients were used to evaluate the relationship between RNFL thickness parameters and the TMD. Results No significant difference was found between the ROC curves areas (AUCs) for the GDx VCC and Stratus OCT with regard to average RNFL thickness (0.98 and 0.99, respectively) and the superior (0.94; 0.95), inferior (0.96; 0.97), and nasal (0.92; 0.96) quadrants. However, the AUC in the temporal quadrant (0.77) was significantly smaller (P < 0.001) with GDx VCC than with Stratus OCT (0.98). Lower TMD values were associated with smaller RNFL thickness in most parameters from both equipments. Conclusion Adding VCC resulted in improved performance in SLP when evaluating eyes with BA, and both technologies are sensitive in detecting average, superior, inferior, and nasal quadrant RNFL loss. However, GDx VCC still poorly discriminates RNFL loss in the temporal quadrant when compared with Stratus OCT.
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de l’anatomie de la cornée après 3 techniques de greffe soient, la greffe totale traditionnelle (GTT) et des techniques de greffe lamellaire postérieur (GLP) telles que la greffe lamellaire endothéliale profonde (DLEK) et la greffe endothélium/membrane de Descemet (EDMG) pour le traitement des maladies de l’endothélium, telles que la dystrophie de Fuchs et de la kératopathie de l’aphaque et du pseudophaque. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse contribue également à démontrer l’utilité de la tomographie de cohérence optique (OCT) pour l’étude de l’anatomie des plaies chirurgicales la cornée post transplantation. Au cours de ce travail nous avons étudié l'anatomie de la DLEK, avant et 1, 6, 12 et 24 mois après la chirurgie. Nous avons utilisé le Stratus OCT (Version 3, Carl Zeiss, Meditec Inc.) pour documenter l’anatomie de la plaie. L'acquisition et la manipulation des images du Stratus OCT, instrument qui à été conçu originalement pour l’étude de la rétine et du nerf optique, ont été adaptées pour l'analyse du segment antérieur de l’oeil. Des images cornéennes centrales verticales et horizontales, ainsi que 4 mesures radiaires perpendiculaires à la plaie à 12, 3, 6 et 9 heures ont été obtenues. Les paramètres suivants ont été étudiés: (1) Les espaces (gap) entre les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (2) les dénivelés de surface postérieure (step) entre le les rebords du disque donneur et ceux du receveur, (3) la compression tissulaire, (4) le décollement du greffon, 6) les élévations de la surface antérieure de la cornée et 7) la pachymétrie centrale de la cornée. Les mesures d’épaisseur totale de la cornée ont été comparées et corrélées avec celles obtenues avec un pachymètre à ultra-sons. Des mesures d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction manifeste et de topographie ont aussi été acquises afin d’évaluer les résultats fonctionnels. Enfin, nous avons comparé les données de DLEK à celles obtenues de l’EDMG et de la GTT, afin de caractériser les plaies et de cerner les avantages et inconvénients relatifs à chaque technique chirurgicale. Nos résultats anatomiques ont montré des différences importantes entre les trois techniques chirurgicales. Certains des paramètres étudiés, comme le sep et le gap, ont été plus prononcés dans la GTT que dans la DLEK et complètement absents dans l’EDMG. D’autres, comme la compression tissulaire et le décollement du greffon n’ont été observés que dans la DLEK. Ceci laisse entrevoir que la distorsion de la plaie varie proportionnellement à la profondeur de la découpe stromale du receveur, à partir de la face postérieure de la cornée. Moins la découpe s’avance vers la face antérieure (comme dans l’EDMG), moins elle affecte l’intégrité anatomique de la cornée, le pire cas étant la découpe totale comme dans la GTT. Cependant, tous les paramètres d’apposition postérieure sous-optimale et d’élévation de la surface antérieure (ce dernier observé uniquement dans la GTT) finissent par diminuer avec le temps, évoluant à des degrés variables vers un profil topographique plus semblable à celui d’une cornée normale. Ce processus paraît plus long et plus incomplet dans les cas de GTT à cause du type de plaie, de la présence de sutures et de la durée de la cicatrisation. Les valeurs moyennes d’épaisseur centrale se sont normalisées après la chirurgie. De plus, ces valeurs moyennes obtenues par OCT étaient fortement corrélées à celles obtenues par la pachymétrie à ultra-sons et nous n’avons remarqué aucune différence significative entre les valeurs moyennes des deux techniques de mesure. L’OCT s’est avéré un outil utile pour l’étude de l’anatomie microscopique des plaies chirurgicales. Les résultats d’acuité visuelle, de réfraction et de topographie des techniques de GLP ont montré qu’il existe une récupération visuelle rapide et sans changements significatifs de l’astigmatisme, contrairement à la GTT avec et sans suture. La GLP a permis une meilleure conservation de la morphologie de la cornée, et par conséquence des meilleurs résultats fonctionnels que la greffe de pleine épaisseur. Ceci nous permet d’avancer que la GLP pourrait être la technique chirurgicale à adopter comme traitement pour les maladies de l’endothélium cornéen.
