991 resultados para Personal Autonomy


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The TALISMAN+ project, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, aims to research and demonstrate innovative solutions transferable to society which offer services and products based on information and communication technologies in order to promote personal autonomy in prevention and monitoring scenarios. It will solve critical interoperability problems among systems and emerging technologies in a context where heterogeneity brings about accessibility barriers not yet overcome and demanded by the scientific, technological or social-health settings.


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The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy.


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This study was conducted to understand (a) hospital social workers' perspectives about patients' personal autonomy and self-determination, (b) their experiences, and (c) their beliefs and behaviors. The study used the maximum variation sampling strategy to select hospitals and hospital social work respondents. Individual interviews were conducted with 31 medical/surgical and mental health hospital social workers who worked in 13 hospitals. The data suggest the following four points. First, the hospital setting as an outside influence as it relates to illness and safety, and its four categories, mentally alert patients, family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents, seems to enhance or diminish patients' autonomy in discharge planning decision making. Second, respondents report they believe patients must be safe both inside and outside the hospital. In theory, respondents support autonomy and self-determination, respect patients' wishes, and believe patients are the decision makers. However, in practice, respondents respect autonomy and self-determination to a point. Third, a model, The Patient's Decision in Discharge Planning: A Continuum, is presented where a safe discharge plan is at one end of a continuum, while an unsafe discharge plan is at the other end. Respondents respect personal autonomy and the patient's self-determination to a point. This point is likely to be located in a gray area where the patient's decision crosses from one end of the continuum to the other. When patients decide on an unsafe discharge plan, workers' interventions range from autonomy to paternalism. And fourth, the hospital setting as an outside influence may not offer the best opportunity for patients to make decisions (a) because of beliefs family members and health care professionals hold about the value of patient self-determination, and (b) because patients may not feel free to make decisions in an environment where they are surrounded by family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents who have power and who think they know best. Workers need to continue to educate elderly patients about their right to self-determination in the hospital setting. ^


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This paper presents the development and evaluation of PICTOAPRENDE, which is an interactive software designed to improve oral communication. Additionally, it contributes to the development of children and youth who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in Ecuador. To fulfill this purpose initially analyzes the intervention area where the general characteristics of people with ASD and their status in Ecuador is described. Statistical techniques used for this evaluation constitutes the basis of this study. A section that presents the development of research-based cognitive and social parameters of the area of intervention is also shown. Finally, the algorithms to obtain the measurements and experimental results along with the analysis of them are presented.


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Three studies comprised the current research program, in which the major goals were to propose and validate empirically the proposed two-level (universal and culture-specific) model of both autonomy and relatedness, as well as to develop reliable and valid measures for these two constructs. In Study 1, 143 mainland Chinese adolescents were asked open-ended questions about their understanding of autonomy and relatedness in three social contexts (peer, family, school). Chinese youth’s responses captured universal and culturally distinctive forms of autonomy (personal vs. social) and relatedness (accommodation vs. distinctiveness), according to a priori criteria based on the theoretical frameworks. Also, scenarios designed to reflect culture-specific forms of autonomy and relatedness suggested their relevance to Chinese adolescents. With a second sample of 201 mainland Chinese youth, in Study 2, the obtained autonomy and relatedness descriptors were formulated into scale items. Those items were subject to refinement analyses to examine their psychometric properties and centrality to Chinese youth. The findings of Study 1 scenarios were replicated in Study 2. The primary goal of Study 3 was to test empirically the proposed two-level (universal and culture-specific) models of both autonomy and relatedness, using the measures derived from Studies 1 and 2. A third sample of 465 mainland Chinese youth completed a questionnaire booklet consisting of autonomy and relatedness scales and scenarios and achievement motivation orientations measures. A series of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) autonomy and relatedness measurement models (first-order and second-order), as well as structural models linking culture-specific forms of autonomy and relatedness and achievement motivation orientations, were conducted. The first-order measurement models based on scale and scenario scores consistently confirmed the distinction between personal autonomy and social autonomy, and that of accommodation and distinctiveness. Although the construct validity of the two culture-specific forms of autonomy gained additional support from the structural models, the associations between the two culture-specific forms of relatedness and achievement motivation orientations were relatively weak. In general, the two-level models of autonomy and relatedness were supported in two ways: conceptual analysis of scale items and second-order measurement models. In addition, across the three studies, I explored potential contextual and sex differences in Chinese youth’s endorsement of the diverse forms of autonomy and relatedness. Overall, no substantial contextual variability or sex differences were found. The current research makes an important theoretical contribution to the field of developmental psychology in general, and autonomy and relatedness in particular, by proposing and testing empirically both universal and culture-specific parts of autonomy and relatedness. The current findings have implications for the measurement of autonomy and relatedness across social contexts, as well as for socialization and education practice.


