985 resultados para Plug-ins
Existen en el mercado numerosas aplicaciones para la generación de reverberación y para la medición de respuestas al impulso acústicas. Sin embargo, éstas son de precios muy elevados y/o no se permite acceder a su código y, mucho menos, distribuir de forma totalmente libre. Además, las herramientas que ofrecen para la medición de respuestas al impulso requieren de un tedioso proceso para la generación de la señal de excitación, su reproducción y grabación y, finalmente, su post-procesado. Este procedimiento puede llevar en ocasiones al usuario a cometer errores debido a la falta de conocimientos técnicos. El propósito de este proyecto es dar solución a algunos de los inconvenientes planteados. Con tal fin se llevó a cabo el desarrollo e implementación de un módulo de reverberación por convolución particionada en tiempo real, haciendo uso de software gratuito y de libre distribución. En concreto, se eligió la estación digital de trabajo (DAW. Digital Audio Worksation) REAPER de la compañía Cockos. Además de incluir las funcionalidades básicas de edición y secuenciación presentes en cualquier DAW, el programa incluye un entorno para la implementación de efectos de audio en lenguaje JS (Jesusonic), y se distribuye con licencias completamente gratuitas y sin limitaciones de uso. Complementariamente, se propone una extensión para REAPER que permite la medición de respuestas al impulso de recintos acústicos de una forma completamente automatizada y amigable para el usuario. Estas respuestas podrán ser almacenadas y posteriormente cargadas en el módulo de reverberación, permitiendo aplicar sobre nuestras pistas de audio la respuesta acústica de cualquier recinto en el que se hayan realizado medidas. La implementación del sistema de medida de respuestas se llevó a cabo empleando la herramienta ReaScript de REAPER, que permite la ejecución de pequeños scripts Python. El programa genera un Barrido Sinusoidal Logarítmico que excita el recinto acústico cuya respuesta se desea medir, grabando la misma en un archivo .wav. Este procedimiento es sencillo, intuitivo y está al alcance de cualquier usuario doméstico, ya que no requiere la utilización de sofisticado instrumental de medida. ABSTRACT. There are numerous applications in the market for the generation of reverb and measurement of acoustic impulse responses. However, they are usually very costly and closed source. In addition, the provided tools for measuring impulse responses require tedious processes for the generation and reproduction of the excitation signal, the recording of the response and its final post-processing. This procedure can sometimes drive the user to make mistakes due to the lack of technical knowledge. The purpose of this project is to solve some of the mentioned problems. To that end we developed and implemented a real-time partitioned convolution reverb module using free open source software. Specifically, the chosen software was the Cockos’ digital audio workstation (DAW) REAPER. In addition to the basic features included in any DAW, such as editing and sequencing, the program includes an environment for implementing audio effects in JS (Jesusonic) language of free distribution and features an unrestricted license. As an extension for REAPER, we propose a fully automated and user-friendly method for measuring rooms’ acoustic impulse responses. These will be stored and then loaded into the reverb module, allowing the user to apply the acoustical response of any room where measurement have been taken to any audio track. The implementation of the impulse response measurement system was done using REAPER’s ReaScript tool that allows the execution of small Python scripts. The program generates a logarithmic sine sweep that excites the room and its response is recorded in a .wav file. This procedure is simple, intuitive and it is accessible to any home user as it does not require the use of sophisticated measuring equipment.
A multi-agent system with a percolation approach to simulate the driving pattern of Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV), especially suited to simulate the PEVs behavior on any distribution systems, is presented. This tool intends to complement information about the driving patterns database on systems where that kind of information is not available. So, this paper aims to provide a framework that is able to work with any kind of technology and load generated of PEVs. The service zone is divided into several sub-zones, each subzone is considered as an independent agent identified with corresponding load level, and their relationships with the neighboring zones are represented as network probabilities. A percolation approach is used to characterize the autonomy of the battery of the PVEs to move through the city. The methodology is tested with data from a mid-size city real distribution system. The result shows the sub-area where the battery of PEVs will need to be recharge and gives the planners of distribution systems the necessary input for a medium to long term network planning in a smart grid environment. © 2012 IEEE.
Background: DAPfinder and DAPview are novel BRB-ArrayTools plug-ins to construct gene coexpression networks and identify significant differences in pairwise gene-gene coexpression between two phenotypes. Results: Each significant difference in gene-gene association represents a Differentially Associated Pair (DAP). Our tools include several choices of filtering methods, gene-gene association metrics, statistical testing methods and multiple comparison adjustments. Network results are easily displayed in Cytoscape. Analyses of glioma experiments and microarray simulations demonstrate the utility of these tools. Conclusions: DAPfinder is a new friendly-user tool for reconstruction and comparison of biological networks.
