917 resultados para Regional Control
Os tumores da cabeça e pescoço (TCP) associam-se a elevada morbilidade e mortalidade. A referenciação atempada assume particular importância na evolução clínica. No intuito de avaliar a evolução dos doentes observados em consulta de Otorrinolaringologia “Oncológica”, procedeu-se a um estudo dos doentes com TCP referenciados ao Instituto Português de Oncologia (IPO) de Lisboa no ano 2008. Dos 454 doentes observados, a maioria era do sexo masculino (86%) com idade média 60 anos. Os tumores mais comuns foram laríngeos (36%), a maioria (69%) em estadio avançado. A cirurgia foi o tratamento primário em 60%. O intervalo médio de tempo entre primeira consulta e tratamento foi 75 dias, e a sobrevida global aos 2 anos 66%. A maioria dos doentes apresentava tumores avançados aquando da referenciação, o que comprometeu a sobrevida e o controlo locorregional, apesar do início rápido dos tratamentos. Políticas de saúde pública deveriam ser implementadas para melhoria da educação para a saúde, prevenção e referenciação destes doentes.
Le virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (SRRP) est actuellement l’une des principales menaces pour la santé des troupeaux porcins. Les multiples voies de transmission complexifient l’épidémiologie de l’infection et en font une maladie particulièrement difficile à contrôler. L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche était de déterminer les facteurs associés au statut SRRP des sites de production afin de mieux comprendre l’épidémiologie de cette maladie au sein de deux régions du Québec ayant des densités porcines différentes. Les stratégies d’introduction des cochettes de remplacement ont d’abord été examinées. Des lacunes importantes ont été identifiées représentant un risque potentiel pour l’introduction du virus ou pour la recirculation d’une souche endémique au sein d’un troupeau reproducteur. Ainsi, appliquée à titre de stratégie de contrôle, l’acclimatation s’est révélée particulièrement problématique. Les principes de base étaient peu respectés, pouvant donc avoir un impact négatif considérable sur la circulation virale au sein du troupeau et potentiellement sur le voisinage immédiat. La fréquence de plusieurs mesures de biosécurité externe a ensuite été évaluée, permettant d’identifier certains problèmes dont ceux touchant principalement les mesures d’hygiène relatives au protocole d’entrée. Des différences de fréquence entre les régions et les types de production ont également été notées, ce qui peut orienter les interventions de rehaussement. Une classification multivariée a permis de grouper les sites en différents patrons de biosécurité pour constituer par le fait même un index de biosécurité. Cette étape a permis d’évaluer l’association entre certaines caractéristiques de l’élevage et le niveau de biosécurité indiqué par l’index. La distribution géographique des patrons au sein des deux régions, couplée à la détection d’agrégats spatiaux de sites ayant un patron similaire, a également permis de cibler davantage les interventions en fonction de la localisation des sites. Suite à l’investigation du statut SRRP des sites, une prévalence apparente très élevée a été obtenue pour les deux régions, complexifiant le contrôle de la maladie. L’étude de facteurs de risque dans la région de densité modérée a mis en évidence quatre facteurs associés au statut SRRP positif des sites, soit un inventaire important, la proximité du site porcin immédiat, l’absence de douche ainsi que le libre accès au site par l’équarrisseur. Une action préventive intégrant des mesures de biosécurité spécifiques peut donc être entreprise directement à la ferme au regard des deux derniers facteurs. Le fait d’utiliser un index de biosécurité plutôt que des mesures de biosécurité spécifiques a également été évalué. Les résultats ne supportent pas l’index global dans l’évaluation de l’association entre la biosécurité et le statut SRRP des sites de production. Finalement, la corrélation entre les distances génétique, euclidienne et temporelle des souches de SRRP, considérant également l’appartenance au même ou à des propriétaires différents, a été évaluée au sein de la région de haute densité. Une corrélation positive entre la distance génétique et euclidienne observée jusqu’à 5 km a souligné l’importance de la propagation régionale impliquant les aérosols, les insectes, d’autres espèces animales ou les objets inanimés. De plus, les souches génétiquement similaires appartenaient davantage à des sites ayant le même propriétaire, ce qui sous-tend des mécanismes de transmission impliquant une source commune d’animaux, d’employés, d’équipement, voire de véhicules.