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En esta investigación se trata de vincular la autogestión del aprendizaje con el desarrollo de la autonomía personal, la cual favorece el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. Partimos, en este proyecto de investigación, de la hipótesis de que la autogestión del aprendizaje es un elemento multidimensional cuya mejora revierte de forma positiva en el desarrollo de la autonomía e iniciativa personal. En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la fase piloto de un proyecto más amplio, en el que se ha recogido información a través de autoinforme sobre las distintas estrategias y aspectos de la autogestión del aprendizaje y sobre la autonomía e iniciativa personal. Los resultados indican que, en general, hay una relación significativa positiva moderada entre las estrategias de aprendizaje y la autonomía, lo que confirma la importancia de ambos aspectos para favorecer el desarrollo integral de los estudiantes. El fomento de las estrategias de aprendizaje hace que los estudiantes desarrollen la autonomía. A su vez, exponer a los estudiantes a situaciones de aprendizaje que fomenten su autonomía mejora su competencia para aprender


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OBJECTIVE: To assess personal autonomy of long-stay psychiatric inpatients, to identify those patients who could be discharged and to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic variables, social functioning, and physical disabilities on their autonomy was also assessed. METHODS: A total of 584 long-stay individuals of a psychiatric hospital (96% of the hospital population) in Southern Brazil was assessed between July and August 2002. The following instruments, adapted to the Brazilian reality, were used: independent living skills survey, social behavioral schedule, and questionnaire for assessing physical disability. RESULTS: Patients showed severe impairment of their personal autonomy, especially concerning money management, work-related skills and leisure, food preparation, and use of transportation. Autonomy deterioration was associated with length of stay (OR=1.02), greater physical disability (OR=1.54; p=0.01), and male gender (OR=3.11; p<0.001). The risk estimate of autonomy deterioration was 23 times greater among those individuals with severe impairment of social functioning (95% CI: 10.67-49.24). CONCLUSIONS: In-patients studied showed serious impairment of autonomy. While planning these patients' discharge their deficits should be taken into consideration. Assessment of patients' ability to function and to be autonomous helps in identifying their needs for care and to evaluate their actual possibilities of social reinsertion.


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Objective To evaluate the influence exercised by institutionalization on the autonomy and perception of quality of life among the institutionalized elderly. Method The study is quasi-experimental (interrupted time series) and longitudinal. The sample is composed for 104 elderly people who went into a three nursing home in Santander, Spain. To assess the quality of life and dependence two scales were used: the Barthel Index and Lawton Index. Results There was an important relationship between autonomy and independence and their deterioration due to their institutionalisation, such as the physical and social aspects. Conclusion It´s important to point out that the dependence of the elderly is a complex phenomenon, which admits many types of intervention, including the customary ones referring to more classic welfare actions which tend to supplant the absence of autonomy in everyday life by facilitating services and attention to make up for this need, without having to resort to institutionalization.


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Since the introduction of the principle of respect of autonomy in medical ethics, the respect of the will of the patient occupied a central place in the decision-making process. To face up to the difficulties that appeared during the application of this principle in clinical medicine, Bruce Miller proposed in the early eighties one way to clarify the significance of this notion in the field of medical practice. He showed that the concept of autonomy can be understood under four senses which deserve to be explored in case of ethical conflict. This article shows, through the analysis of a clinical situation, the relevance of the approach suggested by this author and proposes to refer to this approach in case of ethical dilemmas in clinical practice.


