49 resultados para Reinsertion


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Resumen: Este trabajo pretende avanzar sobre una problemática escasamente abordada por la historiografía jurídica y social argentina: la reinserción social de los egresados de las prisiones. Así, partiendo de la utilidad que tienen para la historiografía los estudios biográficos y de instituciones penitenciarias y post-penitenciarias, analizaremos algunos aspectos de la labor profesional de Jorge H. Frías, distinguido jurista, presidente de la Cámara de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional y fundador en 1918 de la primera institución de reinserción social de la Argentina: el Patronato de Liberados y Excarcelados de la Capital Federal. Esperamos que este breve trabajo contribuya a alentar la realización de otros estudios sobre diferentes aspectos del universo penitenciario argentino (directores de presidios, viajeros penitenciarios, congresos penitenciarios nacionales e internacionales, revistas de los funcionarios de prisiones, etc.) que aún hoy en día permanecen desconocidos.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado analiza el tratamiento penal de los sujetos imputables peligrosos que mantienen la peligrosidad criminal tras el cumplimiento de la pena de prisión. De esta manera, se investiga la regulación jurídica española dirigida a este colectivo, poniendo de manifiesto que hasta la entrada en vigor de la Ley Orgánica 5/2010 de reforma del Código Penal no había prevista ninguna medida de seguridad enfocada a este grupo específico y concluyendo que la medida de “libertad vigilada” introducida en dicha reforma no es del todo efectiva para alcanzar la reinserción del reo. Por todo ello, se argumenta que la política criminal llevada a cabo en los últimos años ha llevado la seguridad a un extremo tal que no se han podido garantizar del todo los derechos individuales del colectivo anteriormente mencionado. Asimismo, se investiga la “custodia de seguridad” vigente en la regulación alemana, haciendo notoria la importancia de la seguridad e inocuización. En síntesis, se estudia si el delincuente ha quedado subordinado al orden jurídico y a la seguridad, esclareciendo si han sido respetados los principios y garantías inherentes a un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho.


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Avant-propos: La résolution de conflits s’est installée dans les cursus universitaires comme une discipline à part entière sinon comme une orientation au sein de plusieurs sciences sociales. En effet, ce champ d’étude fait de plus en plus l’objet de réflexions en sciences politiques, en sociologie, en anthropologie, etc, et ce, de par l’interdisciplinarité des questionnements qui en relèvent. Toutefois, la dimension religieuse, souvent considérée comme source de conflits, est quasi inexistante lorsqu’il est question d’approches de résolution. Nous nous proposons donc d’examiner la solha, une pratique proche orientale au sein de laquelle le fait religieux est une composante essentielle à la réconciliation escomptée. Note concernant la translittération: Les termes provenant de l’arabe feront l’objet d’une translittération phonétique basée sur le français. Notez que les translittérations en langue française sont différentes de celle en langue anglaise. Par exemple, le terme solha trouvera son équivalent anglais dans le terme sulha (d’où la différence d’orthographe entre le contenu de cette étude et les citations qui proviennent d’articles anglophones). De plus, notez que le genre (féminin, masculin) des termes translittérés reprendra celui de la langue d’origine, l’arabe. Ainsi, solha sera féminin, jaha aussi, etc… Finalement, pour des raisons de clarté, les termes translittérés seront tous en italique dans le texte.


