1000 resultados para POLARIZED TRANSPORT


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The spin-polarized transport property of a diluted magnetic semiconductor two-dimensional electron gas is investigated theoretically at low temperature. A large current polarization can be found in this system even at small magnetic fields and oscillates with increasing magnetic field while the carrier polarization is vanishingly small. The magnitude as well as the sign of the current polarization can be tuned by varying magnetic field, the electron density and the Mn concentration. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We study electron transport through an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer with a noninteracting quantum dot in each of its arms. Both a magnetic flux phi threading through the AB ring and the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interaction inside the two dots are taken into account. Due to the existence of the SO interaction, the electrons flowing through different arms of the AB ring will acquire a spin-dependent phase factor in the tunnel-coupling strengths. This phase factor, as well as the influence of the magnetic flux, will induce various interesting interference phenomena. We show that the conductance and the local density of states can become spin polarized by tuning the magnetic flux and the Rashba interaction strength. Under certain circumstances, a pure spin-up or spin-down conductance can be obtained when a spin-unpolarized current is injected from the external leads. Therefore, the electron spin can be manipulated by adjusting the Rashba spin-orbit strength and the structure parameters. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The authors investigate the spin-polarized transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas in a n-type diluted magnetic narrow gap semiconductor quantum well subjected to perpendicular magnetic and electric fields. Interesting beating patterns in the magnetoresistance are found which can be tuned significantly by varying the electric field. A resonant enhancement of spin-polarized current is found which is induced by the competition between the s-d exchange interaction and the Rashba effect [Y. A. Bychkov and E. I. Rashba, J. Phys. C 17, 6039 (1984)]. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate theoretically spin-polarized transport in a one-dimensional waveguide structure under spatially periodic electric fields. Strong spin-polarized current can be obtained by tuning the external electric fields. It is interesting to find that the spin-dependent transmissions exhibit gaps at various electron momenta and/or gate lengths, and the gap width increases with increasing the strength of the Rashba effect. The strong spin-polarized current arises from the different transmission gaps of the spin-up and spin-down electrons. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The transport property of a lateral two-dimensional paramagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor electron gas under a spatially periodic magnetic field is investigated theoretically. We find that the electron Fermi velocity along the modulation direction is highly spin dependent even if the spin polarization of the carrier population is negligibly small. It turns out that this spin-polarized Fermi velocity alone can lead to a strong spin polarization of the current, which is still robust against the energy broadening effect induced by the impurity scattering. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate theoretically the spin-polarized transport in one-dimensional waveguide structure with spatially-periodic electronic and magnetic fields. The interplay of the spin-orbit interaction and in-plane magnetic field significantly modifies the spin-dependent transmission and the spin polarization. The in-plane magnetic fields increase the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect for the electric fields along y axis and decrease this effect for reversing the electric fields, even counteract the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect. It is very interesting to find that we may deduce the strength of the Rashba effect through this phenomenon. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the spin-polarized charge densities in II-VI-based diluted magnetic superlattices formed of p-doped ZnTe:Mg/ZnTe:TM/ZnTe:Mg non-magnetic/magnetic/non-magnetic layers, with TM standing for transition metal. The calculations were performed within a self-consistent k.p method, in which are also taken into account the exchange correlation effects in the local density approximation. Our results show a limit for the width of the non-magnetic layer for which the difference between the opposite spin charge densities is maximized, indicating the best conditions to obtain full polarization by varying the TM content. We also discuss these effects in the calculated photoluminescence spectra. Our findings point to the possibility of engineering the spin-polarized charge distribution by varying the widths of the magnetic and non-magnetic layers and/or varying the TM concentration in the magnetic layers, thus providing a guide for future experiments. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung von metallischen gemischtvalenten Manganaten und magnetischen Doppelperowskiten. Aufgrund ihres großen negativen Magnetowiderstandes (MW) sind diese halbmetallischen Oxide interessant für mögliche technische Anwendungen, z.B. als Leseköpfe in Festplatten. Es wurden die kristallographischen, elektronischen und magnetischen Eigenschaften von epitaktischen Dünnschichten und polykristallinen Pulverproben bestimmt.Epitaktische Dünnschichten der Verbindungen La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 und La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 wurdenmit Kaltkathodenzerstäubung und Laserablation auf einkristallinen Substraten wie SrTiO3abgeschieden. Mit Hall-Effekt Messungen wurde ein Zusammenbruch der Ladungsträgerdichte bei der Curie-Temperatur TC beobachtet.Mit dem Wechsel des Dotierungsatoms A von Ca (TC=232 K) zu Sr (TC=345 K)in La0.67A0.33MnO3 konnte die Feldsensitivität des Widerstandes bei Raumtemperatur gesteigert werden. Um die Sensitivität weiter zu erhöhen wurde die hohe Spinpolarisation von nahezu 100% in Tunnelexperimenten ausgenutzt. Dazu wurden biepitaktische La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Schichten auf SrTiO3 Bikristallsubstraten hergestellt. Die Abhängigkeit des Tunnelmagnetowiderstandes (TMW) vom magnetischen Feld, Temperatur und Strum war ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung. Mittels spinpolarisierten Tunnelns durch die künstliche Korngrenze konnte ein hysteretischer TMW von 70% bei 4 K in kleinen Magnetfeldern von 120 Oe gemessen werden. Eine weitere magnetische Oxidverbindung, der Doppelperowskit Sr2FeMoO6 miteine Curie-Temperatur oberhalb 400 K und einem großen MW wurde mittels Laserablation hergestellt. Die Proben zeigten erstmals das Sättigunsmoment, welches von einer idealen ferrimagnetischen Anordnung der Fe und Mo Ionen erwartet wird. Mit Hilfe von Magnetotransportmessungen und Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte eine Abhängigkeit zwischen Kristallstruktur (Ordnung oder Unordnung im Fe, Mo Untergitter) und elektronischem Transport (metallisch oder halbleitend) aufgedeckt werden.Eine zweiter Doppelperowskit Ca2FeReO6 wurde im Detail als Pulverprobe untersucht. Diese Verbindung besitzt die höchste Curie-Temperatur von 540 K, die bis jetzt in magnetischen Perowskiten gefunden wurde. Mit Neutronenstreuung wurde eine verzerrte monoklinische Struktur und eine Phasenseparation aufgedeckt.


