46 resultados para RSL


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War memorials are an important part of the Australian landscape and culture. This essay suggests five possible explanations for this: a) imperial loyalty, at least initially; b) the warrior cult; c) guilt at the loss of so many young people in a seemingly senseless fashion; d) the demise of formal religion, and; e) the insecure nature of Australian nationalism.


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The effects of inorganic amendments (fertilisers and pesticides) on soil biota that are reported in the scientific literature are, to say the least, variable. Though there is clear evidence that certain products can have significant impacts, the effects can be positive or negative. This is not surprising when you consider the number of organisms and amount of different functional groups, the number of products and various rates at which they could be applied, the methods of application and the environmental differences that occur in soil at a micro scale (within centimetres) in a paddock, let alone between paddocks, farms, catchments, regions etc. It therefore becomes extremely difficult to draw definitive conclusions from the reported results in order to summarise the impacts of these inputs. Several research trials and review papers have been published on this subject and most similarly conclude that the implications of many of the effects are still uncertain.


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A crescente demanda por tecnologias que produzam biocombustíveis de maneira sustentável vem incentivando a utilização de diversos materiais lignocelulósicos para tal finalidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o potencial de produção de açúcares (glicose e xilose) da palha e do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. Inicialmente, as duas biomassas foram caracterizadas, mostrando percentuais muito similares de celulose e hemicelulose (42,1% e 22,6% para o bagaço e 39,2% e 22,7% para a palha, respectivamente). Isto evidencia potenciais similares de produção de açúcares. Posteriormente, foram realizados experimentos em laboratório para comparar os resultados de rendimento de xilose e produção de furfural após as reações de hidrólise ácida das duas biomassas, com o intuito de verificar se este processo, comumente utilizado para o bagaço, pode ser utilizado para a palha. As variáveis que foram avaliadas foram a concentração de ácido (0,5-3,0%m/m), o tempo reacional (15-60min) e a relação sólido-líquido (RSL - 0,1-0,2m/m). Concentrações de 42,72g/L e de 41,31g/L de xilose foram encontradas para a palha e para o bagaço, respectivamente, alcançando rendimentos de xilose superiores a 80%, em reações em laboratório. Também foram realizados ensaios de hidrólise ácida em planta piloto e de hidrólise enzimática em laboratório para avaliar os resultados de rendimento de glicose da palha. Os resultados de rendimento de xilose e produção de inibidores para estas reações foram avaliados e comparados com os dados obtidos em laboratório. Concentrações de 35,2g/Lde xilose e de 27,3g/L de glicose foram encontradas para a palha, alcançando rendimentos de xilose próximos a 100% e de glicose superiores a 64%, em reações de pré-tratamento em planta piloto e em reações de hidrólise enzimática em laboratório. Os resultados evidenciaram que as variáveis concentração de ácido e relação sólido:líquido são as mais influenciam na produção de xilose e glicose


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Alterações na frequência e amplitude das inundações pelas marés são fatores reguladores da dinâmica das florestas de mangue. Tais alterações podem estar relacionadas à elevação do nível médio relativo do mar (NMRM), que vem sendo atribuída como fator de impacto decorrente das mudanças climáticas globais atuando sobre os ecossistemas costeiros. Durante a década de 90, o Núcleo de Estudos em Manguezais da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro observou, em Guaratiba (RJ), um processo de colonização de uma planície hipersalina por espécies de mangue, e começou a monitorá-lo. Após seis anos os dados indicaram a consolidação da colonização e juntamente com o desenvolvimento de outros estudos neste sistema, a elevação do NMRM foi atribuída como principal causa deste processo. Os dados gerados por tal monitoramento, de 1998 até o ano de 2011, constituem a base de dados da presente dissertação, que teve como objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento do processo de colonização e verificar suas relações com fatores meteorológicos locais. No ano de 1998 foram demarcadas seis parcelas justapostas, no sentido floresta-planície hipersalina, até onde era percebida a presença das plantas de mangue. Todos os indivíduos foram identificados com etiquetas numeradas e tiveram suas alturas medidas ao longo de todo monitoramento, da mesma forma que novos indivíduos (recrutas). Quando recrutas eram encontrados em áreas mais distantes da floresta, novas parcelas eram incluídas no monitoramento. No ano de 2011, a colonização já havia avançado 75 m de distância da floresta e as treze parcelas monitoradas indicaram diferentes estágios sucessionais: mais próximas à floresta apresentam consolidação do processo de colonização, com redução de densidade e maior desenvolvimento estrutural; intermediárias, com altas densidades, encontra-se em fase menos avançada da colonização; mais externas caracterizam o início da colonização da área por poucos indivíduos. Notou-se, ainda, que o processo de colonização se dá por meio do estabelecimento de coortes, que demonstram variabilidade nos padrões de desenvolvimento estrutural ao longo dos anos (densidade, distribuição e taxa de crescimento), relacionada às condições ambientais distintas (padrões climatológicos). Quanto à disponibilidade hídrica (entre 1985 e 2011), Guaratiba apresentou predomínio de déficit hídrico, com tendência de amenização ao final do período. Períodos de maior disponibilidade de água no sistema coincidiram com marcação de novas parcelas, bem como com picos de recrutamento e elevadas taxas de crescimento das coortes. Assim, foi possível observar que o desenvolvimento das coortes esteve relacionado às condições de disponibilidade de espaço e luz, além de responderem aos processos meteorológicos, relacionados à disponibilidade de água na região.