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Les ataxies épisodiques (EA) d’origine génétique sont un groupe de maladies possédant un phénotype et génotype hétérogènes, mais ont en commun la caractéristique d’un dysfonctionnement cérébelleux intermittent. Les EA de type 1 et 2 sont les plus largement reconnues des ataxies épisodiques autosomiques dominantes et sont causées par un dysfonctionnement des canaux ioniques voltage-dépendants dans les neurones. La présente étude se concentrera sur les mutations causant l'EA-1, retrouvées dans le senseur de voltage (VSD) de Kv1.1, un canal très proche de la famille des canaux Shaker. Nous avons caractérisé les propriétés électrophysiologiques de six mutations différentes à la position F244 et partiellement celles des mutations T284 A/M, R297 K/Q/A/H, I320T, L375F, L399I et S412 C/I dans la séquence du Shaker grâce à la technique du ‘’cut open voltage clamp’’ (COVC). Les mutations de la position F244 situées sur le S1 du canal Shaker sont caractérisées par un décalement des courbes QV et GV vers des potentiels dépolarisants et modifient le couplage fonctionnel entre le domaine VSD et le pore. Un courant de fuite est observé durant la phase d'activation des courants transitoires et peut être éliminé par l'application du 4-AP (4-aminopyridine) ou la réinsertion de l'inactivation de type N mais pas par le TEA (tétraéthylamonium). Dans le but de mieux comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de la stabilisation d’un état intermédiaire, nous avons étudié séparément la neutralisation des trois premières charges positives du S4 (R1Q, R2Q et R3Q). Il en est ressorti l’existence d’une interaction entre R2 et F244. Une seconde interface entre S1 et le pore proche de la surface extracellulaire agissant comme un second point d'ancrage et responsable des courants de fuite a été mis en lumière. Les résultats suggèrent une anomalie du fonctionnement du VSD empêchant la repolarisation normale de la membrane des cellules nerveuses affectées à la suite d'un potentiel d'action.


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This thesis is concerned with the interaction between literature and abstract thought. More specifically, it studies the epistemological charge of the literary, the type of knowledge that is carried by elements proper to fictional narratives into different disciplines. By concentrating on two different theoretical methods, the creation of thought experiments and the framing of possible worlds, methods which were elaborated and are still used today in spheres as varied as modal logics, analytic philosophy and physics, and by following their reinsertion within literary theory, the research develops the theory that both thought experiments and possible worlds are in fact short narrative stories that inform knowledge through literary means. By using two novels, Abbott’s Flatland and Vonnegut’s The Sirens of Titan, that describe extra-dimensional existence in radically different ways, respectively as a phenomenologically unknowable space and as an outward perspective on time, it becomes clear that literature is constitutive of the way in which worlds, fictive, real or otherwise, are constructed and understood. Thus dimensions, established through extensional analogies as either experimental knowledge or modal possibility for a given world, generate new directions for thought, which can then take part in the inductive/deductive process of scientia. By contrasting the dimensions of narrative with the way that dimensions were historically constituted, the research also establishes that the literary opens up an infinite potential of abstract space-time domains, defined by their specific rules and limits, and that these different experimental folds are themselves partaking in a dimensional process responsible for new forms of understanding. Over against science fiction literary theories of speculation that posit an equation between the fictive and the real, this thesis examines the complex structure of many overlapping possibilities that can organise themselves around larger compossible wholes, thus offering a theory of reading that is both non-mimetic and non-causal. It consequently examines the a dynamic process whereby literature is always reconceived through possibilities actualised by reading while never defining how the reader will ultimately understand the overarching structure. In this context, the thesis argues that a causal story can be construed out of any one interaction with a given narrative—underscoring, for example, the divinatory strength of a particular vision of the future—even as this narrative represents only a fraction of the potential knowledge of any particular literary text. Ultimately, the study concludes by tracing out how novel comprehensions of the literary, framed by the material conditions of their own space and time, endlessly renew themselves through multiple interactions, generating analogies and speculations that facilitate the creation of new knowledge.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise (M. Sc.) en criminologie option intervention.