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Cryptotanshinone (CTS), a major constituent from the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen), is widely used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, stroke and less commonly Alzheimer's disease. Our recent study indicates that CTS is a substrate for Pglycoprotein (PgP/MDR1/ABCB1). This study has investigated the nature of the brain distribution of CTS across the brain-blood barrier (BBB) using several in vitro and in vivo rodent models. A polarized transport of CTS was found in rat primary microvascular endothelial cell (RBMVEC) monolayers, with facilitated efflux from the abluminal side to luminal side. Addition of a PgP (e.g. verapamil and quinidine) or multi-drug resistance protein 1/2 (MRP1/2) inhibitor (e.g. probenecid and MK-571) in both luminal and abluminal sides attenuated the polarized transport. In a bilateral in situ brain perfusion model, the uptake of CTS into the cerebrum increased from 0.52 ± 0.1% at 1 min to 11.13 ± 2.36 ml/100 g tissue at 30 min and was significantly greater than that of sucrose. Co-perfusion of a PgP/MDR1 (e.g. verapamil) or MRP1/2 inhibitor (e.g. probenecid) significantly increased the brain distribution of CTS by 35.1-163.6%. The brain levels of CTS were only about 21% of those in plasma, and were significantly increased when coadministered with verapamil or probenecid in rats. The brain levels of CTS in rats subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion and rats treated with quinolinic acid (a neurotoxin) were about 2- to 2.5-fold higher than the control rats. Moreover, the brain levels in mdr1a(-/-) and mrp1(-/-) mice were 10.9- and 1.5-fold higher than those in the wild-type mice, respectively. Taken collectively, these findings indicate that PgP and Mrp1 limit the brain penetration of CTS in rodents, suggesting a possible role of PgP and MRP1 in limiting the brain penetration of CTS in patients and causing drug resistance to Danshen therapy and interactions with conventional drugs that are substrates of PgP and MRP1. Further studies are needed to explore the role of other drug transporters in restricting the brain penetration of CTS and the clinical relevance.


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Intriguing phenomena and novel physics predicted for two-dimensional (2D) systems formed by electrons in Dirac or Rashba states motivate an active search for new materials or combinations of the already revealed ones. Being very promising ingredients in themselves, interplaying Dirac and Rashba systems can provide a base for next generation of spintronics devices, to a considerable extent, by mixing their striking properties or by improving technically significant characteristics of each other. Here, we demonstrate that in BiTeI@PbSb2Te4 composed of a BiTeI trilayer on top of the topological insulator (TI) PbSb2Te4 weakly- and strongly-coupled Dirac-Rashba hybrid systems are realized. The coupling strength depends on both interface hexagonal stacking and trilayer-stacking order. The weakly-coupled system can serve as a prototype to examine, e.g., plasmonic excitations, frictional drag, spin-polarized transport, and charge-spin separation effect in multilayer helical metals. In the strongly-coupled regime, within similar to 100 meV energy interval of the bulk TI projected bandgap a helical state substituting for the TI surface state appears. This new state is characterized by a larger momentum, similar velocity, and strong localization within BiTeI. We anticipate that our findings pave the way for designing a new type of spintronics devices based on Rashba-Dirac coupled systems.


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Ballistic spin polarized transport through diluted magnetic semiconductor single and double barrier structures is investigated theoretically using a two-component model. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of the system exhibits oscillating behavior when the magnetic field is varied. An interesting beat pattern in the TMR and spin polarization is found for different nonmagnetic semiconductor/diluted magnetic semiconductor double barrier structures which arises from an interplay between the spin-up and spin-down electron channels which are split by the s-d exchange interaction.


