780 resultados para Rock fibre insulation
In this project, Stora Enso’s newly developed building system has been further developed to allow building to the Swedish passive house standard for the Swedish climate. The building system is based on a building framework of CLT (Cross laminated timber) boards. The concept has been tested on a small test building. The experience gained from this test building has also been used for planning a larger building (two storeys with the option of a third storey) with passive house standard with this building system. The main conclusions from the project are: It is possible to build airtight buildings with this technique without using traditional vapour barriers. Initial measurements show that this can be done without reaching critical humidity levels in the walls and roof, at least where wood fibre insulation is used, as this has a greater capacity for storing and evening out the moisture than mineral wool. However, the test building has so far not been exposed to internal generation of moisture (added moisture from showers, food preparation etc.). This needs to be investigated and this will be done during the winter 2013-14. A new fixing method for doors and windows has been tested without traditional fibre filling between them and the CLT panel. The door or window is pressed directly on to the CLT panel instead, with an expandable sealing strip between them. This has been proved to be successful. The air tightness between the CLT panels is achieved with expandable sealing strips between the panels. The position of the sealing strips is important, both for the air tightness itself and to allow rational assembly. Recurrent air tightness measurements show that the air tightness decreased somewhat during the first six months, but not to such an extent that the passive house criteria were not fulfilled. The reason for the decreased air tightness is not clear, but can be due to small movements in the CLT construction and also to the sealing strips being affected by changing outdoor temperatures. Long term measurements (at least two years) have to be carried out before more reliable conclusions can be drawn regarding the long term effect of the construction on air tightness and humidity in the walls. An economic analysis comparing using a concrete frame or the studied CLT frame for a three storey building shows that it is probably more expensive to build with CLT. For buildings higher than three floors, the CLT frame has economic advantages, mainly because of the shorter building time compared to using concrete for the frame. In this analysis, no considerations have been taken to differences in the influence on the environment or the global climate between the two construction methods.
ABSTRACTNeedle fibre calcite (NFC) is one of the most widespread habits of pedogenic calcite. It is a monocrystal of calcite, in the shape of a needle, with a diameter of one micron and a length between 4 and 103 times its width. NFC occurs in soils with different macroscopic and microscopic morphologies. Macroscopically, two main habits of NFC exist: "cotton ball'Mike clusters and as "powder" coating on pebbles inside the soil. It can also act as nucleation sites for precipitation of calcite cements of purely physicochemical origin (LCC - Late Calcitic Cement). Although many studies have been conducted on needle fibre calcite, its origin remains a subject of debate. The NFC having never been reproduced in the laboratory whatever the considered approach, the processes responsible for its precipitation as a so particular morphology remain unexplained. The shift between the length orientation of the needle crystal and the normal axis of calcite growth (c-axis) is also unresolved.Samples taken in two soils observed in quarries (Villiers and Savagnier) in the Swiss Jura Mountains are used to investigate the processes involved in the formation of these calcite crystals in pedogenic environments. Three groups of microscopic morphologies are distinguished: (i) simple needles (SN), (ii) simple needles with overgrowths (SNO), and (iii) simple needles with nanofibres (SNN), nanofibres being either organic or mineral in nature. These groups correspond to different stages in the formation and evolution of NFC.Comparison of carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of NFC with LCC, in relationship with the composition of the carbonate host rock (CHR), and the carbon isotope signature of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the soil waters, indicates that both NFC and LCC are precipitated in isotopic equilibrium with the soil solution. Similar Ô13C and Ô180 values of the elongated NFC and the rhombohedral