859 resultados para Plastic packaging
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Logoplaste is a specialist in operating in-house industrial sites for manufacturing rigid plastic packaging containers. In developing countries, especially in Africa, the low income of consumers does not allow a widespread adoption of products typically sold in rigid plastic containers. In these countries the flexible packages are usually adopted as they allow for better ratios of cost/litter of product, particularly in smaller packages. Should Logoplaste offer this type of technology in order to expand into developing countries?
The environmental challenges of plastic packaging industry have increased remarkably along with climate change debate. The interest to study carbon footprints of packaging has increased in packaging industry to find out the real climate change impacts of packaging. In this thesis the greenhouse gas discharges of plastic packaging during their life cycle is examined. The carbon footprint is calculated for food packaging manufactured from plastic laminate. The structure of the laminate is low density polyethylene (PE-LD) and oriented polypropylene (OPP), which have been joined together with laminating adhesive. The purpose is to find out the possibilities to create a carbon footprint calculating tool for plastic packaging and its usability in a plastic packaging manufacturing company. As a carbon footprint calculating method PAS 2050 standard has been used. In the calculations direct and indirect greenhouse gas discharges as well as avoided discharges are considered. Avoided discharges are born for example in packaging waste utilization as energy. The results of the calculations have been used to create a simple calculating tool to be used for similar laminate structures. Although the utilization of the calculating tool is limited to one manufacturing plant because the primary activity data is dependent of geographical location and for example the discharges of used energy in the plant. The results give an approximation of the climate change potential caused by the laminate. It is although noticed that calculations do not include all environmental impacts of plastic packaging´s life cycle.
The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Migration of components from plastic packaging into foodstuffs or into medicines is a very important issue, concerning public health. Using experimental techniques, like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, these essays measure total migration and specific migration of components from plastic packaging. This work presents an explanation and applications of a numerical technique tool for this measurement, allowing the comprehension of the diffusion process and the estimate of component migration in difficult or impractical measurements. As an application example, the non-uniform influence of initial concentration profile on the migration is presented, demonstrating the necessity of this profile determination for high quality considerations on involved metrology.
Compared to other, plastic materials have registered a strong acceleration in production and consumption during the last years. Despite the existence of waste management systems, plastic_based materials are still a pervasive presence in the environment, with negative consequences on marine ecosystem and human health. The recycling is still challenging due to the growing complexity of product design, the so-called overpackaging, the insufficient and inadequate recycling infrastructure, the weak market of recycled plastics and the high cost of waste treatment and disposal. The Circular economy package, the European Strategy for plastics in a circular economy and the recent European Green Deal include very ambitious programmes to rethink the entire plastic value chain. As regards packaging, all plastic packaging will have to be 100% recyclable (or reusable) and 55% recycled by 2030. Regions are consequently called upon to set up a robust plan able to fit the European objectives. It takes on greater importance in Emilia Romagna where the Packaging valley is located. This thesis supports the definition of a strategy aimed to establish an after-use plastics economy in the region. The PhD work has set the basis and the instruments to establish the so-called Circularity Strategy with the aim to turn about 92.000t of plastic waste into profitable secondary resources. System innovation, life cycle thinking and participative backcasting method have allowed to deeply analyse the current system, orientate the problem and explore sustainable solutions through a broad stakeholder participation. A material flow analysis, accompanied by a barrier analysis, has supported the identification of the gaps between the present situation and the 2030 scenario. Eco-design for and from recycling (and a mass _based recycling rate (based on the effective amount of plastic wastes turned into secondary plastics), valorized by a value_based indicator, are the key-points of the action plan.
This research studied the effect of low density polyethylene packaging and storage temperature on the preservation of fresh-cut (minimally processed) cabbage. The cabbages, previously cooled to a temperature of 10 ºC, were selected, washed, cut in four parts (with the central stalk removed), sanitized, cut in strips, rinsed, put in the centrifuge, weighed and stored in plastic packaging of low density polyethylene (70 µm), and then stored in cold chambers at temperatures of 1 and 10 ºC for 20 days. The following aspects were evaluated: carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the internal atmosphere of the package as well as, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and the total soluble solids/acidity in the fresh-cut cabbage ratio. The experimental design was entirely casual, with three repetitions. The analysis parameters, except for the vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and ethylene, presented significant variation between the temperatures and days of storage. The cabbage stored at a temperature of 1 ºC presented a shelf life of around 15 days, significantly higher than that stored at 10 ºC. At this temperature, on the 8th day of storage, the product was completely decayed, unfit for commercialization or consumption.