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Purpose. Glabridin is a major active constituent of Glycyrrhiza glabra which is commonly used in the treatment of cardiovascular and central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Recently, we have found that glabridin is a substrate of P-glycoprotein (PgP/MDR1). This study aimed to investigate the role of PgP in glabridin penetration across the blood–brain barrier (BBB) using several in vitro and in vivo models.
Materials and Methods. Cultured primary rat brain microvascular endothelial cells (RBMVECs) were used in the uptake, efflux and transcellular transport studies. A rat bilateral in situ brain perfusion model was used to investigate the brain distribution of glabridin. The brain and tissue distribution of glabridin in rats with or without coadministered verapamil or quinidine were examined with correction for the tissue residual blood. In addition, the brain distribution of glabridin in mdr1a(-/-) mice was compared with the wild-type mice. Glabridin in various biological matrices was determined by a validated liquid chromatography mass spectrometric method.
Results. The uptake and efflux of glabridin in cultured RBMVECs were ATP-dependent and significantly altered in the presence of a PgP or multi-drug resistance protein (Mrp1/2) inhibitor (e.g. verapamil or MK-571). A polarized transport of glabridin was found in RBMVEC monolayers with
facilitated efflux from the abluminal (BL) to luminal (AP) side. Addition of a PgP or Mrp1/2 inhibitor in both luminal and abluminal sides attenuated the polarized transport across RBMVECs. In a bilateral in situ brain perfusion model, the uptake of glabridin into the cerebrum increased from 0.42 T 0.09% at 1 min to 9.27 T 1.69% (ml/100 g tissue) at 30 min and was significantly greater than that for sucrose. Coperfusion of a PgP or Mrp1/2 inhibitor significantly increased the brain distribution of glabridin by 33.6j142.9%. The rat brain levels of glabridin were only about 27% of plasma levels when corrected by tissue residual blood and it was increased to up to 44% when verapamil or quinidine was coadministered. The area under the brain concentration-time curve (AUC) of glabridin in mdr1a(-/-) mice was 6.0-fold higher than the wild-type mice.
Conclusions. These findings indicate that PgP limits the brain penetration of glabridin through the BBB and PgP may cause drug resistance to glabridin (licorice) therapy for CNS diseases and potential drugglabridin interactions. However, further studies are needed to explore the role of other drug transporters (e.g. Mrp1-4) in restricting the brain penetration of glabridin.


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There is an increasing use of herbal medicines worldwide, and the extracts from the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza are widely used in the treatment of angina and stroke. In this study, we investigated the mechanism for the intestinal absorption of tanshinone IIB (TSB), a major constituent of S. miltiorrhiza. The oral bioavailability of TSB was about 3% in rats with less proportional increase in its maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) with increasing dosage. The time to Cmax (Tmax) was prolonged at higher oral dosage. In a single pass rat intestinal perfusion model, the permeability coefficients (Papp) based on TSB disappearance from the lumen (Plumen) were 6.2- to 7.2-fold higher (p < 0.01) than those based on drug appearance in mesenteric venous blood (Pblood). The uptake and efflux of TSB in Caco-2 cells were also significantly altered in the presence of an inhibitor for P-glycoprotein (PgP) or for multi-drug resistance associated protein (MRP1/2). TSB transport from the apical (AP) to basolateral (BL) side in Caco-2 monolayers was 3.3- to 5.7-fold lower than that from BL to AP side, but this polarized transport was attenuated by co-incubation of PgP or MRP1/2 inhibitors. The Papp values of TSB in the BL-AP direction were significantly higher in MDCKII cells over-expressing MDR1 or MRP1, but not in cells over-expressing MRP2-5, as compared with the wild-type cells. The plasma AUC0-24hr in mdr1a and mrp1 gene-deficient mice was 10.2- to 1.7-fold higher than that in the wild-type mice. Furthermore, TSB significantly inhibited the uptake of digoxin and vinblastine in membrane vesicles containing PgP or MRP1. TSB also moderately stimulated PgP ATPase activity. Taken collectively, our findings indicate that TSB is a substrate for PgP and MRP1 and that drug resistance to TSB therapy and drug interactions may occur through PgP and MRP1 modulation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Oligodendrocytes form specialized plasma membrane extensions which spirally enwrap axons, thereby building up the myelin sheath. During myelination, oligodendrocytes produce large amounts of membrane components. Oligodendrocytes can be seen as a complex polarized cell type with two distinct membrane domains, the plasma membrane surrounding the cell body and the myelin membrane. SNARE proteins mediate the fusion of vesicular cargoes with their target membrane. We propose a model in which the major myelin protein PLP is transported by two different pathways. VAMP3 mediates the non-polarized transport of newly synthesized PLP via recycling endosomes to the plasma membrane, while transport of PLP from late endosomes/lysosomes to myelin is controlled by VAMP7. In the second part of the thesis, the role of exosome secretion in glia to axon signaling was studied. Further studies are required to clarify whether VAMP7 also controls exosome secretion. The thesis further focused on putative metabolic effects in the target neurons. Oligodendroglial exosomes showed no obvious influences on neuronal metabolic activity. Analysis of the phosphorylation levels of the neurofilament heavy subunit revealed a decrease in presence of oligodendrocytes, indicating effects of oligodendroglial exosomes on the neuronal cytoskeleton. Finally, candidates for kinases which are possibly activated upon influence of oligodendroglial exosomes and could influence neuronal survival were identified.