Problématique : Bien que le tabac et l’alcool soient les facteurs causaux principaux des cancers épidermoïdes de l’oropharynx, le virus du papillome humain (VPH) serait responsable de l’augmentation récente de l’incidence de ces cancers, particulièrement chez les patients jeunes et/ou non-fumeurs. La prévalence du VPH à haut risque, essentiellement de type 16, est passée de 20% à plus de 60% au cours des vingt dernières années. Certaines études indiquent que les cancers VPH-positifs ont un meilleur pronostic que les VPH- négatifs, mais des données prospectives à cet égard sont rares dans la littérature, surtout pour les études de phase III avec stratification basée sur les risques. Hypothèses et objectifs : Il est présumé que la présence du VPH est un facteur de bon pronostic. L’étude vise à documenter la prévalence du VPH dans les cancers de l’oropharynx, et à établir son impact sur le pronostic, chez des patients traités avec un schéma thérapeutique incluant la chimio-radiothérapie. Méthodologie : Les tumeurs proviennent de cas traités au CHUM pour des cancers épidermoïdes de la sphère ORL à un stade localement avancé (III, IVA et IVB). Elles sont conservées dans une banque tumorale, et les données cliniques sur l’efficacité du traitement et les effets secondaires, recueillies prospectivement. La présence du VPH est établie par biologie moléculaire déterminant la présence du génome VPH et son génotype. Résultats: 255 spécimens ont été soumis au test de génotypage Linear Array HPV. Après amplification par PCR, de l’ADN viral a été détecté dans 175 (68.6%) échantillons tumoraux ; le VPH de type 16 était impliqué dans 133 cas (52.25 %). Conclusion: Une proportion grandissante de cancers ORL est liée au VPH. Notre étude confirme que la présence du VPH est fortement associée à une amélioration du pronostic chez les patients atteints de cancers ORL traités par chimio-radiothérapie, et devrait être un facteur de stratification dans les essais cliniques comprenant des cas de cancers ORL.
La presente monografía trata desde la perspectiva del Autoritarismo Subnacional las lógicas que se dieron entre la élite local y el paramilitarismo, como estrategia para impedir los diálogos entre el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y el Gobierno de Andrés Pastrana Arango en el periodo de 1998-2002. De igual modo trata el espacio regional del Magdalena Medio, como escenario activo y geoestratégico que determinó las dinámicas de legitimidad y autoridad en disputa por los diversos actores.
La presente tesis, presenta los efectos jurídicos de la relación constitución- relaciones internacionales, revisando nociones como soberanía y tratado internacional, también se delinean las principales características del control constitucional a priori, como uno de los máximos referentes para que un estado soberano pueda ser parte de un proceso de integración regional, sin dejar de lado un precepto básico de todo ordenamiento jurídico y de toda relación interestatal: la supremacía constitucional. Producto central de este trabajo de investigación es delimitar el tratamiento normativo que da la Constitución boliviana a las relaciones internacionales, el comercio internacional y la integración, advirtiendo después de un minucioso estudio, que existen carencias en su regulación ya que las únicas competencias en materia internacional son solo de carácter funcional, no existiendo alguna definición en la Carta Magna de Bolivia sobre relaciones externas del Estado. Por otro lado, si bien se puede manifestar que en Bolivia existe un control a priori que se desprende de la Constitución boliviana en el artículo 120 Nº 8, el mismo no garantiza el que se preserve la noción de supremacía constitucional, ya que no están claros en la Ley del Tribunal Constitucional N° 1836, menos en la Constitución, cuáles serían los efectos jurídicos de la aprobación de tratados o convenios multilaterales virtualmente inconstitucionales a pesar de la reserva del Tribunal Constitucional.
A presente dissertação visa apresentar um conjunto de desenvolvimentos, aplicativos e serviços para suporte à operação em tempo real e ao controle preventivo visando garantir à segurança estática e dinâmica de sistemas elétricos de potência. A técnica de mineração de dados conhecida como árvore de decisão foi utilizada tanto para classificar o estado operacional do sistema, bem como para fornecer diretrizes à tomada de ações de controle, necessárias para evitar a degradação da tensão operativa e a instabilidade transitória. Testes preliminares foram realizados utilizando o histórico operacional do SCADA/SAGE do Centro de Operação Regional do Pará da Eletrobrás Eletronorte. Os resultados obtidos validaram completamente o conjunto (protótipo) de aplicativos e serviços, e indicam um grande potencial para a aplicação no ambiente de operação em tempo real.
