994 resultados para Pedagogical issues


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One set of public institutions that has seen growing discussion about the transformative impact of new media technologies has been universities. The higher education sector, historically one of the more venerable and stable areas of public life, is now the subject of almost continuous speculation about whether it can continue in its current form during the 21st century. Digital media technologies are often seen as being at the forefront of such changes. It has been widely noted that moves towards a knowledge economy generates ‘skills-biased technological change’, that places a premium upon higher education qualifications, and that this earnings gap remains despite the continuing increase in the number of university graduates. As the demand for higher education continues to grow worldwide, there are new discussions about whether technologically-mediated education through new forms such as Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are broadening access to quality learning, or severing the vital connection between teacher and student seen as integral to the learning process. This paper critically appraises such debates in the context of early 21st century higher education. It will discuss ten drivers of change in higher education, many of which are related to themes discussed elsewhere in this book, such as the impact of social media, globalization, and a knowledge economy. It will also consider the issues raised in navigating such developments from the perspective of the ‘Five P’s’: practical issues; personal issues; pedagogical issues; policy issues; and philosophical issues. It also includes a critical evaluation of MOOCs from the point of view of their educational qualities. It will conclude with the observation that while universities will continue to play a significant – and perhaps growing – role in the economy, society and culture, the issues raised about what Clayton Christensen and Henry Eyring term the ‘disruptive university’ (Christensen and Eyring 2011) are nonetheless pressing ones, and that cost and policy pressures in particular are likely to generate significant institutional transformations in higher education worldwide.


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The aim of the study was to analyze and facilitate collaborative design in a virtual learning environment (VLE). Discussions of virtual design in design education have typically focused on technological or communication issues, not on pedagogical issues. Yet in order to facilitate collaborative design, it is also necessary to address the pedagogical issues related to the virtual design process. In this study, the progressive inquiry model of collaborative designing was used to give a structural level of facilitation to students working in the VLE. According to this model, all aspects of inquiry, such as creating the design context, constructing a design idea, evaluating the idea, and searching for new information, can be shared in a design community. The study consists of three design projects: 1) designing clothes for premature babies, 2) designing conference bags for an international conference, and 3) designing tactile books for visually impaired children. These design projects constituted a continuum of design experiments, each of which highlighted certain perspectives on collaborative designing. The design experiments were organized so that the participants worked in design teams, both face-to-face and virtually. The first design experiment focused on peer collaboration among textile teacher students in the VLE. The second design experiment took into consideration end-users needs by using a participatory design approach. The third design experiment intensified computer-supported collaboration between students and domain experts. The virtual learning environments, in these design experiments, were designed to support knowledge-building pedagogy and progressive inquiry learning. These environments enabled a detailed recording of all computer-mediated interactions and data related to virtual designing. The data analysis was based on qualitative content analysis of design statements in the VLE. This study indicated four crucial issues concerning collaborative design in the VLE in craft and design education. Firstly, using the collaborative design process in craft and design education gives rise to special challenges of building learning communities, creating appropriate design tasks for them, and providing tools for collaborative activities. Secondly, the progressive inquiry model of collaborative designing can be used as a scaffold support for design thinking and for reflection on the design process. Thirdly, participation and distributed expertise can be facilitated by considering the key stakeholders who are related to the design task or design context, and getting them to participate in virtual designing. Fourthly, in the collaborative design process, it is important that team members create and improve visual and technical ideas together, not just agree or disagree about proposed ideas. Therefore, viewing the VLE as a medium for collaborative construction of the design objects appears crucial in order to understand and facilitate the complex processes in collaborative designing.


