962 resultados para Place marketing
Relaunching Titanic critically considers the invocation of Titanic heritage in Belfast in contributing to a new ‘post-conflict’ understanding of the city. The authors address how the memory of Titanic is being and should be represented in the place of its origin, from where it was launched into the collective consciousness and unconscious of western civilization.
Relaunching Titanic examines the issues in the context of international debates on the tension between place marketing of cities and other alternative portrayals of memory and meaning in places. Key questions include the extent to which the goals of economic development are congruous with the ‘contemplative city’ and especially the need for mature and creative reflection in the ‘post-conflict’ city, whether development interests have taken precedence over the need for a deeper appreciation of a more nuanced Titanic legacy in the city of Belfast, and what Belfast shares with other places in considering the sacred and profane in memory construction.
While Relaunching Titanic focuses on the conflicted history of Belfast and the Titanic, it will have lessons for planners and scholars of city branding, tourism, and urban re-imaging.
This thesis examines contemporary mediated spectacles used in regional tourism strategies. In recent years there has been growing occurrence of ‘formatted entertainment models’ in China. With this in mind, this thesis explores the ways in which traditional cultural resources are being converted to generate diverse, hybrid commodities. The unique business model of Zhang Yimou, known as the Impression Series provides the case study. The thesis examines multilayered representations of products which continuously form, and are formatted, under the logic of the cultural market. The case study highlights the revival of traditional Chinese culture, a new branding of the Chinese national image and rising ‘soft power’. Primarily, the thesis argues that personal celebrity endorsement is replacing political propaganda heroes in promoting an alternative image of China. Zhang Yimou and Impression West Lake function as a dual branding mechanism that combines ‘people marketing’ and ‘place marketing’ for the development of a ‘created in China’ cultural commodity as well as for the generation of positive economic outcomes. Secondly, the thesis identifies how natural resources linked with a local tourism industry are articulated into cultural products and how this is experienced by visitors. Culture is a core component of China’s ‘soft power.’ Cultural experience’ strategies such as Impression combine global marketing and local cultural forces. The thesis argues that a creative entrepreneur has more advantages in promoting ‘soft power’ than governmental propaganda strategies. Thirdly, Impression West Lake encapsulates the rise of the creative entrepreneur with the help of local government authorities. Even though government cultural policy-makers can facilitate the cultural infrastructure, they ultimately rely on the entrepreneur’s creative vision and understanding of the market. Finally, based on the study of Impression West Lake, the thesis outlines future opportunities for social, cultural and economic reform in China.
In the framework of the European project Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science (PLACES), we analyse the articulations between scientifi c communication, public perception of science, processes of citizen participation and apropiation of space, based on a case study of the inhabitants of Teruel city, Autonomous Community of Aragon, Spain. On the interrelationships between these issues, there are a number of contradictions, such as the difference between a high interest for information about science and technology and a low level of recognition and interaction with local institutions involved in those activities, the complex conceptualization of scientifi c space in relation to the “public-private” pair, or an articulation of a claiming civic rethoric and an insuffi cient co-responsibility. We conclude that, in a local context, the dimension of territoriality and, in particular, the identifi cation with the town, is a central mediation for activating citizen participation as part of processes of appropriation of space for setting up cities of scientifi c culture.
This article examines the role of tourism as a motive and mechanism for change in contemporary cities, considering how the theming of space with tourists in mind necessarily involves other kinds of spatial and social transformation, and asking what role actual and hypothetical tourists play in local contests over space and representation. Looking closely at Belfast’s Gaeltacht Quarter provides an insight into how global fashions in place marketing, tourism and minority language promotion intersect with the particularities of areas to which they are applied. This paper argues that the superficially value-neutral, internationally recognisable language of economic
development can be used both as a means of transcending, and a means of
strategically negotiating, intense struggles over space, identity and status.
In the 1980s, urban re-imaging and place marketing were vital elements in the strategies of post-industrial cities aiming to redefine their role, make themselves more competitive and attract global investment and tourists. By the early 1990s, the questionable effects of trickle-down economics on deprived housing estates and the rediscovery of the 'community' as a social partner shifted both the substance and process of vision exercises. This paper examines the experience of building an input into a city vision that aimed to address social and ethno-religious segregation in Derry/Londonderry. Designing a consensus statement for a city that cannot agree its name, was wrecked by bloody violence and has its hinterland fractured by a contested international border, is a difficult and delicate process. The city had a population of 105 800 people in 1998, but is divided by the river Foyle between the mainly Catholic Cityside (to the north and west) and the mainly Protestant Waterside (to the south and east). The analysis connects with the literature on urban policy that emphasises the importance of argumentation and democratic debate in strategic planning and local regeneration (Forester, 1989; Healey, 1996). The paper concludes by arguing that strategies for 'listening' would help to shape a vision that could mobilise community interests around some common urban regional issues and help to promote social and ethno-religious polarisation as mainstream policy concerns.