In this paper, we describe the Vannotea system - an application designed to enable collaborating groups to discuss and annotate collections of high quality images, video, audio or 3D objects. The system has been designed specifically to capture and share scholarly discourse and annotations about multimedia research data by teams of trusted colleagues within a research or academic environment. As such, it provides: authenticated access to a web browser search interface for discovering and retrieving media objects; a media replay window that can incorporate a variety of embedded plug-ins to render different scientific media formats; an annotation authoring, editing, searching and browsing tool; and session logging and replay capabilities. Annotations are personal remarks, interpretations, questions or references that can be attached to whole files, segments or regions. Vannotea enables annotations to be attached either synchronously (using jabber message passing and audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously and stand-alone. The annotations are stored on an Annotea server, extended for multimedia content. Their access, retrieval and re-use is controlled via Shibboleth identity management and XACML access policies.
Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Informática pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Protein-protein interactions encode the wiring diagram of cellular signaling pathways and their deregulations underlie a variety of diseases, such as cancer. Inhibiting protein-protein interactions with peptide derivatives is a promising way to develop new biological and therapeutic tools. Here, we develop a general framework to computationally handle hundreds of non-natural amino acid sidechains and predict the effect of inserting them into peptides or proteins. We first generate all structural files (pdb and mol2), as well as parameters and topologies for standard molecular mechanics software (CHARMM and Gromacs). Accurate predictions of rotamer probabilities are provided using a novel combined knowledge and physics based strategy. Non-natural sidechains are useful to increase peptide ligand binding affinity. Our results obtained on non-natural mutants of a BCL9 peptide targeting beta-catenin show very good correlation between predicted and experimental binding free-energies, indicating that such predictions can be used to design new inhibitors. Data generated in this work, as well as PyMOL and UCSF Chimera plug-ins for user-friendly visualization of non-natural sidechains, are all available at http://www.swisssidechain.ch. Our results enable researchers to rapidly and efficiently work with hundreds of non-natural sidechains.
Agile methods have become increasingly popular in the field of software engineering. While agile methods are now generally considered applicable to software projects of many different kinds, they have not been widely adopted in embedded systems development. This is partly due to the natural constraints that are present in embedded systems development (e.g. hardware–software interdependencies) that challenge the utilization of agile values, principles and practices. The research in agile embedded systems development has been very limited, and this thesis tackles an even less researched theme related to it: the suitability of different project management tools in agile embedded systems development. The thesis covers the basic aspects of many different agile tool types from physical tools, such as task boards and cards, to web-based agile tools that offer all-round solutions for application lifecycle management. In addition to these two extremities, there is also a wide range of lighter agile tools that focus on the core agile practices, such as backlog management. Also other non-agile tools, such as bug trackers, can be used to support agile development, for instance, with plug-ins. To investigate the special tool requirements in agile embedded development, the author observed tool related issues and solutions in a case study involving three different companies operating in the field of embedded systems development. All three companies had a distinct situation in the beginning of the case and thus the tool solutions varied from a backlog spreadsheet built from scratch to plug-in development for an already existing agile software tool. Detailed reports are presented of all three tool cases. Based on the knowledge gathered from agile tools and the case study experiences, it is concluded that there are tool related issues in the pilot phase, such as backlog management and user motivation. These can be overcome in various ways epending on the type of a team in question. Finally, five principles are formed to give guidelines for tool selection and usage in agile embedded systems development.
Pelillistetyissä järjestelmissä saavutetut pisteet ja muut saavutukset näkyvät yleensä vain kyseisessä palvelussa. Edward Decin ja Richard Ryanin teorian mukaan on tärkeää, että käyttäjä pystyy jakamaan saavutetun maineensa ystävilleen. Viestintäjärjestelmän suosiota, vertaisviestintää ja pelillistämistä pyrittiin parantamaan mahdollistamalla sen profiilin jakaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa käyttäjän ystäville, jotka eivät ole rekisteröityneet kyseiseen viestintäjärjestelmään. Tätä varten toteutettiin liitännäinen, joka mahdollistaa profiilin jakamisen Facebookissa yhdellä klikkauksella. Toteutetun liitännäisen avulla käyttäjä voi jakaa profiilinsa Facebookissa, jonka lisäksi se on helppokäyttöinen ja muokattavissa pääkäyttäjän toimesta. Suurimmaksi ongelmaksi liitännäisen kehityksessä osoittautui Facebookin vielä kehityksessä olevat kirjastot, jota käytetään yhteyden muodostamiseen. Liitännäisen julkaisu vaatisi laajempaa testausta sen yleisen toiminnallisuuden ja käytettävyyden suhteen.