PURPOSE: To quantify optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the central retina in patients with blue-cone monochromatism (BCM) and achromatopsia (ACH) compared with healthy control individuals. METHODS: The study included 15 patients with ACH, 6 with BCM, and 20 control subjects. Diagnosis of BCM and ACH was established by visual acuity testing, morphologic examination, color vision testing, and Ganzfeld ERG recording. OCT images were acquired with the Stratus OCT 3 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oberkochen, Germany). Foveal OCT images were analyzed by calculating longitudinal reflectivity profiles (LRPs) from scan lines. Profiles were analyzed quantitatively to determine foveal thickness and distances between reflectivity layers. RESULTS: Patients with ACH and BCM had a mean visual acuity of 20/200 and 20/60, respectively. Color vision testing results were characteristic of the diseases. The LRPs of control subjects yielded four peaks (P1-P4), presumably representing the RPE (P1), the ovoid region of the photoreceptors (P2), the external limiting membrane (ELM) (P3), and the internal limiting membrane (P4). In patients with ACH, P2 was absent, but foveal thickness (P1-P4) did not differ significantly from that in the control subjects (187 +/- 20 vs. 192 +/- 14 microm, respectively). The distance from P1 to P3 did not differ significantly (78 +/- 10 vs. 82 +/- 5 microm) between ACH and controls subjects. In patients with BCM, P3 was lacking, and P2 advanced toward P1 compared with the control subjects (32 +/- 6 vs. 48 +/- 4 microm). Foveal thickness (153 +/- 16 microm) was significantly reduced compared with that in control subjects and patients with ACH. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative OCT image analysis reveals distinct patterns for controls subjects and patients with ACH and BCM, respectively. Quantitative analysis of OCT imaging can be useful in differentiating retinal diseases affecting photoreceptors. Foveal thickness is similar in both normal subjects and patients with ACH but is decreased in patients with BCM.
Three patients with progressive visual loss, chronic alcoholism and tabagism were submitted to a complete neuro-ophthalmic examination and to retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurements using optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanning. Two patients showed marked RNFL loss in the temporal sector of the optic disc. However, a third patient presented RNFL measurements within or above normal limits, based on the Stratus-OCT normative database. Such findings may be due to possible RNFL edema similar to the one that may occur in the acute phase of toxic optic neuropathies. Stratus-OCT was able to detect RNFL loss in the papillomacular bundle of patients with tobacco-alcohol-induced toxic optic neuropathy. However, interpretation must be careful when OCT does not show abnormality in order to prevent diagnostic confusion, since overestimation of RNFL thickness measurements is possible in such cases.
Purpose: To compare the ability of Subjective assessment of optic nerve head (ONH) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) by general ophthalmologists and by a glaucoma expert with objective measurements by optical coherence tomography (Stratus OCT, Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc), confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (HRT III; Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg. Germany), and scanning laser polarimetry (GDx enhanced corneal compensation; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, CA) in discriminating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Methods: Sixty-one glaucomatous and 57 normal eyes or 118 subjects Were included in the study. Three independent general ophthalmologists and I glaucoma expert evaluated ONH stereo-photographs. Receiver operating characteristic curves were constructed for each imaging technique and sensitivity at fixed specificity was estimated. Comparisons or areas under these curves (aROCs) and agreement (k) were determined between stereophoto grading and best parameter from each technique. Results: Best parameter from each technique showed larger aROC (Stratus OCT RNFL 0.92; Stratus OCT ONH vertical integrated area = 0.86; Stratus OCT macular thickness = 0.82; GDx enhanced corneal compensation = 0.91, HRT3 global cup-to-disc ratio = 0.83; HRT3 glaucoma probability score numeric area score 0.83) compared with stereophotograph grading by general ophthalmologists (0.80) in separating glaucomatous and normal eyes. Glaucoma expert stereophoto grading provided equal or larger aROC (0.92) than best parameter of each computerized imaging device. Stereophoto evaluated by a glaucoma expert showed better agreement with best parameter of each quantitative imaging technique in classifying eyes either as glaucomatous or normal compared with stereophoto grading by general ophthalmologists, The combination Of Subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists with RNFL objective parameters improved identification of glaucoma patients in a larger proportion than the combination of these objective parameters with Subjective assessment of the optic disc by a glaucoma expert (29.5% vs. 19.7%, respectively). Conclusions: Diagnostic ability of all imaging techniques showed better performance than subjective assessment of the ONH by general ophthalmologists, but not by It glaucoma expert, Objective RNFL measurements may provide improvement in glaucoma detection when combined with subjective assessment of the optic disc by general ophthalmologists or by a glaucoma expert.
