991 resultados para Pedagogic project
Understanding how learning for small businesses should best proceed constitutes a worthwhile, yet challenging, pedagogic project. In order to maintain their viability, small businesses need to be able to respond to new practices and tasks. Yet small businesses seem neither attracted to nor to value the kinds of taught courses that are the standard pedagogic practice of vocational education systems.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as concepções de diversidade e diferença no contexto da Educação Infantil, buscando analisar a experiência de trabalho em uma creche institucional. Tem-se como referencial as abordagens teóricas de Sarmento, Abramowicz, Pierucci, dentre outros, considerando que as diferenças devem ser analisadas como produto da história, da ideologia e das relações de poder. Inicialmente apresentamos o histórico da creche em foco, intercruzada com a história das políticas públicas nacionais. Em seguida analisamos o Projeto Político Pedagógico da mesma e nele a presença dos termos em estudo. Num segundo momento de análise apresentamos as professoras das turmas de crianças de quatro a cinco anos de idade, interlocutoras privilegiadas da pesquisa e suas concepções sobre o tema. As questões de pesquisa foram as seguintes: O Projeto Político Pedagógico da instituição contempla o trabalho com a diversidade e diferença? O que fazer com a diversidade e diferença encontrada em uma creche institucional? O quanto o Projeto Político Pedagógico influencia a prática desenvolvida cotidianamente na instituição? Os resultados da análise do documento e das falas das professoras nos levam a concluir que os termos são pontuados como preponderantes na operacionalização da proposta pedagógica, mas algumas vezes são ligadas ao fator biológico, e estiveram pouco presente na formação acadêmica das mesmas. Quanto ao entendimento dos conceitos as professoras acreditam que a diversidade é um conceito mais amplo do que a diferença. Entretanto, entendem que um não existe sem o outro. Nesta perspectiva, compreendemos como fundamental o avançar da reflexão e da ação direcionada as necessidades prementes das crianças na intenção de renovar, revitalizar e favorecer a prática reflexiva e que considere a multiplicidade de olhares e fazeres. Pretendemos, então, contribuir para a análise e discussão de metodologias e recursos pedagógicos adequados às peculiaridades da comunidade, repensando o direito à Educação Infantil além do ponto de vista legal, mas compreendido no âmbito do direito as diferentes infâncias e culturas existentes na contemporaneidade.
Blending Art and Science in Nurse Education: The Benefits and Impact of Creative Partnerships
This paper presents the benefits of an innovative education partnership between lecturers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast and Arts Care, a unique Arts and Health Charity in Northern Ireland, to engage nursing students in life sciences
Nursing and Midwifery students often struggle to engage with life science modules because they lack confidence in their ability to study science.This project was funded by a Teaching Innovation Award from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queens University Belfast, to explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology. The project was facilitated through collaboration between Teaching staff from the School of Nursing and Midwifery and Arts Care, Northern Ireland. This unique Arts and Health Charity believes in the benefits of creativity to well being.
To explore creative ways of engaging year one undergraduate nursing students in learning anatomy and physiology.
Students participated in a series of workshops designed to explore the cells, tissues and organs of the human body through the medium of felt. Facilitated by an Arts Care artist, and following self-directed preparation, students discussed and translated their learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body into striking felt images. During the project students kept a reflective journal of their experience to document how participation in the project enhanced their learning and professional development
Creativity transformed and brought to life the students learning of the cells, tissues and organs of the human body.
The project culminated in the exhibition of a unique body of artwork which has been exhibited across Northern Ireland in hospitals and galleries and viewed by fellow students, teaching staff, nurses from practice, artists, friends, family and members of the public.
The impact of creativity learning strategies in nurse education should be further explored.
Bennett, M and Rogers, K.MA. (2014) First impressions matter: an active, innovative and engaging method to recruit student volunteers for a pedagogic project. Reflections, Available online at: QUB, Centre for Educational Development / Publications / Reflections Newsletter, Issue 18, June 2014.
