57 resultados para Resultants


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Lloyd, Noel G., and Pearson, Jane M., 'Space saving calculation of symbolic resultants', Mathematics in Computer Science, 1 (2007), 267-290.


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The sparse differential resultant dres(P) of an overdetermined system P of generic nonhomogeneous ordinary differential polynomials, was formally defined recently by Li, Gao and Yuan (2011). In this note, a differential resultant formula dfres(P) is defined and proved to be nonzero for linear "super essential" systems. In the linear case, dres(P) is proved to be equal, up to a nonzero constant, to dfres(P*) for the supper essential subsystem P* of P.


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In the companion paper, a fourth-order element formulation in an updated Lagrangian formulation was presented to handle geometric non-linearities. The formulation of the present paper extends this to include material non-linearity by proposing a refined plastic hinge approach to analyse large steel framed structures with many members, for which contemporary algorithms based on the plastic zone approach can be problematic computationally. This concept is an advancement of conventional plastic hinge approaches, as the refined plastic hinge technique allows for gradual yielding, being recognized as distributed plasticity across the element section, a condition of full plasticity, as well as including strain hardening. It is founded on interaction yield surfaces specified analytically in terms of force resultants, and achieves accurate and rapid convergence for large frames for which geometric and material non-linearity are significant. The solutions are shown to be efficacious in terms of a balance of accuracy and computational expediency. In addition to the numerical efficiency, the present versatile approach is able to capture different kinds of material and geometric non-linearities on general applications of steel structures, and thereby it offers an efficacious and accurate means of assessing non-linear behaviour of the structures for engineering practice.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the component-laminate load-carrying capacity, i.e., to calculate the loads that cause the failure of the individual layers and the component-laminate as a whole in four-bar mechanism. The component-laminate load-carrying capacity is evaluated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various layups. The reserve factor of each ply in the component-laminate is calculated by using the maximum resultant force and the maximum resultant moment occurring at different time steps at the joints of the mechanism. Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically nonlinear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and nonlinear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. For the thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is also overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the nonlinear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the nonlinear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. Local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the component-bars are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. A numerical example is presented which illustrates the failure of each component-laminate and the mechanism as a whole.


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This paper deals with the evaluation of the component-laminate load-carrying capacity, i.e., to calculate the loads that cause the failure of the individual layers and the component-laminate as a whole in four-bar mechanism. The component-laminate load-carrying capacity is evaluated using the Tsai-Wu-Hahn failure criterion for various lay-ups. The reserve factor of each ply in the component-laminate is calculated by using the maximum resultant force and the maximum resultant moment occurring at different time steps at the joints of the mechanism. Here, all component bars of the mechanism are made of fiber reinforced laminates and have thin rectangular cross-sections. They could, in general, be pre-twisted and/or possess initial curvature, either by design or by defect. They are linked to each other by means of revolute joints. We restrict ourselves to linear materials with small strains within each elastic body (strip-like beam). Each component of the mechanism is modeled as a beam based on geometrically non-linear 3-D elasticity theory. The component problems are thus split into 2-D analyses of reference beam cross-sections and non-linear 1-D analyses along the three beam reference curves. For the thin rectangular cross-sections considered here, the 2-D cross-sectional nonlinearity is also overwhelming. This can be perceived from the fact that such sections constitute a limiting case between thin-walled open and closed sections, thus inviting the non-linear phenomena observed in both. The strong elastic couplings of anisotropic composite laminates complicate the model further. However, a powerful mathematical tool called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) not only enables such a dimensional reduction, but also provides asymptotically correct analytical solutions to the non-linear cross-sectional analysis. Such closed-form solutions are used here in conjunction with numerical techniques for the rest of the problem to predict more quickly and accurately than would otherwise be possible. Local 3-D stress, strain and displacement fields for representative sections in the component-bars are recovered, based on the stress resultants from the 1-D global beam analysis. A numerical example is presented which illustrates the failure of each component-laminate and the mechanism as a whole.


