977 resultados para Pedagogical praxis


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As an Indigenous research study into the cultural quality of Indigenous education this thesis focuses on the proposition that mainstream education marginalises Indigenous learners because of its entrenchment in the Western worldview. The thesis opens with an analysis of the cultural dynamics of Indigenous values, the politics of Indigenous identity, and the hegemonic constraints of West-centric knowledge. This analysis is then drawn upon to critically examine the cultural predisposition of mainstream education. The arguments proffered through this critical examination support the case that Indigenous learners would prosper culturally and educationally by having access to educational programmes centred within an Indigenous cultural framework, thereby addressing the dilemma of lower Indigenous retentions rates. This research study was conducted using a qualitative Indigenous methodology specifically designed by the researcher to reflect the values and cultural priorities of Indigenous Australians. Collective partnership was sought from Indigenous Australians, whom the researcher respected as Indigenous stakeholders in the research. Collegial participation was also sought from non-Indigenous educators with significant experience in teaching Indigenous learners. The research process involved both individual and group sessions of dialogic exchange. With regard to the Indigenous sessions of dialogic exchange, these resulted in the formation of a composite narrative wherein Indigenous testimony was united to create a collective Indigenous voice. Through this research study it was revealed that there is indeed a stark and deep-seated contrast between the value systems of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australia. This contrast, it was found, is mirrored in the cultural dynamics of education and the polemics of knowledge legitimacy. The research also revealed that Australia’s mainstream education system is intractably an agent for the promulgation of Western cultural values, and as such is culturally disenfranchising to Indigenous peoples. This thesis then concludes with an alternative and culturally apposite education paradigm for Indigenous education premised on Indigenous values informing curriculum and pedagogical praxis. This paradigm specifically supports independent Indigenous education initiatives.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O trabalho realizado no relatório de estágio tem como propósito a reflexão e análise crítica de todo o processo desenvolvido no contexto de educação pré-escolar, no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, Ao longo do presente relatório será mobilizado o quadro teórico e conceptual da formanda que sustentou e orientou as práticas desenvolvidas no decorrer do período de estágio, evocando autores conceituados como Piaget, Vygotsky, Oliveira-Formosinho, Zabalza, Roldão, entre muitos outros. Deste modo, será mencionado o papel da criança bem como a natureza do seu processo de desenvolvimento e de construção, evidenciando o seu papel ativo, participativo e construtivo. Também, será referida a importância do papel do Educador de infância, bem como os princípios deontológicos que o orientam na sua construção profissional e pessoal. Torna-se, também, fundamental referir os referenciais legais que norteiam a Educação Pré-Escolar referindo a sua importância no desenvolvimento das crianças, assim como os modelos curriculares e pedagógicos que orientam a práxis pedagógica, permitindo a construção de práticas fundamentadas e conscientes. Para isso é, também, imprescindível adotar uma atitude indagadora de caráter investigativo, crítico e reflexivo, permitindo responder de forma adequada às necessidades individuais de cada criança, numa perspetiva diferenciada e individualizada, mas também global. Neste sentido, ao longo de todo o período de estágio, foi adotada, a metodologia de investigação-ação, denotando a importância dos momentos de observação, planificação, ação e reflexão. Só desta forma foi possível compreender a realidade, de modo a transformá-la com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade da Educação


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This study examines the first experience of students, teachers, and an administrator in implementing a teacher-designed Leadership in Social Justice Program at a large urban Ontario secondary school. The program aimed to infuse a Freirean concept of critical pedagogical praxis (Freire, 1970/1993) in a grade 12 integrated educational experience with a social justice directive. Data were collected through two questionnaires and eight in-depth interviews. The data identified three areas of awareness that described ways in which student participants were impacted most profoundly (a) developing self-awareness, (b) understanding a new educational paradigm, and (c) finding a place in the world. The study found that the program was successful in highlighting the possibility for more meaningful education and engaged many students deeply; however, its success was limited by the lead teacher’s failure to fully grasp and implement tenets of Freirean critical pedagogy that involved the role of the teacher in pedagogical processes.


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So-called ‘radical’ and ‘critical’ pedagogy seems to be everywhere these days on the landscapes of geographical teaching praxis and theory. Part of the remit of radical/critical pedagogy involves a de-centring of the traditional ‘banking’ method of pedagogical praxis. Yet, how do we challenge this ‘banking’ model of knowledge transmission in both a large-class setting and around the topic of commodity geographies where the banking model of information transfer still holds sway? This paper presents a theoretically and pedagogically driven argument, as well as a series of practical teaching ‘techniques’ and tools—mind-mapping and group work—designed to promote ‘deep learning’ and a progressive political potential in a first-year large-scale geography course centred around lectures on the Geographies of Consumption and Material Culture. Here students are not only asked to place themselves within and without the academic materials and other media but are urged to make intimate connections between themselves and their own consumptive acts and the commodity networks in which they are enmeshed. Thus, perhaps pedagogy needs to be emplaced firmly within the realms of research practice rather than as simply the transference of research findings.