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从菜花烙铁头蛇(Trimeresurus jerdonii)的毒腺中提取mRNA,采用RT-PCR技术进行体外扩增,将扩增产物克隆到PMD18-T载体中,最后筛选出一个编码凝集素的基因,命名为TJL。由TJL基因序列推导的氨基酸序列中包含分别由23和135个氨基酸残基组成的信号肽和成熟肽。氨基酸序列比较分析表明,TJL含有半乳糖结合位点和钙离子结合位点,与蝰科蛇互凝集素TSL、PAL、APL和RSL的同源性较高(87.4%~90.4%),与眼镜蛇科蛇互凝集素BML的同源性较低(61.5%)。


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本文阐述了自行设计的一种具有“远程变换服务”目的的简明通用的远程服务语言(RSL)的设计方法,基于 RSL 实现了对异构环境下远程服务系统(HERSS)的逻辑结构的构造.并基于 RSL 自行设计完成了SUN(UNIX)/VAX(VMS)异构分布式计算机网远程服务系统软件.RSL 语言简化了异构分布式计算机网络环境下的远程用户使用网络资源的任务,由此设计的 HERSS 具有很好的开放性与透明性.


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The fundamental controls on the initiation and development of gravel-dominated deposits (beaches and barriers) on paraglacial coasts are particle size and shape, sediment supply, storm wave activity (primarily runup), relative sea-level (RSL) change, and terrestrial basement structure (primarily as it affects accommodation space). This paper examines the stochastic basis for barrier organisation as shown by variation in gravel barrier architecture. We recognise punctuated self-organisation of barrier development that is disrupted by short phases of barrier instability. The latter results from positive feedback causing barrier breakdown when sediment supply is exhausted. We examine published typologies for gravel barriers and advocate a consolidated perspective using rate of RSL change and sediment supply. We also consider the temporal variation in controls on barrier development. These are examined in terms of a simple behavioural model (BARCH) for prograding gravel barrier architecture and its sensitivity to such controls. The nature of macroscale (102–103 years) gravel barrier development, including inherited characteristics that influence barrier genesis, as well as forcing from changing RSL, sediment supply, headland control and barrier inertia, is examined in the context of long-surviving barriers along the southern England coastline.


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Coastal systems, such as rocky shores, are among the most heavily anthropogenically-impacted marine ecosystems and are also among the most productive in terms of ecosystem functioning. One of the greatest impacts on coastal ecosystems is nutrient enrichment from human activities such as agricultural run-off and discharge of sewage. The aim of this study was to identify and characterise potential effects of sewage discharges on the biotic diversity of rocky shores and to test current tools for assessing the ecological status of rocky shores in line with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). A sampling strategy was designed to test for effects of sewage outfalls on rocky shore assemblages on the east coast of Ireland and to identify the scale of the putative impact. In addition, a separate sampling programme based on the Reduced algal Species List (RSL), the current WFD monitoring tool for rocky shores in Ireland and the UK, was also completed by identifying algae and measuring percent cover in replicate samples on rocky shores during Summer. There was no detectable effect of sewage outfalls on benthic taxon diversity or assemblage structure. However, spatial variability of assemblages was greater at sites proximal or adjacent to sewage outfalls compared to shores without sewage outfalls present. Results based on the RSL, show that algal assemblages were not affected by the presence of sewage outfalls, except when classed into functional groups when variability was greater at the sites with sewage outfalls. A key finding of both surveys, was the prevalence of spatial and temporal variation of assemblages. It is recommended that future metrics of ecological status are based on quantified sampling designs, incorporate changes in variability of assemblages (indicative of community stability), consider shifts in assemblage structure and include both benthic fauna and flora to assess the status of rocky shores.


