992 resultados para Patagonia (Argentina i Xile) -- Colonització
The goal of this project was the historical study of Patagonia, the southernmost human settled area of the world. Our aim has been the anlysis of those societies to understand how they maintained their socioeconomic system, that is to say, how social reproduction allowed resolving the basic contradiction between production and reproduction, which is characteristic of all hunter-gatherer societies. New computational technologies have allowed a bettwer integration of the big amount and diversity of data needed. We have analyzed the historical evolution of inter-group and intra-group social relationships among nomad patagonian societies. We have compared different social answers in front of the radical change of their immediate reality produced by european colonization. We have exhaustively analyzed the results of archaeological excavations from diferent regions. We have also integrated information from anthropology, ethnohistory and geography. We are developing computing programs to integrate geographical actual data with paleoenvironmental data about the dynamic nature of soil formation, vegetation, hidrography, etc., with information about the history of productive action and how products were distributed among different human groups.
This study assessed ontogenetic dietary changes in male South American fur seals Arctocephalus australis in northern and central Patagonia (Argentina) using stable isotope ratios (δ15 N and δ13 C) in vibrissae and bones. Sucking pups were characterised by higher δ15 N values and lower δ13 C values than older specimens. Weaning was associated with a marked drop of δ15 N values, both in bone and vibrissae. Such a drop was inconsistent with the consumption of local prey and may reveal movement to distant foraging grounds or physiological changes associated with either fasting or rapid growth. Stable isotope ratios indicated that juveniles fed more pelagically than subadults and adults, but that there were no major differences between the 2 latter age categories. As subadults and adults are rather similar in body mass and are much larger than juveniles, body mass may play a role in the ontogenetic dietary changes reported. Nevertheless, demersal benthic prey were always scarce in the diet of male fur seals, which relied primarily on Argentine shortfin squid and small pelagic fish throughout life, though adults also consumed large amounts of decapod crustaceans available at shallow depths. Vibrissae did not reveal regular oscillations of δ15 N or δ13 C, except in 1 individual. Thus, male fur seals from northern and central Patagonia do not appear to migrate regularly between isotopically distinct areas, although nomadic displacements cannot be ruled out.
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
Presentació inclosa dins les Segundas Jornadas Patagónicas 'La Gestión sostenible del turismo en el desarrollo local'
OBJETIVO: El objetivo del trabajo fué detectar hospedadores humanos en la zona andino patagónica argentina, teniendo en cuenta las prácticas de pesca desportiva y la importancia de los salmónidos dentro de la zona. MATERIAL Y METODO: Entre 1986 y 1995 se implementaron Campañas de Información en los laboratorios de Análisis Clínicos de la región andinopatagónica argentina, destinadas a lograr una detección más eficiente de la difilobotriasis, a través de análisis coproparasitológicos. RESULTADOS: Adicionalmente, se confeccionaron planillas destinadas a recoger información sobre las características de la infección, del tratamiento y del paciente. Durante este período se detectaron 13 nuevos casos humanos, por identificación directa del parásito o por la presencia de huevos en materia fecal. Las características de las infecciones responden a las descriptas para el género Diphyllobothrium. CONCLUSIONES: En la región, los salmónidos son los peces predilectos en la pesca deportiva. Estos peces, frecuentemente parasitados con larvas, constituyen la principal fuente de contagio para el hombre al ser consumidos insuficientemente cocidos o ahumados en frío.
The South American sea lion, Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800) population is steadily expanding along the Patagonian coast of Argentina in the last decades. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of the species in the area. The aim of this study was to analyze the food habits of O. flavescens from 91 scats collected at Río Negro province, during the winter and spring of 2005. Fish occurred in 96% of scats containing prey remains, followed by cephalopods (26%). Raneya brasiliensis (Kaup, 1856) was the most frequent and abundant species occurring in 58.6% of samples and constituting almost 50% of fish predated. Second in importance were Porichthys porosissimus (Cuvier, 1829) and Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) in terms of occurrence (%FO 20.7) and numbers (29.6%) respectively. The squid Loligo gahi (d'Orbigny, 1835) was the most frequent cephalopod prey (42.1%), whereas Octopus tehuelchus (d'Orbigny, 1834) was the most abundant (77%). The higher amount and diversity of prey found in the spring in comparison with the winter season might be related to a higher feeding activity of seals or to a seasonal increase in food availability in the area.
