971 resultados para Pareto analyysi
The main objective of this Master’s thesis is to find out which one of the two pricing models is the most cost-effective. In this thesis there are two companies that have made an outsourcing contract, in which they have a possibility to choose between two different pricing models. The first model is so called FTE (Full Time Employee) -based. The total cost will be based on the amount of outsourced person-workyears. The second pricing model is the transaction-based, in which the price will be formed according to the amount of transactions. Changing the pricing model from FTE-based to the transaction-based will also incur other costs. It is very important that these other costs are also taken into consideration, so that it is possible to determine the total costs of the pricing models. These other costs are direct costs, indirect costs and performance related costs of outsourcing. Activity based-costing (ABC) was used in order to find out the trues indirect costs of the outsourced processes. Performance related costs are related to quality, so Pareto-analysis was used to analyse the costs. Based on all of that, a framework for service related cost analysis was developed. Quality costs were almost impossible to quantify, so quality had to be taken into consideration in a qualitative way. Furthermore, considering only the indirect and direct costs in a quantitative way and quality costs in a qualitative way, it was possible to find a conditional solution for the research question.
Project scope is to utilize Six Sigma DMAIC approach and lean principles to improve production quality of the case company. Six Sigma tools and techniques are explored through a literature review and later used in the quality control phase. The focus is set on the Pareto analysis to demonstrate the most evident development areas in the production. Materials that are not delivered to the customer or materials that damaged during transportation comprise the biggest share of all feedbacks. The goal is set to reduce these feedbacks by 50 %. Production observation pointed out that not only material shortages but also over-production is a daily situation. As a result, an initial picking list where the purchased and own production components can be seen, is created, reduction of over- and underproduction and material marking improvement are seen the most competitive options so that the goal can be reached. The picking list development should still continue to make sure that the list can be used not only in the case study but also in the industrial scale. The reduction of material missing category can be evaluated reliably not sooner than in few years because it takes time to gather the needed statistical information.
Um evento extremo de precipitação ocorreu na primeira semana do ano 2000, de 1º a 5 de janeiro, no Vale do Paraíba, parte leste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, causando enorme impacto socioeconômico, com mortes e destruição. Este trabalho estudou este evento em 10 estações meteorológicas selecionadas que foram consideradas como aquelas tendo dados mais homogêneos do Que outras estações na região. O modelo de distribuição generalizada de Pareto (DGP) para valores extremos de precipitação de 5 dias foi desenvolvido, individualmente para cada uma dessas estações. Na modelagem da DGP, foi adotada abordagem não-estacionaria considerando o ciclo anual e tendência de longo prazo como co-variaveis. Uma conclusão desta investigação é que as quantidades de precipitação acumulada durante os 5 dias do evento estudado podem ser classificadas como extremamente raras para a região, com probabilidade de ocorrência menor do que 1% para maioria das estações, e menor do que 0,1% em três estações.
In a decentralized setting the game-theoretical predictions are that only strong blockings are allowed to rupture the structure of a matching. This paper argues that, under indifferences, also weak blockings should be considered when these blockings come from the grand coalition. This solution concept requires stability plus Pareto optimality. A characterization of the set of Pareto-stable matchings for the roommate and the marriage models is provided in terms of individually rational matchings whose blocking pairs, if any, are formed with unmatched agents. These matchings always exist and give an economic intuition on how blocking can be done by non-trading agents, so that the transactions need not be undone as agents reach the set of stable matchings. Some properties of the Pareto-stable matchings shared by the Marriage and Roommate models are obtained.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde.
Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores - Área de Especialização de Sistemas e Planeamento Industrial
A methodology to increase the probability of delivering power to any load point through the identification of new investments in distribution network components is proposed in this paper. The method minimizes the investment cost as well as the cost of energy not supplied in the network. A DC optimization model based on mixed integer non-linear programming is developed considering the Pareto front technique in order to identify the adequate investments in distribution networks components which allow increasing the probability of delivering power for any customer in the distribution system at the minimum possible cost for the system operator, while minimizing the energy not supplied cost. Thus, a multi-objective problem is formulated. To illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, the paper includes a case study which considers a 180 bus distribution network
We show a standard model where the optimal tax reform is to cut labor taxes and leave capital taxes very high in the short and medium run. Only in the very long run would capital taxes be zero. Our model is a version of Chamley??s, with heterogeneous agents, without lump sum transfers, an upper bound on capital taxes, and a focus on Pareto improving plans. For our calibration labor taxes should be low for the first ten to twenty years, while capital taxes should be at their maximum. This policy ensures that all agents benefit from the tax reform and that capital grows quickly after when the reform begins. Therefore, the long run optimal tax mix is the opposite from the short and medium run tax mix. The initial labor tax cut is financed by deficits that lead to a positive long run level of government debt, reversing the standard prediction that government accumulates savings in models with optimal capital taxes. If labor supply is somewhat elastic benefits from tax reform are high and they can be shifted entirely to capitalists or workers by varying the length of the transition. With inelastic labor supply there is an increasing part of the equilibrium frontier, this means that the scope for benefitting the workers is limited and the total benefits from reforming taxes are much lower.
Traditionally, it is assumed that the population size of cities in a country follows a Pareto distribution. This assumption is typically supported by nding evidence of Zipf's Law. Recent studies question this nding, highlighting that, while the Pareto distribution may t reasonably well when the data is truncated at the upper tail, i.e. for the largest cities of a country, the log-normal distribution may apply when all cities are considered. Moreover, conclusions may be sensitive to the choice of a particular truncation threshold, a yet overlooked issue in the literature. In this paper, then, we reassess the city size distribution in relation to its sensitivity to the choice of truncation point. In particular, we look at US Census data and apply a recursive-truncation approach to estimate Zipf's Law and a non-parametric alternative test where we consider each possible truncation point of the distribution of all cities. Results con rm the sensitivity of results to the truncation point. Moreover, repeating the analysis over simulated data con rms the di culty of distinguishing a Pareto tail from the tail of a log-normal and, in turn, identifying the city size distribution as a false or a weak Pareto law.
We analyse the liberal ethics of non-interference applied to social choice. A liberal principle capturing noninterfering views of society and inspired by John Stuart Mill s conception of liberty, is examined. The principle captures the idea that society should not penalise agents after changes in their situation that do not a¤ect others. An impossibility for liberal approaches is highlighted: every social decision rule that satis es unanimity and a general principle of noninterference must be dictatorial. This raises some important issues for liberal approaches in social choice and political philosophy.