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Isolation basin records from the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex, a remote area of central mainland British Columbia, Canada are used to constrain post-glacial sea-level changes and provide a preliminary basis for testing geophysical model predictions of relative sea-level (RSL) change. Sedimentological and diatom data from three low-lying (<4 m elevation) basins record falling RSLs in late-glacial times and isolation from the sea by ~11,800–11,200 14C BP. A subsequent RSL rise during the early Holocene (~8000 14C BP) breached the 2.13 m sill of the lowest basin (Woods Lake), but the two more elevated basins (sill elevations of ~3.6 m) remained isolated. At ~2400 14C BP, RSL stood at 1.49 ± 0.34 m above present MTL. Falling RSLs in the late Holocene led to the final emergence of the Woods Lake basin by 1604 ± 36 14C BP. Model predictions generated using the ICE-5G model partnered with a small number of different Earth viscosity models generally show poor agreement with the observational data, indicating that the ice model and/or Earth models considered can be improved upon. The best data-model fits were achieved with relatively low values of upper mantle viscosity (5 × 1019 Pa s), which is consistent with previous modelling results from the region. The RSL data align more closely with observational records from the southeast of the region (eastern Vancouver Island, central Strait of Georgia), than the immediate north (Bella Bella–Bella Coola and Prince Rupert-Kitimat) and areas to the north-west (Queen Charlotte Sound, Hecate Strait), underlining the complexity of the regional response to glacio-isostatic recovery.


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Temporal and spatial patterns of relative sea level (RSL) change in the North of Britain and Ireland during the Holocene are examined. Four episodes, each defined by marked changes in the RSL trend, are identified. Each episode is marked by a rise to a culminating shoreline followed by a fall. Episode HRSL-1 dates from the Younger Dryas to early in the Holocene; HRSL-2 to HRSL-4 occurred later in the Holocene. There is extensive evidence for each episode, and on this basis the spatial distribution of the altitude data for three culminating shorelines and a shoreline formed at the time of the Holocene Storegga Slide tsunami (ca 8110 ± 100 cal. BP) is analysed. Ordinary Kriging is used to determine the general pattern, following which Gaussian Trend Surface Analysis is employed. Recognising that empirical measurements of RSL change can be unevenly distributed spatially, a new approach is introduced which enables the developing pattern to be identified. The patterns for the most widely occurring shorelines were analysed and found to be similar and common centre and axis models were developed for all shorelines. The analyses described provide models of the spatial pattern of Holocene RSL change in the area between ca 8100 cal. BP and ca 1000 cal. BP based on 2262 high resolution shoreline altitude measurements. These models fit the data closely, no shoreline altitude measurement lying more than −1.70 m or +1.82 m from the predicted value. The models disclose a similar pattern to a recently published Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for present RSL change across the area, indicating that the overall spatial pattern of RSL change may not have varied greatly during the last ca 8000 years.


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The acquisition of high quality, well-dated local site records is essential for progressing regional environmental reconstructions. As part of a wider study designed to examine intra- and extra- site ecosystem responses to environmental change, this paper presents new palaeoecological data from the floodplain of the River Torne in the Humberhead Levels, South Yorkshire. The sampling site lies adjacent to the lowland raised mire of Hatfield Moors, a location with a long history of palaeoecological investigations. The potential of using floodplain records to reconstruct local variations in ecosystem response to environmental change is also considered. Coleoptera and pollen are used to reconstruct floodplain ecosystem dynamics, whilst chronologies are established using Bayesian age–depth modelling. Between 10,200 cal BP and 2300 cal BP, the floodplain experienced multiple phases of ecological change. At 10,200–9910 cal BP, a cut-off channel began to infill with peat, while the surrounding floodplain remained relatively dry with Pinus forest growing nearby. Between 9630–9500 cal BP and 7270–7020 cal BP, a depositional hiatus occurred in the sedimentary record. By the end of this period, the local woodland had diversified and expanded to mixed deciduous tree cover. A wet shift identified at 6870–6160 cal BP was shortly followed by a rise in Alnus and Tilia from 6410–6160 cal BP. At this time, widespread floodplain paludification had occurred in the Humberhead Levels, which was largely controlled by relative sea-level (RSL) rise and the associated rise in regional water tables. Floodplain expansion also resulted in the widespread occurrence of Alnus dominated fen woodland. The local Torne floodplain experienced varying levels of wetness that influenced the decline and subsequent regeneration of the woodland from 5870–5640 cal BP. At this time, the Ulmus decline is identified in the pollen stratigraphic record. Floodplain hydrology appears to have been controlled by a combination of water table fluctuations and changes in channel pattern/flow, both of which can be linked to RSL variations recorded in the Humber Estuary. Floodplain alluviation, also linked to rising water tables, is dated to 4360–4160 cal BP. Anthropogenic woodland clearance further upstream may have further compounded this event.


