991 resultados para Popular narrative


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Se expone una fundamentación teórica, lógica y metodológica de tres modelos semióticos: los elementos y funciones de la comunicación de Jakobson; el modelo actancial de Greimas; y los mundos: real, referencia y posible de Eco, aplicados al análisis de poesía narrativa popular difundida en distintos formatos audiovisuales.


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"Parts of the book have been published as separate articles in the American Museum journal, Harper's magazine, and Asia."--Pref.


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This current study consists in an analysis of the work Contos de enganar a morte (2004), of the novelist, illustrator and researcher of popular culture Ricardo Azevedo, aiming to highlight aspects and elements present in this work which show the update and the permanence of traditional popular narratives, widespread by orality, especially those collected by the Luís da Câmara Cascudo in Literatura oral no Brasil (1984), linked to the category of the Cycle of the Death and Tales of the Deceived Demon. It is argued that the symbolic, playful, humor and aspects of orality, evident in these narratives are cultural possessions own of a popular tradition that diffuses, is updated and maintained by the memory of handmade anonymous narrators (BENJAMIN, 1994), poets and brazilian singers of cordel, holders of the traditional knowledge not established, but polyphonic, dialogical and democratic in essence (BAKHTIN, 1996). Still, alongside the people who know and counts the stories of Trancoso and Fairies, the tale, as a written literary genre, has allowed to maintain outstanding the same subjects successively renewed, enabling the resistance of popular narrative tradition and understanding and appreciation of popular orality (ZUMTHOR, 1993; 2000) and of the updates performed in the contemporarity (CANDIDO, 1976), without losing sight of the singularity and autonomy of the literary work


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The narratives of Decameron, composed by Giovanni Boccacio in the 14th century, possess a popular content carefully tied together by a formal structure capable of concentrating sophisticated techniques. The present paper revisits some relation possibilities between Decameron and Novellino, an anonymous work from the 13th century, composed on the basis of fables and stories gathered mainly from the oral tradition. Our aim is not to demonstrate a genealogy of the prose and of its freedom to recover narrative situations but to reflect, by means of examples of great reverberation, on the strategies developed to make elements from the ancient tradition highly functional in the literary tradition, according to the formal resources available in each period.


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Gary, Indiana is a city with indelible ties to industrial paternalism. Founded in 1906 by United States Steel Corporation to house workers of the trust’s showpiece mill, the emergence of this model company town was both the culmination of lessons learned from its predecessors’ mistakes and innovative corporate planning. U.S. Steel’s Progressive Era adaptation of welfare capitalism characterized the young city through a combination of direct community involvement and laissez-faire social control. This thesis examines the reactionary implementation of paternalist policies in Gary between 1906 and 1930 through the purviews of three elements under corporate influence: housing, education, and social welfare. Each category demonstrates how both the corporation and citizenry affected and adapted Gary’s physical and cultural landscape, public perceptions, and community identity. Parallel to the popular narrative throughout is that of Gary’s African-American community, and the controversial circumstances of this population’s segregated development.


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Review of The Anatomist by Bill Hayes (Scribe, 2008). Bill Hayes wanted to write about Henry Gray, the author of Gray's Anatomy (1858), which at least until the television series connoted a standard text for anatomy students. Perhaps even more seductive for the biographer than the book's enduring appeal was a sense that Gray himself had partly disappeared from the historical record. Here was a scientist with the sort of brilliant young mind that seemed a specialty of the Victorian Age, and yet one who had not benefited from that period's compulsive documenting of the men of the moment and their deeds. Surely in that mystery there lay a narrative...


