997 resultados para RE-TM blue disk
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden magneto-optische Speicherschichten und ihre Kopplungen untereinander untersucht. Hierzu wurden zum Einen die für die magneto-optische Speichertechnologie "klassischen" Schichten aus RE/TM-Legierungen verwendet, zum Anderen aber auch erfolgreich Granate integriert, die bisher nicht in diesem Anwendungsgebiet verwendet wurden. Einleitend werden die magneto-optischen Verfahren, die resultierenden Anforderungen an die dünnen Schichten und die entsprechenden physikalischen Grundlagen diskutiert. Außerdem wird auf das Hochfrequenz-Sputtern von RE/TM-Legierungen eingegangen und die verwendeten magneto-optischen Messverfahren werden erläutert [Kap. 2 & 3]. Die Untersuchungen an RE/TM-Schichten bestätigen die aus der Literatur bekannten Eigenschaften. Sie lassen sich effektiv, und für magneto-optische Anwendungen geeignet, über RF-Sputtern herstellen. Die unmittelbaren Schicht-Parameter, wie Schichtdicke und Terbium-Konzentration, lassen sich über einfache Zusammenhänge einstellen. Da die Terbium-Konzentration eine Änderung der Kompensationstemperatur bewirkt, lässt sich diese mit Messungen am Kerr-Magnetometer überprüfen. Die für die Anwendung interessante senkrechte magnetische Anisotropie konnte ebenfalls mit den Herstellungsbedingungen verknüpft werden. Bei der Herstellung der Schichten auf einer glatten Glas-Oberfläche (Floatglas) zeigt die RE/TM-Schicht bereits in den ersten Lagen ein Wachstumsverhalten, das eine senkrechte Anisotropie bewirkt. Auf einer Quarzglas- oder Keramik-Oberfläche wachsen die ersten Lagen in einer durch das Substrat induzierten Struktur auf, danach ändert sich das Wachstumsverhalten stetig, bis eine senkrechte Anisotropie erreicht wird. Dieses Verhalten kann auch durch verschiedene Pufferschichten (Aluminium und Siliziumnitrid) nur unwesentlich beeinflusst werden [Kap. 5 & Kap. 6]. Bei der direkten Aufbringung von Doppelschichten, bestehend aus einer Auslese-Schicht (GdFeCo) auf einer Speicherschicht (TbFeCo), wurde die Austausch-Kopplung demonstriert. Die Ausleseschicht zeigt unterhalb der Kompensationstemperatur keine Kopplung an die Speicherschicht, während oberhalb der Kompensationstemperatur eine direkte Kopplung der Untergitter stattfindet. Daraus ergibt sich das für den MSR-Effekt erwünschte Maskierungsverhalten. Die vorher aus den Einzelschichten gewonnen Ergebnisse zu Kompensationstemperatur und Wachstumsverhalten konnten in den Doppelschichten wiedergefunden werden. Als Idealfall erweist sich hier die einfachste Struktur. Man bringt die Speicherschicht auf Floatglas auf und bedeckt diese direkt mit der Ausleseschicht [Kap. 7]. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, den Faraday-Effekt einer Granatschicht als verstärkendes Element zu nutzen. Im anwendungstauglichen, integrierten Schichtsystem konnten die kostengünstig, mit dem Sol-Gel-Verfahren produzierten, Granate die strukturellen Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, da sich während der Herstellung Risse und Löcher gebildet haben. Bei der experimentellen Realisierung mit einer einkristallinen Granatschicht und einer RE/TM-Schicht konnte die prinzipielle Eignung des Schichtsystems demonstriert werden [Kap. 8].
A surfactant-mediated solution route for the obtainment of nanosized rare-earth orthophosphates of different compositions (LaPO(4):Eu(3+), (Y,Gd)PO(4):Eu(3+),LaPO(4):Tm(3+), YPO(4):Tm(3+), and YbPO(4):Er(3+)) is presented, and the implications of the morphology control on the solids properties are discussed. The solids are prepared in water-in-heptane microemulsions, using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and 1-butanol as the surfactant and cosurfactant; the alteration of the starting microemulsion composition allows the obtainment of similar to 30 nm thick nanorods with variable length. The morphology and the structure of the solids were evaluated through scanning electron microscopy and through powder X-ray diffractometry; dynamic light scattering and thermal analyses were also performed. The obtained materials were also characterized through vibrational (FTIR) and luminescence spectroscopy (emission/excitation, luminescence lifetimes, chromaticity, and quantum efficiency), where the red, blue, and upconversion emissions of the prepared phosphors were evaluated.
