954 resultados para Proactive-interference


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Phonemic codes are accorded a privileged role in most current models of immediate serial recall, although their effects are apparent in short-term proactive interference (PI) effects as well. The present research looks at how assumptions concerning distributed representation and distributed storage involving both semantic and phonemic codes might be operationalized to produce PI in a short-term cued recall task. The four experiments reported here attempted to generate the phonemic characteristics of a nonrhyming, interfering foil from unrelated filler items in the same list. PI was observed when a rhyme of the foil was studied or when the three phonemes of the foil were distributed across three studied filler items. The results suggest that items in short-term memory are stored in terms of feature bundles and that all items are simultaneously available at retrieval.


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C. L. Isaac and A. R. Mayes (1999a, 1999b) compared forgetting rates in amnesic patients and normal participants across a range of memory tasks. Although the results are complex, many of them appear to be replicable and there are several commendable features to the design and analysis. Nevertheless, the authors largely ignored 2 relevant literatures: the traditional literature on proactive inhibition/interference and the formal analyses of the complexity of the bindings (associations) required for memory tasks. It is shown how the empirical results and conceptual analyses in these literatures are needed to guide the choice of task, the design of experiments, and the interpretation of results for amnesic patients and normal participants.


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Cognitive control involves the ability to flexibly adjust cognitive processing in order to resist interference and promote goal-directed behaviour. Although frontal cortex is considered to be broadly involved in cognitive control, the mechanisms by which frontal brain areas implement control functions are unclear. Furthermore, aging is associated with reductions in the ability to implement control functions and questions remain as to whether unique cortical responses serve a compensatory role in maintaining maximal performance in later years. Described here are three studies in which electrophysiological data were recorded while participants performed modified versions of the standard Sternberg task. The goal was to determine how top-down control is implemented in younger adults and altered in aging. In study I, the effects of frequent stimulus repetition on the interference-related N450 were investigated in a Sternberg task with a small stimulus set (requiring extensive stimulus resampling) and a task with a large stimulus set (requiring no stimulus resampling).The data indicated that constant stimulus res amp ling required by employing small stimulus sets can undercut the effect of proactive interference on the N450. In study 2, younger and older adults were tested in a standard version of the Sternberg task to determine whether the unique frontal positivity, previously shown to predict memory impairment in older adults during a proactive interference task, would be associated with the improved performance when memory recognition could be aided by unambiguous stimulus familiarity. Here, results indicated that the frontal positivity was associated with poorer memory performance, replicating the effect observed in a more cognitively demanding task, and showing that stimulus familiarity does not mediate compensatory cortical activations in older adults. Although the frontal positivity could be interpreted to reflect maladaptive cortical activation, it may also reflect attempts at compensation that fail to fully ameliorate agerelated decline. Furthermore, the frontal positivity may be the result of older adults' reliance on late occurring, controlled processing in contrast to younger adults' ability to identify stimuli at very early stages of processing. In the final study, working memory load was manipulated in the proactive interference Sternberg task in order to investigate whether the N450 reflects simple interference detection, with little need for cognitive resources, or an active conflict resolution mechanism that requires executive resources to implement. Independent component analysis was used to isolate the effect of interference revealing that the canonical N450 was based on two dissociable cognitive control mechanisms: a left frontal negativity that reflects active interference resolution, , but requires executive resources to implement, and a right frontal negativity that reflects global response inhibition that can be relied on when executive resources are minimal but at the cost of a slowed response. Collectively, these studies advance understanding of the factors that influence younger and older adults' ability to satisfy goal-directed behavioural requirements in the face of interference and the effects of age-related cognitive decline.


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Recent research has begun to provide support for the assumptions that memories are stored as a composite and are accessed in parallel (Tehan & Humphreys, 1998). New predictions derived from these assumptions and from the Chappell and Humphreys (1994) implementation of these assumptions were tested. In three experiments, subjects studied relatively short lists of words. Some of the Lists contained two similar targets (thief and theft) or two dissimilar targets (thief and steal) associated with the same cue (ROBBERY). AS predicted, target similarity affected performance in cued recall but not free association. Contrary to predictions, two spaced presentations of a target did not improve performance in free association. Two additional experiments confirmed and extended this finding. Several alternative explanations for the target similarity effect, which incorporate assumptions about separate representations and sequential search, are rejected. The importance of the finding that, in at least one implicit memory paradigm, repetition does not improve performance is also discussed.


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Le fardeau vasculaire (présence de maladies vasculaires et/ou cérébrovasculaires) est associé à une augmentation des troubles cognitifs chez les personnes âgées, ainsi qu’à un plus haut risque de démence vasculaire (DV) et de démence de type Alzheimer (DTA). Un nombre restreint de travaux a porté sur l’impact du fardeau vasculaire sur la cognition des personnes avec trouble cognitif léger (TCL). Pourtant, les personnes avec TCL représentent une population d’intérêt puisqu’elles sont à haut risque d’évoluer vers une démence. Cette thèse comprend trois articles de revue qui visent à exposer les connaissances entourant la santé vasculaire et la cognition des personnes âgées et trois articles empiriques (Chapitres 5, 6, 7). La première étude empirique traite de l’impact du fardeau vasculaire sur la cognition des personnes TCL et a comme objectif de spécifier quelles fonctions cognitives sont affectées par le fardeau vasculaire et dans quelle mesure le fardeau vasculaire influence l’hétérogénéité des TCL (Chapitre 5). Dans le cadre de la deuxième étude, nous avons examiné l’intégrité des processus stratégiques et non stratégiques de mémorisation des TCL avec et sans fardeau vasculaire, afin d’évaluer si ces processus diffèrent quantitativement et qualitativement entre ces deux groupes (Chapitre 6). Enfin, dans la troisième étude nous avons évalué les capacités d’association (binding) ainsi que la résistance à l’interférence des personnes TCL, les liens entre ces processus mnésiques et différents marqueurs cérébraux en plus des facteurs permettant de prédire l’évolution vers une démence (Chapitre 7). Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle le fardeau vasculaire influence le profil cognitif des TCL. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que le fardeau vasculaire est associé à une atteinte exécutive plus importante chez les TCL (Chapitre 5). De plus, nos résultats suggèrent que le fardeau vasculaire influence la classification clinique de ces derniers, puisque ceux dont le fardeau est élevé répondent davantage aux critères de TCL amnestique domaine multiple (trouble de mémoire plus au moins un autre déficit cognitif) tandis que ceux sans fardeau répondent davantage aux critères de TCL amnestique domaine unique (trouble isolé de la mémoire). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons montré des différences dans la nature des processus mnésiques atteints chez les TCL avec et sans fardeau vasculaire (Chapitre 6). Alors que les premiers présentent une atteinte prédominante des processus stratégiques de mémorisation, les seconds présentent une atteinte des processus stratégiques et non stratégiques de mémorisation. Lorsque seuls les résultats des TCL ayant évolué vers une démence sont analysés, le patron d’atteinte est similaire puisque les TCL vasculaires sont quantitativement moins touchés que les TCL non-vasculaires au niveau des processus non-stratégiques de mémorisation. Enfin, tant les TCL qui progressent vers une démence que les TCL qui restent stables après un suivi de trois ans éprouvent tous des difficultés de mémoire associative et sont sensibles à l’interférence proactive (Chapitre 7). De plus, le fardeau vasculaire est associé à la sensibilité à l’interférence alors que le volume hippocampique est associé aux difficultés de mémoire associative. Enfin, nos résultats indiquent que les TCL qui éprouvent des difficultés de mémoire associative sont plus à risque d’évoluer vers une démence que les TCL ne présentant pas ces mêmes difficultés. De façon globale, les résultats de cette thèse révèlent que le fardeau vasculaire joue un rôle important dans l’hétérogénéité des TCL.