Plastic packaging materials intended for use in food packaging is an area of great interest from the scientific and economic point of view due to the irreversible internationalization and globalization process of food products. Nevertheless, a debate related to food safety aspects has emerged within the scientific community. Therefore, the development of analytical methods that allow identifying and quantifying chemical substances of toxicological potential in the packaging is considered essential. This article focuses on the main analytical methods, including validation parameters, as well as extraction and quantification techniques for determination of volatile organic compounds from food packaging materials.
Lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) has a high commercial value; however, it has a short shelf-life because of its rapid pericarp browning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the shelf-life of 'Bengal' lychee fruits stored after treatment with hydrochloric acid and citric acid, associated with cassava starch and plastic packaging. Uniformly red pericarp fruits were submitted to treatments: 1-(immersion in citric acid 100 mM for 5 minutes + cassava starch 30 g L-1 for 5 minutes), 2-(immersion in hydrochloric acid 1 M for 2 minutes + starch cassava 30 g L-1 for 5 minutes), 3-(immersion in citric acid 100 mM for 5 minutes + polyvinyl chloride film (PVC, 14 µm thick)) and 4-(immersion in hydrochloric acid 1 M for 2 minutes + PVC film). During 20 days, the fruits were evaluated for mass loss, pericarp color, pH, soluble solids and titratable acidity, vitamin C of the pulp and pericarp and activities of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase of the pericarp. The treatment with hydrochloric acid associated with PVC was the most effective in maintaining the red color of the pericarp for a period of 20 days and best preservation of the fruit. The cassava starch associated with citric acid, and hydrochloric acid did not reduce the mass loss and did not prevent the browning of lychee fruit pericarp.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo optimização energética na indústria química.
A empresa Petibol, S.A. – Embalagens de plástico centra-se na produção de embalagens de plástico a partir da matéria-prima Poliestireno Expandido (EPS) e Polipropileno Expandido (EPP). A empresa possui uma preocupação ao nível da qualidade da água e do aproveitamento energético, tendo desta forma surgido a realização do estudo na unidade industrial, com o objectivo de anular e/ou diminuir as possíveis lacunas existentes na unidade industrial. Numa primeira etapa foi realizada uma caracterização global à qualidade da água e à empresa, actualizando-se os esquemas já existentes, contabilizando-se os custos actuais relativamente aos processos no circuito da água (arrefecimento, aquecimento e pressurização), e por fim, efectuou-se um levantamento in loco do circuito de água, relativamente à pressão, temperatura e caudal. Numa fase posterior, foram propostos equipamentos e processos, tendo em vista a colmatação dos problemas identificados, realizando-se um subsequente estudo relativamente aos custos inerentes a esses novos processos. A caracterização à água foi avaliada em diferentes pontos do circuito industrial, tendo-se determinado na Sala de Bombagem que o filtro de areia não possuía as dimensões mais apropriadas, existindo também um problema a nível mecânico associado ao processo de contra-lavagem. Tais factos podem ser a causa da ocorrência de um aumento do teor de sólidos após a passagem na camada filtrante. Relativamente ao amaciador, este deveria amaciar de forma completa a água para alimentação à caldeira, embora se tenha registado à saída do amaciador uma dureza de 21,3 mg/L, denunciando problemas na troca iónica. No que toca à água de alimentação à caldeira, verifica-se a existência de parâmetros que não se encontram de acordo com os critérios enunciados para uma óptima qualidade, sendo eles o pH (10,14), condutividade (363 μS/cm), teor de ferro (1,21 mg/L) e a dureza (16 mg/L). De salientar que somente o teor de cobre, que se encontra em quantidades vestigiais, apresenta-se de acordo com os valores impostos. No que respeita à água da caldeira, esta apresenta parâmetros incompatíveis com os recomendados, sendo eles a condutividade (7350 μS/cm), teor de sólidos