ABSTRACT Seven sites were examined in the Challhuaco-Ñireco system, located in the reserve of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, however part of the catchment is urbanized, being San Carlos de Bariloche (150,000 inhabitants) placed in the lower part of the basin. Physico-chemical variables were measured and benthic macroinvertebrates were collected during three consecutive years at seven sites from the headwater to the river outlet. Sites near the source of the river were characterised by Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Diptera, whereas sites close to the river mouth were dominated by Diptera, Oligochaeta and Mollusca. Regarding functional feeding groups, collector-gatherers were dominant at all sites and this pattern was consistent among years. Ordination Analysis (RDA) revealed that species assemblages distribution responded to the climatic and topographic gradient (temperature and elevation), but also were associated with variables related to human impact (conductivity, nitrate and phosphate contents). Species assemblages at headwaters were mostly represented by sensitive insects, whereas tolerant taxa such as Tubificidae, Lumbriculidae, Chironomidae and crustacean Aegla sp. were dominant at urbanised sites. Regarding macroinvertebrate metrics employed, total richness, EPT taxa, Shannon diversity index and Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Stream index resulted fairly consistent and evidenced different levels of disturbances at the stream, meaning that this measures are suitable for evaluation of the status of Patagonian mountain streams.
We report the first finding of Lymnaea viatrix south of parallel 41ºS, in rural and urban areas from Argentina. Ninety snails were collected during year 2000, from a concrete pond at a Public Square in El Bolsón Village, Río Negro province, and 811 snails in November 1999, and during 2000 from waterbodies within a farm at Cholila locality, Chubut province. Fasciola hepatica infection was detected in 0.9% snails from the rural area. We discuss the potential risk of L. viatrix to public health in urban areas and its epidemiological importance in rural areas of the Andean Patagonian region.
The aim of the present study was to examine the parasite fauna present in rodent coprolites collected from Cueva Huenul 1 (CH1), northern Neuquén (Patagonia, Argentina), an archaeological site that provides stratified sequences of archaeological and palaeontological remains dating from the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene Transition to the Late Holocene period. Twenty rodent coprolites collected from different sedimentary units from the site, with ages ranging from 13.844 ± 75-1.416 ± 37 years BP, were examined for parasites. Each coprolite was processed as a whole: rehydrated, homogenised, spontaneously sedimented and examined using light microscopy. The coprolites and the eggs of any parasites present were described, measured and photographed. In all, 158 parasite eggs were found in 10 coprolites. The faeces were positive for Viscachataenia quadrata Denegri, Dopchiz, Elissondo & Beveridge and Monoecocestus sp. Beddard (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) and for Heteroxynema (Cavioxyura) viscaciae Sutton & Hugot (Nematoda: Oxyuridae). The coprolites examined were tentatively attributed to Lagidium viscacia Molina (Mammalia, Rodentia, Caviomorpha, Chinchillidae). The life cycles of these parasites are discussed.
This study tests the hypothesis that female South American sea lions shift from off-shore, pelagic prey to coastal, benthic prey after parturition in order to reduce the foraging trip duration and hence the time pups remain unattended on the beach during early lactation. The δ13C and δ15N values of the serum and blood cells of 26 South American sea lion suckling pups from northern Patagonia were used to track the dietary changes of their mothers from late pregnancy to early lactation, after correction for differential isotopic fractionation between tissues. Primary producers and potential prey species were also analysed to establish a baseline for interpreting the stable isotope concentration of serum and blood cells. Isotopic ratios revealed a generalized increase in the consumption of coastal-benthic prey after parturition. Such a generalized post-partum shift will allow females to spend more time on land and look after their pups. The effects of this foraging strategy on the nutritional quality of the female"s diet are discussed.