Chickering,A.W. and Gamson,Z.F. (1987) Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education The American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, March. http://www.aahea.org/aahea/articles/sevenprinciples1987.htm, accessed 8th August 2014
Fell, P., Borland, G., Lynne, V. (2012) Lab versus lectures: can lab based practical sessions improve nursing students’ learning of bioscience? Health and Social Care Education 3:1, 33-38
Numa sociedade cada vez mais permeada pelo desenvolvimento científicotecnológico emerge o reconhecimento da importância da Educação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Neste sentido, investigações estão a ser produzidas sobre a relação existente entre as concepções dos professores sobre CTS e suas práticas de ensino, mas os resultados são controversos. Assim, o presente estudo procurou contribuir para compreensão da relação entre as concepções sobre CTS e as práticas didáctico-pedagógicas desenvolvidas por professores de uma escola portuguesa considerada inovadora. Através de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, a investigação envolveu dois professores que trabalham com alunos do 3º ao 6º ano de escolaridade e utilizou diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. As concepções sobre CTS foram levantadas com a aplicação do questionário VOSTS “Views on Science-Technology-Society” (versão portuguesa adaptada por Canavarro, 2000). As práticas didáctico-pedagógicas dos professores caracterizaram-se com o apoio do “Instrumento de Caracterização das Práticas Pedagógico-Didácticas CTS” (Vieira, 2003) e do registo das observações das aulas dos professores através do Diário do Investigador e de áudio-gravações. O processo de análise dos dados aponta para concepções ingénuas sobre CTS dos professores, onde a Ciência e a Tecnologia foi vista como, por exemplo, “domínios interligados que nem sempre repercutem na sociedade”. Relativamente às práticas didáctico-pedagógicas, evidencia-se um ensino que valoriza o conhecimento e, embora inserido num contexto sócio-construtivista de Escola, este não contempla explicitamente uma orientação CTS. Sobre a relação entre as concepções sobre CTS dos professores e suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas implementadas no ensino de Ciências, os resultados obtidos não permitem estabelecer conclusivamente uma relação ou a ausência dela. Contudo, os resultados trazem contributos, ainda que modestos, para a compreensão desta questão e salientam a complexidade da problemática abordada. Quanto ao contexto escolar inovador em que se realizou a investigação, os resultados apontam algumas divergências entre a proposta teórica do projecto pedagógico e as práticas implementadas em sala de aula. Portanto, uma proposta pedagógica que apresenta potenciais para um ensino com orientação CTS não se consolida se os professores não forem preparados para explorar este potencial. Salienta-se, assim, a necessidade de formação inicial e continuada de professores no Ensino das Ciências com Orientação CTS. ABSTRACT: In one society more and more promoted by scientific and technological development emerges the recognition of the importance of the Science, Society, and Technology (STS) in our Education. In these sense, investigations are being follow up about the existing relation between the conceptions of the teachers about STS and their practices in education, but the results are controversial. Thus, the present study it looked forward to contribute for the knowledge of relations between the conceptions of STS and their didacticpedagogical issues developed by teachers of one portuguese school considered innovative. Through a study of a case, of qualitative nature, an investigation involving two teachers which work with students of the third and sixth year of scholarship and using a broad of diverse techniques and instruments of data acquire. Conceptions about STS where taken in account with the use a questionnaire VOSTS " Views on Science-Technology-Society " (Portuguese version adapted by Canavarro, 2000). The didactic-pedagogical practices used by teachers are characterized by the support of " Instruments of characterization of didacticpedagogical practices STS" (Vieira, 2003) and of the registry of class observations by the teachers through the Investigator Diary as well as audio recordings. The process of analysis of data acquire leads to ingénues conceptions about the STS of the teachers, where Science and Technology was seen as, for example, "inter ligated domains which not always have repercussions in society". Relatively to didactic-pedagogical issues, it is proven that one education that embraces knowledge but insert in a context of socialconstructiveness of School will not contemplate an explicit orientation towards STS. About relation between the conceptions related to STS used by the teachers and their didactic-pedagogical issues implemented in education of Science, the results do not allow to establish a conclusive connection them or the lack of it. However, the results bring modest contributes for the comprehension of these question and they point out the complexity of the topic taken in account. To sum up, in relation to the innovative school context in which the investigation was taken the results lead to some divergences between the theoretical proposal of the pedagogic project and the practices implemented in the school class. So, one pedagogical proposal, which shows potential positive issues for one education STS oriented, does not get consolidated if the teachers are not prepared to explore this issue. It is lined out, the necessity of initial formation and trough life by the teachers in Education of Sciences with orientation to STS.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
This thesis is the result of an investigation about the transversality of the environmental issues into the daily curriculum of High Schools (from first to eighth grade). The research field was the county of Santo Antonio de Jesus in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The investigation is related with the challenge that the present model of social development and organization has put to the school institution: to bring the regular discussion about Environmental Education (EE) to the school s daily life. Facing the complexity of the socio-environmental issues and the basic functions of Education, the object of study was restricted to the identification of the challenges and paradoxes of the EE inside the curriculum organization of Politic-Pedagogic Project of the schools and the teachers daily practices. About the methodology, we adopted different references for the qualitative research: sociology, history, economy, and education. As for the investigative procedures about the teacher s practices, we related the school s daily practices to the context of the community. We also adopted several investigative procedures, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations and formative intervention. The theoretical basis was organized based on references to curriculum organization, environmental culture, teacher education and also considering the pillars of a capitalistic system that is based on consumerism and that generates social exclusion. At the initial considerations, we contextualized the contemporary environmental issues in an attempt to interpret the conditions of the EE transversality into the school s daily practices, which are still oriented to the traditional Cartesian Education. Based on the collected data, we found the reasons for the teachers dilemma and reluctances to the insertion of the environmental issues into the organization of the work plan and into the management of a school. Nevertheless, the results also signed promising possibilities to the EE tranversality, in case the curriculum of the school could be more sensible towards the cultural and social-economical issues of a community. We especially questioned The National Curriculum Parameter s (PCN), which is considered highly insufficient to inform the teachers about the environmental issues, facing the actual local conditions of social and pedagogic work. The final considerations showed the role and the importance of this research as one strategy to organize the curriculum education into the perspective of the transversality of environmental issues inside the education of both teacher and student
This program resumes the history of the political-pedagogic actions on the Serviço de Assistência Rural SAR, of Natal archdiocese, and analyses the contributions of this actions on the process of rural workers organization in the social movements on the countryside. The educative actions of the RAS are happening in a permanent tension between the pedagogic project of a church in change and, a pedagogy of the groups, communities and social movements, that is centered in the cultural action, in the culture lived from its condition of citizens. This research reveals that this entity fulfilled a strategic attribution for the Natal s church on the formation of the community leaderships, at a first moment and leaderships for social movements. Before the military dictatorship, the work methodology of this entity had as priority, begin from the reality leaved by the rural workers in the expectation that these became to qualify themselves for a more citizen participation in the call development. During the military regime, the entity goes measuring theirs activities in the new context, until the moment that redefines the work line. Goes then defining regions and thematic of operation supporting the fights for land, salary campaigns, women agricultural workers organizations. The pedagogy of work has as one of its supporters the Paulo Freire s pedagogy, privileging the dialog as a source of production of knowledge from the reality leaved in a permanent transformation. The actions of this entity, with the groups and social movements, produces the necessary knowledge for the organization of the rural workers while individual and social subjects of a changing world. The process of action-reflection of the activities intended, by a creative form, a permanent production of strategies of fight of the workers. Research ever, not to make accommodate itself to the new knowledge acquired in the action-reflection it is part of the pedagogical idea of this Institution. One searched in this process of formation of the man and the woman to question the reality, to create actionreflection-action spaces on the fights for a possible transition of an ingenuous conscience for a critical conscience, in view of the transformation of the structures that oppresses them
This research aims to analyze, in the view of students, the pedagogic project of undergraduate nursing course, of UFRN, and its articulation with the SUS, in an attempt to understand the issues that permeate the teaching and learning of nursing. This is a qualitative study that used the focus group technique as a tool to collect empirical data. There were three meetings, where we had the collaboration of 23 graduating students from the eighth period of the semester 2009.1. For the analysis of information, we use a theoretical framework based on curriculum guidelines and basic principles of the SUS, making the analogy of the results with the metaphor of Greek mythology, Ariadne's thread, in dialogue with authors who discuss education as a transformative practice. Thus, the texture of the yarn was built of five thematic fields: joint the pedagogic project with the SUS; the teaching/service and theory/practice relation; interdisciplinarity or transdisciplinarity; didactic/methodological and relational approaches; and co-participation of students in the pedagogic project. According to the discussions, we find many difficulties in the teaching and learning process of undergraduate nursing in UFRN to strengthen the SUS, including: dislocation of educational institutions with services, professionals, managers and community; dichotomy between theory and practice; reality of services as a learning field and working process in health; posture adopted by professionals, teachers and other subjects included in the process of health education; decontextualization and fragmentation of teaching with the practice in health and nursing; excessive use of very illustrative methodologies, but little problem-solving; difficult and precarious situation in the relations between teachers and between teachers/students, regarding the acceptance of differences; absence of participation of students in the evaluation process and conduct of the educational project in progress. In this sense, we understand the need an auto-reflexive act of teaching and conducting collective pedagogical course with a view to achieving the SUS. Thus, it is necessary to support practices motivated by the polyphonic dialogue and the exercise of symbiosis and autopoiesis of subjects/actors jointly responsible for the ongoing process of learning for life.
Having as reference the curricular proposals that composed the new directives for Formation of Professors for the Basic Education, Full Licence in Brazil, it was aimed to analyze in the pedagogic project of a Physical Education Licence course, the professional profile proposed, the conceptual orientation adopted (curriculum model) as well the evaluation proposed in the curriculum. These results obtained from the descriptive study have contemplated documental source and content analysis approach, utilizing as basis for discussion of the results the formation theory. Among the most significant data it was established that, the presented professor profile must consider an Academic, Technological, Practical and Socio-Reconstructionist orientation, detaching during the evaluation process a high skill level in Academic Orientation, as well remarking that the evaluation is presented as a great gap in the pedagogic project.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)