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A state-based peridynamic formulation for linear elastic shells is presented. The emphasis is on introducing, possibly for the first time, a general surface based peridynamic model to represent the deformation characteristics of structures that have one geometric dimension much smaller than the other two. A new notion of curved bonds is exploited to cater for force transfer between the peridynamic particles describing the shell. Starting with the three dimensional force and deformation states, appropriate surface based force, moment and several deformation states are arrived at. Upon application on the curved bonds, such states yield the necessary force and deformation vectors governing the motion of the shell. By incorporating a shear correction factor, the formulation also accommodates analysis of shells that have higher thickness. In order to attain this, a consistent second order approximation to the complementary energy density is considered and incorporated in peridynamics via constitutive correspondence. Unlike the uncoupled constitution for thin shells, a consequence of a first order approximation, constitutive relations for thick shells are fully coupled in that surface wryness influences the in-plane stress resultants and surface strain the moments. Our proposal on the peridynamic shell theory is numerically assessed against simulations on static deformation of spherical and cylindrical shells, that of flat plates and quasi-static fracture propagation in a cylindrical shell. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[ES] El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el estado nutricional y la calidad de la dieta en un grupo de bailarinas en edad escolar (8-12 años). La prevalencia de bajo-peso fue del 9,1%, no registrándose ningún caso de sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado nutricional fue adecuado, aunque los resultados de IMC se encontraban por debajo de la media para su edad y su dieta “necesita mejorar”.


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This investigation is concerned with the notion of concentrated loads in classical elastostatics and related issues. Following a limit treatment of problems involving concentrated internal and surface loads, the orders of the ensuing displacements and stress singularities, as well as the stress resultants of the latter, are determined. These conclusions are taken as a basis for an alternative direct formulation of concentrated-load problems, the completeness of which is established through an appropriate uniqueness theorem. In addition, the present work supplies a reciprocal theorem and an integral representation-theorem applicable to singular problems of the type under consideration. Finally, in the course of the analysis presented here, the theory of Green's functions in elastostatics is extended.


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An on-line sample introduction technique in capillary gas chromatograph (CGC) for the analysis of high-pressure gas-liquid mixtures has been designed and evaluated. A sample loop of 0.05 muL and a washing solvent loop of 0.5 muL are mounted on a 10-port switching valve, which serves as the injection valve. A capillary resistor was connected to the vent of sample loop in order to maintain the pressure of the sample. Both the sample and the washing solvent are transferred into the split-injection port through a narrow bore fused silica capillary inserted into the injection liner through a septum. The volume of the liner is used both as the pressure-release damper and evaporation chamber of the sample. On-line analysis of both reactants and resultants in ethylene olimer reaction mixture at 5 MPa was carried out, which demonstrated the applicability of the technique. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recent research on Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, which are constructed by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve laminate performance under mechanical loads. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation can be achieved either by variation of the fiber orientation in the direction of the global x-axis, or perpendicular to it. In the present paper, thermal analysis of a VS laminate is performed to study the effect of steering fibers on transient heat conduction under uniform heat flux using finite element method. The goal of the present paper is a parametric study of the effect of variable stiffness properties on transient response including time to reach steady state and temperature profile. Also, stress resultants and maximum stress location are investigated under different boundary conditions. A FEM algorithm is applied to exactly incorporate the boundary conditions for stress resultant analysis.


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Recent research on Variable Stiffness (VS) laminates, which are constructed by steering the fiber orientation as a spatial function of location, have shown to improve laminate performance under mechanical loads. Two distinct cases of stiffness variation can be achieved either by variation of the fiber orientation in the direction of the global x-axis, or perpendicular to it. In the present paper, thermal analysis of VS laminate is performed to study the effect of steering fibers on transient heat conduction under uniform heat flux using finite element method. The goal of the present paper is a parametric study of the
effect of variable stiffness properties on transient response including time to reach steady state and temperature profile. Also, stress resultants and maximum stress location are investigated under different boundary conditions. A FEM algorithm is applied to exactly incorporate the boundary conditions.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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A la vista dels buits acadèmics detectats, aquest estudi té per objectiu la configuració del mapa de clústers turístics de Catalunya, a partir dels seus productes turístics, tant pel que fa a l’existència actual com al potencial desenvolupament de noves sinèrgies entre els existents, a partir de nous criteris d’organització de l’oferta, fonamentalment per atendre a les noves motivacions de la demanda. Ens fem la pregunta:¿Es poden trobar criteris per al desenvolupament de les destinacions turístiques que permeabilitzin les estructures administratives actuals, i prioritzin criteris de producte, mercat o demanda i d’empresa, garantint la màxima competitivitat i sostenibilitat dels productes turístics resultants?


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El projecte consisteix en l’anàlisi tèrmica de l’obtenció d’òxids de ceri a partir de precursors moleculars com són el propionat de ceri (III), el propionat de ceri (III) dopat amb gadolini i el propionat de ceri (III) dopat amb zirconi. Els òxids resultants són materials superconductors que ofereixen una resistència nul•la al pas del corrent en determinades condicions. Per realitzar l’estudi hem fet servir quatre tècniques diferents: termogravimetria, calorimetria diferencial, espectrometria de masses i difracció de raigs-x