We investigated near-infrared-to-blue upconversion from thulium (Tm 3+) doped in tellurite glasses upon continuous wave excitation near 800 nm. We observed an enhancement of over two orders of magnitude of the upconverted emission at ∼480nm when neodymium (Nd 3+) ions were codoped with Tm 3+ ions. For comparison, using a Tm 3+:Nd 3+ codoped fluorozirconate glass as a reference material we observed a 40-fold enhancement of the blue emission. Analysis of the blue emission for samples with different doping levels of Nd 3+ ions showed that energy transfer between Nd 3+ and Tm 3+ is the mechanism responsible for the enhancement in upconversion. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. © 2002 American Institute of Physics.
Objective: We sought to investigate the wound-healing process after photodynamic therapy (PDT) mediated by methylene blue dye (MB). Background Data: Few scientific studies show the PDT roles in wound healing. Materials and Methods: One hundred rats were given a circular wound on the back, inflicted with a 6-mm-diameter punch. The animals were divided into four groups: control (no treatment); dye (topical application of MB); laser (InGaAlP, 117.85 J/cm(2), 100 mW, 660 nm, single point); and PDT (topical application of MB followed by laser irradiation). After 1, 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, the cutaneous wounds were photographed and assessed with histopathologic examination by using light microscope. Changes seen in edema, necrosis, inflammation, granulation tissue, re-epithelialization, and number of young fibroblasts were semiquantitatively evaluated. The wound-area changes were measured with special software and submitted to statistical analysis. Results: The laser group demonstrated the smallest wound area at 14 days after the surgical procedure (p<0.01). Concerning complete re-epithelialization, the laser group showed it at 5-7 days after surgery, whereas the PDT and the other groups showed it at 14 days. Conclusions: Laser interaction with tissue is somehow changed when exposed to the MB. PDT mediated by MB was not prejudicial to wound healing, as no delay occurred compared with the control group.
A new solution route for the obtainment of highly pure luminescent rare-earth orthophosphates in hydrothermal conditions was developed. By starting from soluble precursors (lanthanide tripolyphosphato complexes. i.e. with P(3)O(10)(5) as a complexing agent and as in orthophosphate source) and by applying surfactants in a water/toluene medium, the precipitations are confined to reverse micelle structures, thus yielding nanosized and homogeneous orthophosphates The method was employed to obtain lanthanide-activated lanthanum phosphates, which can be applied as red (LaPO(4):Eu(3+)), green (LaPO(4):Ce(3+), Tb(3+)) and blue (LaPO(4):Tm(3+)) phosphors The produced materials were analyzed by powder X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and luminescence spectroscopy (emission, excitation, lifetimes and chromaticity coordinates) (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território, Área de Especialização em Planeamento e Ordenamento do Território
A presença de serviços públicos nos aglomerados populacionais suscita diferentes arti-culações e rearranjos socioterritoriais e promove a sua dinamização e especialização, fomenta a economia local e contribui, direta e indiretamente, para a coesão, o desen-volvimento, a atratividade, a competitividade e a resiliência dos territórios. Nas últimas décadas, as lógicas da oferta e da procura dos serviços públicos têm evoluído rapida-mente, passando de um modelo de gestão fechado e burocrático, para um modelo mais aberto, diversificado, simplificado e participativo. Com elas, surgiram (novos) de-safios na sua gestão, que vão desde a sua sustentabilidade económica até aos impac-tos sociais e territoriais resultantes da modernização, sem esquecer a maior (e cres-cente) exigência do cidadão. Estas mutações têm repercussões na filosofia da sua or-ganização e no modus operandi, com uma crescente orientação para as necessidades da procura e a satisfação do utente, procurando, em simultâneo, reduzir os custos e aumentar a produtividade e a qualidade dos serviços prestados, com base em políticas de inovação e em parcerias e governação em rede. Na prática, estas alterações condu-zem a processos diferenciados, que têm passado pela fusão, reconversão ou mesmo encerramento de serviços públicos. Num contexto de crise económico-financeira, como o que se vive em Portugal, e aten-dendo às mutações ocorridas na oferta e na procura de serviços públicos de educação, saúde, eventos de vida, defesa e segurança e justiça, importa refletir sobre os concei-tos inerentes a estes serviços e sintetizar as principais dinâmicas nesse período de tempo, tendo como pressupostos que, por um lado, o território é um elemento dife-renciador na prestação e na utilização de serviços e que, por outro lado, estes serviços, pela sua natureza estratégica para a sociedade e para a economia, exigem a definição de políticas e de estratégias territoriais consentâneas e