974 resultados para Positive Behaviour Ireland


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Practice Links is a free e-publication for practitioners working in Irish social services, voluntary and nongovernmental sectors. Practice Links was created to enable practitioners to keep up-to-date with new publications, electronic resources and conference opportunities. Issue 35 examines the work of Positive Behaviour Ireland and the new pre-school Curriculum framework; Aistear


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Disengaged and disruptive students have been an ongoing concern for teachers for many years. Teaching is complex—complex students with complex lives and complex behaviours. How best to help these students is an ever-present question without a simple answer. Solutions need to be found. Under a positive behaviour support framework when serious, disruptive behaviour requires intervention, an individualised positive behaviour support plan (PBS plan) is developed and implemented. This multicase study (Stake, 2006) investigated how task engagement was changed for boys from year four to year seven who demonstrated serious, disruptive behaviour. The individualised PBS plan was the primary tool of behaviour intervention in each of the five cases. Using the Behaviour Support Plan Quality Evaluation Scoring Guide II (BSP-QE) (Browning- Wright, Saren & Mayer, 2003) the five PBS plans were evaluated prior to implementation and rated highly in terms of technical quality. Positive changes in student task engagement were forthcoming in all five cases. Eleven advisory visiting teachers in behaviour and eleven classroom teachers, five of whom were case-study participants, took part in this study. The classroom teachers were employed in south-east Queensland primary schools located in suburbs of economic disadvantage. All 22 participants expressed very similar perceptions of serious, disruptive behaviour emphasising the collateral impact upon the teaching and learning. Data obtained through direct observations, surveys and semi-structured interviews confirmed previous research to reveal a strong link between integrity of PBS plan implementation and student behaviour change. While classroom teachers, in the main, effectively managed the implementation of the PBS plan, social validity of goals, procedures and effects; in-class technical assistance and performance feedback were identified as three enablers to effective teacher implementation of the PBS plan. While the purpose of each PBS plan was to influence change in student behaviour, this study found that changing teacher behaviour was also instrumental in achieving positive student outcomes. Changing teacher behaviour and building capacity was facilitated by trusting, collaborative partnerships established between the Advisory Visiting Teacher-Behaviour and the classroom teacher responsible for the plan implementation. The Advisory Visiting Teacher-Behaviour provides assistance to teachers dealing with students who demonstrate ongoing, problematic behaviour. The inclusion of a teaching component as part of the implementation stage of the consultation process appeared to have considerable influence upon successful intervention. Results substantiated earlier understandings of the importance of teacher instruction highlighting the value of explicit teaching and performance feedback to the delivery of effective behaviour intervention. Conclusions drawn from this study have had a major impact upon the work of a regional team of Advisory Visiting Teachers-Behaviour. The focus of behaviour intervention has moved from being primarily upon the individual student to include a greater emphasis upon the critical role of the teacher. Procedures and processes are being re-evaluated to align with evidence-based practice and to include a collaborative consultation approach to improve teacher assistance. The framework and content of staff development and training is being created directly from the findings of this study. This practical application of the results has informed better ways of providing behaviour intervention for students demonstrating serious, disruptive behaviour. What this study has clearly shown is that when it comes to behaviour intervention, the important role of the teacher cannot be underestimated.


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Background: The quality and effectiveness of the support provided to people with disability who show challenging behaviour can be influenced by the design and content of their behaviour support plans (BSPs). This study examined some of the factors that might influence the quality of behaviour support plans and the impact of quality of BSPs on the use of restrictive intervention.

Method: An audit of the quality of a sample of BSPs submitted to the Senior Practitioner in Victoria in the years 2009 and 2010 was conducted using the Behavior Support Plan Quality Evaluation, 2nd Edition (BSP-QE II).

Results: Factors found to positively influence quality of BSPs included: involvement of behaviour consultants and involvement of clinicians from the Office of the Senior Practitioner (Office). Overall quality of plans was also negatively related to restrictive intervention use over time.

The findings support the need for behaviour intervention and provision of clinical support. The findings also provide tentative support for the notion that the inclusion of evidence-based quality components into behaviour support plan formats may reduce the use of restrictive interventions.


