933 resultados para QR codes


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Comunicação e Artes


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This paper presents the design and implementation of QRP, an open source proof-of-concept authentication system that uses a two-factorauthentication by combining a password and a camera-equipped mobile phone, acting as an authentication token. QRP is extremely secure asall the sensitive information stored and transmitted is encrypted, but it isalso an easy to use and cost-efficient solution. QRP is portable and can be used securely in untrusted computers. Finally, QRP is able to successfully authenticate even when the phone is offline.


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Purpose – This paper describes visitors' reactions to using an Apple iPad or smartphone to follow trails in a museum by scanning QR codes and draws conclusions on the potential for this technology to help improve accessibility at low-cost. Design/methodology/approach – Activities were devised which involved visitors following trails around museum objects, each labelled with a QR code and symbolised text. Visitors scanned the QR codes using a mobile device which then showed more information about an object. Project-team members acted as participant-observers, engaging with visitors and noting how they used the system. Experiences from each activity fed into the design of the next. Findings – Some physical and technical problems with using QR codes can be overcome with the introduction of simple aids, particularly using movable object labels. A layered approach to information access is possible with the first layer comprising a label, the second a mobile-web enabled screen and the third choices of text, pictures, video and audio. Video was especially appealing to young people. The ability to repeatedly watch video or listen to audio seemed to be appreciated by visitors with learning disabilities. This approach can have low equipment-cost. However, maintaining the information behind labels and keeping-up with technological changes are on-going processes. Originality/value – Using QR codes on movable, symbolised object labels as part of a layered information system might help modestly-funded museums enhance their accessibility, particularly as visitors increasingly arrive with their own smartphones or tablets.


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Woodworking industries still consists of wood dust problems. Young workers are especially vulnerable to safety risks. To reduce risks, it is important to change attitudes and increase knowledge about safety. Safety training have shown to establish positive attitudes towards safety among employees. The aim of current study is to analyze the effect of QR codes that link to Picture Mix EXposure (PIMEX) videos by analyzing attitudes to this safety training method and safety in student responses. Safety training videos were used in upper secondary school handicraft programs to demonstrate wood dust risks and methods to decrease exposure to wood dust. A preliminary study was conducted to investigate improvement of safety training in two schools in preparation for the main study that investigated a safety training method in three schools. In the preliminary study the PIMEX method was first used in which students were filmed while wood dust exposure was measured and subsequently displayed on a computer screen in real time. Before and after the filming, teachers, students, and researchers together analyzed wood dust risks and effective measures to reduce exposure to them. For the main study, QR codes linked to PIMEX videos were attached at wood processing machines. Subsequent interviews showed that this safety training method enables students in an early stage of their life to learn about risks and safety measures to control wood dust exposure. The new combination of methods can create awareness, change attitudes and motivation among students to work more frequently to reduce wood dust. 


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The following paper attempts to encompass the opportunities for applying QR codes for museums and exhibits through the example of the Hungarian Museum of Environmental Protection and Water Management (Esztergom, Hungary). Besides providing interactivity in the museum for the mobile phone generation through the utilization of a device and a method that they are familiar with, it is important to explain how and why it is worthwhile to “adorn” the exhibits with these codes. In this paper we also touch upon the technical issues of how an existing mobile phone application can be incorporated into and used for the presentation of the museum.


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The following paper presents an application of QR code marking of digital iconographical collections for their outdoor mobile access and exploring through the GUIDE@HAND audio tourist guide.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital, sob orientação de Doutor José Freitas Santos


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Les pràctiques educatives que es basen en una metodologia on s’integren les noves Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) són cada cop més influents en l’àmbit educatiu, ja que, ens acosten a la realitat de l’època en què vivim, la societat de la informació i l’alfabetització digital. Així, en aquest estudi s’investiga la motivació i l’adquisició de l’hàbit lector a través dels codis QR en un grup d’infants d’edats compreses entre cinc i sis anys d’Educació Infantil. A partir dels instruments de recollida de dades, com ara, l’entrevista, l’observació, els qüestionaris i la pròpia intervenció educativa, podem saber que la motivació de llegir contes i d’utilitzar les noves tecnologies augmenta en l’actitud dels infants. Pel que fa a l’aprenentatge i adquisició de l’hàbit lector, arribem a la conclusió que és un procés llarg i, segons l’entorn que té l’infant, hi influeix de manera positiva o negativa.