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O livre arbítrio na forma de uma independência de que todo ser humano é capaz no processo formativo, não poderia permanecer restrito, também no campo da Educação, à afirmação vaga de uma autonomia relativa característica de todo processo social. A procura de seus fundamentos filosóficos, na esperança de poder encontrar determinações mais precisas de sua possibilidade, é dever irrecusável para quem pretende escapar a uma certa ambiguidade ideológica. Esta ambiguidade se manifesta, por um lado, na incorporação do determinismo dos fenômenos naturais ao campo social e, por outro, na valorização daquilo que pertence à essencia do homem: a capacidade de constituição de sua própria humanidade"junto ao processo de formação"do social. Kant e Heidegger. cada um de maneira própria, mas de modo algum excludentes entre si, permitem fundar filosoficamente a autonomia formativa, através da categoria transcendência. Em Kant, a liberdade, enquanto possibilidade inscrita no âmbito da humanidade do homem de inaugurar uma ação absolutamente nova, à revelia do mecanismo causa-efeito dos fenômenos naturais; e em Heidegger, a abertura da pré-sença - entidade ontológica do homem - que lhe permite constituir sua humanidade junto à constituição/revelação do mundo constróem a realidade daquilo que chamamos livre-arbítrio.


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This a research on pedagogical experiences about Environmental Education carried out in selected schools of the municipal education net of the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. This study occurs in a where social and environmental problems reach great dimensions and provoke discussions all over the planet. Inside this social context where education is taken as a form intervention in the world, several methodological and theoretical approaches emerge indicating Environmental Education tendencies as different ways to face challenges due to environmental crisis. The maim question pursued by the research is to inquiry how schools have developed their Environmental Education experiences. Pedagogical experiences on Environmental Education are analyzed in selected schools having as theoretical framework ideas for social change, by human action accordingly to Hanna Arendt‟s thought, and Marx‟s idea of praxis, (1989). The objective is to identify, to know and to map the pedagogical experiences on Environmental Education carried out in selected schools of the municipality teaching net having sociological cartography as a methodological strategy for analyzing empirical data. The results of the research pointed out existing reductionist and behaviorist-pedagogical perspectives as for as Environmental Education is concerned as well as environmental understanding, showing a predominance of the conservative Environmental Education tendency inside schools


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação -TIC no ambiente escolar, além de permitir o acesso a um universo de informações tão caótico quanto inimaginável, promoveu uma profunda transformação na relação de seus principais atores -professores e alunos - com o conhecimento. Desde o final da década de 1980 que, no Brasil, diversos programas surgiram com a finalidade de prover a educação pública de condições de igualdade com a educação privada, procurando através da inserção nas escolas da rede municipal e estadual de um ambiente tecnológico de aprendizagem com base em rede de computadores conectados a Internet, garantir o ansiado salto de qualidade do ensino público. A proposta desse trabalho é investigar se os professores de Matemática que atuam nas escolas da rede estadual em Belém/P A, que possuem Laboratório de Informática, estabelecem interações com esse ambiente na busca pela melhoria de sua práxis pedagógica, favorecendo a transmissão de informações, a construção de conhecimentos e de conceitos matemáticos.


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This study presents results a research held in the framework of, literacy projects and the process of formation of critical consciousness (instances considered, research, literacy essential to the process) and was based on the theory and design education and literacy of Paulo Freire, as well as theories that deal with the acquisition of the writing system and the process of social literacy. The objective is to see how the process of literacy and literacy for children of elementary school second, through teaching practices arising from the current state program, Read and Write and analyze the processes of formation of conscience in this age group, from the educational concepts of Paulo Freire. Was aimed also consider and describe the possible confluence between the pedagogical praxis based on state curriculum and educational proposals frerianas. For the survey, we used the field study of exploratorydescriptive and the methodology developed in three stages, namely: literature review, field research in locus, and data analysis. The instruments used were literature review and annotated by syntheses, systematic observation recorded in field notebook; open a questionnaire, and protocol of semi-structured interview. The survey was conducted in a state school in the city of Bauru, in a classroom of second year of elementary school, I cycle and the research subjects were a literacy teacher and 18 students in that room. This study developed a historical overview of literacy methods, and present the concepts of literacy and literacy in which it is based. The survey results indicate that, on the literacy practices, proposals and guidelines of the Reading and Writing Program meet the expectations which they propose to achieve, on the literacy practices in the classroom are used various kinds of texts, however, not explored are the social aspects of production, ...((Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The acceleration of economic and scientific development caused by the production system and mechanistic science, have created new power structures and new political and social problems, including environmental ones, consolidating a period of widespread crisis in different spheres of society. In this context, reflection about the major causes of environmental problems is necessary in the field of environmental education. Therefore, considering that the current environmental crisis is directly related to the mode and the devices of production of the capitalist system, initiatives on environmental education should reflect, from a historical and dialectical process, on what is advocated by capitalist society. Considering the various theoretical-practical concepts and approaches in environmental education, the principles of Critical Environmental Education can provide conditions to confront the structural crisis that we are facing, through the educational process. It is a political process of reflection and critical appropriation of knowledge, attitudes, values and behaviors that aims to contribute to build a sustainable society from the social and environmental points of view. We intend to articulate it through the theoretical formulations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy with the purpose of presenting a reflection that may contribute to a pedagogic response to environmental issues, especially regarding the formation of teachers who develop projects in schools. Thus, this present study intends to highlight the contributions of the philosophy of praxis in the formation of environmental educators, grounded in theoretical aspects of Critical Environmental Education.


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR