979 resultados para PENAL PROCESS
Changes to the rules concerning the admissibility of statements read in trial, previously provided by the defendant, despite its apparent simplicity, undermine the criminal procedural architecture projected from the constitutional structure accusatory criminal procedure. The principle that in judging only can be valued the evidence produced before the judge gives rise the production of evidence by the prosecution in the investigation phase.
Resumen: La prisión preventiva es la medida cautelar más grave e intensa del proceso penal, en tanto importa la coactiva privación de la libertad personal del imputado. Se trata de un instituto problemático, que plantea un contrapunto particularmente dilemático con la presunción de inocencia. Posee un fundamento constitucional, directamente vinculado con la necesidad de asegurar, en la medida de lo posible, la realización del derecho penal material. Aunque la regla general es que durante el desarrollo del proceso penal el imputado debe permanecer en libertad, no puede negarse la existencia de ciertos supuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva. La realidad social y la necesidad de respuestas racionales a los fenómenos de la inseguridad y de la delincuencia violenta han revelado serias fisuras en el paradigma según el cual los únicos supuestos legitimadores son los llamados peligros procesales de fuga o entorpecimiento de la investigación. Surgen así como datos que deben ser también necesariamente tenidos en cuenta para la detención cautelar tanto la especial gravedad del delito cometido y su relación con la preservación del orden público, como la existencia de un peligro de reiteración delictiva constatable. Estos dos últimos presupuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva cobran independencia conceptual de los primeramente mencionados. Además, cuando la prisión preventiva se funda en la especial gravedad del delito o en el peligro de reiteración delictiva, se transforma, aunque sin mutar su esencia, en un instrumento más en las políticas de seguridad dirigidas a combatir el fenómeno de la delincuencia.
Currently, Portugal assumes itself as a democratic rule of substantive law State, sustained by a legal system seeking the right balance between the guarantee of fundamental rights and freedoms constitutional foreseen in Portugal’s Fundamental Law and criminal persecution. The architecture of the penal code lies with, roughly speaking, a accusatory basic structure, “deliberately attached to one of the most remarkable achievements of the civilizational democratic progress, and by obedience to the constitutional commandment”, in balance with the official investigation principle, valid both for the purpose of prosecution and trial. Regarding the principle of non self-incrimination - nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare, briefly defined as the defendant’s right of not being obliged to contribute to the self-incrimination, it should be stressed that there isn’t an explicit consecration in the Portuguese Constitution, being commonly accepted in an implicit constitutional prediction and deriving from other constitutional rights and principles, first and foremost, the meaning and scope of the concept of democratic rule of Law State, embedded in the Fundamental Law, and in the guidelines of the constitutional principles of human person dignity, freedom of action and the presumption of innocence. In any case, about the (in) applicability of the principle of the prohibition of self-incrimination to the Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, and sharing an idea of Guedes Valente, the truth is that the exercise of criminal action must tread a transparent path and non-compliant with methods to obtain evidence that violate the law, the public order or in violation of democratic principles and loyalty (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 484). Within the framework of the penal process relating to the trial, which is assumed as the true phase of the process, the witness represents a relevant figure for the administration of criminal justice, for the testimonial proof is, in the idea of Othmar Jauernig, the worst proof of evidence, but also being the most frequent (Jauernig, 1998, p. 289). As coadjutant of the Public Prosecutor and, in specific cases, the investigating judge, the Criminal Police Bodies are invested with high responsibility, being "the arms and eyes of Judicial Authorities in pursuing the criminal investigation..." which has as ultimate goal the fulfillment of the Law pursuing the defense of society" (Guedes Valente, 2013, p. 485). It is in this context and as a witness that, throughout operational career, the Criminal Police Bodies are required to be at the trial hearing and clarify the Court with its view about the facts relating to occurrences of criminal context, thus contributing very significantly and, in some cases, decisively for the proper administration of the portuguese criminal justice. With regards to the intervention of Criminal Police Bodies in the trial hearing in Court, it’s important that they pay attention to a set of standards concerning the preparation of the testimony, the very provision of the testimony and, also, to its conclusion. Be emphasized that these guidelines may become crucial for the quality of the police testimony at the trial hearing, thus leading to an improvement of the enforcement of justice system. In this vein, while preparing the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies must present itself in court with proper clothing, to read before and carefully the case files, to debate the facts being judged with other Criminal Police Bodies and prepare potential questions. Later, while giving his testimony during the trial, the Criminal Police Bodies must, summing up, to take the oath in a convincing manner, to feel comfortable, to start well by convincingly answering the first question, keep an attitude of serenity, to adopt an attitude of collaboration, to avoid the reading of documents, to demonstrate deference and seriousness before the judicial operators, to use simple and objective language, to adopt a fluent speech, to use nonverbal language correctly, to avoid spontaneity responding only to what is asked, to report only the truth, to avoid hesitations and contradictions, to be impartial and to maintain eye contact with the judge. Finally, at the conclusion of the testimony, the Criminal Police Bodies should rise in a smooth manner, avoiding to show relief, resentment or satisfaction, leaving a credible and professional image and, without much formality, requesting the judge permission to leave the courtroom. As final note, it’s important to stress that "The intervention of the Police Criminal Bodies in the trial hearing in Court” encloses itself on a theme of crucial importance not only for members of the Police and Security Forces, who must welcome this subject with the utmost seriousness and professionalism, but also for the proper administration of the criminal justice system in Portugal.