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In a time when Technology Supported Learning Systems are being widely used, there is a lack of tools that allows their development in an automatic or semi-automatic way. Technology Supported Learning Systems require an appropriate Domain Module, ie. the pedagogical representation of the domain to be mastered, in order to be effective. However, content authoring is a time and effort consuming task, therefore, efforts in automatising the Domain Module acquisition are necessary.Traditionally, textbooks have been used as the main mechanism to maintain and transmit the knowledge of a certain subject or domain. Textbooks have been authored by domain experts who have organised the contents in a means that facilitate understanding and learning, considering pedagogical issues.Given that textbooks are appropriate sources of information, they can be used to facilitate the development of the Domain Module allowing the identification of the topics to be mastered and the pedagogical relationships among them, as well as the extraction of Learning Objects, ie. meaningful fragments of the textbook with educational purpose.Consequently, in this work DOM-Sortze, a framework for the semi-automatic construction of Domain Modules from electronic textbooks, has been developed. DOM-Sortze uses NLP techniques, heuristic reasoning and ontologies to fulfill its work. DOM-Sortze has been designed and developed with the aim of automatising the development of the Domain Module, regardless of the subject, promoting the knowledge reuse and facilitating the collaboration of the users during the process.


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This paper presents the results of a research project aimed at evaluating (HAL) as a mode of course delivery. More specifically the paper will deal with: • Developing a hypermedia courseware for students studying research methods; and • Evaluating hypermedia courseware as a method of delivery against traditional methods. This paper concentrates on pedagogical issues regarding computer aided learning and reports that this research gives tentative indications that hypermedia based learning (either through CD-ROM or the, as means of course delivery could be as effective as traditional modes of course delivery.


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This paper describes a Framework for e-Learning and presents the findings of a study investigating whether the use of Blended Learning can fulfill or at least accommodate some of the human requirements presently neglected by current e-Learning systems. This study evaluates the in-house system: Teachmat, and discusses how the use of Blended Learning has become increasingly prevalent as a result of its enhancement and expansion, its relationship to the human and pedagogical issues, and both the positive and negative implications of this reality. [From the Authors]


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While E-learning technologies are continuously developing, there are number of emerging issues and challenges that have significant impact on e-learning research and design. These include educational, technological, sociological, and psychological viewpoints. The extant literature points out that a large number of existing E-learning systems have problems with offering reusable, personalized and learner-centric content. While developers are placing emphasis on the technology aspects of e-learning, critical conceptual and pedagogical issues are often ignored. This paper will reports on our research in design and development of personalised e-learning systems and some of the challenges and issues faced.


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Many educational reforms have as one of their key goals the promotion of scientific literacy and they encourage engagement with science in the news as one aspect of this. The research indicates teachers using the news do so for a variety of reasons, sometimes with tangential links to the promotion of scientific literacy. Demonstrating the relevance of science to the world beyond the classroom or making links to socio-scientific issues and promoting discussion on ethical dilemmas are all seen as potential reasons for engaging with science–related news. However, media related issues are often not addressed. Increasingly the need for a more comprehensive approach, including, for example, teaching about media awareness in the context of science reporting, is highlighted. The steady growth of literature describing the use of science-related news along with research studies charting students’ responses to science news media has stimulated discussion and study of pedagogical issues and prompted this review. Key literature relevant to students’ engagement with science-related news reports has been contextualised and reviewed to identify core issues for teachers, teacher educators and curriculum planners. These are listed under the headings of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, the implications are considered and directions for further research suggested.


