967 resultados para Post-colonialism
All societies display attitudes to (varieties of) languages that tell us about the relative status of the groups that are associated to them. One method to document these is the systematic study of public discourses, including literary production. How (varieties of) languages are used, mentioned and characterised in a literary work tells us about their social status, and any change in this status should therefore be followed by changes in judgements on languages. This is demonstrated by the present paper with reference to the language attitudes in Nigeria, on the basis of two iconic Nigerian novels 2004 Purple Hibiscus and in 1958 classic postcolonial Things Fall Apart, separated by nearly fifty years. Ibo as well as Pidgin, Nigerian and European Englishes are presented in Purple Hibiscus in nuanced complementary configurations. A strong axiological polarisation is by contrast offered in Things Fall Apart between Ibo speakers and Ibo interpreters who are presented as cruel and ridiculous traitors siding with the English colonising power whose language, curiously, is not commented upon. Showing how a replicable method applied to language judgements can document social organisation and change, these results validate the view that the Nigerian society and culture has moved beyond the historically situated postcolonialist movement to embrace a globalised paradigm. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.
The following paper is a critical theorist analysis of post-structuralist philosophy. It examines the omission of an economic critique in post-structuralism and describes this omission as the result of a particular flaw in Nietzsche's epistemological work, an error which has persisted all the way down through deconstruction, post-colonialism, and cultural studies. The paper seeks to reintroduce an economic critique of capitalism back into the social critique of post-structuralism, with the promise that the combination of the two will prove stronger than either critical theory or post-structuralism alone. To achieve this it reinterprets Marx' concept of metabolism as a critical economic category that mirrors post-structuralism's concept of differance.
This chapter provides an overview of the substantial and often neglected contribution of feminist theory and research to critical criminology. There are an array of feminist approaches to studying crime, violence and victimisation ( see Naffine 1997:29; Young 1996:34. this field of study has bourgeoned and diversified so much over the last decade that it would be a disservice to caricature it as simply "feminist". A range of influences and approaches from literary theory, jurisprudence, legal studies, cultural studies, postmodernism, neo-liberalism, post-colonialism and neo-Marxism are apparen across this large disparate body of work.
This thesis explores the significance of Samoan cultural values in teacher education practices. The study examines the coexistence of traditional Samoan cultural values alongside values that have resulted through the influence of missionaries, colonisation, post-colonialism and globalisation.
A poem of 25 lines that examines the postcolonial aspect of living in a small country town. The poem feeds into research of place and identity. It explores how poetry can highlight the conflicts of a changing sense of place and identity. This poem specifically contributes to research on Australia as a postcolonial space. It also fits in with ideas of ecocriticism and how a sense of place and space are constantly changing. It uses a ecocritical lens.
What are the various forces influencing the role of the prison in late modern societies? What changes have there been in penality and use of the prison over the past 40 years that have led to the re-valorization of the prison? Using penal culture as a conceptual and theoretical vehicle, and Australia as a case study, this book analyses international developments in penality and imprisonment. Authored by some of Australia’s leading penal theorists, the book examines the historical and contemporary influences on the use of the prison, with analyses of colonialism, post colonialism, race, and what they term the ‘penal/colonial complex,’ in the construction of imprisonment rates and on the development of the phenomenon of hyperincarceration. The authors develop penal culture as an explanatory framework for continuity, change and difference in prisons and the nature of contested penal expansionism. The influence of transformative concepts such as ‘risk management’, ‘the therapeutic prison’, and ‘preventative detention’ are explored as aspects of penal culture. Processes of normalization, transmission and reproduction of penal culture are seen throughout the social realm. Comparative, contemporary and historical in its approach, the book provides a new analysis of penality in the 21st century.
Architecture in the South Pacific: The Ocean of Islands recounts the recent developments of the South Pacific and its fascinating architecture. This volume traces the European architectural overlay onto this scattered group of islands as well as the transition of these same islands towards a regional identity that has been fashioned by the remoteness of each location, the incomparable setting, and the distinctive ethnic mix of its inhabitants. A series of themed essays present the story of architectural development in the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Wallis and Futuna, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Samoa and American Samoa, and French Polynesia. Recent architecture typifies the evolution of the islands as they have been subjected to the transformative waves of alien trade, religion, colonization, war and tourism, followed by post-colonialism and revived nationalism. As with the Pacific region itself, the most prominent characteristic of the architecture is its diversity. The blending of the universal and the local sets the stage for a fresh vision of the South Pacific across a wide range of building types, from spectacular mission churches to sensational resorts in paradise. This book, in full colour, will appeal to architects, armchair-tourists, students and all those for whom the South Pacific is the idyll of their dreams.