The Río Negro Formation (late Miocene-early Pliocene) mainly consists of continental deposits, but it contains a middle member of marine origin. It represents a transgressive-regressive sequence that can be seen at several outcrops along the N Patagonian coast. The taphonomical approach to the El Espigón marine deposits permits the identification of four main layers containing different kinds of skeletal accumulation, which mainly consist of oyster shells [Crassostrea patagonica (D'Orbigny, 1842)]. These concentrations display three different morphologies (pouches, pavements and bouquets) with a different taphonomic signature. These deposits were formed in shallow marine environments influenced by wave activity that produced valve concentrations of different entities. They contain several shell beds that represent event, composite, hiatal to lag skeletal concentrations. Traces of bioturbation in the sediment (Thalassinoides, Teichichnus) and bioerosion on the shells (Entobia, Gastrochaeonolites, Caulostrepsis), and encrusters (cirripeds, bryozoans), are also abundant in the outcrop and consititue common components of these Miocene materials. Layers 1 and 2 of the sequence were deposited in shoreface/foreshore environments at the beginning of a highstand systems tract, while layers 3 and 4 were deposited at the end, or at the beginning of a forced regression, in foreshore environments. A final erosional episode cut the top of the layer 4, which truncated the abundant bioturbaation developed there.
En el año 2008, el gobierno de la provincia de Río Negro (Patagonia, Argentina) licitó y adjudicóa la Unión Transitoria de Empresas (UTE) YPF-Pluspetrol el área petrolera Ñirihuau para trabajosde exploración y eventual explotación de hidrocarburos. La iniciativa suscitó un importante procesode movilización social, por cuanto el bloque concesionado lindaba con el Parque NacionalNahuel Huapi y se ubicaba dentro de la reserva de biosfera Andino Norpatagónica. Asimismo, lazona es soporte de otras actividades económicas incompatibles con el proyecto y comprende territoriosancestrales reivindicados por comunidades indígenas mapuche. En el siguiente estudio decaso analizaremos el diseño y la implementación de esta política, focalizándonos en las peculiarescaracterísticas del área Ñirihuau y los cuestionamientos y estrategias seguidas por quienes se opusierona la concesión. Hacia el final, pondremos este análisis en contexto, y lo relacionaremos conla situación de la industria hidrocarburífera argentina
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
The Pinguino deposit, located in the low sulfidation epithermal metallogenetical province of the Deseado Massif, Patagonia, Argentina, represents a distinct deposit type in the region. It evolved through two different mineralization events: an early In-bearing polymetallic event that introduced In, Zn, Pb, Ag, Cd, Au, As, Cu, Sn, W and Bi represented by complex sulfide mineralogy, and a late Ag-Au quartz-rich vein type that crosscut and overprints the early polymetallic mineralization. The indium-bearing polymetallic mineralization developed in three stages: an early Cu-Au-In-As-Sn-W-Bi stage (Ps(1)), a Zn-Pb-Ag-In-Cd-Sb stage (Ps(2)) and a late Zn-In-Cd (Ps(3)). Indium concentrations in the polymetallic veins show a wide range (3.4 to 1,184 ppm In). The highest indium values (up to 1,184 ppm) relate to the Ps(2) mineralization stage, and are associated with Fe-rich sphalerites, although significant In enrichment (up to 159 ppm) is also present in the Ps(1) paragenesis associated with Sn-minerals (ferrokesterite and cassiterite). The hydrothermal alteration associated with the polymetallic mineralization is characterized by advanced argillic alteration within the immediate vein zone, and sericitic alteration enveloping the vein zone. Fluid inclusion studies indicate homogenisation temperatures of 308.2-327A degrees C for Ps(1) and 255-312.4A degrees C for Ps(2), and low to moderate salinities (2 to 5 eq.wt.% NaCl and 4 to 9 eq.wt.% NaCl, respectively). delta(34)S values of sulfide minerals (+0.76aEuro degrees to +3.61aEuro degrees) indicate a possible magmatic source for the sulfur in the polymetallic mineralization while Pb isotope ratios for the sulfides and magmatic rocks ((206)Pb/(204)Pb, (207)Pb/(204)Pb and (208)Pb/(204)Pb ratios of 17.379 to 18.502; 15.588 to 15.730 and 38.234 to 38.756, respectively) are consistent with the possibility that the Pb reservoirs for both had the same crustal source. Spatial relationships, hydrothermal alteration styles, S and Pb isotopic data suggest a probable genetic relation between the polymetallic mineralization and dioritic intrusions that could have been the source of metals and hydrothermal fluids. Mineralization paragenesis, alteration mineralogy, geochemical signatures, fluid inclusion data and isotopic data, confirm that the In-bearing polymetallic mineralization from Pinguino deposit is a distinct type, in comparison with the well-known epithermal low sulfidation mineralization from the Deseado Massif.