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If you’ve made it this far—and I’m sure many of you have—then you know what this article is about: QR codes, or Quick Response codes (also referred to, though less frequently, as mobile codes 2d barcodes, or 2d codes). QRs are not new by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, they’ve been around for about a decade and a half.


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Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS) have become an important tool for public transport planners, as improvements in the perceived quality of service lead to greater use of public transport and lower traffic pollution. Until now, Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) enhancements in public transport have traditionally included fleet management systems based on Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies, which can be used to optimize routing and scheduling, and to feed real-time information into passenger information channels. However, surveys of public transport users could also benefit from the new information technologies. As most customers carry their smartphones when traveling, Quick Response (QR) codes open up the possibility of conducting these surveys at a lower cost.This paper contributes to the limited existing literature by developing the analysis of QR codes applied to CSS in public transport and highlighting their importance in reducing the cost of data collection and processing. The added value of this research is that it provides the first assessment of a real case study in Madrid (Spain) using QR codes for this purpose. This pilot experience was part of a research project analyzing bus service quality in the same case study, so the QR code survey (155 valid questionnaires) was validated using a conventional face-to-face survey (520 valid questionnaires). The results show clearly that, after overcoming a few teething troubles, this QR code application will ultimately provide transport management with a useful tool to reduce survey costs


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight the mobile services developed by the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library (BRGF) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC Barcelona Tech) in Barcelona, Spain.We hope this paper will be of use to other libraries exploring new technologies for communicating and delivering their services to users at a time when mobile services are an emerging topic in librarianship and information science literature. By setting out the successive steps involved in the as yet unfinished process of building our mobile services portfolio, we aim to offer a detailed picture of the mobile services and features offered by a university library from a case study perspective.The main topics to be discussed include:- The BRGF’s mobile website, including the information available, its interactivecapabilities and the services it provides to its users.- The mobile-friendly version of UPCommons (the UPC Library Service’s institutionalrepositories).- The UPC Library Service’s mobile OPAC.- The mobile version of u-win (BRGF’s videogame service).- The use of QR codes to deliver information to mobile devices.- Text message notifications.Additional topics for discussion include:- The library’s organisation and the organisational concepts that underpin andmake possible its technological developments (including mobile).- BRGF’s concern regarding the reduction of investment in the development of mobile services.- The criteria and tools used to guide the library’s decisions regarding thedesign and orientation of current and future mobile services.- How mobile services can help to improve the image of the library as a leadingtechnology site.- Selected mobile features that BRGF plans to offer in the near future.Ultimately, this paper aims to delineate the effectiveness and potential of deliveringlibrary services by the preferred means of communication of a new generation of studentsand teachers.


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Phase encoded nano structures such as Quick Response (QR) codes made of metallic nanoparticles are suggested to be used in security and authentication applications. We present a polarimetric optical method able to authenticate random phase encoded QR codes. The system is illuminated using polarized light and the QR code is encoded using a phase-only random mask. Using classification algorithms it is possible to validate the QR code from the examination of the polarimetric signature of the speckle pattern. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test and Support Vector Machine algorithms to authenticate the phase encoded QR codes using polarimetric signatures.