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Over the past 30 years, research in the area of applied behaviour. analysis has led to a rich knowledge and understanding of the variables that influence human behaviour. This understanding and knowledge has given rise to a range of assessment and intervention techniques that have been applied to individuals with challenging behaviour. Interventions have produced changes in the severity and frequency of behaviours such as self-injury, aggression, and property destruction, card have also led to the acquisition of desired behaviours. While behaviour change has been achieved, families have expressed a desire for positive behaviour support approaches that adopt a family,focus. Research and development of support frameworks that emphasise the interrelatedness of family members, and the child with a disability as part of his or her family, have gained prominence in the family systems literature. The present paper reviews some of the behaviourally based research in this area. Through the use of a case illustration, the authors discuss the links between behavioural support and family-centred support systems for children with developmental disabilities. Theoretical and practical implications are considered and areas for future research are highlighted.


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Childhood autism falls under the guise of autism spectrum disorders and is generally found in children over two years of age. There are of course variations in severity and clinical manifestations, however the most common features being disinterest in social interaction and engagement in ritualistic and repetitive behaviours. In Singapore the incidence of autism is on the rise as parents are becoming more aware of the early signs of autism and seek healthcare programmes to ensure the quality of life for their child is optimised. Two such programmes, Applied Behaiour Analysis and Floortime approach have proven successful in alleviating some of the behavioural and social skills problems associated with autism. Using positive behaviour reinforcement both Applied Behaviour Analysis and Floortime approach reward behaviour associated with positive social responses.


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Roots of Empathy (ROE) is a universal, school-based social and emotional learning programme aimed at increasing prosocial behaviour and reducing difficult behaviour. This paper reports the findings of a cluster randomized controlled trial of the effects of ROE on 8-9 year old children. 74 schools and 1,181 children took part. The findings provide evidence that ROE is effective in increasing prosocial behaviour (g=+.20, p=.043) and some potential evidence that it may reduce difficult behaviour (g=-.15, p=.070). While ROE was found to lead to improvements in positive behaviour, these were not associated with improvements in empathy or other social and emotional learning outcomes.