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda kilpailija-analyysi Keravan keskustan ruokaravintoloista. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja oli perheyritys HS Ravintolat KY jolla on ollut alustavia suunnitelmia perustaa lounasravintola esimerkiksi Keravalle. Ennen ravintolan perustamista yritys halusi selvittää minkälaisia ravintoloita kyseisillä markkinoilla on. Opinnäytetyössä haluttiin myös tutkia Keravan keskustan ruokaravintoloiden kilpailutilannetta. Lisäksi haettiin vastausta kysymykseen, onko näillä ruokaravintolamarkkinoilla tilaa uudelle yksityiselle lounasravintolalle. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin kaikki Keravalla sijaitsevat ravintolat ja jaettiin ne seuraaviin ryhmiin: baarit, pizzeriat, kebabravintolat, pikaruokalat, grillit, kahvilat, kahvilaravintolat, lounasravintolat ja ravintolat. Kilpailija-analyysi tehtiin niistä ravintoloista ja kahviloista jotka sijaitsivat 04200 postitoimialueella eli noin kilometrin säteellä toisistaan Keravan keskustassa. Kaikissa keskustan ravintoloissa ja kahviloissa vierailtiin ja vierailujen aikana vastattiin etukäteen laadittuun kyselylomakkeeseen. Lomakkeessa selvitettiin muun muassa ravintoloiden asiakaskuntaa, tuotevalikoimaa, tavoitteita, oletuksia ja arvomaailmaa. Perustettavan ravintolan tärkeimmistä kilpailijoista tehtiin myös SWOT-analyysi. Tutkimus suoritettiin Keravalla kahtena päivänä syksyllä 2006 ja yhtenä päivänä keväällä 2007. Tutkimustuloksista selvisi, että Keravalla on yhteensä 58 ravintolaksi luokiteltavaa paikkaa joista yli 62% sijaitsee keskustan alueella. Kilpailija-analyysiin kelpuutettiin keskustassa sijaitsevat ravintolat ja kahvilat. Toimipaikkoja löytyi yhteensä 17 ja niistä seitsemän oli kahviloita. Keskustan 10:stä ravintolasta peräti kuusi oli teemaravintoloita ja seitsemästä kahvilasta vain kaksi oli perinteisiksi kahviloiksi luokiteltavia. Lisäksi keskustan ravintolat ja kahvilat olivat erilaistaneet toimintaansa muun muassa pitopalvelulla, kabinettien ja astioiden vuokrauksella sekä yksityistilaisuuksilla. Nämä erilaistamisen toimet kertoivat ravintoloiden välisestä kovasta kilpailusta. Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen osuus käsitteli kilpailija-analyysiä ja erilaisia kilpailija-analyysimalleja. Analyysimalleissa keskityttiin eniten Porterin malliin. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin myös asiakasmarkkinointia ja erityisesti markkinoinnin osa-alueita segmentointia ja asemointia. Opinnäytetyön pohdintaosuudessa mietittiin, minkälaisella ravintolalla tai kahvilalla olisi mahdollisuuksia menestyä Keravan ruokaravintolamarkkinoilla.
Työssäni olen tutkinut kahta Puccinin Tosca-oopperasta tehtyä videotaltiointia, joista toinen on perinteinen lavaesitys ja toinen oopperasta toteutettu ohjattu filmatisointi autenttisilla paikoilla Roomassa. Työni tarkoituksena on perehtyä yksityiskohtaisemmin valittuun oopperaan ja analysoida kahta hyvin erityyppistä taltiointia. Laulupedagogin koulutuksessa perehdymme yleensä vain eri oopperoiden yksittäisiin aarioihin ja opiskelemme ensemblekoulutuksessa erillisiä osia oopperoista. Nämä ovat kuitenkin aina irrallisia osia suuremmasta kokonaisuudesta, tarinasta jonka tapahtumat nivoutuvat yhteen ja tarvitsevat toisiaan muodostaakseen yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden. Työssäni lähdin liikkeelle taustoittamalla oopperan syntyvaiheet ja historialliset taustat sekä luomalla yleiskatsauksen sen juoneen. Sen jälkeen analysoin, minkälaisia uusia ilmentymiä ja mahdollisuuksia oopperaan tuo se, kun perinteisestä lavataltioinnista irtaannutaan ja tehdään siitä filmatisoitu versio. Tarkemmin analysoitavaksi olen valinnut oopperasta muutamia kohtauksia. Pyrin analysoimaan kohtaukset pääroolien - Toscan, Cavaradossin ja Scarpian - valossa. Tallenteet ovat hyvin erilaisia. Kummassakin on sama musiikki ja käsikirjoitus, mutta taidemuotoina toinen edustaa perinteistä lavaesitystä teatterin keinoin. Tällä taltioinnilla ei ole mainittu ohjaajaa. Toinen on kuvattu autenttisilla paikoilla elokuvan keinoin. Yritän pohtia, tekevätkö ohjaajan käyttö ja elokuvan keinot oopperasta helpommin lähestyttävän. Lavataltioinnin ja ohjatun taltioinnin katsojakokemuksessa painottuvat hyvin erilaiset asiat. Lavataltioinnissa musiikilla on hallitseva rooli, kun taas ohjatussa taltioinnissa tarina kaikkine elementteineen nousee musiikin rinnalle ja lopputuloksena on katsojaan voimakkaasti vaikuttava kokonaistaideteos.