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TRIPCOLOMBIA es una organización que nace a partir del interés por realizar aportes significativos a los procesos tradicionales de difusión y conservación del patrimonio y la cultura de la nación. De esta manera, se decide realizar un modelo de negocio para implementar una aplicación móvil y un mapa impreso interactivo, que tengan como eje principal estrategias de gamificación , y a mediano plazo el desarrollo y la implementación de Realidad Aumentada (RA) y códigos QR directamente en las zonas de interés cultural. Dicha aplicación, buscará interconectar las TIC con los BIC, espacios competentes o complementarios a los BIC y entidades culturales circundantes, mediante la organización de redes interactivas y retroalimentadas.


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Telefonkommunikationsfertigkeiten sind in der modernen Medizin von zunehmender Bedeutung. Entsprechend wurde vom Berner Institut für Hausarztmedizin ein Telefonkommunikationskurs eingeführt. Mit zwei technischen Lösungen unterstützen wir in unserem Skills Lab diesen Kurs. Mit drei im Internet abrufbaren Tonbeispielen können sich die Studierenden auf das Training vorbereiten. Unsere Befragung ergab, dass mehr als drei Viertel der Studierenden diese Tonbeispiele nutzen. Um den Problemen und Kosten von am Netz angeschlossenen Telefongeräten auszuweichen, haben wir Schleusentelefone der Schweizer Armee angeschafft. Diese lassen sich direkt verbinden, benötigen nur Typ C Batterien und haben Kurbel betrieben Klingeln. Sowohl Aufbau wie Einsatz waren problemlos. Mittels QR Codes auf dem Poster können die Leser mit ihren Smartphones die Tonbeispiele und ein Video über den Telefonkommunikationskurs ansteuern.


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This interactive symposium will focus on the use of different technologies in developing innovative practice in teacher education at one university in England. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) is a field of educational policy and practice that has the power to ignite diametrically opposing views and reactions amongst teachers and teacher educators, ranging across a spectrum from immense enthusiasm to untold terror. In a field where the skills and experience of individuals vary from those of digital natives (Prensky 2001) to lags and lurkers in digital spaces, the challenges of harnessing the potential of TEL are complex. The challenges include developing the IT skills of trainees and educators and the creative application of these skills to pedagogy in all areas of the curriculum. The symposium draws on examples from primary, secondary and post-compulsory teacher education to discuss issues and approaches to developing research capacity and innovative practice using different etools, many of which are freely available. The first paper offers theoretical and policy perspectives on finding spaces in busy professional lives to engage in research and develop research-informed practice. It draws on notions of teachers as researchers, practitioner research and evidenc-ebased practice to argue that engagement in research is integral to teacher education and an empowering source of creative professional learning for teachers and teacher educators. Whilst acknowledging the challenges of this stance, examples from our own research practice illustrate how e-tools can assist us in building the capacity and confidence of staff and students in researching and enhancing teaching, learning and assessment practice. The second paper discusses IT skills development through the TEL pathway for trainee teachers in secondary education across different curriculum subjects. The lead tutor for the TEL pathway will use examples of activities developed with trainee teachers and university subject tutors to enhance their skills in using e-tools, such as QR codes, Kahoot, Padlet, Pinterest and cloud based learning. The paper will also focus on how these skills and tools can be used for action Discussant - the wider use of technologies in a university centre for teacher education; course management, recruitment and mentor training. research, evaluation and feedback and for marking and administrative tasks. The discussion will finish with thoughts on widening trainee teachers’ horizons into the future direction of educational technology. The third paper considers institutional policies and strategies for promoting and embedding TEL, including an initiative called ‘The Learning Conversation’, which aims ‘to share, highlight, celebrate, discuss, problematise, find things out...’ about TEL through an online space. The lead for ‘The Learning Conversation’ will offer reflections on this and other initiatives across the institution involving trainee teachers, university subject tutors, librarians and staff in student support services who are using TEL to engage, enthuse and support students on campus and during placements in schools. The fourth paper reflects on the use of TEL to engage with trainee teachers in post-compulsory education. This sector of education and training is more fragmented than primary and secondary schools sectors and so the challenges of building a community of practice that can support the development of innovative practice are greater.