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Numa sociedade cada vez mais permeada pelo desenvolvimento científicotecnológico emerge o reconhecimento da importância da Educação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Neste sentido, investigações estão a ser produzidas sobre a relação existente entre as concepções dos professores sobre CTS e suas práticas de ensino, mas os resultados são controversos. Assim, o presente estudo procurou contribuir para compreensão da relação entre as concepções sobre CTS e as práticas didáctico-pedagógicas desenvolvidas por professores de uma escola portuguesa considerada inovadora. Através de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, a investigação envolveu dois professores que trabalham com alunos do 3º ao 6º ano de escolaridade e utilizou diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. As concepções sobre CTS foram levantadas com a aplicação do questionário VOSTS “Views on Science-Technology-Society” (versão portuguesa adaptada por Canavarro, 2000). As práticas didáctico-pedagógicas dos professores caracterizaram-se com o apoio do “Instrumento de Caracterização das Práticas Pedagógico-Didácticas CTS” (Vieira, 2003) e do registo das observações das aulas dos professores através do Diário do Investigador e de áudio-gravações. O processo de análise dos dados aponta para concepções ingénuas sobre CTS dos professores, onde a Ciência e a Tecnologia foi vista como, por exemplo, “domínios interligados que nem sempre repercutem na sociedade”. Relativamente às práticas didáctico-pedagógicas, evidencia-se um ensino que valoriza o conhecimento e, embora inserido num contexto sócio-construtivista de Escola, este não contempla explicitamente uma orientação CTS. Sobre a relação entre as concepções sobre CTS dos professores e suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas implementadas no ensino de Ciências, os resultados obtidos não permitem estabelecer conclusivamente uma relação ou a ausência dela. Contudo, os resultados trazem contributos, ainda que modestos, para a compreensão desta questão e salientam a complexidade da problemática abordada. Quanto ao contexto escolar inovador em que se realizou a investigação, os resultados apontam algumas divergências entre a proposta teórica do projecto pedagógico e as práticas implementadas em sala de aula. Portanto, uma proposta pedagógica que apresenta potenciais para um ensino com orientação CTS não se consolida se os professores não forem preparados para explorar este potencial. Salienta-se, assim, a necessidade de formação inicial e continuada de professores no Ensino das Ciências com Orientação CTS. ABSTRACT: In one society more and more promoted by scientific and technological development emerges the recognition of the importance of the Science, Society, and Technology (STS) in our Education. In these sense, investigations are being follow up about the existing relation between the conceptions of the teachers about STS and their practices in education, but the results are controversial. Thus, the present study it looked forward to contribute for the knowledge of relations between the conceptions of STS and their didacticpedagogical issues developed by teachers of one portuguese school considered innovative. Through a study of a case, of qualitative nature, an investigation involving two teachers which work with students of the third and sixth year of scholarship and using a broad of diverse techniques and instruments of data acquire. Conceptions about STS where taken in account with the use a questionnaire VOSTS " Views on Science-Technology-Society " (Portuguese version adapted by Canavarro, 2000). The didactic-pedagogical practices used by teachers are characterized by the support of " Instruments of characterization of didacticpedagogical practices STS" (Vieira, 2003) and of the registry of class observations by the teachers through the Investigator Diary as well as audio recordings. The process of analysis of data acquire leads to ingénues conceptions about the STS of the teachers, where Science and Technology was seen as, for example, "inter ligated domains which not always have repercussions in society". Relatively to didactic-pedagogical issues, it is proven that one education that embraces knowledge but insert in a context of socialconstructiveness of School will not contemplate an explicit orientation towards STS. About relation between the conceptions related to STS used by the teachers and their didactic-pedagogical issues implemented in education of Science, the results do not allow to establish a conclusive connection them or the lack of it. However, the results bring modest contributes for the comprehension of these question and they point out the complexity of the topic taken in account. To sum up, in relation to the innovative school context in which the investigation was taken the results lead to some divergences between the theoretical proposal of the pedagogic project and the practices implemented in the school class. So, one pedagogical proposal, which shows potential positive issues for one education STS oriented, does not get consolidated if the teachers are not prepared to explore this issue. It is lined out, the necessity of initial formation and trough life by the teachers in Education of Sciences with orientation to STS.


