43 resultados para SPPs


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The SPPS methodology has continuously been investigated as a valuable model to monitor the solvation properties of polymeric materials. In this connection, the present work applied HRMAS-NMR spectroscopy to examine the dynamics of an aggregating peptide sequence attached to a resin core with varying peptide loading (up to 80%) and solvent system. Low and high substituted BHAR were used for assembling the VQAAIDYING sequence and some of its minor fragments. The HRMAS-NMR results were in agreement with the swelling of each resin, i.e. there was an improved resolution of resonance peaks in the better solvated conditions. Moreover, the peptide loading and the attached peptide sequence also affected the spectra. Strong peptide chain aggregation was observed mainly in highly peptide loaded resins when solvated in CDCl3. Conversely, due to the better swelling of these highly loaded resins in DMSO, improved NMR spectra were acquired in this polar aprotic solvent, thus enabling the detection of relevant sequence-dependent conformational alterations. The more prominent aggregation was displayed by the VQAAIDYING segment and not by any of its intermediary fragments and these findings were also corroborated by EPR studies of these peptide-resins labelled properly with an amino acid-type spin probe. Copyright (c) 2005 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Overcoming the phenomenon known as difficult synthetic sequences has been a major goal in solid-phase peptide synthesis for over 30 years. In this work the advantages of amide backbone-substitution in the solid-phase synthesis of difficult peptides are augmented by developing an activated N-alpha-acyl transfer auxiliary. Apart from disrupting troublesome intermolecular hydrogen-bonding networks, the primary function of the activated N-alpha-auxiliary was to facilitate clean and efficient acyl capture of large or beta-branched amino acids and improve acyl transfer yields to the secondary N-alpha-amine. We found o-hydroxyl-substituted nitrobenzyl (Hnb) groups were suitable N-alpha-auxiliaries for this purpose. The relative acyl transfer efficiency of the Hnb auxiliary was superior to the 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl (Hmb) auxiliary with protected amino acids of varying size. Significantly, this difference in efficiency was more pronounced between more sterically demanding amino acids. The Hnb auxiliary is readily incorporated at the N-alpha-amine during SPPS by reductive alkylation of its corresponding benzaldehyde derivative and conveniently removed by mild photolysis at 366 nm. The usefulness of the Hnb auxiliary for the improvement of coupling efficiencies in the chain-assembly of difficult peptides was demonstrated by the efficient Hnb-assisted Fmoc solid-phase synthesis of a known hindered difficult peptide sequence, STAT-91. This work suggests the Hnb auxiliary will significantly enhance our ability to synthesize difficult polypeptides and increases the applicability of amide-backbone substitution.


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The 101 residue protein early pregnancy factor (EPF), also known as human chaperonin 10, was synthesized from four functionalized, but unprotected, peptide segments by a sequential thioether ligation strategy. The approach exploits the differential reactivity of a peptide-NHCH2CH2SH thiolate with XCH2CO-peptides, where X = Cl or I/Br. Initial model studies with short functionalized (but unprotected) peptides showed a significantly faster reaction of a peptide-NHCH2CH2SH thiolate with a BrCH2CO-peptide than with a CICH2CO-peptide, where thiolate displacement of the halide leads to chemoselective formation of a thioether surrogate for the Gly-Gly peptide bond. This rate difference was used as the basis of a novel sequential ligation approach to the synthesis of large polypeptide chains. Thus, ligation of a model bifunctional N-alpha-chloroacetyl, C-terminal thiolated peptide with a second N-alpha-bromoacetyl peptide demonstrated chemoselective bromide displacement by the thiol group. Further investigations showed that the relatively unreactive N-alpha-chloroacetyl peptides could be activated by halide exchange using saturated KI solutions to yield the highly reactive No-iodoacetyl peptides. These findings were used to formulate a sequential thioether ligation strategy for the synthesis of EPF, a 101 amino acid protein containing three Gly-Gly sites approximately equidistantly spaced within the peptide chain. Four peptide segments or cassettes comprising the EPF protein sequence (BrAc-[EPF 78-101] 12, ClAc-[EPF 58-75]-[NHCH2CH2SH] 13, ClAc-[EPF 30-55]-[NHCH2CH2SH] 14, and Ac-[EPF 1-27]-[NHCH2CH2SH] 15) of EPF were synthesized in high yield and purity using Boc SPPS chemistry. In the stepwise sequential ligation strategy, reaction of peptides 12 and 13 was followed by conversion of the N-terminal chloroacetyl functional group to an iodoacetyl, thus activating the product peptide for further ligation with peptide 14. The process of ligation followed by iodoacetyl activation was repeated to yield an analogue of EPF (EPF psi(CH2S)(28-29,56-57,76-77)) 19 in 19% overall yield.


