Autonomy of long-stay psychiatric inpatients

Autoria(s): Wagner,Luciane Carniel; Fleck,Marcelo Pio de Almeida; Wagner,Mário; Dias,Míriam Thaís Guterres



OBJECTIVE: To assess personal autonomy of long-stay psychiatric inpatients, to identify those patients who could be discharged and to evaluate the impact of sociodemographic variables, social functioning, and physical disabilities on their autonomy was also assessed. METHODS: A total of 584 long-stay individuals of a psychiatric hospital (96% of the hospital population) in Southern Brazil was assessed between July and August 2002. The following instruments, adapted to the Brazilian reality, were used: independent living skills survey, social behavioral schedule, and questionnaire for assessing physical disability. RESULTS: Patients showed severe impairment of their personal autonomy, especially concerning money management, work-related skills and leisure, food preparation, and use of transportation. Autonomy deterioration was associated with length of stay (OR=1.02), greater physical disability (OR=1.54; p=0.01), and male gender (OR=3.11; p<0.001). The risk estimate of autonomy deterioration was 23 times greater among those individuals with severe impairment of social functioning (95% CI: 10.67-49.24). CONCLUSIONS: In-patients studied showed serious impairment of autonomy. While planning these patients' discharge their deficits should be taken into consideration. Assessment of patients' ability to function and to be autonomous helps in identifying their needs for care and to evaluate their actual possibilities of social reinsertion.







Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo


Revista de Saúde Pública v.40 n.4 2006

Palavras-Chave #Mental disorders/classification #Personal autonomy #Deinstitutionalization #Length of stay #Mentally ill persons/classification #Questionnaires

journal article