PURPOSE: To compare the ability of Fourier-domain (FD) optical coherence tomography (3D OCT-1000; Top, con, Tokyo, Japan) and time domain (TD) OCT (Stratus; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc, Dublin, California, USA) to detect axonal loss in eyes with band atrophy (BA) of the optic nerve. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Thirty-six eyes from 36 patients with BA and temporal visual field (VF) defect from chiasmal compression and 36 normal eyes were studied. Subjects were submitted to standard automated perimetry and macular and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurements were taken using 3D OCT-1000 and Stratus OCT. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for each parameter. Spearman correlation coefficients were obtained to evaluate the relationship between RNFL and macular thickness parameters and severity of VF loss. Measurements from the two devices were compared. RESULTS: Regardless of OCT device, all RNFL and macular thickness parameters were significantly lower in eyes with BA compared with normal eyes, but no statistically significant difference was found with regard to the area under the ROC curve. Structure-function relationships were also similar for the two devices. In both groups, RNFL and macular thickness measurements were generally and in some cases significantly smaller with 3D OCT-1000 than with Stratus OCT. CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of FD technology did not lead to better discrimination ability for detecting BA of the optic nerve compared with TD technology when using the software currently provided by the manufacturer. 3D OCT-1000 FD OCT RNFL and macular measurements were generally smaller than TD Stratus OCT measurements. Investigators should be aware of this fact when comparing measurements obtained with these two devices. (Am J Oplathalmol 2009;147: 56-63. (c) 2009 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
Purpose: To evaluate retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), optic nerve head (ONH), and macular thickness measurements for glaucoma detection using the RTVue spectral domain optical coherence tomograph. Design: Diagnostic, case-control study. Participants: One hundred forty eyes of 106 glaucoma patients and 74 eyes of 40 healthy subjects from the Diagnostic Innovations in Glaucoma Study (DIGS). Methods: All patients underwent ocular imaging with the commercially available RTVue. Optic nerve head, RNFL thickness, and macular thickness scans were obtained during the same visit. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and sensitivities at fixed specificities (80% and 95%) were calculated for each parameter. Main Outcome Measures: Areas under the ROC curves (AUC) and sensitivities at fixed specificities of 80% and 95%. Results: The AUC for the RNFL parameter with best performance, inferior quadrant thickness, was significantly higher than that of the best-performing ONH parameter, inferior rim area (0.884 vs 0.812, respectively; P = 0.04). There was no difference between ROC curve areas of the best RNFL thickness parameters and the best inner macular thickness measurement, ganglion cell complex root mean square (ROC curve area = 0.870). Conclusions: The RTVue RNFL and inner retinal macular thickness measurements had good ability to detect eyes with glaucomatous visual field loss and performed significantly better than ONH parameters.
Introducción: El glaucoma representa la tercera causa de ceguera a nivel mundial y un diagnóstico oportuno requiere evaluar la excavación del nervio óptico que está relacionada con el área del mismo. Existen reportes de áreas grandes (macrodiscos) que pueden ser protectoras, mientras otros las asocian a susceptibilidad para glaucoma. Objetivo: Establecer si existe asociación entre macrodisco y glaucoma en individuos estudiados con Tomografía Optica Coherente (OCT ) en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Métodos: Estudio transversal de asociación que incluyó 25 ojos con glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto y 74 ojos sanos. A cada individuo se realizó examen oftalmológico, campo visual computarizado y OCT de nervio óptico. Se compararon por grupos áreas de disco óptico y número de macrodiscos, definidos según Jonas como un área de la media más dos desviaciones estándar y según Adabache como área ≥3.03 mm2 quien evaluó población Mexicana. Resultados: El área promedio de disco óptico fue 2,78 y 2,80 mm2 glaucoma Vs. sanos. De acuerdo al criterio de Jonas, se observó un macrodisco en el grupo sanos y según criterio de Adabache se encontraron ocho y veinticinco macrodiscos glaucoma Vs. sanos. (OR=0,92 IC95%=0.35 – 2.43). Discusión: No hubo diferencia significativa (P=0.870) en el área de disco entre los dos grupos y el porcentaje de macrodiscos para los dos grupos fue similar, aunque el bajo número de éstos no permitió concluir en términos estadísticos sobre la presencia de macrodisco y glaucoma.