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Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear. Área de especialização: Radiofarmácia.


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Analogues of Peptaibolin, a peptaibol with antibiotic activity, incorporating α,α-dialkylglycines (Deg, Dpg, and Ac6c) at selected positions were synthesised by MW-SPPS and fully characterized. A control analogue incorporating L-alanine was also prepared. The native peptide and the analogues were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy for their membrane permeating activity. Small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) of egg phosphatidylcholine/ cholesterol (70:30) containing an encapsulated fluorescence probe (6-carboxyfluorescein) were used as membrane models. The assays of carboxyfluorescein release from SUVs upon peptide addition showed that Peptaibolin-Dpg and Peptaibolin-Ac6c are the most active peptides. These results indicate that the structure of the α,α-dialkylglycines is crucial for the membrane permeating ability of these Peptaibolin analogues.


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The properties of surface plasmon-polaritons (SPPs) in graphene are discussed and several possible ways of coupling electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz (THz) spectral range to this type of surface waves are described: (i) the attenuated total reflection (ATR) method employing a prism, (ii) graphene-based gratings or graphene monolayers with modulated conductivity, (iii) a metal stripe on top of the graphene layer, and (iv) a nanoparticle located above it. Potentially interesting for applications SPP effects, such as switching, modulation and polarization of THz radiation, as well as its enhanced absorption in graphene, are considered. The discussion also concerns the impact of the nonlinear properties of graphene, such as optical bistability.


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The review covers the development of synthetic peptides as vaccine candidates for Plasmodium falciparum- and Plasmodium vivax-induced malaria from its beginning up to date and the concomitant progress of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) that enables the production of long peptides in a routine fashion. The review also stresses the development of other complementary tools and actions in order to achieve the long sought goal of an efficacious malaria vaccine.


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L'estudi a nivell molecular de la ruta de senyalització activada per TGF-B té un impacte notable en el panorama actual donada la seva implicació en processos autoimmunitaris i carcinogènics. D'altra banda, l'elucidació a nivell estructural dels mecanismes moleculars que permeten a les ubiquitin lligases de tipus E3 marcar específicament llurs dianes per a la degradació proteosòmica - entre d'altres - resulta fonamental donada la seva importància pel que fa al control sobre el turnover proteic a nivell intracel•lular. En aquest projecte es pretén elucidar els mecanismes d'activació i catlàlisi de les ubiquitin lligases E3 tipus HECT Smurf1 i Nedd4L al mateix temps que se n'estudia la implicació en la regulació dels agents missatgers de la ruta del TGF-B. Així, la tasca es divideix en tres sub-projectes els quals se centren en a) l'estudi de la interacció d'aquestes lligases amb llurs dianes; b) l'elucidació del mecanisme d'activació i c) del de catàlisi d'aquests enzims. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius ens servim principalment dels avantatges que ens aporta la Ressonància Magnètica Nuclear i altres tècniques biofísiques, principalment la ITC. Durant el temps que he gaudit de la beca FI, m'he centrat principalment en la preparació de pèptids per SPPS, llur purificació per HPLC i caracterització per MS i RMN. Aquests pèptids representen diferents patrons de fosforilació de certes dianes de les lligases esmentades, de manera que han estat emprats per a l'estudi d'interaccions proteïna-proteïna per ITC i RMN. M'he iniciat doncs en l'ús d'aquestes tècniques. D'altra banda, també he preparat mostres protèiques mitjançant l'ús de sistemes d'expressió bacterians basats en E.coli, incloent l'amplificació i clonació del gen que codifica per la proteïna d'interés així com la seva expressió, purificació i caracterització per MS i RMN.