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise en criminologie option analyse


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The country has witnessed tremendous increase in the vehicle population and increased axle loading pattern during the last decade, leaving its road network overstressed and leading to premature failure. The type of deterioration present in the pavement should be considered for determining whether it has a functional or structural deficiency, so that appropriate overlay type and design can be developed. Structural failure arises from the conditions that adversely affect the load carrying capability of the pavement structure. Inadequate thickness, cracking, distortion and disintegration cause structural deficiency. Functional deficiency arises when the pavement does not provide a smooth riding surface and comfort to the user. This can be due to poor surface friction and texture, hydro planning and splash from wheel path, rutting and excess surface distortion such as potholes, corrugation, faulting, blow up, settlement, heaves etc. Functional condition determines the level of service provided by the facility to its users at a particular time and also the Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC), thus influencing the national economy. Prediction of the pavement deterioration is helpful to assess the remaining effective service life (RSL) of the pavement structure on the basis of reduction in performance levels, and apply various alternative designs and rehabilitation strategies with a long range funding requirement for pavement preservation. In addition, they can predict the impact of treatment on the condition of the sections. The infrastructure prediction models can thus be classified into four groups, namely primary response models, structural performance models, functional performance models and damage models. The factors affecting the deterioration of the roads are very complex in nature and vary from place to place. Hence there is need to have a thorough study of the deterioration mechanism under varied climatic zones and soil conditions before arriving at a definite strategy of road improvement. Realizing the need for a detailed study involving all types of roads in the state with varying traffic and soil conditions, the present study has been attempted. This study attempts to identify the parameters that affect the performance of roads and to develop performance models suitable to Kerala conditions. A critical review of the various factors that contribute to the pavement performance has been presented based on the data collected from selected road stretches and also from five corporations of Kerala. These roads represent the urban conditions as well as National Highways, State Highways and Major District Roads in the sub urban and rural conditions. This research work is a pursuit towards a study of the road condition of Kerala with respect to varying soil, traffic and climatic conditions, periodic performance evaluation of selected roads of representative types and development of distress prediction models for roads of Kerala. In order to achieve this aim, the study is focused into 2 parts. The first part deals with the study of the pavement condition and subgrade soil properties of urban roads distributed in 5 Corporations of Kerala; namely Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kochi, Thrissur and Kozhikode. From selected 44 roads, 68 homogeneous sections were studied. The data collected on the functional and structural condition of the surface include pavement distress in terms of cracks, potholes, rutting, raveling and pothole patching. The structural strength of the pavement was measured as rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam deflection studies. In order to collect the details of the pavement layers and find out the subgrade soil properties, trial pits were dug and the in-situ field density was found using the Sand Replacement Method. Laboratory investigations were carried out to find out the subgrade soil properties, soil classification, Atterberg limits, Optimum Moisture Content, Field Moisture Content and 4 days soaked CBR. The relative compaction in the field was also determined. The traffic details were also collected by conducting traffic volume count survey and axle load survey. From the data thus collected, the strength of the pavement was calculated which is a function of the layer coefficient and thickness and is represented as Structural Number (SN). This was further related to the CBR value of the soil and the Modified Structural Number (MSN) was found out. The condition of the pavement was represented in terms of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) which is a function of the distress of the surface at the time of the investigation and calculated in the present study using deduct value method developed by U S Army Corps of Engineers. The influence of subgrade soil type and pavement condition on the relationship between MSN and rebound deflection was studied using appropriate plots for predominant types of soil and for classified value of Pavement Condition Index. The relationship will be helpful for practicing engineers to design the overlay thickness required for the pavement, without conducting the BBD test. Regression analysis using SPSS was done with various trials to find out the best fit relationship between the rebound deflection and CBR, and other soil properties for Gravel, Sand, Silt & Clay fractions. The second part of the study deals with periodic performance evaluation of selected road stretches representing National Highway (NH), State Highway (SH) and Major District Road (MDR), located in different geographical conditions and with varying traffic. 8 road sections divided into 15 homogeneous sections were selected for the study and 6 sets of continuous periodic data were collected. The periodic data collected include the functional and structural condition in terms of distress (pothole, pothole patch, cracks, rutting and raveling), skid resistance using a portable skid resistance pendulum, surface unevenness using Bump Integrator, texture depth using sand patch method and rebound deflection using Benkelman Beam. Baseline data of the study stretches were collected as one time data. Pavement history was obtained as secondary data. Pavement drainage characteristics were collected in terms of camber or cross slope using camber board (slope meter) for the carriage way and shoulders, availability of longitudinal side drain, presence of valley, terrain condition, soil moisture content, water table data, High Flood Level, rainfall data, land use and cross slope of the adjoining land. These data were used for finding out the drainage condition of the study stretches. Traffic studies were conducted, including classified volume count and axle load studies. From the field data thus collected, the progression of each parameter was plotted for all the study roads; and validated for their accuracy. Structural Number (SN) and Modified Structural Number (MSN) were calculated for the study stretches. Progression of the deflection, distress, unevenness, skid resistance and macro texture of the study roads were evaluated. Since the deterioration of the pavement is a complex phenomena contributed by all the above factors, pavement deterioration models were developed as non linear regression models, using SPSS with the periodic data collected for all the above road stretches. General models were developed for cracking progression, raveling progression, pothole progression and roughness progression using SPSS. A model for construction quality was also developed. Calibration of HDM–4 pavement deterioration models for local conditions was done using the data for Cracking, Raveling, Pothole and Roughness. Validation was done using the data collected in 2013. The application of HDM-4 to compare different maintenance and rehabilitation options were studied considering the deterioration parameters like cracking, pothole and raveling. The alternatives considered for analysis were base alternative with crack sealing and patching, overlay with 40 mm BC using ordinary bitumen, overlay with 40 mm BC using Natural Rubber Modified Bitumen and an overlay of Ultra Thin White Topping. Economic analysis of these options was done considering the Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The average speed that can be obtained by applying these options were also compared. The results were in favour of Ultra Thin White Topping over flexible pavements. Hence, Design Charts were also plotted for estimation of maximum wheel load stresses for different slab thickness under different soil conditions. The design charts showed the maximum stress for a particular slab thickness and different soil conditions incorporating different k values. These charts can be handy for a design engineer. Fuzzy rule based models developed for site specific conditions were compared with regression models developed using SPSS. The Riding Comfort Index (RCI) was calculated and correlated with unevenness to develop a relationship. Relationships were developed between Skid Number and Macro Texture of the pavement. The effort made through this research work will be helpful to highway engineers in understanding the behaviour of flexible pavements in Kerala conditions and for arriving at suitable maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. Key Words: Flexible Pavements – Performance Evaluation – Urban Roads – NH – SH and other roads – Performance Models – Deflection – Riding Comfort Index – Skid Resistance – Texture Depth – Unevenness – Ultra Thin White Topping


