966 resultados para Political concepts


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This paper brings together some of the main scholarly sources and thinkers of the last fifty years or so, who have been influential in the corporate social responsibility discussions which have become important, once again, as we begin the 21st century. The author creates a narrative ofkey social, economic and political concepts and themes, which are rationalised (in ways that others might not) from what is often a very disparate, diverse and not always connected discussion on corporate social responsibility. This is not an objective history, charting the developments chronologically, but is the bringing together ofsome serious thinking in the field of corporate social responsibility in a way which has considerable resonance JOT both the development of public policy and business practice in corporate citizenship at the beginning ofthe 21st century.


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This paper brings together some of the main scholarly sources and thinkers of the last fifty years or so, who have been influential in the corporate social responsibility discussions which have become important, once again, as we begin the 21st century. The author creates a narrative of key social, economic and political concepts and themes, which are rationalised (in ways that others might not) from what is often a very disparate, diverse and not always connected discussion on corporate social responsibility. This is not an objective history, charting the developments chronologically, but is the bringing together of some serious thinking in the field of corporate social responsibility in a way that has considerable resonance for both the development of public policy and business practice in corporate citizenship at the beginning of the 21st century.


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This book details the early political philosophy of Jean-Paul Gagnon. It deals with the ideas of democracy as something endemic to human nature; with practical methods for the improvement of democracy; and a mix of other political concepts. The book also has a response to the Russian Federation's development of the 'mother of all bombs' which leads Gagnon to question reason itself in humanity's progress.


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Wydział Nauk Społecznych: Instytut Kulturoznawstwa


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A criação do Centro Republicano Federal de Ponta Delgada em 1880 inscreve-se nos projectos republicanos federalistas e insere-se no quadro do seu movimento expansionista. Com a publicação do periódico A Republica Federal vinculado ao republicanismo português, o Centro instituiu o seu órgão de imprensa e principal elemento propagandístico. As suas páginas foram portadoras das novas concepções políticas e o elemento impulsionador das novas ideologias propagadas por Teófilo Braga, candidato a deputado e figura titular deste Centro. A sua leitura mostra-nos o percurso e o posicionamento político-ideológico dos republicanos micaelenses, particularmente em Ponta Delgada. Enquanto espaço público politizado, A Republica Federal foi o principal palco dos debates e disputas partidárias na luta contra as instituições monárquicas e no combate pela destituição dos poderes há muito implantados. Apresenta-nos um trajecto de contestação à centralização do poder, à oposição e resistência com que se depararam os republicanos na tentativa de por fim aos privilégios e práticas de corrupção que permitiam um controle pernicioso dos processos eleitorais, abalando inevitavelmente o conservadorismo das elites locais com costumes e preconceitos difíceis de alterar. Foi no Centro Republicano Federal de Ponta Delgada e no seu jornal que convergiram os projectos de descentralização administrativa, foram eles os promotores e foco disseminador do ideário republicano federal, aglutinando as aspirações dos republicanos que pretendem instalar-se como sistema alternativo.


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Le sionisme est un mouvement politique et une idéologie nationale. Son histoire, si elle est celle d'une libération nationale, est aussi celle d'une tragédie. C'est une tragédie partagée par deux peuples dont les aspirations sont tout autant légitimes. Afin de bien comprendre et éventuellement d'être en mesure de surmonter cette tragédie, une analyse morphologique du sionisme est entreprise. L'approche morphologique de l'étude des idéologies a été développée par Michael Freeden. Appliquée au sionisme, elle fait ressortir quatre concepts fondamentaux de cette idéologie : la nation, l'antisémitisme, galout et la renaissance nationale. L'analyse de ces quatre concepts permettra de suivre l'évolution conceptuelle du sionisme à travers le temps et ses différentes variations idéationnelles. De plus, cela permettra de montrer comment le sionisme en tant qu'idéologie nationale s'est transformé en fonction des contextes sociopolitiques auxquels il était confronté.