L’objectif de ce mémoire est de dresser un portrait de l’évolution du recours à la détention provisoire au Québec depuis 2002 jusqu’à 2012, pour ensuite préciser les caractéristiques des personnes prévenues en comparaison à celles détenues tel qu’elles se dessinent en 2012, pour la population générale en détention dans les institutions carcérales de juridiction provinciale au Québec, et pour les populations spécifiques que forment les femmes et les personnes autochtones en regard de leur proportion dans la population générale. Pour ce faire, les tendances actuelles en matière de recours à la détention provisoire sont établies et comparées à celle de 2002. Aussi, un portrait des personnes en détention provisoire au Québec en 2011-2012 est dressé à partir de certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques et criminelles liées à la détention provisoire selon les écrits précédents sur la question. Ce portrait est comparé à celui des personnes incarcérées dans les mêmes institutions suite à une condamnation à une peine de prison de deux ans moins un jour ou moins. Par la suite, des analyses bivariées sont effectuées dans le but de comprendre la relation entre la détention provisoire et l’issue du processus pénal, qui consiste, dans la présente étude, à la condamnation à une sentence de détention ou une sentence autre des personnes admises en détention provisoire dans un premier temps. Des analyses de régression logistiques viennent préciser quelles variables permettent le plus clairement de prédire l’imposition d’une sentence de détention aux personnes prévenues dans les institutions carcérales provinciales, au Québec en 2012. Les résultats de nos analyses indiquent qu’il y a une surreprésentation des hommes et des Autochtones en détention provisoire au Québec. De plus, certaines caractéristiques sociodémographiques et criminelles se révèlent significativement liées à la condamnation à la détention comme le fait d’être un prévenu d’origine autochtone, de posséder des antécédents judiciaires, d’avoir commis un ou des délits de système et de faire partie d’un groupe criminel. Il s’agit du même coup de bons prédicteurs de l’imposition d’une sentence de prison suivant la détention provisoire. Lorsqu’un individu cumule ces caractéristiques, il fera face à une sentence d’incarcération dans le trois quarts des cas. Finalement, il apparaît que malgré la volonté exprimée de longue date et reprise à l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi C-25 de faire de la détention provisoire une mesure de dernier recours, le recours à cette mesure ne cesse de croître, alors même que la détention découlant d’une condamnation paraît diminuer, ce qui se traduit par un rapport de plus en plus disproportionné entre personnes prévenues et personnes condamnées au sein des prisons du Québec, le ratio jouant en défaveur des personnes prévenues.