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O surgimento da Web 2.0 imprimiu uma mudança na postura dos utilizadores da Web que passaram a poder não apenas ler e pesquisar, como também colaborar e produzir e publicar informação, adotando uma postura ativa. As redes sociais são uma poderosa ferramenta à qual recorrem movimentos sociais e políticos, o mundo da publicidade e do marketing, com evidentes efeitos nos indivíduos e na sociedade. Por seu lado, o desenvolvimento profissional de professores é um processo permanente, pelo que é reconhecida a importância da aprendizagem ao longo da vida em ambientes formais, não-formais e informais. Neste contexto, as redes sociais surgem como potenciais instrumentos de comunicação, interação, partilha e trabalho colaborativo, determinantes para o crescimento profissional dos docentes que almejam uma contínua aprendizagem. Este estudo de caso, que se centra na Interactic 2.0, uma rede social profissional essencialmente dirigida a educadores e criada numa aplicação Web 2.0 (Ning), teve como principal objetivo verificar em que medida esta rede social, ao possibilitar a formação e o desenvolvimento de uma comunidade de prática online, contribui para o desenvolvimento profissional dos docentes do ensino não superior. Os dados obtidos através da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário aos membros da Interactic 2.0, de entrevistas aos administradores da rede e da análise de interações num grupo específico da rede, revelam que os docentes do ensino não superior utilizam as ferramentas Web 2.0 para fins profissionais, nomeadamente as redes sociais, as aplicações de escritório online e os blogues. Conscientes dos riscos associados às redes sociais, mas também da necessidade de um constante enriquecimento profissional, os professores do ensino não superior reconhecem o interesse das redes sociais em geral, e da Interactic 2.0 em particular, como privilegiados instrumentos de partilha que contribuem para a sua atualização sobre aspetos curriculares e pedagógicos. Muito embora apenas concorram para o fomento do trabalho colaborativo entre professores, a Interactic 2.0 contribui para o aumento das competências digitais dos seus membros e para uma melhor integração das TIC em contexto educativo. A Interactic 2.0 é, portanto, uma comunidade de prática, constituída por um vasto número de pessoas com um interesse comum, que partilham e constroem conhecimento em torno de um domínio, criando um espaço partilhado de reflexão crítica sobre os temas em torno da educação.


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Le présent article poursuit un double objectif. Le premier est de rendre compte de l’importance du concept de bilittératie pour la recherche et la pratique en éducation. Le second est de susciter la réflexion sur les différents enjeux didactiques et pédagogiques liés à la bilittératie chez les jeunes élèves allophones à Montréal. À cet effet, deux modèles complémentaires qui font partie de la matrice théorique de notre projet de recherche seront abordés. Il s’agit du modèle de la compétence sous-jacente commune de Cummins (2008, 1991, 1981, 1979), ainsi que du modèle des continuums de Hornberger (2004, 2003). Le texte illustre la nécessité de reconsidérer la pratique d’enseignement du français – langue de scolarisation au Québec – vu la réalité sociolinguistique dans laquelle évoluent les élèves allophones.


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Current attempts in industrialised countries to regulate teacher education in increasingly prescriptive ways raise profound social, ethical and pedagogical issues. This paper looks at the challenge such prescriptions pose and suggests that such regulation serves the democratic state less well than a more autonomous form of education. The implications of this alternative for teacher education are explored.


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Current attempts in industrialised countries to regulate teacher education in increasingly prescriptive ways raise profound social, ethical and pedagogical issues. This paper looks at the challenge such prescriptions pose and suggests that such regulation serves the democratic state less well than a more autonomous form of education. The implications of this alternative for teacher education are explored.


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The so-called ‘Melbourne Model’ has recently been adopted by the Council of the University of Melbourne, Australia after a long consultation process and widespread media attention. It proposes the design of new subjects which offer what are referred to as ‘different ways of knowing’ from students’ ‘core’ disciplines, partly through ‘the delivery of breadth subjects that are interdisciplinary in character’. This paper explores interdisciplinary higher education in the light of The Melbourne Model’. Definitional issues associated with the term ‘academic discipline’, as well as the newer terms ‘interdisciplinary’, ‘pluridisciplinary’, ‘cross-disciplinary’, ‘transdisciplinary’ and ‘multidisciplinary’ are examined. Some of the pedagogical issues inherent in a move from a traditional form of educational delivery to that underlined by the Melbourne Model are outlined. Some epistemological considerations relevant to multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity are discussed.