dissolvidos (5248 mg/L) e alcalinidade total (780 mg/L). De referir que o valor de pH (11,8) não se encontra de acordo com a aplicação do tratamento “fosfato-pH coordenado”. Em relação aos parâmetros com valores que se encontram dentro dos limites, estes correspondem à dureza (0 mg/L), ao teor de fosfatos (45 mg/L) e teor de sílica (0 mg/L). A água do circuito de arrefecimento foi sujeita a uma análise microbiológica, que corroborou a presença de um biofilme. Um dos problemas enunciados pela empresa, prendia-se com a impossibilidade de descarga, no colector municipal, dos condensados dos compressores, visto apresentarem uma quantidade de óleo de cerca de 43,3 mg/L, equivalente a quatro vezes o valor limite de emissão, de acordo com a legislação municipal. Por fim, o efluente de descarga industrial apresenta um valor de pH (10,3) acima do intervalo permitido por lei (6,0 – 9,0), sendo que a corrente que mais contribui para este acréscimo de pH corresponde à corrente proveniente da água de purga, visto esta apresentar um valor de pH de 12,22. De maneira a contornar os parâmetros enunciados, é proposto a substituição do filtro de areia da Sala de Bombagem, assim como a inserção de um conjunto de medidas de remoção de ferro e desinfecção, sendo a conjugação de arejamento, coagulação, filtração e desinfecção, por parte do hipoclorito, a proposta apresentada. Aos condensados dos compressores é apresentado um sistema de separação, que possibilita a remoção do óleo da água, e uma consequente descarga da mesma. Actualmente, não existe qualquer filtro de areia no circuito de arrefecimento da água, sendo proposto assim esse equipamento, de forma a minorar o desenvolvimento da população microbiana, bem como a permitir uma maior eficiência na transferência de calor na torre de arrefecimento. Relativamente à descarga industrial, é recomendável a colocação de um sistema de regularização automática de pH. A inserção de uma válvula de três vias permite um aproveitamento energético e de água, a partir da confluência da água oriunda dos furos com a água do tanque de água fria, sendo posteriormente alimentada à central de vácuo. No estudo da recuperação energética, um outro equipamento avaliado correspondeu à serpentina, no entanto, verificou-se que a poupança no consumo de gás natural era de apenas 0,005%, o que não se mostrou uma proposta viável. O orçamento de todos os equipamentos é de 11.720,76 €, possibilitando não só um melhor funcionamento industrial, como um menor impacto a nível ambiental. Os custos futuros de funcionamento aumentam em 3,36%, tendo a pressurização um aumento do seu custo em 3,4% em relação ao custo actual, verificando-se um custo anual de 10.781,21€, em relação aos processos de arejamento, coagulação e desinfecção.
Plastic packaging materials intended for use in food packaging is an area of great interest from the scientific and economic point of view due to the irreversible internationalization and globalization process of food products. Nevertheless, a debate related to food safety aspects has emerged within the scientific community. Therefore, the development of analytical methods that allow identifying and quantifying chemical substances of toxicological potential in the packaging is considered essential. This article focuses on the main analytical methods, including validation parameters, as well as extraction and quantification techniques for determination of volatile organic compounds from food packaging materials.
El trabajo de investigación presenta la gestión que están realizando las empresas colombianas del sector empaque y embalaje en términos de su responsabilidad social empresarial, especialmente en el manejo ambiental de sus productos y procesos. Los objetivos de las empresas se enfocan en ser perdurables y rentables; para lograrlo deben encontrar una ventaja competitiva sostenible e ir acorde a los cambios sociales, económicos, políticos y ambientales entre otros. El mercado tanto nacional como internacional es cada vez más competitivo; la globalización, la facilidad de información y la tecnología hacen que las políticas gubernamentales y las necesidades del mercado sean más exigentes respecto al compromiso ambiental de las organizaciones. El presente proyecto identifica las actividades que realizan éstas empresas al respecto y presenta recomendaciones para lograr esa ventaja competitiva.