The presence of metastatic lymph nodes is a relevant prognostic factor in oral cancer. Objective: This paper aims to assess metastatic lymph node density (pN+) in patients with tongue and floor-of-mouth squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and the association of this parameter with disease-free survival (DFS). Materials and Methods: A group of 182 patients seen between 1985 and 2007 was included, 169 of which were males. Five were on stage I, 35 on stage II, 56 on stage III, and 85 on stage IV. Median values were considered in lymph node density assessment, and the Kaplan-Meier curve was used to evaluate DFS; survival differences within the group were elicited through the log-rank test. Results: An average 3.2 metastatic lymph nodes were excised from the patients in the group. Density ranged from 0.009 to 0.4, with a mean value of 0.09. Five-year DFS rates were of 44% and 28% for the groups with lymph node densities below and above the median respectively (p = 0.006). Two-year local/regional control was achieved for 71% and 49% for the patients below and above the median density respectively (p = 0.01). In terms of pN staging, local/regional control was achieved in 70% and 54% of pN1 and pN2 patients respectively, albeit without statistical significance (0.20%). Conclusion: Lymph node density may be used as a prognostic indicator for tongue and floor-ofmouth SCC.
PURPOSE To assess the clinical profile and prognostic factors in patients with adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) of the head and neck treated by surgery and/or radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy. METHODS Data from 20 patients with stage I-II (n = 4), III (n = 5), or IVA (n = 11) head and neck ASC, treated between 1989 and 2010 were collected in a retrospective multicenter Rare Cancer Network study. Surgery was performed in 16 patients. Seventeen patients received combined modality treatment. RESULTS After a median follow-up of 15.5 months, 12 patients recurred. The 3-year and median overall survival, disease-free survival (DFS), and loco-regional control were 52% and 39 months, 32% and 12 months, and 47% and 33 months respectively. In multivariate analysis, DFS was negatively influenced by the presence of extracapsular extension and advanced stage. CONCLUSION Overall prognosis of locoregionally advanced ASC remains poor. However, early stage ASC patients managed with combined modality treatment may have prolonged DFS.
Head and neck cancer constitutes the 6th most common malignancy worldwide and affects the crucial anatomical structures and physiological functions of the upper aerodigestive tract. Classical therapeutic strategies such as surgery and radiotherapy carry substantial toxicity and functional impairment. Moreover, the loco-regional control rates as well as overall survival still need to be improved in subgroups of patients. The scatter-factor/hepatocyte growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase MET is an established effector in the promotion, maintenance and progression of malignant transformation in a wide range of human malignancies, and has been gaining considerable interest in head and neck cancer over the last 15 years. Aberrant MET activation due to overexpression, mutations, tumor-stroma paracrine loops, and cooperative/redundant signaling has been shown to play prominent roles in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, angiogenesis, and responses to anti-cancer therapeutic modalities. Accumulating preclinical and translational evidence highly supports the increasing interest of MET as a biomarker for lymph node and distant metastases, as well as a potential marker of stratification for responses to ionizing radiation. The relevance of MET as a therapeutic molecular target in head and neck cancer described in preclinical studies remains largely under-evaluated in clinical trials, and therefore inconclusive. Also in the context of anti-cancer targeted therapy, a large body of preclinical data suggests a central role for MET in treatment resistance towards multiple therapeutic modalities in malignancies of the head and neck region. These findings, as well as the potential use of combination therapies including MET inhibitors in these tumors, need to be further explored.
BACKGROUND To evaluate toxicity and outcome of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) to the positive lymph nodes in patients with loco-regional advanced cervical cancer (LRACC). METHODS The study population comprised ten patients with 18FDG-PET\CT positive lymph nodes (LNs), who underwent chemoradiation with IMRT and SIB. A dose of 50.4 Gy, in daily fractions of 1.8 Gy, was delivered to primary tumor and draining LNs. Primary tumor received an additional external beam boost to a total dose of 55.8 Gy. A SIB of 62 Gy, in daily fractions of 2 Gy, was delivered to the 18FDG-PET\CT positive LNs. Finally, a high dose rate brachytherapy (HDRB) boost (15 - 18 Gy) was administered to the primary tumor. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate acute and early late toxicity and loco-regional control. RESULTS The median number of irradiated LNs per patient was 3 (range: 1-6) with a median middle nodal SIB-volume of 26.10 cm3 (range, 11.9-82.50 cm3). Median follow-up was 20 months (range, 12 to 30 months). Acute and late grade 3 toxicity was observed in 1 patient. Three of the patients developed a recurrence, one in the form of a local tumor relapse, one had a paraaortic LN metastasis outside the treated volume and the last one developed a distant metastasis. CONCLUSION IMRT with SIB in the region of 18FDG-PET positive lymph nodes appears to be an effective therapy with acceptable toxicity and might be useful in the treatment of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.