Purpose: To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer measurements with time-domain (TD) and spectral-domain (SD) optical coherence tomography (OCT), and to test the diagnostic ability of both technologies in glaucomatous patients with asymmetric visual hemifield loss. Methods: 36 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with visual field loss in one hemifield (affected) and absent loss in the other (non-affected), and 36 age-matched healthy controls had the study eye imaged with Stratus-OCT (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California, USA) and 3 D OCT-1000 (Topcon, Tokyo, Japan). Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer measurements and normative classification were recorded. Total deviation values were averaged in each hemifield (hemifield mean deviation) for each subject. Visual field and retinal nerve fiber layer "asymmetry indexes" were calculated as the ratio between affected versus non-affected hemifields and corresponding hemiretinas. Results: Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements in non-affected hemifields (mean [SD] 87.0 [17.1] mu m and 84.3 [20.2] mu m, for TD and SD-OCT, respectively) were thinner than in controls (119.0 [12.2] mu m and 117.0 [17.7] mu m, P<0.001). The optical coherence tomography normative database classified 42% and 67% of hemiretinas corresponding to non-affected hemifields as abnormal in TD and SD-OCT, respectively (P=0.01). Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were consistently thicker with TD compared to SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness asymmetry index was similar in TD (0.76 [0.17]) and SD-OCT (0.79 [0.12]) and significantly greater than the visual field asymmetry index (0.36 [0.20], P<0.001). Conclusions: Normal hemifields of glaucoma patients had thinner retinal nerve fiber layer than healthy eyes, as measured by TD and SD-OCT. Retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were thicker with TD than SD-OCT. SD-OCT detected abnormal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness more often than TD-OCT.
The purpose of this study was to compare inter-observer agreement of Stratus™ OCT versus Spectralis™ OCT image grading in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Thirty eyes with neovascular AMD were examined with Stratus™ OCT and Spectralis™ OCT. Four different scan protocols were used for imaging. Three observers graded the images for the presence of various pathologies. Inter-observer agreement between OCT models was assessed by calculating intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). In Stratus™ OCT highest interobserver agreement was found for subretinal fluid (ICC: 0.79), and in Spectralis™ OCT for intraretinal cysts (IRC) (ICC: 0.93). Spectralis™ OCT showed superior interobserver agreement for IRC and epiretinal membranes (ERM) (ICC(Stratus™): for IRC 0.61; for ERM 0.56; ICC(Spectralis™): for IRC 0.93; for ERM 0.84). Increased image resolution of Spectralis™ OCT did improve the inter-observer agreement for grading intraretinal cysts and epiretinal membranes but not for other retinal changes.
PURPOSE: To correlate the dimension of the visual field (VF) tested by Goldman kinetic perimetry with the extent of visibility of the highly reflective layer between inner and outer segments of photoreceptors (IOS) seen in optical coherence tomography (OCT) images in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). METHODS: In a retrospectively designed cross-sectional study, 18 eyes of 18 patients with RP were examined with OCT and Goldmann perimetry using test target I4e and compared with 18 eyes of 18 control subjects. A-scans of raw scan data of Stratus OCT images (Carl Zeiss Meditec, AG, Oberkochen, Germany) were quantitatively analyzed for the presence of the signal generated by the highly reflective layer between the IOS in OCT images. Starting in the fovea, the distance to which this signal was detectable was measured. Visual fields were analyzed by measuring the distance from the center point to isopter I4e. OCT and visual field data were analyzed in a clockwise fashion every 30 degrees , and corresponding measures were correlated. RESULTS: In corresponding alignments, the distance from the center point to isopter I4e and the distance to which the highly reflective signal from the IOS can be detected correlate significantly (r = 0.75, P < 0.0001). The greater the distance in VF, the greater the distance measured in OCT. CONCLUSIONS: The authors hypothesize that the retinal structure from which the highly reflective layer between the IOS emanates is of critical importance for visual and photoreceptor function. Further research is warranted to determine whether this may be useful as an objective marker of progression of retinal degeneration in patients with RP.
