988 resultados para Real-time volume rendering


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This paper presents a method for measuring the in-bucket payload volume on a dragline excavator for the purpose of estimating the material's bulk density in real-time. Knowledge of the payload's bulk density can provide feedback to mine planning and scheduling to improve blasting and therefore provide a more uniform bulk density across the excavation site. This allows a single optimal bucket size to be used for maximum overburden removal per dig and in turn reduce costs and emissions in dragline operation and maintenance. The proposed solution uses a range bearing laser to locate and scan full buckets between the lift and dump stages of the dragline cycle. The bucket is segmented from the scene using cluster analysis, and the pose of the bucket is calculated using the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm. Payload points are identified using a known model and subsequently converted into a height grid for volume estimation. Results from both scaled and full scale implementations show that this method can achieve an accuracy of above 95%.


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Scalable high-resolution tiled display walls are becoming increasingly important to decision makers and researchers because high pixel counts in combination with large screen areas facilitate content rich, simultaneous display of computer-generated visualization information and high-definition video data from multiple sources. This tutorial is designed to cater for new users as well as researchers who are currently operating tiled display walls or 'OptiPortals'. We will discuss the current and future applications of display wall technology and explore opportunities for participants to collaborate and contribute in a growing community. Multiple tutorial streams will cover both hands-on practical development, as well as policy and method design for embedding these technologies into the research process. Attendees will be able to gain an understanding of how to get started with developing similar systems themselves, in addition to becoming familiar with typical applications and large-scale visualisation techniques. Presentations in this tutorial will describe current implementations of tiled display walls that highlight the effective usage of screen real-estate with various visualization datasets, including collaborative applications such as visualcasting, classroom learning and video conferencing. A feature presentation for this tutorial will be given by Jurgen Schulze from Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego. Jurgen is an expert in scientific visualization in virtual environments, human-computer interaction, real-time volume rendering, and graphics algorithms on programmable graphics hardware.


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A visualização de conjuntos de dados volumétricos é comum em diversas áreas de aplicação e há já alguns anos os diversos aspectos envolvidos nessas técnicas vêm sendo pesquisados. No entanto, apesar dos avanços das técnicas de visualização de volumes, a interação com grandes volumes de dados ainda apresenta desafios devido a questões de percepção (ou isolamento) de estruturas internas e desempenho computacional. O suporte do hardware gráfico para visualização baseada em texturas permite o desenvolvimento de técnicas eficientes de rendering que podem ser combinadas com ferramentas de recorte interativas para possibilitar a inspeção de conjuntos de dados tridimensionais. Muitos estudos abordam a otimização do desempenho de ferramentas de recorte, mas muito poucos tratam das metáforas de interação utilizadas por essas ferramentas. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver ferramentas interativas, intuitivas e fáceis de usar para o recorte de imagens volumétricas. Inicialmente, é apresentado um estudo sobre as principais técnicas de visualização direta de volumes e como é feita a exploração desses volumes utilizando-se recorte volumétrico. Nesse estudo é identificada a solução que melhor se enquadra no presente trabalho para garantir a interatividade necessária. Após, são apresentadas diversas técnicas de interação existentes, suas metáforas e taxonomias, para determinar as possíveis técnicas de interação mais fáceis de serem utilizadas por ferramentas de recorte. A partir desse embasamento, este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de três ferramentas de recorte genéricas implementadas usando-se duas metáforas de interação distintas que são freqüentemente utilizadas por usuários de aplicativos 3D: apontador virtual e mão virtual. A taxa de interação dessas ferramentas é obtida através de programas de fragmentos especiais executados diretamente no hardware gráfico. Estes programas especificam regiões dentro do volume a serem descartadas durante o rendering, com base em predicados geométricos. Primeiramente, o desempenho, precisão e preferência (por parte dos usuários) das ferramentas de recorte volumétrico são avaliados para comparar as metáforas de interação empregadas. Após, é avaliada a interação utilizando-se diferentes dispositivos de entrada para a manipulação do volume e ferramentas. A utilização das duas mãos ao mesmo tempo para essa manipulação também é testada. Os resultados destes experimentos de avaliação são apresentados e discutidos.


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The realism of contemporary computer graphics (and especially Virtual Reality {VR}) is limited by the great computational cost of rendering objects of appropriate complexity with convincing lighting and surface effects. We introduce a framework that allows rendering of objects in true photographic quality using tweening. The simple but effective design of our system allows us not only to perform the necessary operations in real-time on standard hardware, but also achieve other effects like morphing. Furthermore, it is shown how our system can be gainfully employed in non-VR contexts like extreme low-bandwidth video-conferencing and others.


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Real-time ultrasonography (RTU) was used to measure the longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) volume in vivo and to predict the carcass composition of rabbits. For this, 63 New Zealand White × Californian rabbits with 2093±63 g live weight were used. Animals were scanned between the 6th and 7th lumbar vertebrae using an RTU equipment with a 7.5 MHz probe. Measurements of LM volume were obtianed both in vivo and on carcass. Regression equations were used for the prediction of carcass composition and LM volume using the LM volume measured obtained with RTU (LMVU) as independent variable. Carcass meat, bone and total dissectible fat weights represented 780, 164 and 56 g/kg of the reference carcass weight, respectively. Regression equations showed a strong relationship between LMVU and the correspondent volume in carcass. Furthermore, LMVU was also useful in predicting the amounts of carcass tissues. It is possible to predict LM volume in the carcass using the LM volume measured in vivo by RTU. The amount of carcass tissues can be predicted by the LM volume measured in vivo by RTU.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research, Washington, D.C.


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Objectives: Left atrial (LA) volume (LAV) is a prognostically important biomarker for diastolic dysfunction, but its reproducibility on repeated testing is not well defined. LA assessment with 3-dimensional. (3D) echocardiography (3DE) has been validated against magnetic resonance imaging, and we sought to assess whether this was superior to existing measurements for sequential echocardiographic follow-up. Methods: Patients (n = 100; 81 men; age 56 +/- 14 years) presenting for LA evaluation were studied with M-mode (MM) echocardiography, 2-dimensional (2D) echocardiography, and 3DE. Test-retest variation was performed by a complete restudy by a separate sonographer within 1 hour without alteration of hemodynamics or therapy. In all, 20 patients were studied for interobserver and intraobserver variation. LAVs were calculated by using M-mode diameter and planimetered atrial area in the apical. 4-chamber view to calculate an assumed sphere, as were prolate ellipsoid, Simpson's biplane, and biplane area-length methods. All were compared with 3DE. Results: The average LAV was 72 +/- 27 mL by 3DE. There was significant underestimation of LAV by M-mode (35 +/- 20 mL, r = 0.66, P < .01). The 3DE and various 2D echocardiographic techniques were well correlated: LA planimetry (85 +/- 38 mL, r = 0.77, P < .01), prolate ellipsoid (73 +/- 36 mL, r = 0.73, P = .04), area-length (64 +/- 30 mL, r = 0.74, P < .01), and Simpson's biplane (69 +/- 31 mL, r = 0.78, P = .06). Test-retest variation for 3DE was most favorable (r = 0.98, P < .01), with the prolate ellipsoid method showing most variation. Interobserver agreement between measurements was best for 3DE (r = 0.99, P < .01), with M-mode the worst (r = 0.89, P < .01). Intraobserver results were similar to interobserver, the best correlation for 3DE (r = 0.99, P < .01), with LA planimetry the worst (r = 0.91, P < .01). Conclusions. The 2D measurements correlate closely with 3DE. Follow-up assessment in daily practice appears feasible and reliable with both 2D and 3D approaches.