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O trabalho que apresentamos, “O Quadro Interativo no ensino do Português: dos recursos aos discursos”, situa-se na área do Multimédia em Educação e, mais especificamente, no domínio da tecnologia e pedagogia em sala de aula. Partimos de um projeto de implementação de quadros interativos em agrupamentos/escolas do interior do país, associado a um Centro de Formação e procurámos evidenciar a forma como essa tecnologia levou à introdução de recursos digitais de aprendizagem na unidade curricular de Português. Nesse âmbito, fizemos uma análise sobre os tipos, funcionalidades e usos pelos professores e estudantes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem com os QIM. Analisámos também algumas estratégias de utilização no desenvolvimento de competências essenciais da língua e a interação que proporcionaram no ambiente educativo. Para percebermos as razões e fundamentos que estiveram na base da investigação, procurámos, na primeira parte do nosso trabalho, partir de três vertentes de uma conjuntura que fundamenta a aprendizagem no século XXI: a passagem de uma sociedade da informação para uma sociedade do conhecimento como um processo que radica numa comunicação em rede e na criação de conhecimento(s) através de recursos digitais; o desenvolvimento de competências adequadas e que conduz os indivíduos para ambientes de aprendizagem com as tecnologias; e numa Escola mais familiarizada com as tecnologias, onde o ato de educar cria novos desafios a todos os agentes educativos. Notámos que a capacidade de mobilizar a informação e o conhecimento na rede reclama atitudes dinâmicas, flexíveis e adaptadas à multiculturalidade. Esta característica favorece a construção de aprendizagens multifacetadas, a inclusão progressiva do individuo na “aldeia global”, tornando-o também cada vez mais criativo e produtivo. A promoção de espaços interativos de aprendizagem facilita esse processo e o conhecimento desenvolve-se numa interação social mediada por tecnologias que nos fazem participar nessa multiculturalidade, diversidade do universo e nas histórias pessoais e coletivas. Num ambiente com estas características, torna-se necessário passar de um conceito de ensino declarado nos saberes básicos ou em conhecimentos factuais para uma estratégia de aprendizagem que incida sobre o desenvolvimento e aquisição de outras habilidades. A aquisição de saberes no âmbito da leitura, da oralidade e da escrita tornamse importantes para os indivíduos porquanto esses saberes transformam-se em competências transversais para outros domínios e literacias. Tentámos mostrar que a escola do futuro terá de ser um espaço educativo que implique ambientes de aprendizagem onde vão confluir várias ferramentas tecnológicas, que arrastam consigo outros recursos e outras possibilidades de acesso à informação e à construção de conhecimento. Para isso, a escola está obrigada a mudar alguns conceitos e estratégias e a focar-se no desenvolvimento de competências para a vida. A definição de recurso educativo ou recurso de aprendizagem e a aceção do quadro interativo como um recurso tecnológico, que envolve outros recursos, digitais e multimédia, levou-nos a concluir sobre as potenciais mais-valias deste equipamento. Para além da apresentação da informação, da orientação da atenção e das aprendizagens para o grupo - turma, abre-se a possibilidade de relacionar e organizar conteúdos digitais multimédia, criar conhecimento e desenvolver competências de acordo com os interesses dos públicos em fase de escolarização. Reclama-se um padrão de qualidade nos recursos, avaliados e estruturados em função dos conteúdos, objetivos, desempenhos e currículos de aprendizagem dos aprendentes. Definimos o paradigma digital e as dinâmicas de comunicação e interação proporcionadas pelo quadro interativo. Concluímos que o QIM produz efeitos positivos sobre a participação dos estudantes, evidenciada por um comportamento mais positivo face às tarefas a realizar em sala de aula. Contudo, o papel desta ferramenta e dos recursos utilizados requerem dos professores e dos ambientes educativos novas práticas e modelos de comunicação mais interativos. A informação e o conhecimento tornam-se mais fluidos, diversos e atuais. Fluxos variados de informação em vários suportes e formatos ou pesquisas em tempo real podem ser facilmente incorporados, acedidos e manipulados durante as aulas. A partilha de materiais e recursos retroalimenta uma rede de informação e troca de conhecimentos, amplia a aprendizagem e cria comunidades de prática com as tecnologias. A inclusão do QIM, no contexto do ensino e aprendizagem do Português, promoveu a literacia digital; o desenvolvimento de recursos digitais de aprendizagem; criou ambientes educativos modernos, mais apelativos, criativos e inovadores. Conduziu a uma mudança de práticas, que se querem mais ajustadas às necessidades e expectativas dos estudantes, aos desafios dos novos tempos e aos objetivos de uma educação que reforça o papel e autonomia dos indivíduos no processo de aprendizagem. Por isso, a lógica de projeto ou as dinâmicas de trabalho em projeto devem conduzir a dinâmicas de escola que elevem os comportamentos dos professores para se familiarizarem com a tecnologia, mas também para desenvolverem competências tecnológicas e profissionais coadunadas com contextos educativos atuais. Os resultados disponíveis mostram um quadro predominantemente positivo das possibilidades educativas dos QIM no ensino do Português. O QIM apresenta um conjunto de potencialidades pedagógicas; incentiva ao uso de recursos digitais em vários formatos e com várias finalidades; propicia estratégicas de construção e reconstrução dos percursos de aprendizagem que levam ao desenvolvimento de competências essenciais da língua. Porém, há ainda alguns aspetos que necessitam de ser revistos para tornar os QIM ainda mais eficazes como ferramenta de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula. Assim: i. A introdução de recursos digitais de aprendizagem na sala de aula deve ser um processo bem refletido que conduza e valorize a aproximação do professor e dos estudantes, visto que ambos estão perante uma nova realidade de conceitos, representações e formatos que carecem de habilidades, capacidades, comportamentos e literacias próprias; ii. A transformação do ensino, no que respeita a uma aprendizagem mais autónoma e individualizada, não está generalizada com a introdução dos QIM nos contextos de aprendizagem observados. Parece haver um incentivo para abordagens tradicionais centradas no professor e nos conteúdos, uma vez que a aquisição de conhecimentos está também condicionada por um sistema educativo que considera esses conteúdos estritamente necessários para o desempenho de determinadas tarefas; iii. Pelos vários níveis de análise do discurso pedagógico que se institui com os QIM, o tipo que melhor o define é ainda o tipo unidirecional. O discurso interativo, tão badalado pelos modelos comunicacionais modernos e pelos conceitos inerentes às tecnologias interativas, parece ainda não ter sido bem compreendido e explorado nos benefícios que os QIM, os recursos digitais interativos e as tecnologias em geral podem trazer ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem do Português no 3º CEB.