O presente trabalho situa a investigação em torno do marketing, particularmente do branding, territorial numa perspectiva holística e consubstanciadora de comportamentos, identidade e desenvolvimento territorial. Nesse âmbito, focaliza-se na problemática da amplitude e heterogeneidade de actores com capacidade de impacte na construção e transmissão da marca territorial e na necessidade da sua contemplação nos pressupostos de branding para a sustentação efectiva das marcas territoriais. A tese defendida advoga a relevância de empreender marcas territoriais assentes na colaboração e integração dos stakeholders no processo construtivo, de forma a potenciar a relação directa entre o branding, a identidade e comportamento territorial e aumentar o output da marca. Nesse sentido, essa orientação é consubstanciada sob a edificação conceptual de Stakeholders Based Branding e procede-se à exploração e aferição de contributos para o seu desenvolvimento e modelização. Empiricamente e tendo por base uma abordagem descritiva e exploratória, a investigação orienta-se a um trabalho de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa que estuda, neste âmbito e através da metodologia de Grounded Theory, 6 casos de estudo de municípios portugueses, através de 48 entrevistas em profundidade realizadas a líderes políticos e stakeholders territoriais e dados secundários. Os resultados obtidos em campo demonstram a relação entre a integração de stakeholders e o sentimento de branding e imagem territorial, reiterando que quanto mais envolvidos os stakeholders se sentem no processo construtivo da marca territorial, mais tendem a assumir a sua auto-imputação e que os territórios com posturas mais colaborativas na construção de branding são os que tendem a possuir auto-imagens e imagens públicas mais positivas. Paralelamente permitem aferir um conjunto de factores impulsores, implementados e/ou idealizados, tidos como relevantes para promover uma orientação de Stakeholders Based Branding, nos respectivos territórios. Do percurso investigativo emana um constructo de Stakeholders Based Branding, com carácter indutivo, respeitando os pressupostos da Grounded Theory e assente na modelização e constituição de proposições teóricas que visam contribuir para orientar a construção de marcas territoriais alicerçadas na integração e colaboração de stakeholders.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a importância dos stakeholders, particularmente, o caso dos comerciantes locais, que correspondem à recente reformulação da “marca” Porto, enquanto cidade, que resultou na nova imagem “Porto.”, implementada em Setembro de 2014. Visto ser um tema recente, recorreu-se à revisão de literatura para verificar se existe ou não importância na integração desta população, através de um processo de branding conjunto, em parceria com quem na prática empreende a marca. Seguiu-se uma análise mais objetiva, onde se selecionou uma amostra por conveniência, sobre o critério de acessibilidade e ainda realizando um convite para entrevista, junto da organização responsável pelo desenvolvimento da marca, que impremeditávelmente foi declinado. Contudo, prosseguiu-se com o apropositado ingrediente da matéria em pesquisa, que talvez possa responder à desconformidade da organização em prestar esclarecimento. Deste modo, do elemento a ser investigado identificam-se quarenta e um negócios, de diferentes segmentos de mercado (alojamentos turísticos, restauração, garrafeiras e lojas de artesanato local), com uma média de cinco funcionários cada e localizadas na zona histórica da cidade do Porto. Em colaboração com os mesmos, foi produzido um questionário pessoal com os proprietários de cada organização investigada. Daqui resultou o nível de familiaridade, motivações e desejos, assim como nível de envolvimento, aproveitamento e aplicação destes stakeholders, imprenscindíveis à marca. Descobrindo-se que independentemente da consciência sobre a existência de uma marca e de um bom nível de reconhecimento, após o seu lançamento, isto não se correlaciona com o comprometimento disponibilizado por parte de quem a gere, nomeadamente comunicação direcionada para os stakeholders locais. Verificando-se uma incongruência quanto ao empreendimento do conceito de branding colaborativo, identificado na literatura e ao qual se atribuí uma aplicabilidade proveitosa.