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Este trabajo pretende describir las características sociodemográficas, clínicas, ocupacionales y los resultados parciales del proceso de inserción - reinserción laboral de los trabajadores con discapacidad osteomuscular del centro comercial. Además, comparar el grupo de trabajadores en condición de discapacidad vs. el grupo de trabajadores sin discapacidad según los resultados en términos de productividad, confort y seguridad. Diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, de tipo correlacional. Población: vigilantes de la empresa SOCOVIG LTDA. que laboran en el Centro Comercial Gran Estación Bogotá en el período del mes de octubre del año 2009. Se desarrolló un cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos, que incluye variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y ocupacionales; se realiza el análisis estadístico utilizando distribuciones de frecuencias y porcentuales, en cuanto a las variables cuantitativas el promedio, la mediana, rango de desviación estándar y se usó el Ji cuadrado de asociación de Pearson con un nivel de significancia del 5%. En total se estudiaron 107 trabajadores, de los cuales 21 presentaban condición de discapacidad osteomuscular, lo que representa un 19.62% del total de la muestra. Al comparar los resultados en relación a productividad, confort y seguridad del grupo de trabajadores discapacitados vs. los trabajadores no discapacitados, no se obtuvo una diferencia significativa, Ji cuadrado de asociación de Pearson con un nivel de significancia < 5%. Lo que nos lleva a concluir que el grupo de trabajadores con discapacidad pueden desempeñar sus labores en el mismo cargo y con iguales condiciones laborales, que los trabajadores sin discapacidad, obteniendo los mismos resultados de productividad, confort y seguridad.


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Esta investigación toma como marco general la Política de Reintegración Social y económica de personas y grupos alzados en armas en Colombia, en donde tras el estudio de las trayectorias en el conflicto de un grupo de 9 excombatientes, se aborda la relación existente entre los beneficios otorgados por dicha política y aquello que facilitó y motivó el ingreso, la permanencia y desmovilización de los grupos armados. Se presenta una caracterización e interpretación conceptual de las denominadas trayectorias en el conflicto, son establecidas relaciones y diferencias entre las organizaciones ilegales FARC y las AUC, se revisan las percepciones que frente a los beneficios del programa de reintegración tienen excombatientes y profesionales de la entidad que lidera dicho proceso y a partir de ello, es argumentada la incidencia que sobre el éxito de esta política tienen las características individuales y particulares, tanto de los excombatientes como de las organizaciones armadas ilegales.


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Durante las dos últimas décadas, la etapa final de los programas modernos de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR), se ha convertido en un componente decisivo en los procesos de transición hacia la paz. Aun así, no existe suficiente análisis conceptual sobre la Reintegración. Esta investigación analiza cómo desde sus inicios, las experiencias de práctica e implementación de programas de DDR ha influenciado y contribuido a la aparición y transformación del concepto de reintegración de excombatientes a la vida civil. La investigación toma tres categorías de análisis de la metodología historiográfica Historia de los Conceptos, propuesta por Reinhart Koselleck, y a partir de cuatro casos, Namibia, República Democrática del Congo, la provincia de Aceh, Indonesia y Colombia, traza una línea de tiempo que evidencia elementos permanentes y discontinuidades al interior del concepto a nivel diacrónico, y la complejización que el término ha sufrido desde 1989 hasta el 2015 a nivel sincrónico


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It is known that Escherichia coli K-12 is cryptic (Phn(-)) for utilization of methyl phosphonate (MePn) and that Phn(+) variants can be selected for growth on MePn as the sole P source. Variants arise from deletion via a possible slip strand mechanism of one of three direct 8-bp repeat sequences in phnE, which restores function to a component of a putative ABC type transporter. Here we show that Phn(+) variants are present at the surprisingly high frequency of >10(-2) in K-12 strains. Amplified-fragment length polymorphism analysis was used to monitor instability in phnE in various strains growing under different conditions. This revealed that, once selection for growth on MePn is removed, Phn(+) revertants reappear and accumulate at high levels through reinsertion of the 8-bp repeat element sequence. It appears that, in K-12, phnE contains a high-frequency reversible gene switch, producing phase variation which either allows ("on" form) or blocks ("off" form) MePn utilization. The switch can also block usage of other metabolizable alkyl phosphonates, including the naturally occurring 2-aminoethylphosphonate. All K-12 strains, obtained from collections, appear in the "off" form even when bearing mutations in mutS, mutD, or dnaQ which are known to enhance slip strand events between repetitive sequences. The ability to inactivate the phnE gene appears to be unique to K-12 strains since the B strain is naturally Phn(+) and lacks the inactivating 8-bp insertion in phnE, as do important pathogenic strains for which genome sequences are known and also strains isolated recently from environmental sources.