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Introducció. Actualment, està àmpliament acceptat que l'esquizofrènia posseeix una etiologia multifactorial i que existeix una complexa interacció entre factors genètics i factors ambientals. Amb l'objectiu de coneixerà quins són els mecanismes etiològics i patofisiològics que determinen el trastorn una part de la investigaci6 s 'ha centrat, en els últims anys, en la detecció de marcadors de vulnerabilitat en subjectes amb risc al trastorn. Aquesta vulnerabilitat, denominada 'esquizotipia', es pot identificar en subjectes clínicament no afectats. Objectiu. L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació s'ha dirigit a intentar contestar a alguns interrogants que encara no tenen resposta. Per exemple, per què alguns familiars, essent portadors del genotip esquizofrènic, no han presentat mai la malaltia?, existeixen formes esquizotípiques de menor risc per a la presentació del trastorn?, poden alguns patrons esquizotípics 'ajudar' a que la vulnerabilitat es mantingui latent i no es manifesti en forma de trastorn? En termes generals, l'estudi s'ha centrat en la identificació de marcadors de vulnerabilitat dels trastorns de l'espectre esquizofrènic en pares no afectats de pacients amb esquizofrènia (subjectes d'edats avançades amb poca probabilitat de presentar el trastorn) comparats amb pares normals de subjectes normals. Metodologia. S' han avaluat 26 parelles de pares no afectats de pacients amb esquizofrènia i 26 parelles de pares normals de subjectes normals (n= 104) en variables de personalitat i comportamentals (esquizotipia psicomètrica -O-LIFE-, trastorns de personalitat -Qüestionari d'avaluació IPDE-, psicopatologia general -SCL-90- i lloc de control -MHLC-) i variables neuropsicològiques (dèficit atencional -CPT-IP-, funció executiva -TMT part B- i memòria i aprenentatge verbal -CVLT-). Resultats. Els pares dels pacients esquizofrènics, comparats amb els controls, mostren significativament puntuacions mes altes al factor d'anhedònia introvertida, al trastorn paranoide de la personalitat i al trastorn per evitació de la personalitat, més característiques de psicopatologia general i un major lloc de control intern relacionat amb la salut. També realitzen mes errors d'omissió en la tasca atencional, presenten una major interferència proactiva al test de memòria i aprenentatge verbal i mostren una tendència a dedicar mes temps a completar la tasca executiva. Els resultats mostren que les associacions entre les variables de personalitat i les neuropsicològiques són de poca magnitud i les diferències entre ambdós grups no segueixen un patró clarament determinat. Conclusions. Els pares dels pacients esquizofrènics presenten més trets esquizotípics negatius que els pares del subjectes normals. L'anhedònia introvertida podria considerar-se com una forma de menor risc a l'esquizofrènia ja que s'evidencia en subjectes (pares) d'edats avançades que ja han superat l'edat de risc i amb poca probabilitat de presentar mai el trastorn. Tanmateix, es confirma que el trastorn paranoide de la personalitat forma part dels trastorns de l'espectre esquizofrènic. Els pares dels pacients atribueixen un major pes i la internalització i al poder dels altres en relació a l'estat de salut, i en general, presenten més característiques psicopatològiques que el grup control. Quant a les variables neuropsicològiques, els pares dels pacients realitzen pitjor la tasca atencional, són més lents en l'anticipació, planificació i flexibilitat de les respostes en el test executiu. Els indicadors de memòria i aprenentatge verbal no discriminen a ambdós grups, i únicament els pares dels pacients presenten una major interferència proactiva. Finalment, el patró de personalitat i el neuropsicològic corresponen a dos fenotips diferents relacionats amb l'esquizofrènia que no es troben íntimament units en subjectes amb aquestes característiques.


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Left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) is a critical neural substrate for the resolution of proactive interference (PI) in working memory. We hypothesized that left IFG achieves this by controlling the influence of familiarity- versus recollection-based information about memory probes. Consistent with this idea, we observed evidence for an early (200 msec)-peaking signal corresponding to memory probe familiarity and a late (500 msec)-resolving signal corresponding to full accrual of trial-related contextual ("recollection-based") information. Next, we applied brief trains of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) time locked to these mnemonic signals, to left IFG and to a control region. Only early rTMS of left IFG produced a modulation of the false alarm rate for high-PI probes. Additionally, the magnitude of this effect was predicted by individual differences in susceptibility to PI. These results suggest that left IFG-based control may bias the influence of familiarity- and recollection-based signals on recognition decisions.


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Recent evidence from animal and adult human subjects has demonstrated potential benefits to cognition from flavonoid supplementation. This study aimed to investigate whether these cognitive benefits extended to a sample of school-aged children. Using a cross-over design, with a wash out of at least seven days between drinks, fourteen 8-10 year old children consumed either a flavonoid-rich blueberry drink or matched vehicle. Two hours after consumption, subjects completed a battery of five cognitive tests comprising the Go-NoGo, Stroop, Rey’s Auditory Verbal Learning Task, Object Location Task, and a Visual N-back. In comparison to vehicle, the blueberry drink produced significant improvements in the delayed recall of a previously learned list of words, showing for the first time a cognitive benefit for acute flavonoid intervention in children. However, performance on a measure of proactive interference indicated that the blueberry intervention led to a greater negative impact of previously memorised words on the encoding of a set of new words. There was no benefit of our blueberry intervention for measures of attention, response inhibition or visuo-spatial memory. While findings are mixed, the improvements in delayed recall found in this pilot study suggest that, following acute flavonoid-rich blueberry interventions, school aged children encode memory items more effectively.


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Cued recall with an extralist cue poses a challenge for contemporary memory theory in that there is a need to explain how episodic and semantic information are combined. A parallel activation and intersection approach proposes one such means by assuming that an experimental cue will elicit its preexisting semantic network and a context cue will elicit a list memory. These 2 sources of information are then combined by focusing on information that is common to the 2 sources. Two key predictions of that approach are examined: (a) Combining semantic and episodic information can lead to item interactions and false memories, and (b) these effects are limited to memory tasks that involve an episodic context cue. Five experiments demonstrate such item interactions and false memories in cued recall but not in free association. Links are drawn between the use of context in this setting and in other settings.