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The current study investigated the longitudinal relationships between BI, life events, and anxiety in a sample of 102 behaviourally inhibited (BI) and 100 uninhibited (BUI) children aged 3 to 4 years. Children’s parents completed questionnaires on BI, stressful life events, and anxiety symptoms, and were administered a diagnostic interview three times in a 5-year period. In line with our hypotheses, negative life events, and negative behaviour- dependent life events (i.e. life events that are related to the children’s own behaviours) in particular, and the impact of negative life events, were predictive of increases in subsequent anxiety symptoms, the likelihood of having an anxiety disorder, and increased number of anxiety diagnoses over the five year follow-up period. Experiencing more positive, behaviour-independent life events decreased the risk of being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Furthermore, differences were found in life events between BI and BUI children. That is, BI children experienced fewer positive and specifically positive behaviour-dependent life events, and the impact of these positive life events was also lower in BI children than in BUI children. However, BI did not interact with life events in the prediction of anxiety problems as hypothesized. Therefore, this study seems to indicate that BI and life events act as additive risk factors in the development of anxiety problems.


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BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of studies evaluating targeted obesity prevention interventions in pre-school children. OBJECTIVES: We conducted a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a parent-based obesity prevention intervention for pre-schoolers - MEND (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition … Do It!) 2-4 on child diet, eating habits, physical activity/sedentary behaviours, and body mass index (BMI). METHODS: Parent-child dyads attended 10 weekly 90-min workshops relating to nutrition, physical activity and behaviours, including guided active play and healthy snack time. Assessments were conducted at baseline, immediately post-intervention, and 6 and 12 months post-intervention; child intake of vegetables, fruit, beverages, processed snack foods, fussiness, satiety responsiveness, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and neophobia were assessed via parent proxy report. Parent and child height and weight were measured. RESULTS: Two hundred one parent-child dyads were randomized to intervention (n = 104) and control (n = 97). Baseline mean child age was 2.7 (standard deviation [SD] 0.6) years, and child BMI-for-age z-score (World Health Organization) was 0.66 (SD 0.88). We found significant positive group effects for vegetable (P = 0.01) and snack food (P = 0.03) intake, and satiety responsiveness (P = 0.047) immediately post-intervention. At 12 months follow-up, intervention children exhibited less neophobia (P = 0.03) than controls. CONCLUSION: Future research should focus on additional strategies to support parents to continue positive behaviour change. ACTRN12610000200088.


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Theory suggests that people fear the unknown and no matter how experienced one is, the feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, if not managed well would affect how we view ourselves and how others view us. Hence, it is in human nature to engage in activities to help decipher behaviours that seem contrary to their beliefs and hinder the smooth-flowing of their work and daily activities. Building on these arguments, this research investigates the two types of support that are provided by multinational corporations (MNCs) and host country nationals (HCNs) to the expatriates and their family members whilst on international assignments in Malaysia as antecedents to their adjustment and performance in the host country. To complement the support provided, cultural intelligence (CQ) is investigated to explain the influence of cultural elements in facilitating adjustment and performance of the relocating families, especially to socially integrate into the host country. This research aims to investigate the influence of support and CQ on the adjustment and performance of expatriates in Malaysia. Path analyses are used to test the hypothesised relationships. The findings substantiate the pivotal roles that MNCs and HCNs play in helping the expatriates and their families acclimatise to the host country. This corroborates the norm of reciprocity where assistance or support rendered especially at the times when they were crucially needed would be reciprocated with positive behaviour deemed of equal value. Additionally, CQ is significantly positive in enhancing adjustment to the host country, which highlights the vital role that cultural awareness and knowledge play in enhancing effective intercultural communication and better execution of contextual performance. The research highlights the interdependence of the expatriates? multiple stakeholders (i.e. MNCs, HCNs, family members) in supporting the expatriates whilst on assignments. Finally, the findings reveal that the expatriate families do influence how the locals view the families and would be a great asset in initiating future communication between the expatriates and HCNs. The research contributes to the fields of intercultural adjustment and communication and also has key messages for policy makers.