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The study focuses on the Visitation as a narrative subject of altarpieces in late fifteenth-century Florence. Although the Visitation was a well-known story in both verbal and visual representations since the early medieval period, it became a popular subject of altarpieces only towards the end of the fifteenth century. In this study, the first part provides an overview of the complex religious and historical background to an emerging cult of the Visitation. Devotional practices focusing on the Visitation belong in a context of late medieval Marian devotion and in 1389 a new feast of the Visitation was introduced into the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. Because of the ongoing schism within the Catholic Church, the feast was not unanimously accepted across Western Europe until the later part of the fifteenth century. Contrary to a widely disseminated view, the feast of the Visitation cannot be associated with Franciscan spirituality, but was rather a clearly defined Dominican project that primarily emphasised the importance of peace and unity within the Christian Church. Simultaneously with the gradual acceptance of the new feast, visual representations of the Visitation began to appear at the centre of altarpieces. The Visitation exemplifies an increasing preference for narrative subjects within the genre of the altarpiece. The second part of the study presents an analysis of the concept of the narrative altarpiece and highlights the complexities involved in combining a narrative content with the traditional devotional function of the altarpiece. In detailed case studies some prominent art works produced in Florence between 1490 and 1503 are discussed within a framework of contextual analysis, narrative theory and iconography. Altarpieces by Domenico Ghirlandaio, Piero di Cosimo and Mariotto Albertinelli represent visual manifestations of a cult of the Visitation with roots in late medieval devotional practices. At the same time, the altarpieces highlight the multiple functions of altarpieces in a culture where art works responded to a variety of social and religious needs. Building on earlier studies, each case study presents new insights and evidence not considered in previous art historical research.


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This dissertation traces a set of historical transformations the Darwinian evolutionary narrative has undergone toward the end of the twentieth century, especially as reflected in Anglo-American popular science books and novels. The study has three objectives. First, it seeks to understand the organizing logic of evolutionary narratives and the role that assumptions about gender and sexuality play in that logic. Second, it asks what kinds of cultural anxieties evolutionary theory raises and how evolutionary narratives negotiate them. Third, it examines the possibilities and limits of narrative transformation both as a historical phenomenon and as a theoretical question. This interdisciplinary dissertation is situated at the intersection of science studies, cultural studies, literary studies, and gender studies. Its understanding of science as a cultural practice that both emerges from and contributes to cultural expectations and institutional structures follows the tradition of science studies. Its focus on the question of popular appeal and the mechanisms of cultural change arises from cultural studies. Its view of narrative as a structural phenomenon is grounded in literary studies in general and feminist narrative theory in particular. Its understanding of gender and sexuality as implicated in discourses of epistemic authority builds on the view of gender and sexuality as contingent cultural categories central to gender studies. The primary material consists of over 25 British and American popular science books and novels, published roughly between 1990 and 2005. In order to highlight historical transformations, these texts are read in the context of Darwin s The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man, on the one hand, and such sociobiological classics as E. O. Wilson s On Human Nature and Richard Dawkins s The Selfish Gene, on the other. The research method combines feminist narrative analysis with cultural and historical contextualization, emphasizing discursive abruptions, recurrent narrative patterns, and underlying continuities. The dissertation demonstrates that the relationship between Darwin s evolutionary narrative and late twentieth-century evolutionary narratives is characterized by reemphasis, omissions, and continuous rewriting. In particular, contemporary evolutionary discourse extends the role assigned to reproduction both sexual and narrative in Darwin s writing, generating a narrative logic that imagines the desire to reproduce as the driving force of evolution and posits the reproductive sex act as the endlessly repeated narrative event that keeps the story going. The study argues that the popular appeal of evolutionary accounts of gender, sexuality, and human nature may arise, to an extent, from this reproductive narrative dynamic. This narrative dynamic, however, is not logically invulnerable. Since the continuation of the evolutionary narrative relies on successful reproduction, the possibility of reproductive failure poses a constant risk to narrative futurity, arousing cultural anxieties that evolutionary narratives need to address. The study argues that evolutionary narratives appease such anxieties by evoking a range of cultural narratives, especially romantic, religious, and national narratives. Furthermore, the study shows that the event-based logic of evolutionary narratives privileges observable acts over emotions, pleasures, identities, and desires, thus engendering a set of conceptual exclusions that limits the imaginative scope of evolution as a cultural narrative.