calcite crystals of the LCC suggest that the precipitation of these different calcite habits is not due to changes in physicochemical conditions. The growth of NFC crystals inside an organic mould formed by the fungal hyphae could explain the formation of calcite ciystals in the shape of a needle in isotopic equilibrium with the local environment.Strontium and calcium isotope compositions of the three microscopic groups of NFC and LCC were also studied, in order to determine the origin of calcium (Ca2+) entrapped in the calcite lattice and to elucidate the processes responsible for the precipitation of NFC. The 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the SN is closer to the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the carbonate host rock than the LCC, SNO, and SNN. This could be another clue for the formation of SN inside fungal hyphae, because fungi are known to dissolve the rocks to release and translocate through their hyphae nutrients necessary for their growth. SN and SNN are depleted in Sr and enriched in ^Ca compared to the LCC. In the context of Villiers quarry, where the two ciystal shapes precipitate at similar temperature (in a range of 0,6°C), such variations are the result of a slower precipitation rate of NFC, which is inconsistent with a purely physicochemically precipitated elongate crystal.Finally, NFC is enriched in major and trace elements (i.e. Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mo) compared to the LCC. This enrichment is ascribed to modification in precipitation processes between the NFC and LCC. Right now, it is not possible to preclude the influence of the particular shape of NFC or the biological influence. REEs are not fractionated in NFC, contrary to LCC. Thus, NFC does not precipitate from a percolation solution circulating downward the soil, which should lead to the fractionation of the REEs. As explained above, fungi, are able to dissolve and translocate nutrients. This kind of processes allows releasing elements in the soil solution without fractionation and could explain the particular chemical signature of NFC regarding the REEs.The geochemical approach to investigate the origin of NFC presented in this study does not allow providing direct clues to the fungal origin of NFC, but brings several new insights in the understanding of the formation of such a particular mineral, calcite needles, by precluding definitively their physicochemical origin.RESUMELa calcite en aiguilles (NFC) est l'une des formes les plus ubiquiste de calcite pédogénique. Il s'agit d'un monocrystal de calcite d'un diamètre d'un micron et d'une longueur 4 à 102 fois supérieure à sa largeur. A l'échelle macroscopique, la NFC a été observée sous deux principaux aspects : l'une « cotonneuse » et l'autre formant un mince croûte autour des graviers du sol. La NFC peut également servir de support à la nucléation de ciments secondaires précipités de manière purement physico-chimique (LCC). Malgré les nombreuses études menées sur la NFC, son origine demeure encore inconnue. A ce jour, aucune expérience en laboratoire n'a permis de créer de la calcite en aiguilles, et ce, quelque soit l'approche abordée. Par conséquent, les processus précis responsables de la précipitation calcite avec une telle morphologie restent inconnus. Le décalage existant entre l'axe d'allongement des aiguilles de calcite et l'axe normal de croissance de la calcite (axe c) reste inexpliqué.Des échantillons de NFC, LCC, roche mère, eau de pluie des différents horizons du sol ont été prélevés principalement au front de deux carrières de graviers, ainsi que dans un profil de sol adjacent à ces carrières, dans le but de mieux comprendre les processus à l'origine de la précipitation de calcite en forme d'aiguille. Trois micro-morphologies ont été distinguées: les aiguilles simples (SN), les aiguilles simples avec surcroissances calcitiques (SNO) et enfin les aiguilles simples avec nanofibres (SNN), celles-ci pouvant être de minérales ou organiques. Ces groupes, d'après nos résultats et les études antérieures pourraient correspondre à différentes étapes de formation de la calcite en aiguilles.Dans un premier temps, la comparaison des signatures isotopiques de la calcite en aiguilles, du LCC, de la roche mère et du carbone inorganique dissout dans la solution du sol (CID) indique que la NFC, tout comme le LCC, précipite en équilibre avec la solution du sol. Les valeurs similaires en Ô13C et δ180 de cristaux de calcite allongés (NFC) et rhombohédriques (LCC) formés dans un même milieu suggère que ces différences morphologiques ne peuvent pas être attribuées à des modifications purement physico-chimiques. La croissance de NFC à l'intérieur d'un moule organique comme les hyphes de champignons semble être la seule hypothèse plausible permettant d'expliquer la formation de monocrystaux allongés de calcite en équilibre avec leur environnement.La composition isotopique en strontium (Sr) et calcium (Ca) des LCC et des trois micro¬morphologies de la NFC ont été étudiées également, afin de déterminer l'origine du Ca2+ présent dans le réseau cristallin de la calcite en aiguilles, ainsi que les processus responsables de la formation de NFC. Les valeurs du rapport 87Sr/86$r de la forme SN sont les plus proches de celles de la roche mère par rapport aux formes SNN et SNO et du LCC. Ceci pourrait être un nouvel indice de l'implication des champignons dans la précipitation de calcite en aiguilles, puisqu'ils sont connus pour avoir la capacité de dissoudre les roches afin de libérer les nutriments nécessaires à leur croissance, ainsi que de les transloquer par leurs hyphes. De plus, les formes SN et SNN sont appauvries en Sr et enrichies en "Ca, comparativement au LCC. Dans le sol étudié, tous les carbonates de calcium précipitent à la même température, par conséquent, de telles variations sont dues à un taux de précipitation plus lent de SN et SNN, ce qui est contradictoire avec l'hypothèse physico-chimique. Pour finir, la NFC est enrichie en certains éléments majeurs et traces (i.e. Fe, Zn, Cu et Mo) par rapport au LCC. Ceci peut être attribué à différents processus de formation entre la NFC et le LCC. Pour le moment il est impossible d'exclure l'influence de la forme particulière de la NFC ou celle du champignon. Les terres rares (REEs) ne sont pas fractionnées dans la NFC, contrairement au LCC. Ceci peut être expliqué par le fait que la NFC précipite à partir d'une solution qui n'a pas percolé à travers le sol. Les champignons en dissolvant les roches mettent en solution éléments sans les fractionner. L'approche géochimique de l'étude de la calcite en aiguilles ne permets pas de produire des preuves directes sur sa potentielle origine fongique, mais permet de mieux comprendre comment un minéral aussi singulier que la NFC peut se former. D'autre pare cette étude permets d'exclure définitivement l'hypothèse physico-chimique de l'origine de la calcite en aiguilles
Loss of coolant accidents (LOCA) in the primary cooling circuit of a nuclear reactor may result in damage to insulation materials that are located near to the leak. The insulation materials released may compromise the operation of the emergency core cooling system (ECCS). Insulation material in the form of mineral wool fibre agglomerates (MWFA) maybe transported to the containment sump strainers mounted at the inlet of the emergency cooling pumps, where the insulation fibres may block or penetrate the strainers. In addition to the impact of MWFA on the pressure drop across the strainers, corrosion products formed over time may also accumulate in the fibre cakes on the strainers, which can lead to a significant increase in the strainer pressure drop and result in cavitation in the ECCS. Thus, knowledge of transport characteristics of the damaged insulation materials in various scenarios is required to help plan for the long-term operability of nuclear reactors, which undergo LOCA. An experimental and theoretical study performed by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf and the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz1 is investigating the phenomena that maybe observed in the containment vessel during a LOCA. The study entails the generation of fibre agglomerates, the determination of their transport properties in single and multi-effect experiments and the long-term effect that corrosion of the containment internals by the coolant has on the strainer pressure drop. The focus of this presentation is on the experiments performed that characterize the horizontal transport of MWFA, whereas the corresponding CFD simulations are described in an accompanying contribution (see abstract of Cartland Glover et al.). The experiments were performed a racetrack type channel that provided a near uniform horizontal flow. The channel is 0.1 wide by 1.2 m high with a straight length of 5 m and two bends of 0.5 m. The measurement techniques include particle imaging (both wide-angle and macro lens), concurrent particle image velocimetry, ultravelocimetry, laser detection sensors to sense the presence of absence of MWFA and pertinent measurements of the MWFA concentration and quiescent settling characteristics. The transport of the MWFA was observed at velocities of 0.1 and 0.25 m s-1 to verify numerical model behaviour in and just beyond expected velocities in the containment sump of a nuclear reactor.