This thesis deals with the factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in the supermarket sector. It is adapted a model proposed by Johnson et al. (2001) and included the brand construct as a loyalty of construct antecedent. It is conducted a survey with a sample of 290 customers of a supermarket in Natal city, Brazil, and descriptive and multiple regression statistical analysis. The main findings are that the proposed model is confirmed with quality being the main factor affecting satisfaction, but also in this case the place marketing construct playing a key role on satisfaction. The loyalty model is also supported by this research with the brand construct appearing important for a segment of the customers. This study support the conclusion that customer satisfaction is not the sole or main factor to explain loyalty
In the conventional marketing mix, a focus on physical distribution handicaps the use of "place" in planning marketing strategy for hospitality services. To replace it, the article introduces a new group of variables called "performance," which focus instead on availability and accessibility. The author does not intend to offer detailed descriptions of specific variables but rather to suggest associations and relationships among issues and options in marketing hospitality services that may not previously have been recognized, and to address the diverse segments of the hospitality services industry in general, including lodging, food, beverage, private club, cruise ship, and travel-destination services.
This paper presents new research methods that combine the use of location-based, social media on mobile phones with geographic information systems (GIS) to explore connections between people, place and health. It discusses the feasibility, limitations, and benefits of using these methods, which enable real-time, location-based, quantitative data to be collected on the recreation, consumption, and physical activity patterns of urban residents in Brisbane, Queensland. The study employs mechanisms already inherent in popular mobile social media applications (Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare) to collect this data. The research methods presented in this paper are innovative and potentially applicable to an increasing number of academic research areas, as well as to a growing range of service providers that benefit from monitoring consumer behaviour, and responding to emerging changes in these patterns and trends. The ability to both collect and map objective, real-time data about the consumption, leisure, recreation, and physical activity patterns amongst urban communities has direct implications for a range of research disciplines including media studies, advertising, health promotion, social marketing, public health inequalities, and urban design.
This paper recognises that customer loyalty is important for many competitive organisations, and that retail firms make investments to build and maintain loyal relationships with their existing and potential customers (e.g. loyalty programs). However, there has been little focus on the mechanisms by which these relationship investments operate to achieve customer loyalty. This paper examines one mechanism, namely customer gratitude, which works to make a firm’s relationship marketing investment a success or a failure. Using data from 1600 undergraduate students, this study empirically confirms the mediating role of customer gratitude between the customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customers’ perceptions of the value of the relationship with the firm. Further, a significant moderating effect of perceived benevolence on the relationship between customers’ perceptions a firm’s relationship marketing investments and customer gratitude was identified. For theorists, this customer gratitude model offers a better psychological explanation of how relationship marketing investments operate to improve the value that customers place on their relationships with retailers. Our research suggests that managers should invest resources to stimulate customer gratitude in order to build strong customer–seller relationships.
This text provide the ideal student-centered introduction to the fast-changing field of integrated marketing communications. Technologies such as the convergence of the internet, mobile devices, and traditional channels are changing the way companies use marketing tools to communicate with their customers. The third edition of this market-leading text has been extensively revised to examine how cutting-edge developments are impacting the IMC program of marketers. All vignettes, cases and boxes showcasing specific examples of how companies and their communications agencies are using integrated marketing communications are new or updated. They provide engaging insights into the most current and popular campaigns being used by marketers and the key current trends and developments taking place in the advertising world.
Social media has reached global proportions, yet little is known about firms’ engagement with these Web 2.0 technologies in emerging markets within Latin America. The study investigates Chilean marketing managers’ perspectives on social media platforms, the benefits or barriers to their firm’s marketing practices and the impact they have on the immediate marketing environment based on in-depth interviews. Applying Okazaki and Taylor’s (2013) social media framework the findings provide an understanding of social media’s role for Chilean firms in customer engagement, brand image enhancement, return on investment, and meeting consumer needs through time and place. Additional themes emerged on the use of social media through Smartphones and their value for future marketing activities.
Knowledge generation and innovation have been a priority for global city administrators particularly during the last couple of decades. This is mainly due to the growing consensus in identifying knowledge-based urban development as a panacea to the burgeoning economic problems. Place making has become a critical element for success in knowledge-based urban development as planning and branding places is claimed to be an effective marketing tool for attracting investment and talent. This paper aims to investigate the role of planning and branding in place making by assessing the effectiveness of planning and branding strategies in the development of knowledge and innovation milieus. The methodology of the study comprises reviewing the literature thoroughly, developing an analysis framework, and utilizing this framework in analyzing Brisbane’s knowledge community precincts—namely Boggo Road Knowledge Precinct, Kelvin Grove Urban Knowledge Village, and Sippy Downs Knowledge Town. The analysis findings generate invaluable insights in Brisbane’s journey in place making for knowledge and innovation milieus and communities. The results suggest as much as good planning, branding strategies and practice, the requirements of external and internal conditions also need to be met for successful place making in knowledge community precincts.