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Nesta dissertação, analisam-se alguns ditos populares retomados em músicas do cancioneiro popular, com base na teoria da metáfora conceptual (Lakoff e Jonhson, 1980; Kövecses, 2002), e na teoria da integração conceptual (Fauconnier e Turner, 2002). Busca se investigar se a projeção metafórica presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas se sustenta, quando o mesmo é retomado em uma letra de música. Este estudo encontra sua justificativa em uma das assunções basilares da linguística cognitiva de que as metáforas conceptuais estão presentes tanto nas conversas cotidianas quanto nas manifestações literárias e artísticas. Pretende se, assim, observar a multidirecionalidade dos processos de significação desse tipo de construção linguística, a fim de postular seu poder projetivo e metafórico na mente dos falantes. Dentro do repertório de construções proverbiais em português, é perceptível a construção proverbial condicional com a configuração sintático semântica [x P Q], entre as quais foi escolhida como objeto de estudo a configuração [Quem P Q]. A escolha das músicas foi aleatória, já que não se buscou um gênero ou estilo específico, mas canções que possuíssem ditos populares em suas letras. Na análise, de cunho interpretativo, procedeu-se a identificação do papel da metáfora conceptual presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas e nas 10 músicas selecionadas para este estudo. Em seguida, postularam-se redes de integração conceptual subjacente ao sentido dos ditos nas interações em geral e nas músicas, de modo a explicar que as diferenças de sentido observadas ou não nos ditos transpostos para letras de músicas estão relacionadas ao tipo de rede de integração conceptual ativado durante o processo de mesclagem. As redes de integração postuladas para explicar a construção de sentido dos ditos e destes nas músicas analisadas, revelam compressões das relações de CAUSA EFEITO, MUDANÇA, IDENTIDADE, ANALOGIA DESANALOGIA e TEMPO, devido, sobretudo, ao papel que os ditos desempenham ao ilustrar cenas da vida das pessoas. Entre as metáforas que estruturam os ditos, nas interações e nas músicas, encontram-se A VIDA É UMA VIAGEM / A VIDA É UM TRAJETO QUE DEVE SER PERCORRIDO COM CAUTELA / VIDA É UM JOGO DE AZAR; TEMPO É LOCAL PARA ONDE ALGO SE DESLOCA; DIFICULDADES SÃO IMPEDIMENTOS (IN) TRANSPONÍVEIS; RELIGIÃO É UMA TRANSAÇÃO COMERCIAL; MORAL É UM OBJETO PRECIOSO (MAS FRÁGIL COMO O VIDRO); EXAGEROS SÃO GOLPES INCERTOS. Espera-se que a hipótese aventada com este estudo motive outras pesquisas sob o escopo teórico da Linguística Cognitiva; em especial, as teorias da metáfora e da mesclagem conceptual, as quais revelaram um potencial descritivo promissor para análise de fenômenos semântico-pragmáticos da língua portuguesa, como os ditos populares, construções situadas no topo da escala de idiomaticidade


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Koven, M. (2007). Most Haunted and the Convergence of Traditional Belief and Popular Television. Folklore. 118(2), pp.183-202. RAE2008


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Popular culture is a powerful, shaping force in the lives of teenagers between the ages of fourteen through eighteen in the United States today. This dissertation argues the importance of popular fiction for adolescent spiritual formation and it investigates that importance by exploring the significance of narrative for theology and moral formation. The dissertation employs mythic and archetypal criticism as a tool for informing the selection and critique of narratives for use in adolescent spiritual development and it also incorporates insights gained from developmental psychology to lay the groundwork for the development of a curriculum that uses young adult fiction in a program of spiritual formation for teenagers in a local church setting. The dissertation defends the power of narrative in Christian theology and concludes that narrative shapes the imagination in ways that alter perception and are important for the faith life of teenagers in particular. I go on to argue that not all narratives are created equal. In using literary myth criticism in concert with theology, I use the two disciplines’ different aims and methods to fully flesh out the potential of theologies intrinsic to works meant for a largely secular audience. The dissertation compares various works of young adult fiction (M.T. Anderson’s Feed and Terry Pratchett’s Nation in dialogue with a theology of creation; Marcus Zusak’s I am the Messenger and Jerry Spinelli’s Stargirl in dialogue with salvation and saviors; and the four novels of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight saga in dialogue with a theology of hope (eschatology). The dissertation explores how each theme surfaces (even if only implicitly) from both literary and theological standpoints. The dissertation concludes with a sample four-week lesson plan that demonstrates one way the theological and literary critique can be formed into a practical curriculum for use in an adolescent spiritual development setting. Ultimately, this dissertation provides a framework for how practitioners of young adult formation can select, analyze, and develop materials for their teenagers using new works of popular young adult fiction. The dissertation comes to the conclusion that popular fiction contains a wealth of material that can challenge and shape young readers’ own emerging theology.