The investigation of insulation debris generation, transport and sedimentation becomes important with regard to reactor safety research for PWR and BWR, when considering the long-term behaviour of emergency core cooling systems during all types of loss of coolant accidents. A joint research project on such questions is being performed in cooperation between the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz (HSZG) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR). The project deals with the experimental investigation of particle transport phenomena in coolant flow and the development of CFD models for its description (see [10-12]). While the experiments are performed at the University at Zittau/Görlitz, the theoretical modelling efforts are concentrated in Rossendorf. In the current paper, the basic concepts for CFD modelling are described and feasibility studies are presented. The model capabilities are demonstrated via complex flow situations, where a plunging jet agitates insulation debris. © Carl Hanser Verlag, München.
A combination of the two-fluid and drift flux models have been used to model the transport of fibrous debris. This debris is generated during loss of coolant accidents in the primary circuit of pressurized or boiling water nuclear reactors, as high pressure steam or water jets can damage adjacent insulation materials including mineral wool blankets. Fibre agglomerates released from the mineral wools may reach the containment sump strainers, where they can accumulate and compromise the long-term operation of the emergency core cooling system. Single-effect experiments of sedimentation in a quiescent rectangular column and sedimentation in a horizontal flow are used to verify and validate this particular application of the multiphase numerical models. The utilization of both modeling approaches allows a number of pseudocontinuous dispersed phases of spherical wetted agglomerates to be modeled simultaneously. Key effects on the transport of the fibre agglomerates are particle size, density and turbulent dispersion, as well as the relative viscosity of the fluid-fibre mixture.
• Microsatellite primers were developed for Orthophytum ophiuroides, a rupicolous bromeliad species endemic to neotropical rocky fields. These microsatellite loci will be used to investigate population differentiation and species cohesion in such fragmented environments. The loci were tested for cross-amplification in related bromeliad species. • Eleven polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized from an enriched library of O. ophiuroides. The loci were tested on 42 individuals from two populations of this species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from three to nine and the expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.167 to 0.870 and from 0.369 to 0.958, respectively. Seven loci successfully amplified in other related bromeliad species. • Our results suggest that the microsatellite loci developed here will be useful to assess genetic diversity and gene flow in O. ophiuroides for the investigation of population differentiation and species cohesion in neotropical mountainous habitats.
The authors present a comparative analysis between a triple-band S-C-L erbium-doped fibre amplifier and a commercial semiconductor optical amplifier in a CWDM application scenario. Both technologies were characterised for gain and noise figures from 1480 to 1610 nm (S, C and L bands) and their systemic performances were evaluated in terms of bit error rate measurements for a wide range of optical power levels.
A finite element homogenization method for a shear actuated d(15) macro-fibre composite (MFC) made of seven layers (Kapton, acrylic, electrode, piezoceramic fibre and epoxy composite, electrode, acrylic, Kapton) is proposed and used for the characterization of its effective material properties. The methodology is first validated for the MFC active layer only, made of piezoceramic fibre and epoxy, through comparison with previously published analytical results. Then, the methodology is applied to the seven-layer MFC. It is shown that the packaging reduces significantly the shear stiffness of the piezoceramic material and, thus, leads to significantly smaller effective electromechanical coupling coefficient k(15) and piezoelectric stress constant e(15) when compared to the piezoceramic fibre properties. However, it is found that the piezoelectric charge constant d(15) is less affected by the softer layers required by the MFC packaging.