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Con la Modernidad, la política sufrió una crisis que vació de contenido los conceptos políticos más importantes. Hannah Arendt, a través de su obra, hace patente esta situación y problematiza la manera en que entienden la política las principales corrientes ideológicas hoy en día.


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Asumiendo que existe una tendencia de la opinión pública y académica por relacionar la idea de revolución con procesos netamente de izquierda, se propone comprender el término como concepto y como metáfora con el fin de alejarlo de la polarización ideológica. En esta investigación se abordan los conceptos políticos y su relación con las metáforas a partir de unos principios teóricos básicos: la idea de Koselleck de que los conceptos tienen historia, y la idea de Blumenberg de que muchos conceptos fundamentales son potentes porque en el fondo son metáforas. Posteriormente se observa cómo las diferentes posturas políticas han adoptado o rechazado la idea de revolución como parte de sus proyectos políticos. Finalmente, el caso del fascismo se presenta como un escenario clave para comprobar la trascendencia del concepto y las implicaciones de su uso en términos discursivos y prácticos


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The terms 'authoritarian' and 'democratic' are political concepts often applied as a means of distinguishing human resource management (HRM) from older forms of labour management, the common assertion being that former authoritarian practices have become more democratic under HRM. This article challenges this view by arguing that the foundational principles and practices of HRM, when orientated by the expectations of a 'desired' organisational culture, cast it into a role that involves mobilising the collective psychology of organisational members to accept willingly the legitimacy of managerial authority and the virtues of firm loyalty. It is suggested that such a role has no parallel in orthodox democratic arrangements; that if political concepts are to be applied to the way labour is managed under HRM, a clearer affinity exists with the aims and practices of totalitarian regimes and their use of propaganda and other means to control civilian populations. Key points: This article challenges the assumption that HRM is cast in the spirit of democracy. HRM's foundational principles and functional practices are instead more closely aligned with totalitarian conceptions of social control. This is evidenced by HRM's role in mobilising the collective psychology of employees in accordance with a 'desired' workplace culture proscribed by organisational leaderships.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this book, leading historians of the French, Batavian, Helvetic, Cisalpine, and Neapolitan revolutions bridge the gap between the historiographies of the so-called Sister Republics and explore political culture as a set of discourses or political practices. Parliamentary practices, the comparability of "universal" political concepts, late-eighteenth-century Republicanism, the relationship between press and politics, and the interaction between the Sister Republics and France are all examined from a comparative, transnational perspective.


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La novela Yo, el Supremo del escritor paraguayo Augusto Roa Bastos* se basa en una figura histórica controversial y en los acontecimientos que rodearon a ese personaje. Aunque conocer los hechos más trascendentes de esa época no es indispensable para comprender el texto de la obra, la referencialidad histórica juega un papel importante en la narrativa del Supremo, pues en el proceso de desarrollo argumental de la obra él se nutre de ella para expresar ciertas ideas relacionadas, entre otras, con el concepto comunitario paraguayo. El personaje se mueve dentro de una macro-temporalidad. No obstante, hay una sistemática referencia a una época determinada que sobresale en su discurso. La referencialidad histórica está así funcionando como un marcador temporal y, al mismo tiempo, señala que el discurso de el Supremo es portador de ciertos valores correspondientes a esa época. Los conceptos socio-políticos que maneja el personaje no son abstractos sino que se identifican con el ser paraguayo del siglo XIX.AbstractThe novel Yo, el Supremo, by Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos, is based on a historical and controversial character and on the facts that surrounded this character. Even though it is not important to know the most important events of that time to understand the text, the historical references play an important role in the narrative of the Supremo because in the process of the argumentative development he is nourished from those references in order to express some ideas related, among others, with the communal Paraguayan concept. The character moves inside a macro-temporal level. However, there is systematic reference to a specific epoch that is highlighted in his discourse. The historical references thus works as a temporal marker and, at the same time, reveals that the discourse of the Supremo contains some values that correspond to that time. The socio-political concepts that the character works with are not abstract but rather show the Paraguayan identity of the XX century.