PurposeTo assess clinical outcomes and patterns of loco-regional failure (LRF) in relation to clinical target volumes (CTV) in patients with locally advanced hypopharyngeal and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HL-SCC) treated with definitive intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and concurrent systemic therapy.MethodsData from HL-SCC patients treated from 2007 to 2010 were retrospectively evaluated. Primary endpoint was loco-regional control (LRC). Secondary endpoints included local (LC) and regional (RC) controls, distant metastasis free survival (DMFS), laryngectomy free survival (LFS), overall survival (OS), and acute and late toxicities. Time-to-event endpoints were estimated using Kaplan-Meier method, and univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazards models. Recurrent gross tumor volume (RTV) on post-treatment diagnostic imaging was analyzed in relation to corresponding CTV (in-volume, > 95% of RTV inside CTV; marginal, 20¿95% inside CTV; out-volume, < 20% inside CTV).ResultsFifty patients (stage III: 14, IVa: 33, IVb: 3) completed treatment and were included in the analysis (median follow-up of 4.2 years). Three-year LRC, DMFS and overall survival (OS) were 77%, 96% and 63%, respectively. Grade 2 and 3 acute toxicity were 38% and 62%, respectively; grade 2 and 3 late toxicity were 23% and 15%, respectively. We identified 10 patients with LRF (8 local, 1 regional, 1 local¿+¿regional). Six out of 10 RTVs were fully included in both elective and high-dose CTVs, and 4 RTVs were marginal to the high-dose CTVs.ConclusionThe treatment of locally advanced HL-SCC with definitive IMRT and concurrent systemic therapy provides good LRC rates with acceptable toxicity profile. Nevertheless, the analysis of LRFs in relation to CTVs showed in-volume relapses to be the major mode of recurrence indicating that novel strategies to overcome radioresistance are required.
The mouse Snrpn gene encodes the Smn protein, which is involved in RNA splicing. The gene maps to a region in the central part of chromosome 7 that is syntenic to the Prader–Willi/Angelman syndromes (PWS-AS) region on human chromosome 15q11-q13. The mouse gene, like its human counterpart, is imprinted and paternally expressed, primarily in brain and heart. We provide here a detailed description of the structural features and differential methylation pattern of the gene. We have identified a maternally methylated region at the 5′ end (DMR1), which correlates inversely with the Snrpn paternal expression. We also describe a region at the 3′ end of the gene (DMR2) that is preferentially methylated on the paternal allele. Analysis of Snrpn mRNA levels in a methylase-deficient mouse embryo revealed that maternal methylation of DMR1 may play a role in silencing the maternal allele. Yet both regions, DMR1 and DMR2, inherit the parental-specific methylation profile from the gametes. This methylation pattern is erased in 12.5-days postcoitum (dpc) primordial germ cells and reestablished during gametogenesis. DMR1 is remethylated during oogenesis, whereas DMR2 is remethylated during spermatogenesis. Once established, these methylation patterns are transmitted to the embryo and maintained, protected from methylation changes during embryogenesis and cell differentiation. Transfections of DMR1 and DMR2 into embryonic stem cells and injection into pronuclei of fertilized eggs reveal that embryonic cells lack the capacity to establish anew the differential methylation pattern of Snrpn. That all PWS patients lack DMR1, together with the overall high resemblance of the mouse gene to the human SNRPN, offers an excellent experimental tool to study the regional control of this imprinted chromosomal domain.
Mineralogical analysis of manganese nodules and crusts collected from Indian ocean aboard Marion Dufresne points to a depth and regional control upon the manganese oxide association: vernadite - birnessite and vernadite - todorokite. Moreover, progressive changes in the vernadite/birnessite ratio as a function of time is clearly seen. Magnetite and titano-magnetite in quantities similar to those of framboidal pyrite in manganese nodules are outlined for the first time. Study of the distribution of metals (Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Co) shows a strong latitudinal and regional dependence that may be connected to high productivity zones and to bottom water properties. The problem of mineralogical control on the chemical composition is approached. Finally, it results that any interpretations taking into account all these data haveway to give to the variability of sea-water properties (pH, oxygenation, motions) the prominent control upon manganese nodules composition.
Decentralized and regional load-frequency control of power systems operating in normal and near-normal conditions has been well studied; and several analysis/synthesis approaches have been developed during the last few decades. However in contingency and off-normal conditions, the existing emergency control plans, such as under-frequency load shedding, are usually applied in a centralized structure using a different analysis model. This paper discusses the feasibility of using frequency-based emergency control schemes based on tie-line measurements and local information available within a control area. The conventional load-frequency control model is generalized by considering the dynamics of emergency control/protection schemes and an analytic approach to analyze the regional frequency response under normal and emergency conditions is presented.