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Rabies is a viral zoonotic infectious disease that affects mammals and is caused by genotypes/species of the Lyssavirus genus (Rhabdoviridae, Mononegavirales), with the genotype 1 (classic rabies virus - RABV) being the most prevalent. Despite continuous efforts, rabies is still an incurable disease that causes thousands of deaths amongst humans worldwide. Due to a wide range of hosts and the different evolutionary paths of RABV in each host, several host-specific variants have arisen in an ongoing process. The result of RABV replication in nervous tissues may lead to two opposite clinical outcomes, i.e., paralytic/dumb form and encephalitic/furious one. The paralytic form creates dead-end hosts mainly amongst herbivores, while the furious form of the disease allows for augmented transmission when manifested in gregarious carnivores, as their natural aggressive behavior is accentuated by the disease itself. The aim of this article is to propose a theoretical model intended to explore how the rabies virus intrinsically modulates the immune system of different host classes, the pathological changes that the virus causes in these animals and how these elements favor its own perpetuation in nature, thus providing a basis for better prediction of the patterns this disease may present.


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The present study investigated the effects of t moxidectin (MXD) in some parameters of rat motor function and neurochemical. The general activity in the open field and the motor coordination in the wooden beam were employed to evaluate the MXD effects. The results showed that, in the open field, even at high doses (2.0 and 20.0 mg/kg), the MXD did not alter the locomotion and the rearing frequencies. However, MXD was able to impair the motor coordination of the animals at wooden beam. Neurochemical studies of striatal GABA and dopamine neurotransmitters showed a reduced levels of dopamine and its metabolite, homovanillic acid, without interference on striatal GABA levels. Since GABAergic receptor stimulation had an inhibitory effect on dopaminergic striatal system, the decreased motor coordination could be attributed to an action of MXD on dopamine system via GABA activation.


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Background: The thymus is a central lymphoid organ, in which bone marrow-derived T cell precursors undergo a complex process of maturation. Developing thymocytes interact with thymic microenvironment in a defined spatial order. A component of thymic microenvironment, the thymic epithelial cells, is crucial for the maturation of T-lymphocytes through cell-cell contact, cell matrix interactions and secretory of cytokines/chemokines. There is evidence that extracellular matrix molecules play a fundamental role in guiding differentiating thymocytes in both cortical and medullary regions of the thymic lobules. The interaction between the integrin alpha 5 beta 1 (CD49e/CD29; VLA-5) and fibronectin is relevant for thymocyte adhesion and migration within the thymic tissue. Our previous results have shown that adhesion of thymocytes to cultured TEC line is enhanced in the presence of fibronectin, and can be blocked with anti-VLA-5 antibody. Results: Herein, we studied the role of CD49e expressed by the human thymic epithelium. For this purpose we knocked down the CD49e by means of RNA interference. This procedure resulted in the modulation of more than 100 genes, some of them coding for other proteins also involved in adhesion of thymocytes; others related to signaling pathways triggered after integrin activation, or even involved in the control of F-actin stress fiber formation. Functionally, we demonstrated that disruption of VLA-5 in human TEC by CD49e-siRNA-induced gene knockdown decreased the ability of TEC to promote thymocyte adhesion. Such a decrease comprised all CD4/CD8-defined thymocyte subsets. Conclusion: Conceptually, our findings unravel the complexity of gene regulation, as regards key genes involved in the heterocellular cell adhesion between developing thymocytes and the major component of the thymic microenvironment, an interaction that is a mandatory event for proper intrathymic T cell differentiation.


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Magnetotransport measurements on bilayer electron systems reveal repeated reentrance of the resistance minima at filling factors nu=4N+1 and nu=4N+3, where N is the Landau index number, in the tilted magnetic field. At high filling factors, the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations exhibit beating effects at certain tilt angles. We attribute such behavior to oscillations of the tunneling gap due to Aharonov-Bohm interference effect between cyclotron orbits in different layers. The interplay between quantum and quasiclassical regimes is established.


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We observe oscillatory magnetoresistance in double quantum wells under microwave irradiation. The results are explained in terms of the influence of subband coupling on the frequency dependent photoinduced part of the electron distribution function. As a consequence, the magnetoresistance demonstrates the interference of magnetointersubband oscillations and conventional microwave induced resistance oscillations.


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In ultraperipheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions, a photon from the electromagnetic field of one nucleus can fluctuate to a quark-antiquark pair and scatter from the other nucleus, emerging as a rho(0). The rho(0) production occurs in two well-separated (median impact parameters of 20 and 40 F for the cases considered here) nuclei, so the system forms a two-source interferometer. At low transverse momenta, the two amplitudes interfere destructively, suppressing rho(0) production. Since the rho(0) decays before the production amplitudes from the two sources can overlap, the two-pion system can only be described with an entangled nonlocal wave function, and is thus an example of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox. We observe this suppression in 200 GeV per nucleon-pair gold-gold collisions. The interference is 87%+/- 5%(stat.)+/- 8%(syst.) of the expected level. This translates into a limit on decoherence due to wave function collapse or other factors of 23% at the 90% confidence level.