inclusivas. Esta investigação centra a sua análise em dois âmbitos geográficos. Numa primeira fa-se, à escala de Portugal continental, onde se obtém um retrato atual da espacialização dos serviços públicos referidos acima. Em seguida, após a criação de uma metodologia inovadora baseada em análises e modelação de informação geográfica para a tipifica-ção dos diferentes tipos de territórios, são identificados três casos de estudo regionais, com características distintas. Assim, são estudados territórios metropolita-nos/densamente urbanizados (constituídos pelos concelhos de Lisboa, Almada, Seixal, Palmela, Sesimbra e Setúbal), eixo urbano-rural (Évora, Portel, Viana do Alentejo, Vidi-gueira, Cuba e Beja) e territórios profundamente rurais (Barrancos, Moura, Serpa e Mértola), para os quais foi realizado um inquérito à população, com o objetivo de compreender a utilização que fazem dos serviços públicos e quais as suas expetativas em relação aos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos para as análises nacional e regionais são acompanhados por uma reflexão sobre a territorialização das políticas de serviços públicos, as quais incidem em matérias relacionadas com o seu planeamento e, sobre-tudo, com a sua gestão.
BACKGROUND: In patients with outer retinal degeneration, a differential pupil response to long wavelength (red) versus short wavelength (blue) light stimulation has been previously observed. The goal of this study was to quantify differences in the pupillary re-dilation following exposure to red versus blue light in patients with outer retinal disease and compare them with patients with optic neuropathy and with healthy subjects. DESIGN: Prospective comparative cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three patients with outer retinal disease, 13 patients with optic neuropathy and 14 normal subjects. METHODS: Subjects were tested using continuous red and blue light stimulation at three intensities (1, 10 and 100 cd/m2) for 13 s per intensity. Pupillary re-dilation dynamics following the brightest intensity was analysed and compared between the three groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The parameters of pupil re-dilation used in this study were: time to recover 90% of baseline size; mean pupil size at early and late phases of re-dilation; and differential re-dilation time for blue versus red light. RESULTS: Patients with outer retinal disease showed a pupil that tended to stay smaller after light termination and thus had a longer time to recovery. The differential re-dilation time was significantly greater in patients with outer retinal disease (median = 28.0 s, P < 0.0001) compared with controls and patients with optic neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS: A differential response of pupil re-dilation following red versus blue light stimulation is present in patients with outer retinal disease but is not found in normal eyes or among patients with visual loss from optic neuropathy.
Mikropiirien valmistus- ja suunnittelutekniikoiden kehittyminen mahdollistaa yhä monimutkaisempien mikropiirien valmistamisen. Piirien verifioinnista onkin tullut prosessin aikaa vievin osa,sillä kompleksisuuden kasvaessa kasvaa verifioinnin tarve eksponentiaalisesti. Vaikka erinäisiä strategioita piirien integroinnin verifiointiin on esitetty, mm. verifioinnin jakaminen koko suunnitteluprosessin ajalle, jopa yli puolet koko piirin suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen käytetystä työmäärästä kuluu verifiointiin. Uudelleenkäytettävät komponentit ovat pääosassa piirin suunnittelussa, mutta verifioinnissa uudelleenkäytettävyyttä ei ole otettu kunnolla käyttöön ainakaan verifiointiohjelmistojen osalta. Tämä diplomityö esittelee uudelleenkäytettävän mikropiirien verifiointiohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin, jolla saadaan verifiointitaakkaa vähennettyä poistamalla verifioinnissa käytettävien ohjelmistojen uudelleensuunnittelun ja toteuttamisen tarvetta.
The efficient use of materials and natural recourses, for ecological and economic reasons, has become more and more important in all industries. In the forest industries this means higher levels of closure in the material circulations of the mills. One possibility to reduce wastewater discharge is to re-use part of the 2nd clarifier effluent as process water. The main target of this thesis was to evaluate the technical suitability of several mechanical and chemical tertiary treatment methods for water re-use. Some of the tested methods seemed to have high potential for the removal of some specific constituents from the wastewater. Tertiary treatment is needed because higher levels of closure may cause problems with increasing amounts of non-process elements in different points of kraft pulp process. The aspect of sustainable development was taken into account by evaluating positive and negative environmental effects of the treatment processes. Environmental benefits can be gained by using some of the tertiary treatment methods tested. These methods should still be researched more for system optimization.