A dissertação analisa as possibilidades e apresenta os pressupostos para harmonização do Direito Penal Económico na África Austral. Nela trabalha-se com a hipótese de que o referido processo é inexorável no âmbito da integração regional. Para o efeito, são abordadas questões criminologicas, exigências político-criminais bem como dogmáticas que permitam propor a referida harmonização legislativas, na perspectiva do direito a constituir. É destacada a pertinência de se empreenderem reformas nas legislações penais dos Estados-membros, com vista a atender aos ilícitos econômicos, considerando que a acentuada disparidade legislativa é um factor que, de certa forma, pode cercear as acções que têm sido realizadas no âmbito da prevenção e combate a criminalidade econômica na região. Disserta-se sobre as peculiaridades do delinquente e especificidades da delinquência econômica ao nível da SADC e, seguidamente, se descreve a forma de concretização da almejada harmonização, tendo como base dois estudos realizados sobre a matéria e igual número de modelos, os quais priorizam dois eixos, designadamente: o eixo dos delitos e o das penas; sendo que no primeiro descata-se a necessidade de uniformizar não só as condutas delituosas a tipificar, mas, sobretudo a técnica para sua tipificação. Como segundo eixo, aborda-se a pertinência de se aproximar as medidas de reação penal as sanções penais. Por fim, em sede da conclusão realça-se a existência de fundamentos e requisitos dogmáticos, político-criminais e criminológicos que permitem realizar a harmonização do Direito penal econômico na SADC, como medida necessária para a prevenção e represão da criminalidade econômica transnacional, intrínsecamente ligada aos processos da globalização e de integração regional em curso.
This study analyses the principle of presumption of innocence in the preliminary stages of the Portuguese criminal process, its procedural aspect related with the principle of in dubio pro reo and its material aspect concerning the treatment of the defendant during the proceedings. The consequences and manifestations of the principle of presumption of innocence are analysed in the decisions of the closing stages of the preliminary criminal procedure and the application of the principle of in dubio pro reo is analysed in the judgement of sufficiency of evidence for the procedure to continue. It addresses the question of circumstantial evidence, its particular relevance in economic and financial crime, highly organized crime, the grounds for the indictment in general and when the sufficiency of evidence criteria is based on that evidence. It analyses the scope of the principle of presumption of innocence in the application of coercive measures, with reference to the arrest, first interrogation of the accused under detention and reasons for the subsequent dispatch about the measures. The asset assurance measures of preventive seizure and the preventive seizure to ensure confiscation are analysed and principle of presumption of innocence is considered non applicable to those measures.
The means of obtaining evidence, the amount of evidence obtained, the number of defendants related to each criminal case and the gravity of the crimes for which the magistrates of the Department are holders of penal action, define its real importance to the Rule of Law. I have deeply studied the subject of the institution of hierarchical intervention required by the assistant and the application of an opening statement by the defendant, starting from a hypothetical case, provided when the query of an investigation with the subject of the crime of active corruption, where this institution was called as a reaction to the archiving dispatch delivered by the Public Ministry. I have study about the implementation of the institution of provisional suspension of the process, specifically in the scope of fiscal criminality, analyzing the effective satisfaction of the purposes of the sentences in two slopes: general prevention and special prevention. I went for my first time to a Central Court of Criminal Instruction, where I attended the measures of inquiry and instructive debate of a process that culminated with the prosecution and pronunciation of the defendants. In addition to this criminal experience, I have deepened and consolidated the academic knowledge with the study of various criminal cases from various fields in the scope of criminality investigated by the Department. I could therefore check the basis of procedural delays, regarding to our legal system, especially in this type of crime, raising issues that I analyzed and discussed, always in a critical and academic way. I had the opportunity to attend and witness a seminar in the Lisbon Directorate of Finance as well of entering the Centre for Judicial Studies to attend a conference on the International Anti-Corruption Day. Focus on the investigatory importance of the international judicial cooperation, through the various organs, with special interest to EUROJUST. I comprehended the organization and functioning of these communitarian organs and means of communication of procedural acts, in particular, the rogatory letters and european arrest warrants. This involvement is motivated by the moratorium factor of the investigations where rogatory letters are necessary for the acquisition of evidence or information relevant to the good continuation of the process. For this reason the judicial cooperation through the relevant communitarian organs, translates a streamlined response between the competent judicial authorities of the Member States, through the National Member that integrates EUROJUST. This report aims to highlight some of the difficulties and procedural issues that Public Prosecutors of DCIAP and criminal police bodies that assist them, face in combating violent and organized crime, of national and transnational nature, of particular complexity, according to the specifics of criminal types.
A través de la libertad de expresión se analiza la legitimidad en los sistemas modernos del delito con el fin de determinar su capacidad de respuesta frente al proceso expansivo que afronta el Derecho penal. Se propone la aplicación del funcionalismo moderado en armonía con postulados del finalismo y funcionalismo moderado que tienen asidero en la Constitución, particularmente en cuanto a dignidad humana.