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Despite the increase in peptide chain aggregation, which decreases the rate of coupling reactions, the synthesis and use of very highly substituted resins still remains as a controversial point in the SPPS, due to its clear economical advantages (lesser solvent consumption and higher amount of peptide per synthesis). In order to better investigate the synthesis and the use of very highly substituted resins, the FTIR, NMR and EPR were compared. By FTIR techniques it was possible to follow all the steps of resin synthesis and the factors affecting the aggregation of the chains inside the peptidil-BHAR and MBHAR.


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Les réseaux de nanotrous sont des structures plasmoniques ayant un énorme potentiel en tant que transducteurs pour la conception de biocapteurs. De telles structures sont prometteuses pour l’élaboration de biocapteurs capable d’effectuer du criblage à haut débit. L’intérêt de travailler avec des réseaux de nanotrous est dû à la simplicité d’excitation des polaritons de plasmons de surface en transmission directe, à la sensibilité et à la facilité de fabrication de ces senseurs. L’architecture de tels réseaux métalliques permet la conception de nanostructures ayant de multiples propriétés plasmoniques. L’intensité, la signature spectrale et la sensibilité du signal plasmonique sont grandement affectées par l’aspect physique du réseau de nanotrous. L’optimisation du signal plasmonique nécessite ainsi un ajustement du diamètre des trous, de la périodicité et de la composition métallique du réseau. L'agencement de l'ensemble de ces paramètres permet d'identifier une structure optimale possédant une périodicité de 1000 nm, un diamètre des nanotrous de 600-650 nm et un film métallique ayant une épaisseur de 125 nm d'or. Ce type de transducteur a une sensibilité en solution de 500-600 nm/RIU pour des bandes plasmoniques situées entre 600-700 nm. L'intérêt de travailler avec cette structure est la possibilité d'exciter les plasmons de polaritons de surface (SPPs) selon deux modes d'excitation : en transmission exaltée (EOT) ou en réflexion totale interne par résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR). Une comparaison entre les propriétés plasmoniques des senseurs selon les modes d'excitation permet de déterminer expérimentalement que le couplage de la lumière avec les ondes de SPP de Bloch (BW-SPPs) en transmission directe résulte en un champ électromagnétique davantage propagatif que localisé. D'un point de vue analytique, la biodétection de l'IgG en SPR est 6 fois plus sensible par rapport au mode EOT pour une même structure. Une étude du signal plasmonique associé au BW-SPP pour un certain mode de diffraction démontre que la distance de pénétration de ces structures en EOT est d'environ 140 nm. La limite de détection de l'IgG humain pour un réseau de nanotrous de 1000 nm de périodicité est d'environ 50 nM en EOT. Ce mémoire démontre la viabilité des réseaux de nanotrous pour effectuer de la biodétection par criblage à haut débit lors de prochaines recherches. L'investigation de l'effet de l'angle d'excitation en transmission exaltée par rapport au signal plasmonique associé au mode (1,0) d'un réseau de nanotrous de 820 nm d'or démontre que la sensibilité en solution n'est pas proportionnelle à la sensibilité en surface du senseur. En fait, une optimisation de l'angle d'incidence pour le mode (1,0) de diffraction des BW-SPP permet d'amplifier la sensibilité en surface du senseur jusqu'à 3-fois pour un angle de 13,3°. Ce mémoire démontre ainsi la nécessité d'optimiser l'angle d'excitation et les propriétés physiques du senseur afin de développer un transducteur de grande sensibilité basé sur l'excitation en transmission de réseaux de nanotrous.