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This study is toe first documented account in the British Isles of an evaluation of the effectiveness of client-centred counselling with young offenders in secure residential care. It is a test of Rogers' (1957) position on the 'necessary and sufficient' conditions of therapeutic personality change within a counselling relationship. Forty teenage male offenders, the subjects of Training School Orders, were randomly allocated in equal numbers to either an experimental or control group. Boys in the experimental group received weekly individual sessions of client-centred counselling over a seven month period. Boys in the control group received no formal counselling but were shown to have similar intellectual, personality, socio-economic and criminal backgrounds to those in the experimental group. It was hypothesised that counselled subjects would show more positive outcomes than control subjects over a range of measures relating to criminal behaviour and self-conception. The results indicated that the counselled subjects had a significantly lower rate of offending and a srnaller range of offences over a mean follow-up period of 2.5 years. They were also licensed from the institution significantly earlier and spent less time in custody during a one year follow-up after counselling was completed. Self-conception measures gave less clear-cut results. The direction of change towards better adjustment favoured the counselled subjects but the magnitude was often small. Those counselled subjects with most positive behaviour change tended to have significantly improved self-evaluation, less self/ideal self discrepancy and more variation on 'actual' self concept compared to pre-counselling. The results are discussed in the context of client-centred theory, methodological adequacy of the experimental design, and their application to the future treatment of young offenders in secure residential care.


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O medo e a ansiedade dentária são importantes fatores condicionantes do tratamento dentário. Ao interferirem na condição psicológica do paciente, condicionam o seu comportamento na consulta e a atitude que apresentam em relação aos cuidados de saúde oral. Os pacientes ansiosos, medrosos ou fóbicos adiam a consulta de medicina dentária, evitam os tratamentos e só recorrem ao médico dentista quando surgem os sintomas dolorosos. Este adiar dos procedimentos dentários resultará num agravamento dos problemas de saúde oral, e em maiores necessidades de tratamento, tratamento esse que será mais intensivo, mais invasivo e potencialmente mais traumático, levando a um reforço do medo e da ansiedade dentária já existente. As crianças, pela menor maturidade psico-emocional têm menor capacidade de lidar com as suas emoções perante diversos acontecimentos, nomeadamente, em contexto médico-dentário. Tornam-se assim mais suscetíveis ao desenvolvimento de medo e ansiedade dentária, e exibindo, com alguma frequência, comportamentos negativos na consulta, que dificultam a adequada prestação de cuidados de saúde oral. Existem ainda outros fatores etiológicos predisponentes e desencadeantes de ansiedade dentária na criança e que condicionam o seu comportamento na consulta (idade, género, faixa etária, número de consultas anteriores, entre outros). Objetivo: Neste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar os fatores determinantes do comportamento infantil na consulta de medicina dentária da Unidade de Saúde da Ilha Terceira, em crianças com idades entre os 4 e os 16 anos. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo observacional transversal onde se pretendeu avaliar a ansiedade dentária da criança antes da consulta dentária através da Facial Image Scale (FIS); avaliar a ansiedade dentária dos acompanhantes através da. Corah Dental Anxiety Scale, Revised (DAS-R). e o comportamento das crianças durante o tratamento dentário usando a Escala de Frankl. O estudo decorreu de 30 de Abril a 8 de Maio na Unidade de Saúde da Ilha Terceira, Região Autónoma dos Açores, tendo sido observadas 53 crianças de idades compreendidas entre os 4 e os 16 anos. Resultados: Numa amostra de 53 crianças, verificou-se que 11,3% das crianças apresentavam ansiedade dentária antes da consulta dentária, que os pais eram mais ansiosos que as crianças, 49,1% apresentavam ansiedade dentária e que a percentagem de crianças com um comportamento negativo durante a consulta médico-dentária foi muito baixa, correspondendo a 1,9%. Verificou-se que a ansiedade dentária parental não interfere com a ansiedade dentária da criança, quando comparadas, ao contrário do que alguns estudos sugerem. Não houve relação entre a ansiedade dentária da criança e o género, idade, número de vezes que veio ao médico dentista ou estatuto social. Conclusão: Neste estudo pôde-se concluir que as crianças que frequentaram a consulta de medicina dentária da Unidade de Saúde da Ilha Terceira entre 30 de Abril a 8 de Maio apresentaram baixa prevalência de ansiedade dentária e elevada prevalência de comportamento positivo na consulta. Já os seus pais ou acompanhantes apresentaram uma prevalência de ansiedade dentária parental elevada. Conhecer os fatores que condicionam o comportamento infantil na consulta dentária como a ansiedade dentária da criança e a ansiedade dentária parental e medi-los antes da consulta poderá ajudar a equipa dentária na abordagem comportamental da criança durante os tratamentos dentários. Envolver a comunidade escolar e a população infantil em ações de promoção da saúde oral, promovendo rastreios dos problemas orais nas escolas, e consultas dentárias de acompanhamento logo desde muito jovens, poderá ter um efeito benéfico na diminuição da ansiedade dentária nas crianças e no desenvolvimento de comportamentos positivos nas consultas.


