963 resultados para PROEJA. Abandonment. Permanence
This dissertation deals about the theme of National Integration Program of the Professional Education to the Basic Education in the form of Youth and Adults Education - PROEJA, which was developed at the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte - IFRN - Campus Caicó. It aims to analyze the causes of the abandonment and the reasons for the permanence of students within the mentioned program. To substantiate this research, we used methodologically, some procedures such as bibliographical research, documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews and focus group. To analyze the data, we discussed the contradiction that involves duality and educational compensation based in the struggles and achievements of rights at the core of public policies for high schools, for vocational education and the education of youth and adults in the 2000s. We analyze the integrated high school under PROEJA, having as reference the conception of the total human formation; the inseparability of the primary education system and vocational education and the integration of knowledge and expertise as a whole, discussing the specificities of the modality EJA, discussing the causes of abandonment and the reasons for the permanence of the students of education for youth and adults (EJA) in the primary education system. As for the results, we found that although the PROEJA be a program that aims to provide a complete human formation to contribute to the full citizenship of their graduate members, what is announced in the document that guides its creation has not been materialized in Caicó Campus. The curriculum of the course was not designed for the students of EJA, nor teachers have had an adequate training to work with these specific individuals, and its specificities of being workers with differentiated learning times have not been considered. In addition, the courses are predominantly of instrumentalist characteristics. This indicates that the material and institutional conditions to achieve the promised total and complete training have not being fully materialized at the researched school. Associated with the difficulties concerning the intra-school and extra-school conditions, personal and socioeconomic conditions which are related to the obligation to work that implies in limitations to balance work, school and family, they influenced in the interruption of the school trajectory of these subjects. Through research, we confirmed that the motives of students who remain have to do also with intraescolares conditions the quality of education (qualification of technical staff and teachers) involved in the educational process, as well as socioeconomic and personal issues represented by the support of colleagues and family.Then it is concluded that the causes of abandonment and the reasons of the permanence are of institutional, socioeconomic and personal origins. Finally, it is observed that capitalist society demands as much as possible high levels of educated workers, and at the same time makes difficult the access to that education for much of the population, and it is not randomly. The objects of that exclusion are the popular worker classes and their children
The study seeks to identify the determinant factors of the repatriate’s decision to remain or leave the company after repatriation, in a convenience sample of 40 Portuguese returnees working in companies based in Portugal. The main results were as follows: (1) there are seven factor categories: (a) salaries and benefits; (b) possibility of promotion, development, professional development; (c) organizational support (during and after the international mission) recognition of work; (d) economic and social atmosphere of the company, (e) good relationship with leadership; (f) convenience and/or personal / family well-being and; (g) external alternatives; (2) the main factors leading to permanence are (a) possibility of promotion, development and professional development and; (b) the existence of personal and family well-being / convenience; (3) the main factors leading to abandonment are (a) lack of organizational support and recognition of work performed; (b) lack of possibility of promotion, development and professional development and; (c) lack of personal / family well-being / convenience. Globally, the study suggests that the factors leading to permanence are very similar to those that lead to abandonment, although in reverse.
The importance of collaboration for firm level innovation has been well established but much of the research focuses on large firms, with little research on small and medium enterprises. This paper investigates the links between product innovation and external collaboration and between future product innovation and past abandonment in small and medium sized firms, analysing data from 449 manufacturing firms, collected through the Australian Business Longitudinal Database. Our findings indicate firms that sought ideas or solutions from external network such as suppliers, or business partners reported higher level of new product introduction than firms that did not have any external collaboration. Further, firms with past abandonment experiences reported higher levels of new product introduction than firms that did not have such experience. Additionally, the findings indicated that firms with external collaboration were more likely to introduce new products even if they had previously experienced abandonment of a product innovation than firms without external collaboration. Implications, limitations and future research are outlined.
This study investigates the links between product innovation and external collaboration and between future product innovation and past abandonment in small and medium sized firms. Our findings from 449 manufacturing firms indicated firms that sought ideas or solutions from an external network such as suppliers, or business partners reported higher levels of new product introduction than firms without any external collaboration. Further, firms with past abandonment experiences reported higher levels of new product introduction than firms without such experience. Additionally, the findings indicated that firms with external collaboration were more likely to introduce new products even if they had previously experienced abandonment of a product innovation than firms without external collaboration. Implications, limitations and future research are outlined.
ABSRACT. Despite the surge in online retail sales in recent years there still remains reluctance by consumers to complete the online shopping process. A number of authors have attributed consumers’ reluctance to purchase online to apparent barriers. However, such barriers as yet have not been fully examined within a theoretical context. This research explores the application of the perceived risk theoretical framework. Specifically, performance risk and the influence of perceived performance risk has on the phenomenon of Internet Abandoned Cart Syndrome (ACS) is evaluated. To explore this phenomenon, a number of extrinsic cues are identified as playing a major role in the performance evaluation process of online purchases. The results of this study suggest the extrinsic cues of brand, reputation, design and price have an overall impact on the performance evaluation process just prior to an online purchase. Varying these cues either positively or negatively had a strong impact on performance evaluation. Further, it was found that positive or negative reputation was heavily associated with shopping cart abandonment.
This paper deals with in detail the permanence of the spiral structure of galaxies andthe characters of waser mechanism. A simplified model of galaxy is adopted. Variousdynamical characters of density waves are studied using numerical calculation method. Theresults verify very well the switch character f waser and the tunnel effect of density wavesat the potential barrier of corotation circle as is shown in a previous work of the author.