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The present work shows an inquiry about the conceptions and practical work of the nursing professionals on the accompaniment of mental sick patients in the Family s Health Strategy, under the approach of the completeness in health. The justification of this research is given by bringing an special attention concerning the subjet to these professionals of health: the gradual abandonment of the traditional manicomial model leads to the insertion of mental patients in the community . The nursing professionals must be prepared to receive these patients in the basic net of health and contribute to help their adaptation and insertion in the social environment as citizen. In this context, considering the entire attention to the mental health, it is important to detach that the assistance to the patient must search his reinsertion in the community by providing programs that develops his sociability. This analytical study was developed using a qualitative approach and a thematic verbal history. Ten nurses of Nova Natal s Health of the Family Unit, of Felipe Camarão Mista s Unit and of Cidade da Esperança s Health Unit contributed for its development . The information was acquired through an instrument research that made possible the accomplishment of the interviews. These ones were set previously and counted on the assent of the participants. The interviews were recorded and analyzed in accordance with the pertinent literature concerning the subject. The aggregation of the information was then discussed. At this moment three thematic axles were defined dividing the categories of analysis. According to the results of the interviews, the practical procedure given to the patients with mental upheaval is resumed by the prescription of psicotroprics medicaments. It doesn t provide an accompaniment by the professionals of health, specifically, nurses, to the patients and their families. The lack of qualification and a multi-professional team emerged as one of the challenges for the implementation of practical procedures towards the patients with mental upheaval. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of transformations in the current scene of the mental health in the Family s Health Strategy. These changes can be reached by politics investments on the mental health area, not only financially but by providing human resources that should allow the professionals to exert the completeness procedures


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Intentional reimplantation is defined as a procedure in which an intentional tooth extraction is performed followed by reinsertion of the extracted tooth into its own alveolus. Int his paper, intentional reimplantation is described and discussed as a treatment approach to root canal instrument separation in conjunction with root perforation. An 8-year follow-up case report is presented. The reimplanted tooth is now a fixed bridge abutment. Although successful in this case, the intentional reimplantation procedure should be considered a treatment of last resort, that is, when another treatment option is not viable for the treatment of root perforation/instrument retrieval.


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This case report describes a technique that uses a palatal mucosal graft and an acrylic resin postoperative stent in an attempt to increase the layer of keratinized tissue around osseointegrated implants in an atrophic mandible. During second-stage surgery a split-thickness labial flap is reflected and apically repositioned by being sutured onto the periosteum and connective tissue. A palatal mucosal graft is then sutured onto the recipient site. The stent is worn for at least 4 weeks following surgery. This procedure helps to eliminate mobility of the mucosa in the area, deepen the vestibule, and prevent muscle reinsertion. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2008;28:617-623.)


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Background. Severely resorbed mandibles often present a short band of keratinized tissue associated with a shallow vestibule. As a result, prominent muscle insertions are present, especially in the mental region of the mandible. This case report describes the deepening of the vestibular sulcus in an atrophic mandible by combining free gingival grafts harvested from the palate and a postoperative acrylic resin stent screwed on osseointegrated implants placed at the anterior region of the mandible.Study design. During the second-stage surgery, a split-thickness labial flap was reflected and apically sutured onto the periosteum. Two free gingival grafts were obtained and then sutured at this recipient site. A previously custom-made acrylic stent was then screwed onto the most distally positioned implants. To document the procedure's stability over time, a metal ball was placed in the most apical part of the vestibule and standardized cephalometric radiographs were taken before and 6 months after the procedure. Linear measurements of vestibular depths over the observation time were realized using specific software for radiographic analysis.Results. The proposed technique augmented the band of attached masticatory mucosa, deepened the vestibule and prevented the muscle reinsertion. The difference between the 2 measurements of vestibular depths was 9.39 mm (initial 20.88 mm, final 11.49 mm) after a 6-month postoperative period.Conclusion. The technique, in combination with palatal mucosal graft and use of a postoperative stent, decreased the pull of mentalis muscle and provided a peri-implantally stable soft tissue around implants. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2008; 106: e7-e14)