400 resultados para Pezzana Gualtieri, Jacinta


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Malone , C., 1990. American Journal of Archaeology 1993. 97(179-80).


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Se trata de una experiencia interdisciplinar que integra el área de Literatura con el uso de material gráfico (dibujos, diapositivas...) y recursos audiovisuales (vídeo, cámara, fotografía). Se fomentará el gusto por la lectura y la actividad teatral. Más concretamente, se analizará la obra 'Fortunata y Jacinta' y su relación con el contexto histórico, y finalmente, se hará una adaptación teatral de las misma. Otras actividades serán: visita de exposiciones sobre el Madrid Liberal, de Galdós, de Fortunata y de Jacinta..


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Extraer los motivos psicológicos en seis personajes de la obra de Galdós 'Fortunata y Jacinta', como también las características de un buen pedagogo. En el buen educador deben ir unidas severidad y tolerancia. En la educación tenemos que fijarnos siempre en el individuo. No bastan principios generales: hay que partir de esa 'forma interna y perdurable de la persona'. La persona es producto de la herencia, del ambiente social y de la conciencia. El educador debe saber hasta donde puede conceder y en qué punto debe detenerse. La privación absoluta de lo adquirido por la costumbre más o menos viciosa es el peor de los remedios por engendrar la desesperación. Para curar viejos hábitos es necesario permitirlos de cuando en cuando, perfectamente graduados. Galdós es precursor de la psicología profunda. Intuye la existencia de capas ocultas en el dinamismo de la persona. Poco después Freud nos daría el término inconsciente. Pretende llegar al conocimiento del individuo a su más total expresión, por el lenguaje de los sueños. En cada uno de sus personajes encarna un tipo caracterológico.


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[ES] Estudio comparativo de las novelas Fortunata y Jacinta, de Pérez Galdós y Nana, de Emile Zola, destacando como tema común el personaje femenino: sus características, trayectorias y simbolismo dentro del conjunto general de la obra.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Catalogo de' libri impressi in Parma dell' anno 1472 a tutto il 1499": v. 3, Appendix, p. [29]-74; v. 4, p. [xxxix]-xlii.


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El presente trabajo referido a el erotismo en las obras “El pergamino de la seducción” de Gioconda Belli y “El desencanto” de Jacinta Escudos, establece la diferencia entre pornografía y erotismo, usando como base teórica los conceptos de distintos diccionarios y enciclopedias como el Diccionario de Términos Literarios y la Enciclopedia Ilustrada, así como La Llama doble, amor y erotismo ensayo del mexicano Octavio Paz. Se han identificado dentro de las novelas las funciones del erotismo y el fin con que cada autora las utiliza considerando los términos lúdico, desmitificación y hedonismo, utilizados por el Lic. Lara Valle para la caracterización de cada función; dichos conceptos han sido verificados en los Diccionarios de Términos y Figuras Literarios de Julia Kristeva y Diccionario de términos Literarios de Sainz de Robles. Para diferenciar la temática, la forma, lenguaje y tipo de erotismo que presentan las novelas se utiliza la teoría de la literatura comparada, para identificar si son obras correspondientes a la pornografía o al erotismo. Finalmente se aplican algunos aspectos del psicoanálisis de Freud para estudiar la personalidad de los personajes principales e identificar de esta manera las actitudes del “yo”, “ello” o “supereyo” y el papel que juega Eros dentro de la historia de las novelas.


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A bicycle ergometer is a scientific device used by exercise physiologists which attempts to mimic on-road cycling characteristics such as foot technique, EMG activity, VO2, VCO2 and rider cardiology in a laboratory environment. Presently there are no known useful scientific ergometers that mimic these characteristics and are able to provide a satisfactory controlled resistance that is independent of speed. Previous research has suggested the use of a Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluid as part of the ergometer design, as when used in a rotary brake application it is able to be controlled electronically to increase resistance instantly and independent of speed. In the target application, MR fluids are subject to immense tribological wear and temperature during viscous shearing, and will eventually show some degree of deterioration which is usually manifested as an increase in off-state viscosity. It is not known exactly how the fluid fails, however the amount of deterioration is related to the shear rate, temperature and duration and directly related to the power dissipation. Currently, there is very little literature that investigates the flow and thermal characteristics of MR fluid tribology using CFD. In this paper, we present initial work that aims to improve understanding of MR fluid wear via CFD modelling using Fluent, and results from the model are compared with those obtained from a experimental test rig of an MR fluid-based bicycle ergometer.


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A comprehensive study was undertaken involving chemical (inorganic and organic) and bioanalytical (a suite of 14 in vitro bioassays) assessments of coal seam gas (coal bed methane) associated water (CSGW) in Queensland, Australia. CSGW is a by-product of the gas extraction process and is generally considered as water of poor quality. This was done to better understand what is known about the potential biological and environmental effects associated with the organic constituents of CSGW in Australia. In Queensland, large amounts of associated water must be withdrawn from coal seams to allow extraction of the gas. CSGW is disposed of via release to surface water, reinjected to groundwater or reused for irrigation of crops or pasture, supplied for power station cooling and or reinjected specifically to augment drinking water aquifers. Groundwater samples were collected from private wells tapping into the Walloon Coal Measures, the same coal aquifer exploited for coal seam gas production in the Surat Basin, Australia. The inorganic characteristics of these water samples were almost identical to the CSGW entering the nearby gas company operated Talinga-Condabri Water Treatment Facility. The water is brackish with a pH of 8 to 9, high sodium, bicarbonate and chloride concentrations but low calcium, magnesium and negligible sulphate concentrations. Only low levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in the water samples, and neither phenols nor volatile organic compounds were found. Results from the bioassays showed no genotoxicity, protein damage, or activation of hormone receptors (with the exception of the estrogen receptor). However, five of the 14 bioassays gave positive responses: an arylhydrocarbon-receptor gene activation assay (AhR-CAFLUX), estrogenic endocrine activity (ERα-CALUX), oxidative stress response (AREc32), interference with cytokine production (THP1-CPA) and non-specific toxicity (Microtox). The observed effects were benchmarked against known water sources and were similar to secondary treated wastewater effluent, stormwater and surface water. As mixture toxicity modelling demonstrated, the detected PAHs explained less than 5% of the observed biological effects.


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Aim Low prevalence rates of malnutrition at 2.5% to 4% have previously been reported in two tertiary paediatric Australian hospitals. The current study is the first to measure the prevalence of malnutrition, obesity and nutritional risk of paediatric inpatients in multiple hospitals throughout Australia. Methods Malnutrition, obesity and nutritional risk prevalence were investigated in 832 and 570 paediatric inpatients, respectively, in eight tertiary paediatric hospitals and eight regional hospitals across Australia on a single day. Malnutrition and obesity prevalence was determined using z-scores and body mass index (BMI) percentiles. High nutritional risk was determined as a Paediatric Yorkhill Malnutrition Score of 2 or more. Results The prevalence rates of malnourished, wasted, stunted, overweight and obese paediatric patients were 15%, 13.8%, 11.9%, 8.8% and 9.9%, respectively. Patients who identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander were more likely to have lower height-for-age z-scores (P < 0.01); however, BMI and weight-for-age z-scores were not significantly different. Children who were younger, from regional hospitals or with a primary diagnosis of cardiac disease or cystic fibrosis had significantly lower anthropometric z-scores (P = 0.05). Forty-four per cent of patients were identified as at high nutritional risk and requiring further nutritional assessment. Conclusions The prevalence of malnutrition and nutritional risk of Australian paediatric inpatients on a given day was much higher when compared with the healthy population. In contrast, the proportion of overweight and obese patients was less.