36 p.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o papel das slave narratives como poderoso gênero literário na denúncia da escravidão africana e na representação do homem negro e da mulher negra nos séculos dezoito e dezenove. Este trabalho também se propõe a investigar o papel das neo-slave narratives no estudo do passado e a representação da identidade negra no século vinte. Ambos os gêneros desafiam seus tempos presentes ao discutirem questões de etnia e subjugação humana, em uma abordagem crítica. Em Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), Harriet Jacobs narra sua experiência na escravidão, deixando um importante legado não somente para a História mas também para a Literatura Afro-Americana. Em Dessa Rose (1986), Sherley Anne Williams, revisa o passado para resgatar a memória da escravidão e reescrever a história para examinar seu tempo presente. Além disso, as duas autoras apresentam questões de gênero, levantando questões feministas em suas obras
Este trabalho apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no IFSERTÃO - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sertão Pernambucano a respeito das desigualdades sociais nas concepções dos professores e estudantes do PROEJA. Teve como objetivo analisar e compreender os sentidos produzidos pelos sujeitos da pesquisa sobre as desigualdades sociais e suas perspectivas de superação, considerando seu histórico e seus aspectos atuais. Foi organizado epistemologicamente numa abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa a partir do ponto de vista metodológico do estudo de caso do tipo descritivo e analítico com entrevistas e análise do documento Base do Programa institucionalizado pelo MEC, buscando identificar as aproximações ou distanciamentos entre as concepções dos entrevistados com a proposta do material institucional no que diz respeito às perspectivas de superação das desigualdades no contexto da EJA. O problema da pesquisa foi formulado mediante o seguinte questionamento: Como as desigualdades sociais se apresentam nas concepções dos professores e estudantes do programa e quais suas perspectivas de superação? Para estudo do problema, procedeu-se à imersão no campo empírico da pesquisa com abordagens e utilização de um roteiro de entrevistas previamente formulado, incluiu-se a leitura flutuante do material coletado e as vozes dos entrevistados foram gravadas, transcritas, lidas e analisadas, buscando a captação do sentido atribuído pelos sujeitos a respeito das desigualdades sociais. Mediante essa trajetória, identificou-se, nas concepções dos sujeitos da pesquisa, que o trabalho se apresenta como centralidade no que se refere às manifestações das desigualdades sociais no contexto da EJA/PROEJA, bem como suas diferentes feições na lógica do sistema capitalista no que se refere a educar para a empregabilidade atendendo às exigências do capital. Assim, considerando que, historicamente, a EJA é uma modalidade de ensino que vem sendo ofertada para sujeitos que tiveram seus percursos escolares interrompidos pela condição de trabalhadores, esse tema se configura como estudo de grande relevância no contexto das políticas de Educação de Jovens e Adultos trabalhadores.
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a organização curricular do PROEJA na Escola Técnica Estadual Ferreira Viana, uma das unidades da rede de ensino FAETEC, suas implicações no processo da formação humana e nos processos de subjetivação balizados em Foucault. Desta forma, buscouse descrever o desenvolvimento das políticas públicas implementadas pelo governo federal no período de 2009 a 2014, para a Educação Profissional de Jovens e Adultos, bem como discutir os efeitos desta implementação nesta rede de ensino. Adotouse a utilização de procedimentos metodológicos inicialmente através de uma análise documental e levantamento de dados estatísticos sobre entrada, retenção e saída de alunos. Após esta identificação foi realizado um registro de campo e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os agentes envolvidos neste processo, no sentido de maior aproximação com o cotidiano de ensino desta unidade escolar. Por último e como foco principal, foi desenvolvido uma análise sobre a organização curricular do PROEJA na Escola Técnica Estadual Ferreira Viana da Rede de Ensino FAETEC, com o intuito de melhor compreender como se estabelecem as relações neste processo de sistematização curricular, tendo em vista a análise de sua estrutura, as ações estabelecidas pelos docentes na aplicação do ensino, a realidade vivida no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos, e os desafios da integração curricular e suas possíveis reformulações, frente às exigências da educação profissional no contexto atual da educação brasileira
En el presente trabajo se da el primer paso para la creación de una Filmoteca de Prácticas en la facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. El Patrimonio Fílmico se ve gravemente expuesto al paso del tiempo y el abandono por lo que se necesita un rescate urgente. Mediante un riguroso trabajo de investigación, en el que se estudian diferentes propuestas y normativas expuestas por organismos especializados, se redacta un manual de inicio. Se han investigado, diseñado y propuesto las herramientas básicas y útiles para poner en funcionamiento la primera Filmoteca de Prácticas en el ámbito universitario español.
La recherche sur le religieux en Afrique s’est beaucoup intéressée, ces vingt dernières années, au phénomène du « renouveau religieux », et elle s’est plutôt penchée sur la question des ruptures et des innovations qui en résultent. Le présent article interroge la réalité ce renouveau et explore, sur la base d’une étude de cas, la question des continuités et des ruptures dans les changements survenus [1]. Tout d’abord, il s’intéresse à la nature du renouveau religieux au Mozambique ; il examine ensuite les continuités historiques et dénominationnelles existantes au sein du renouveau pour discuter, dans une troisième section, l’impact des transformations religieuses sur la relation entre religion et politique. La conclusion tente, elle, de faire la part entre ruptures et permanences, et d’appréhender la question du renouveau au-delà de cette dichotomie.