Introduction: Macular oedema is not directly visible on digital photographs used in screening. Photographic surrogate markers are used to detect patients who may have macular oedema. Evidence suggests that only around 10% of patients with these surrogate markers referred to an ophthalmologist have macular oedema when examined by slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Purpose: The purpose of this audit was to determine how many patients with surrogate markers were truly identified by optical coherence tomography (OCT) as having macular oedema. Method: Data were collected from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with surrogate markers for macular oedema also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. Results: Out of 66 patients with maculopathy defined as haemorrhages or microaneurysms within one optic disc diameter (DD) of the fovea and visual acuity (VA) worse than 6/9 11 (17%) showed thickening on the OCT, only 4 (6%) had macular oedema. None required laser. Out of 155 patients with maculopathy defined as any exudate within one DD of the fovea or circinate within two DD 45 (29%) showed thickening on the OCT of these 27% required laser. Conclusion: OCT is a useful tool in screening to help identify those who need a true referral to ophthalmology for maculopathy. If exudate is present the chance of having macular oedema and requiring laser treatment is greater than the presence of microaneurysms within one DD and reduced VA.
DESIGN. Retrospective analysis PURPOSE. Macular oedema is not directly visible on two dimensional digital photographs such that surrogate markers need to be used. In the English National Screening Programme these are exudate within one optic disc diameter (DD) of the fovea, group of exudates within two DD of the fovea and haemorrhages or microaneurysms (HMA) within one DD of the fovea with best corrected visual acuity (VA) worse than 6/9. All patients who present with any of these surrogate markers at screening are referred to an ophthalmology clinic for slit lamp examination. The purpose of this audit was to determine how many patients with positive maculopathy diagnosis on photography were truly identified by optical coherence tomography (OCT) with macular oedema. METHODS. Data was collected from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with surrogate markers for macular oedema also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. RESULTS. Maculopathy by exudates: Of 155 patients 45 (29%) showed thickening on the OCT of these 12 required laser. Those who also had pre-proliferative retinopathy (n=20) were more likely to have macular oedema (75%) than those with background diabetic retinopathy. Maculopathy by HMA and VA worse than 6/9: Of 66 patients 11 (16.7%) showed thickening on the OCT. 5 (7.6%) of these had macular oedema, 5 (7.6%) epi-retinal membrane, and 1 (1.5%) age related macular degeneration. None of these patients required laser. CONCLUSIONS. The likelihood of the presence of macular oedema and requiring laser treatment is greater with macular exudation than HMA within one DD and reduced VA. Overall the surrogate markers used show low specificity for macular oedema, however combining OCT with photography does identify those with macular oedema who require a true referral for an ophthalmological slit lamp examination.
Free paper session INTRODUCTION. Microaneurysms and haemorrhages within the macula area are a poor predictor of macular oedema as shown by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Our research suggests that it is safe and cost effective to screen patients who present with these surrogate markers annually. PURPOSE. To determine whether microaneurysms (ma) and haemorrhages (hm) within one optic disc diameter of the fovea (ma/hm<1DD) are significant predictors of macular oedema. METHODS. Data were collected over a one-year period from patients attending digital diabetic retinopathy screening. Patients who presented with ma/hm<1DD also had an OCT scan. The fast macula scan on the Stratus OCT was used and an ophthalmologist reviewed the scans to determine whether macular oedema was present. Macular oedema was identified by thickening on the OCT cross-sections. Patients were split into two groups. Group one (325 eyes) included those with best VA?6/9 and group two (30 eyes) with best VA =6/12. Only patients who had no other referable features of diabetic retinopathy were selected. RESULTS. In group one, 6 (1.8%) out of 325 eyes showed thickening on the OCT and were referred to hospital eye service (HES) for further investigation. In group two, 6 (20%) out of 30 eyes showed thickening and were referred to HES. CONCLUSIONS. Ma/hm<1DD become more significant predictors of macular oedema when VA is reduced. Results confirm the grading criteria concerning microaneurysms predicting macular oedema for referable maculopathy in the English national screening programme. OCT is a useful method to accurately identify patients requiring referral to HES.