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The aim of the thesis is to theoretically investigate optical/plasmonic antennas for biosensing applications. The full 3-D numerical electromagnetic simulations have been performed by using finite integration technique (FIT). The electromagnetic properties of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and the localized surface plasmons (LSPs) based devices are studied for sensing purpose. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors offer high refractive index sensitivity at a fixed wavelength but are not enough for the detection of low concentrations of molecules. It has been demonstrated that the sensitivity of SPR sensors can be increased by employing the transverse magneto-optic Kerr effect (TMOKE) in combination with SPPs. The sensor based on the phenomena of TMOKE and SPPs are known as magneto-optic SPR (MOSPR) sensors. The optimized MOSPR sensor is analyzed which provides 8 times higher sensitivity than the SPR sensor, which will be able to detect lower concentration of molecules. But, the range of the refractive index detection is limited, due to the rapid decay of the amplitude of the MOSPR-signal with the increase of the refractive indices. Whereas, LSPs based sensors can detect lower concentrations of molecules, but their sensitivity is small at a fixed wavelength. Therefore, another device configuration known as perfect plasmonic absorber (PPA) is investigated which is based on the phenomena of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide. The PPA consists of a periodic array of gold nanoparticles and a thick gold film separated by a dielectric spacer. The electromagnetic modes of the PPA system are analyzed for sensing purpose. The second order mode of the PPA at a fixed wavelength has been proposed for the first time for biosensing applications. The PPA based sensor combines the properties of the LSPR sensor and the SPR sensor, for example, it illustrates increment in sensitivity of the LSPR sensor comparable to the SPR and can detect lower concentration of molecules due to the presence of nanoparticles.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en inglés


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A strategy is presented that exploits the ability of synthetic polymers of different nature to disturb the strong selfassembly capabilities of amyloid based β-sheet forming peptides. Following a convergent approach, the peptides of interest were synthesized via solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and the polymers via reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization, followed by a copper(I) catalyzed azide− alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) to generate the desired peptide− polymer conjugates. This study focuses on a modified version of the core sequence of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ), Aβ(16−20) (KLVFF). The influence of attaching short poly(Nisopropylacrylamide) and poly(hydroxyethylacrylate) to the peptide sequences on the self-assembly properties of the hybrid materials were studied via infrared spectroscopy, TEM, circular dichroism and SAXS. The findings indicate that attaching these polymers disturbs the strong self-assembly properties of the biomolecules to a certain degree and permits to influence the aggregation of the peptides based on their β-sheets forming abilities. This study presents an innovative route toward targeted and controlled assembly of amyloid-like fibers to drive the formation of polymeric nanomaterials.


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Several conditions have been used in the coupling reaction of stepwise SPPS at elevated temperature (SPPS-ET), but we have elected the following as our first choice: 2.5-fold molar excess of 0.04-0.08 M Boc or Fmoc-amino acid derivative, equimolar amount of DIC/HOBt (1:1)or TBTU/DIPEA(1:3), 25% DMSO/toluene, 60 degrees C, conventional heating. In this study, aimed to further examine enantiomerization under such condition and study the applicability of our protocols to microwave-SPPS, peptides containing L-Ser, L-His, L-Cys and/or L-Met were manually synthesized traditionally, at 60 degrees C using conventional heating and at 60 degrees C using microwave heating. Detailed assessment of all crude peptides (in their intact and/or fully hydrolyzed forms) revealed that, except for the microwave-assisted coupling of L-Cys, all other reactions occurred with low levels of amino acid enantiomerization (<2%). Therefore, herein we (i) provide new evidences that our protocols for SPPS at 60 degrees C using conventional heating are suitable for routine use, (ii) demonstrate their appropriateness for microwave-assisted SPPS by Boc and Fmoc chemistries, (iii) disclose advantages and limitations of the three synthetic approaches employed. Thus, this study complements our past research on SPPS-ET and suggests alternative conditions for microwave-assisted SPPS. Copyright (C) 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.