1000 resultados para Portugal Ventures
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Projeto FICOIL. Programa de Ignição Portugal Ventures: Empreendedorismo de Base Tecnológica, Centro de Empreendorismo, Universidade dos Açores, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Açores, 13 de junho de 2013.
O propósito deste artigo é compreender se a existência de um ambiente político-legal favorável pode influenciar o lançamento de novas iniciativas de empreendedorismo social em Portugal. A investigação adota uma metodologia quantitativa. Os dados primários foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário, on-line, enviado aos responsáveis que estiveram na base da constituição das Organizações Não-Governamentais de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento existentes em Portugal, bem como aos responsáveis pelos projetos, que à data do inquérito, se encontravam cotados na Bolsa de Valores Sociais. No teste das hipóteses de investigação foram utilizadas técnicas de análise descritiva, técnicas de redução de dados (análise fatorial por componentes principais), e o teste t-student. Os resultados revelaram que um ambiente político-legal favorável tem uma importância baixa na decisão de lançar uma nova iniciativa social. Os resultados obtidos encontram suporte para o facto de muitos empreendedores sociais tenderem a localizar as suas atividades em ambientes político-legais desfavoráveis, contribuindo deste modo para a atenuação das assimetrias sociais e económicas entre as regiões do território nacional.
Field Lab Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures
This work project is based on the MIES (Map of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Portugal) database and it aims to understand the characteristics of social business models in the context of the portuguese market, by determining whether they follow the proposed characteristics by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan, and then adding to their matrix. Furthermore, it tries to determine success patterns by comparing a group of successful social ventures with a group of less successful ones, with the objective of increasing the knowledge of social entrepreneurship as it applies to Portugal and provide a framework for future study.
Crowdfunding (CF) is an increasingly attractive source to fund social projects. However, to our best knowledge, the study of CF for social purposes has remained largely unexplored in the literature. This research envisages a detailed examination of the role of CF on the early-stage of the social projects at regional level. By comparing the characteristics of the projects available in the Portuguese Social Stock Exchange (PSSE) platform with others that did not use this source of financial support, we explore its role on regional development. The results we got show that, in most cases, both PSSE and Non-Governmental Organizations projects complemented the services offered by the State or by the private sector. Furthermore, about a quarter of the projects present in PSSE operated in areas that were not being addressed neither by the services offered by the State nor by the ones of the private sector. The results attained show that more recent social ventures have a greater propensity to use PSSE. The same is find in those organizations which work closely with the target audience. We also observed that the use of PSSE was correlated with the geographical scope of the Social Venture. The circumstance of having the social organization acting at a local or regional level seems to be strongly associated with the possibility of using social crowdfunding for financing social projects.
Purpose – This research aims to understand the role played by social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the choice between the traditional donation model and social crowdfunding (CF) to finance social projects. Design/methodology/approach – Social CF is examined as an instrument to capture funds for social projects, and the particular case of the Portuguese Social Stock Exchange (PSSE) is presented. The approach is quantitative in nature and the data were collected through a questionnaire that was emailed to non-governmental organizations in Portugal and founders of the projects listed on PSSE. Logistic regression was employed to predict the probability that a social entrepreneur would use PSSE rather than traditional financing. The predictor variables were based on the big five personality traits. Findings – Our investigation reveals that the agreeableness and neuroticism factors were not even considered in the results of the factorial analysis, which indicates the minor importance of these personality traits in the funding decisions of the Portuguese social entrepreneurs. The same applies to the factors of openness to new experiences and extraversion, which, although considered in the logistic analysis, showed no statistical significance. Finally, the conscientiousness personality trait seems to be the only factor that might explain the use of the PSSE platform.Originality/value – Studies on the profile of the social entrepreneurs that use CF for financing social projects are relatively rare, specifically in the context of Social Stock Exchange platforms. Additionally, there is a need to carry out more empirical evidence about the effect of social entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the decision to finance social projects through social CF platforms vis-a-vis the traditional donation model.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
This article aims to identify the main and interaction effects of two country-level variables, namely national distance and country risk, on the survival of international joint ventures in emerging markets. Research hypotheses predicting the negative impact of national distance and country risk on survival of international joint ventures are formulated in this article. These research hypotheses are examined in a sample of 234 international joint ventures formed in Brazil between 1973 and 2004. These international joint ventures were subjected to an event history analysis over a period of time ranging from 1973 to 2006. The empirical results show that large national cultural differences between local and foreign partners increase the instability of international joint ventures, whereas the survival of these alliances does not seem to be affected either by the economic and political uncertainty of Brazil. Furthermore, the national distance between local and foreign partners has effects on survival that are variable according to the life cycle of international joint ventures. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We characterize asymmetric equilibria in two-stage process innovation games and show that they are prevalent in the different models of R&D technology considered in the literature. Indeed, cooperation in R&D may be accompanied by high concentration in the product market. We show that while such an increase may be profitable, it may be socially inefficient.
Nesta comunica????o, discutem-se as compet??ncias exigidas aos dirigentes pelos novos desafios de gest??o p??blica e prop??em-se as bases do que poder?? vir a constituir uma carta latino-iberoamericana sobre as compet??ncias que devem ser desenvolvidas e garantidas no grupo dirigente da Administra????o P??blica dos Estados representados no CLAD. Esta reflex??o baseia-se nos processos de diagn??stico e de forma????o que t??m vindo a ser promovidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Administra ????o no ??mbito da reforma da Administra????o P??blica em curso em Portugal.
No contexto de reforma da administra????o p??blica, o objectivo do trabalho pretende dar conta das caracter??sticas dos modelos de direc????o p??blica, em particular dos dirigentes (Senior Executive Service: Top Public Service e Top Management Service), e do seu perfil em face dos novos desafios da administra????o p??blica. O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi caracterizar o sistema de designa????o/ nomea????o para os cargos de dirigente de livre escolha pol??tica, sistema conhecido na literatura como spoil system, com especial refer??ncia ao 1o e 2o n??veis, grupo I, dessas fun????es, no contexto da elite das direc????es-gerais em Portugal.