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“History, Revolution and the British Popular Novel” takes as its focus the significant role which historical fiction played within the French Revolution debate and its aftermath. Examining the complex intersection of the genre with the political and historical dialogue generated by the French Revolution crisis, the thesis contends that contemporary fascination with the historical episode of the Revolution, and the fundamental importance of history to the disputes which raged about questions of tradition and change, and the meaning of the British national past, led to the emergence of increasingly complex forms of fictional historical narrative during the “war of ideas.” Considering the varying ways in which novelists such as Charlotte Smith, William Godwin, Mary Robinson, Helen Craik, Clara Reeve, John Moore, Edward Sayer, Mary Charlton, Ann Thomas, George Walker and Jane West engaged with the historical contexts of the Revolution debate, my discussion juxtaposes the manner in which English Jacobin novelists inserted the radical critique of the Jacobin novel into the wider arena of history with anti-Jacobin deployments of the historical to combat the revolutionary threat and internal moves for socio-political restructuring. I argue that the use of imaginative historical narrative to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the Revolution, and offer political and historical guidance to readers, represented a significant element within the literature of the Revolution crisis. The thesis also identifies the diverse body of historical fiction which materialised amidst the Revolution controversy as a key context within which to understand the emergence of Scott’s national historical novel in 1814, and the broader field of historical fiction in the era of Waterloo. Tracing the continued engagement with revolutionary and political concerns evident in the early Waverley novels, Frances Burney’s The Wanderer (1814), William Godwin’s Mandeville (1816), and Mary Shelley’s Valperga (1823), my discussion concludes by arguing that Godwin’s and Shelley’s extension of the mode of historical fiction initially envisioned by Godwin in the revolutionary decade, and their shared endeavour to retrieve the possibility enshrined within the republican past, appeared as a significant counter to the model of history and fiction developed by Walter Scott in the post-revolutionary epoch.


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Accounts of the Knock Apparition, academic and devotional, always start by relating that the Virgin Mary, St Joseph, and St John the Evangelist appeared to fifteen people on a rainy Thursday evening at the south gable of Knock chapel, Co. Mayo, on 21 August 1879. They usually mention that the Land War was in progress. Despite the fact Knock supposedly receives one and a half million visitors a year, until three decades ago no scholar had examined accounts of the apparition. Recent work has sought to define the Knock Apparition in light of the Land War, the ‘devotional revolution’, which took place in Irish Catholicism in the quarter century prior to the apparition, and the influence of the parish priest, Archdeacon Bartholomew Cavanagh. This thesis acknowledges these factors, but contends that the single greatest force in shaping accounts of the apparition was Canon Ulick Joseph Bourke, one of the three priests on the commission of investigation into Knock. Furthermore, this thesis proves that Bourke’s role as a central figure in influencing the later Gaelic revival has been overlooked by scholars of cultural nationalism. By examining Bourke’s cultural nationalism and views on antiquity and language, as well as his politics and reaction to the Land War, this thesis argues that Bourke sought to create an orthodox version of the apparition which could be reconciled to his views on Irish Catholic identity, while serving as a bulwark against threats to the temporal power of the clergy. In addition to influencing accounts of the apparition through his role in interviewing the witnesses and recording their testimony, Bourke further shaped the narrative of the apparition by controlling its dissemination, to the extent that all accounts of Knock are based on a text largely created by him.


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En estas líneas se demuestra que “De la parte de Archimboldi”, un capítulo de 2666 (2004) de Roberto Bolaño (1947–2000), se puede unir con la corriente de novelas populares de corte realista que comenzó en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. La novela posmoderna une en sí elementos populares y elementos pertenecientes a una cultura minoritaria, pero hace falta analizar ejemplos concretos de obras recientes que lo confirmen. Al encontrar los elementos populares que distinguen a 2666 (2004), contribuimos a estudiar la novela hispanoamericana actual siguiendo los pasos de investigadores como Vance R. Holloway y Gonzalo Navajas. El texto muestra cómo Roberto Bolaño toma rasgos de la novela popular pero utiliza sus códigos narrativos de un modo irónico y nuevo.