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Early childhood education and care services in Australia are moving towards an integrated approach to service delivery requiring educators to work in partnership with professionals from sectors such as health, education and community services for the benefit of young children and their families. This means that educators need to work in perhaps new and different ways in their everyday work.Professional partnerships in children’s services: Working together for children looks at ways educators can work effectively with other professionals in building and leading these partnerships in children’s services. It examines some of the issues surrounding working in partnership with others and the implications this has for understanding and enacting leadership. It explores topics such as:•working collaboratively in early childhood education and care settings•thinking about the knowledge base of others•transdisciplinarity—a new strategy to consider•examples of collaborative practice with otherprofessionals in early childhood education and care services are provided.Examples are given that have been implemented in early childhood education and care services to work collaboratively with other professionals. Professional partnerships in children’s services: Working together for children points to a way forward by encouraging the rethinking and reworking of practice by educators with the inclusion of reflective questions, scenarios from services and top tips for educators to consider.


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Background: Studies of cross-cultural variations in the perception of emotion have typically compared rates of recognition of static posed stimulus photographs. That research has provided evidence for universality in the recognition of a range of emotions but also for some systematic cross-cultural variation in the interpretation of emotional expression. However, questions remain about how widely such findings can be generalised to real life emotional situations. The present study provides the first evidence that the previously reported interplay between universal and cultural influences extends to ratings of natural, dynamic emotional stimuli.

Methodology/Principal Findings: Participants from Northern Ireland, Serbia, Guatemala and Peru used a computer based tool to continuously rate the strength of positive and negative emotion being displayed in twelve short video sequences by people from the United Kingdom engaged in emotional conversations. Generalized additive mixed models were developed to assess the differences in perception of emotion between countries and sexes. Our results indicate that the temporal pattern of ratings is similar across cultures for a range of emotions and social contexts. However, there are systematic differences in intensity ratings between the countries, with participants from Northern Ireland making the most extreme ratings in the majority of the clips.

Conclusions/Significance: The results indicate that there is strong agreement across cultures in the valence and patterns of ratings of natural emotional situations but that participants from different cultures show systematic variation in the intensity with which they rate emotion. Results are discussed in terms of both ‘in-group advantage’ and ‘display rules’ approaches. This study indicates that examples of natural spontaneous emotional behaviour can be used to study cross-cultural variations in the perception of emotion.