The objective of the present research was to evaluate the effect of fibre morphology (e.g., length, width, fibrillation, broken ends, content of fines and number of fibres per gram) on flocculation and drainage properties of fibre-cement suspensions and on physical properties of the fibre-cement composites. Mechanical refining was used to change the morphological properties of Eucalyptus and Pinus pulps. Results show that the mechanical refining increased the size of the formed flocs and decreased the concentration of free small particles (with dimensions between 1 and 20 pm) as a consequence of the increased fibrillation and content of fines, which increased the capacity of the fibres to capture the mineral particles. High levels of refining were necessary for Pinus pulp to obtain cement retention values similar to those obtained by unrefined Eucalyptus pulp. This is due to the higher number of fibres per gram in Eucalyptus pulp than in Pinus pulp. Pulp refining improved the packing of the particles and, although decreased the drainage rate. it contributed to a less porous structure, which improved the microstructure of the composite. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A weathering classification for granitic rock materials from southeastern Brazil was framed based on core characteristics. The classification was substantiated by a detailed petrographic study. Indirect assessment of weathering grades by density, ultrasonic and Schmidt hammer index tests was performed. Rebound values due to Schmidt hammer multiple impacts at one representative point were more efficient in predicting weathering grades than averaged single impact rebound values, P-wave velocities and densities. Uniaxial compression tests revealed that a large range of uniaxial compressive strength (214-153 MPa) exists in Grade I category where weathering does not seem to have played any role. It was concluded that variability in occurrences of quartz intragranular cracks and in biotite percentage, distribution and orientation might have played a key role in accelerating or decelerating the failure processes of the Grade I specimens. Deterioration of uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus and increase in Poisson`s ratio with increasing weathering intensity could be attributed to alteration of minerals, disruption of rock skeleton and microcrack augmentation. A crude relation between failure modes and weathering grades also emerged.
The main objective of this work was to investigate three packing materials (polyurethane foam, sugar-cane bagasse, and coconut fibre) for biofiltration of a gaseous mixture containing hydrogen sulphide (H(2)S). Mixed cultures were obtained from two sources, aerated submerged biofilters and activated sludge, and were utilised as inoculums. Biofilters reached 100% removal efficiency after two clays of operation. The empty bed residence time was 495 for each of the biofilters. The reactors were operated simultaneously, and the inlet concentrations of H(2)S varied between 184 and 644 ppmv during the long-term continuous operation of the biofilters (100 clays). Average removal efficiencies remained above 99.3%, taking into consideration the entire period of operation. Average elimination capacities reached by the biofilters packed with polyurethane foam, coconut fibre, and sugarcane bagasse were in the range of 17.8-66.6; 18.9-68.8, and 18.7-72.9g m(-3) h(-1), respectively. Finally, we concluded that the packing materials tested in this work are appropriate for the long-term biofiltration of hydrogen sulphide. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The results concerning on an experimental and a numerical study related to SFRCP are presented. Eighteen pipes with an internal diameter of 600 mm and fibre dosages of 10, 20 and 40 kg/m(3) were manufactured and tested. Some technological aspects were concluded. Likewise, a numerical parameterized model was implemented. With this model, the simulation of the resistant behaviour of SFRCP can be performed. In this sense, the results experimentally obtained were contrasted with those suggested by means MAP reaching very satisfactory correlations. Taking it into account, it could be said that the numerical model is a useful tool for the optimal design of the SFRCP fibre dosages, avoiding the need of the systematic employment of the test as an indirect design method. Consequently, the use of this model would reduce the overall cost of the pipes and would give fibres a boost as a solution for this structural typology.
An efficient expert system for the power transformer condition assessment is presented in this paper. Through the application of Duval`s triangle and the method of the gas ratios a first assessment of the transformer condition is obtained in the form of a dissolved gas analysis (DGA) diagnosis according IEC 60599. As a second step, a knowledge mining procedure is performed, by conducting surveys whose results are fed into a first Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System (T2-FLS), in order to initially evaluate the condition of the equipment taking only the results of dissolved gas analysis into account. The output of this first T2-FLS is used as the input of a second T2-FLS, which additionally weighs up the condition of the paper-oil system. The output of this last T2-FLS is given in terms of words easily understandable by the maintenance personnel. The proposed assessing methodology has been validated for several cases of transformers in service. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigated the effect of inulin as a prebiotic on the production of probiotic fibre-enriched fermented milk. The kinetics of acidification of inulin-supplemented milk (0, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.04 g/g), as well as probiotic survival, pH and firmness of fermented milk stored at 4 degrees C for 24 h and 7 days after preparation were examined. Probiotic fibre-enriched fermented milk quality was influenced both by the amount of inulin and by the co-culture composition. Depending on the co-culture, inulin addition to milk influenced acidification kinetic parameters, probiotic counts, pH and the firmness of the product.