Il est avant-tout question, dans ce mémoire, de la modélisation du timbre grâce à des algorithmes d'apprentissage machine. Plus précisément, nous avons essayé de construire un espace de timbre en extrayant des caractéristiques du son à l'aide de machines de Boltzmann convolutionnelles profondes. Nous présentons d'abord un survol de l'apprentissage machine, avec emphase sur les machines de Boltzmann convolutionelles ainsi que les modèles dont elles sont dérivées. Nous présentons aussi un aperçu de la littérature concernant les espaces de timbre, et mettons en évidence quelque-unes de leurs limitations, dont le nombre limité de sons utilisés pour les construire. Pour pallier à ce problème, nous avons mis en place un outil nous permettant de générer des sons à volonté. Le système utilise à sa base des plug-ins qu'on peut combiner et dont on peut changer les paramètres pour créer une gamme virtuellement infinie de sons. Nous l'utilisons pour créer une gigantesque base de donnée de timbres générés aléatoirement constituée de vrais instruments et d'instruments synthétiques. Nous entrainons ensuite les machines de Boltzmann convolutionnelles profondes de façon non-supervisée sur ces timbres, et utilisons l'espace des caractéristiques produites comme espace de timbre. L'espace de timbre ainsi obtenu est meilleur qu'un espace semblable construit à l'aide de MFCC. Il est meilleur dans le sens où la distance entre deux timbres dans cet espace est plus semblable à celle perçue par un humain. Cependant, nous sommes encore loin d'atteindre les mêmes capacités qu'un humain. Nous proposons d'ailleurs quelques pistes d'amélioration pour s'en approcher.
Nos ultimos anos, com a crescente popularização das redes de computadores baseadas no protocolo IP, desde pequenas redes até metropolitanas começaram a se agrupar e a fazer do que hoje se conhece como a rede mundial de computadores.Apesar dos benefícios de comunicação e troca de informação da Internet, esse feômeno global também trouxe problemas de segurança, pois a origem e estrutura dos protocolos utilizados na comunicação entre as diversas máquinas limitam as possibilidades de prevenir, identificar ou detectar possíveis ataques ou intrusos. Assim, várias ferramentas surgiram para prevenir e auxiliar na tarefa de identicar problemas de segurança nas redes como firewalls, sniffers e sistemas de detecção de intrusão. Apesar dos benefícios trazidos por essas novas tecnologias, surgiram muitas dúvidas referentes a segurança que esses recursos proporcionam. Afinal, o desenvolvimento e validação desses sistemas são procedimentos bastante complexos e, freqüentemente, esses sitemas têm se tornado o alvo primário de um atacante. O resultado disso, não raramente, é uma falsa noção de segurança devido à utilização inadequada desses mecanismos, o que é, normalmente, mais prejudicial do que a simples inexistência de segurança em uma organização, mas cujas falhas são conhecidas por seus administradores. A realização de testes para verificação da segurança de uma organização é uma atividade fundamental a fim de alcançar um ambiente operacional seguro e de verificar a correta aplicação dos requisitos de segurança de uma organização.O uso de testes permite a uma empresa verificar com precisão a postura de segurança utilizada em seus sistemas ao mesmo tempo em que permite visualizar a sua rede da mesma maneira que um atacante a visualizaria. Ao visualizar a rede como atacante, pode-se verificar com que facilidade obtém-se informações da rede, quais suas fragilidades e a dificuldade que se tem para invadí-la. Assim, obtém-se uma visão mais realista da segurança de uma organização. Além de técnicas para a avaliação, é muito importante que se possua ferramentas para a realização desses testes. Assim, é possível automotizar a realização de testes e verificar com maior facilidade a existência de problemas em uma rede. A existência de ferramentas que testem sistemas de segurnaça é extremamente importante e necessária, pois, afinal, a segurança de toda uma rede pode depender fortemente de algum desses sistemas. Este trabalho apresenta as técncias existentes para a injecção de falhas visando verificar as que são mais eficientes para a valiação de sistemas de segurança de rede. Adicionalmente são apresentadas algumas técnicas para o teste de mecanismos de segurança e algumas ferramentas existentes para a realizão de tais testes. A partir desses estudos, é apresentado um modelo de ferramenta adequando as funções de um sistema de injeção de falhas ao teste de mecanismos de segurança em rede. Um protótipo essa ferramenta foi desenvolvido e é apresentado neste trabalho. Esse protótipo permite o envio e o recebimento de pacotes da pilha TCP/IP, podendo testar problemas em protocolos e sistemas utilizados na rede. E, através da utilização de plug-ins, permite que diversos tipos de ataque mais sofisticados possam ser realizados.
This paper presents the development of a Web application called CityFreedom based on 3D modeling. The developed system demonstrates the use of most revolutionary and innovative techniques to create Web portals with the integrated 3D navigation scenarios to their own pages, without requiring any kind of plug-ins or external software. Everything works on the basis of compatible browsers. The CtyFreedom aims to give the user the feeling of immersion in virtual reality so get to interact with a three-dimensional city in order to see new places, traveling in an area of town that has always thought of knowing or even analyze establishments long before attend-them. It's the freedom to know and traveling around the city in a simple and trivial way. It is a new trend, the future of Web systems development
Atualização do DSPACE, implemenção de todas as funcionalidades e as novas funções da versão 3.1 Comparação das versões utilizadas do DSpace para avaliação dos benefícios no desempenho, com a adoção de novos serviços e implementações, plug-ins e integração com banco corporativo da Universidade.
Web development is currently driven by model-view-controller (MVC) frameworks. How has content management adapted to this scenario? This paper reviews content management features in Ruby on Rails framework and its most popular plug-ins. These features are distributed among the different layers of the MVC architecture