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The principle of patient autonomy is a cornerstone of bioethics. According to this concept, patients should be given the power to make decisions related to their treatment. It is an important component of modern medical ethics, which has received much interest in current literature. However, the rate of participation of patients and their willingness to participate are variable according to the cultural, social and family environments in which they are inserted. The aim of this paper is to promote a brief descriptive review on autonomy, the preferences of patients and the use of informed consent as an instrument for the exercise of autonomy in literature, and to stress the lack of debate, as well as the pressing need for discussion of these current issues nationwide.


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Introducción: El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer y estudiar el perfil de la persona beneficiaria de la prestación de asistencia personal, una de las prestaciones del Catálogo de servicios y prestaciones del Sistema para la Autonomía y Atención a la Dependencia. Material y métodos: Mediante un estudio observacional descriptivo de prevalencia, se persigue conocer el perfil de las personas beneficiarias de la prestación de asistencia personal y el grado de implantación de la misma. Resultados: Los datos nos muestran que la prestación económica de asistencia personal sigue siendo, dentro del catálogo de servicios y prestaciones del Sistema, una de las modalidades de atención de menor resolución en Galicia y en el conjunto del Estado. Discusión: La figura de asistente personal no ha conseguido establecerse, hasta el momento, como un servicio de referencia para las personas con diversidad funcional. En el presente trabajo identificamos una serie de factores que entendemos dificultan el desarrollo de esta prestación y la implantación efectiva de la misma.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, 2016.


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O artigo 72º da Constituição (CRP), «Terceira idade», é claro: «1. As pessoas idosas têm direito à segurança económica e a condições de habitação e convívio familiar e comunitário que respeitem a sua autonomia pessoal e evitem e superem o isolamento ou a marginalização social. § 2. A política de terceira idade engloba medidas de carácter económico, social e cultural tendentes a proporcionar às pessoas idosas oportunidades de realização pessoal, através de uma participação activa na vida da comunidade.». Abstract: Article 72 of the Constitution (CRP), "Seniors cirtizens", of course: '1. Older people have the right to economic security and housing conditions and family and community life that respect their personal autonomy and avoid and overcome isolation or social marginalization. § 2. The policy for the aged include economic measures, social and cultural nature designed to provide the elderly with opportunities for personal achievement through active participation in community life. ".


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Dotar as pessoas com deficiência mental com competências para se autodeterminarem e terem a oportunidade de concretizar a sua plena inclusão social, é um desafio colocado à sociedade actual. Torna-se importante colocar em prática o que diferentes autores e organizações como a American Association of Mental Retardation defendem, criando condições para que os profissionais, famílias e comunidade possam ser os facilitadores deste processo. Neste sentido foi implementado no Centro de Reabilitação de Ponte de Lima um modelo de intervenção específico baseado na promoção e desenvolvimento da autonomia pessoal, social e de realização da pessoa com deficiência mental e criado um instrumento de observação e registo que reflecte essa forma de intervenção designado por Protocolo de Registo e Avaliação de Competências - PRAC. Neste estudo realizou-se uma análise ao instrumento em causa, pretendendo dar um contributo para a sua posterior validação. Nesse sentido, utilizou-se uma metodologia qualitativa e quantitativa para analisar se o instrumento pode ou não ser considerado representativo da capacidade de autodeterminação; se é estável quando utilizado por mais que um utilizador; se descrimina os indivíduos com maior ou menor autonomia e se os itens quando sujeitos à análise factorial, evidenciam os constructos teóricos previamente traçados. Muito embora o PRAC tenha sido pensado e estruturado para pessoas com deficiência mental, neste estudo foi utilizado por um grupo diversificado de profissionais oriundos de áreas distintas o que veio comprovar que o instrumento pode ser utilizado em diferentes contextos e com público-alvo mais alargado. Os resultados evidenciados são consistentes, permitindo respostas positivas às questões elaboradas, é de referir contudo que necessitam de um maior aprofundamento de forma a estabelecer outro tipo de generalizações.