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Objetive. To determine if high grades of Fisher scale are useful to predict the development of hydrocephalus in consecutive Colombian patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) assessed from January 2005 to April 2012 with 12 month follow-up. Methods. 251 patients were included in a restrospective manner. The association between Fisher scale and hydrocephalus was analyzed bivariate and multivariate analysis. In addition, a systematic literature review (SLR) was done. Results. In our cohort of patients, the etiology of SAH was due to aneurysms; 78,5%. The prevalence of hydrocephalus was found to be of 27,1%. Overall survival with a 12 month follow-up was of 65,7%. Average age of included patients was 55,5 ± 15 years, and most of them were women; 65,7%. Having Fisher 4 and Hunt-Hess III are significantly associated with hydrocephalus: adjusted OR: 2.93 95% CI: 1.51-5.65, P <0.001, adjusted OR: 2.83 95% CI: 1.31-6.17 P=0.008 respectively. The SRL showed an overall prevalence of hydrocephalus between 17 and 68% and mortality varied between 3.0% and 33%. 50% of the included studies significantly associated intraventricular hemorrhage ( Fisher 4) with hydrocephalus. Conclusion. Our results confirm current concepts on post-SAH hydrocephalus and the fact that is obstructive and secondary to Fisher 4 and having neurological impairment on admission (Hunt and Hess III).