Na virada para o século XXI artistas e curadores em bienais e outras exposições internacionais estão adotando formas colaborativas e educacionais de fazer arte e curadoria envolvendo artistas e não artistas, comunidades, escolas e outras instâncias sociais. Essas iniciativas criam encontros interdisciplinares onde imbricações entre arte e não-arte são colocadas em questão, considerando contextos sociopolíticos mundiais, a globalização e outros temas pós-colonialistas. A dissertação examina as aproximações e atravessamentos de culturas e identidades, questões de centro e periferia, local e global gerando entre-lugares e o interesse por propostas de site-oriented, geradoras de situações de convivência, compartilhamento de experiências coletivas e prática educativa. A pesquisa reflete sobre as intenções dos artistas, curadores, a participação do público e o diálogo entre diferentes discursos críticos e campos do conhecimento em projetos com essas características. O estudo de caso é o projeto Cadernos de Viagem, projeto de residência artística e exposição, realizado na 8 Bienal do Mercosul, em Porto Alegre, Brasil, 2011. Diversos teóricos como Homi Bhabha, Jacques Rancière, Nicolas Bourriaud, Claire Bishop, Grant Kester, Miwon Kwon, Moacir dos Anjos e Félix Guattari, são abordados, entre outros
O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender a produção intelectual do autor palestino, Edward W. Said, cuja trajetória heterogênea representou em larga medida uma metáfora teórica dos seus maiores dilemas políticos e conceituais, alguns deles constitutivos do objeto dessa tese. Entendemos que Said define a Cultura como lócus privilegiado para compreender a dominação colonial e, posteriormente, incorpora um discurso político para a formação da chamada identidade nacional Palestina. Procuramos demarcar o paradoxo central da sua obra que diz respeito ao convívio teórico da abordagem pós-colonial com a busca da historicidade do ethos nacional palestino. Entendemos que o paradoxo do Nacionalismo, sua estreita vinculação com o debate pós-colonial e os percursos teóricos decorrentes do engajamento progressivo com a causa nacional Palestina subsidiam outras reflexões que possuem interrelação. São essas; a representação do intelectual na sociedade contemporânea, a relação entre texto e realidade histórica, entendida por meio do conceito de mundanidade, a categoria de exílio como condição ontológica e metáfora epistemológica e o problema da relação entre cultura e imperialismo. Esses percursos de análise orientam-se por um objetivo mais geral que é a análise da centralidade e respectiva atualidade da obra de Edward W. Said na Historiografia Pós-Colonial.
Notre recherche analyse des discours théologiques qui épousent les traits caractéristiques de l’afro-descendance dans des ouvrages de l’Atabaque et de la Conférence Haïtienne des Religieux et Religieuses (CHR). Ces publications permettent de nommer la réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne et haïtienne comme l’expression d’un engagement au sein d’un Brésil multiculturel et métissé et d’une Haïti noire. Elles se réfèrent à la lutte des Afro-descendants et à leur résistance contre ce qu’ils considèrent comme les conséquences de la période de l’esclavage commencée au XVIe siècle qui oppriment encore des Noirs au XXIe siècle et empêchent leur pleine émancipation. Elles font partie d’une démarche postcolonialiste de changement qui inclut l’inculturation et la reconnaissance des forces des religions de matrices africaines dans leur quête d’une pleine libération des Noirs. Notre démarche, basée sur l’étude comparative des contenus de ces théologies développées au Brésil et en Haïti, met en relief des éléments essentiels de deux courants distincts de production théologique de 1986 à 2004. Cette délimitation correspond à la période de publication du résultat de trois consultations sur les théologies noires au Brésil en 1986, en 1995 et en 2004. Les ouvrages de la CHR datent de 1991 à 1999. Notre étude permet de suivre la pratique de la foi chrétienne qui s’y dégage, l’élaboration et le parcours d’évolution de cette pensée. Teologia Negra et théologie haïtienne représentent deux manières distinctes de faire de la théologie noire. Une comparaison entre les deux contextes n’a jamais été faite jusqu’à présent. Cette recherche a conduit au constat selon lequel trois paradigmes peuvent englober les principaux aspects des courants théologiques afro-brésiliens et haïtiens. Nous relevons des convergences et des divergences des paradigmes de l’inculturation libératrice, du postcolonialisme et du pluralisme religieux. La réflexion théologique afro-brésilienne est vue comme une démarche sociopolitique, ancrée surtout dans la promotion des actions positives qui consistent à favoriser l’insertion des Noirs en situation relativement minoritaire dans une société multiculturelle. En Haïti, où les Noirs sont en situation majoritaire, cette réflexion théologique va dans la direction de la sauvegarde des racines historiques en vue de motiver des changements dans une société de Noirs. Cette optique de la question des Noirs, interprétée sous un nouvel angle, offre de nouvelles pistes de réflexion théologique en même temps qu’elle renforce les revendications culturelles des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens dans le but d’élaborer un nouveau discours théologique. Notre thèse contribue à mettre en évidence deux institutions qui se dévouent à la cause des Afro-Brésiliens et des Afro-Haïtiens. L’œuvre de l’Atabaque et de la CHR témoigne du fait que celles-ci ont été susceptibles d’agir collectivement en contribuant à la diversité de la réflexion théologique des Afro-descendants, en soutenant un processus de solidarité entre les victimes permanentes du racisme explicite et implicite. Notre étude suscite l’ouverture vers le développement d’une théologie de la rencontre au sein des théologies noires tout en érigeant le défi de construire un réseau Brésil-Haïti à partir des Afro-descendants. Finalement, la spécificité de ces théologies contribue à inspirer le christianisme latino-américain et des Caraïbes et cette réflexion ne se limite pas seulement à ces deux pays, mais s’étend à d’autres contextes latino-américains ou africains.