Os placebos têm sido estudados ao longo dos tempos, apresentando resultados em várias áreas e potencialidades ainda por descobrir. A maneira como os utilizar e explorar mantém-se em aberto em várias áreas de intervenção. Este trabalho pretendeu, com a elaboração de dois artigos, analisar a influência do priming, mindfulness e efeito placebo na actividade física e exercício físico, no que diz respeito a parâmetros de composição corporal e hemodinâmica. Para isso realizou-se a revisão sistemática da literatura do artigo 1, que tinha como objectivo analisar a influência do Priming e Mindfulness como facilitadores do Efeito Placebo com base na Actividade Física, Exercício Físico e alteração de comportamentos visando a saúde. No artigo 2, definiu-se como objectivo principal analisar a influência de uma intervenção com priming na actividade física, composição corporal e pressão arterial em sujeitos com uma actividade profissional blue collar. Os resultados apontam para a validade do priming como instrumento despoletador de mudança no comportamento e efeito placebo. A intervenção realizada não surtiu os efeitos esperados no grupo experimental. O grupo de controlo, por algum factor não controlado, revelou melhorias significativas na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados. Verificou-se que o priming pode ser um instrumento válido na mudança de comportamentos, havendo ainda a necessidade de compreender melhor como é que se deverá aplicar esta ferramenta ao contexto do exercício físico. Um estado de mindfulness mais elevado parece estar associado à facilitação da mudança de comportamento.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The metalloendopeptidase endothelin-converting enzyme 1 (ECE-1) is prominently expressed in the endothelium where it converts big endothelin to endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor peptide. Although ECE-1 is found in endosomes in endothelial cells, the role of endosomal ECE-1 is unclear. ECE-1 degrades the pro-inflammatory neuropeptide substance P (SP) in endosomes to promote recycling and re-sensitization of its neurokinin 1 (NK(1)) receptor. We investigated whether ECE-1 regulates NK(1) receptor re-sensitization and the pro-inflammatory effects of SP in the endothelium. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: We examined ECE-1 expression, SP trafficking and NK(1) receptor re-sensitization in human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), and investigated re-sensitization of SP-induced plasma extravasation in rats. KEY RESULTS: HMEC-1 expressed all four ECE-1 isoforms (a-d), and fluorescent SP trafficked to early endosomes containing ECE-1b/d. The ECE-1 inhibitor SM-19712 prevented re-sensitization of SP-induced Ca2+ signals in HMEC-1 cells. Immunoreactive ECE-1 and NK(1) receptors co-localized in microvascular endothelial cells in the rat. SP-induced extravasation of Evans blue in the urinary bladder, skin and ears of the rat desensitized when the interval between two SP injections was 10 min, and re-sensitized after 480 min. SM-19712 inhibited this re-sensitization. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: By degrading endocytosed SP, ECE-1 promotes the recycling and re-sensitization of NK(1) receptors in endothelial cells, and thereby induces re-sensitization of the pro-inflammatory effects of SP. Thus, ECE-1 inhibitors may ameliorate the pro-inflammatory actions of SP.
This paper presents a systematic comparison of OSL signals from Al(2)O(3):C when stimulated with blue and green light. Al(2)O(3):C detectors were irradiated with various doses and submitted to various bleaching regimes using yellow, green and blue light. Most of the investigations were carried out using Luxel (TM)-type detectors used in the commercial Luxet (TM) and InLight (TM) dosimetry systems (Landauer Inc.). Al(2)O(3):C single crystals and Al(2)O(3):C powder were also used to complement the investigations. The results show that, although blue stimulation provides faster readout times (OSL curves that decayed faster) and higher initial OSL intensity than green stimulation, blue stimulation introduced complicating factors. These include incomplete bleaching of the dosimetric trap when the Al(2)O(3):C detectors are bleached with yellow or green light and the OSL is recorded with blue light stimulation, and an increased residual level due to stimulation of charge carriers from deep traps. The results warrant caution when using blue stimulation to measure the OSL signal from Al(2)O(3):C detectors, particularly if the doses involved are low and the detectors have been previously exposed to high doses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.