El pasado 16 de marzo de 2011, la Corte Suprema de Justicia se ocupó de un caso donde se califica a un Juez con el delito de falsedad ideológica en documento público. En este fallo se trazaron los lineamientos fundamentales de este delito, mismos que son analizados en el presente escrito para concluir que si bien el resultado del proceso en la Corte −la condena del procesado− es correcto, es necesario superar el entendimiento causal de este delito para interpretarlo de acuerdo con la moderna teoría de la imputación objetiva.
The phenomenon of paramilitarism in Colombia has received an ambiguous treatment, balancing between political and criminal issues; an oscillation that has been intimately linked to the evolution of the Colombian internal conflict. This contribution analyzes the recent negotiations held with paramilitary groups by the administration of Alvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2010). After a brief account of the dependency path that has determined this historical episode, I propose an assessment of the use of judicial categories by the various actors of the negotiations. The main argument is that those categories –war criminal, political criminal, drug smuggler, etc.– do not depend on the intrinsic nature of an armed actor, but are socially constructed by a conflictive process of material and symbolic struggles. The capacity to categorize private violence, as legitimate or illegitimate, political or criminal, appears as one of the basic manifestations of the state’s action, as well as one of the main conflicts presiding at the rocess of state formation.
Teniendo en cuenta tres casos dentro del contexto del conflicto armado donde la jurisdicción penal colombiana estudia la admisión o exclusión de medios probatorios producidos a partir de injerencias de comunicaciones, encontramos que no siempre se aplica la regla de exclusión cuando no cuentan con una orden judicial previa. Ante este problema, buscamos como se ha solucionado, teniendo como referente la el Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Lo anterior nos da base para entender la regla de exclusión de que se ha venido desarrollando dentro del Derecho Internacional Penal. Si bien estas reglas nos sirven para solucionar estos tres casos, terminan siendo contradictorios a lo que ha venido desarrollando la Corte Constitucional. De esta manera, si bien esta Corte consideró que la regla de Estatuto de Roma, va en concordancia con la nuestra regla de exclusión nacional, tal afirmación es errónea.
Neste artigo são discutidas formas de promover a melhoria da política pública prisional brasileira especialmente no que tange o preso provisório, com enfoque nas contribuições que a economia comportamental pode fornecer ao direito. A questão central do debate é como o modelo processual atualmente adotado não cria um ambiente favorável à liberdade, na medida em que não promove o diálogo entre o acusado e seu julgador. Os estudos econômicos, assim, podem nos fornecer importantes lições de como reverter a curva ascendente do número de presos provisórios no país e o impacto da instituição da audiência de custódia no processo penal brasileiro.
The environment, which fundamental importance has already been recognized in all the world, is an actual national and international discussion subject, whose interest grows for the society, and consequently to the Law, in order to prevent the natural resources to the present and future generations. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution, recognizing the importance of the environment, treated about it in many of its parts, even dedicating a specific chapter (Chapter V About Environment, inserted in Title VIII About Social Order). The brazilian constitutional text established to everyone the fundamental right of enjoying an equilibrated environment, obligating the State and all society to defend and preserve the environment to the present and future generations. The economic growing process, that predominated and still persist in the big majority of the countries, where is practiced the capitalist system, has in the enterprises (legal persons) one of its main actors. Many times, these enterprises, especially in the actual globalized world in where we live, where the gain of money is priorized, ends, at the moment they act, making damages to the environment. These damages are, many times, considered by the law. crimes against the environment. The 1988 Brazilian Constitution, according to the Modern Criminal Law, realizing that many crimes were being committed by the enterprises, established in article 225, §3rd, the criminal responsibility of the legal persons. Almost ten years after the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, was published the Law number 9.605/98, in which third article established the penal responsibility of the legal persons that practice crimes against the environment, without excluding the individual responsibility
The neoconstitutionalism led to a process of ethical revaluation of the normative systems and the process of constitutionalization of the many fields of law. This study examines the consequences of this process in criminal law, so important a Law field for the protection of the most valuable assets by the society, including the fundamental guarantees, thus emphasizing the necessity of protection of the collective and individual rights, which are guided by the observance of the defendants individual rights in the course of criminal proceedings and the search for the best efficiency of penal protection, according to the corollaries of defense against the state (prohibition of the excess or Übermassverbot) and the provision of rights by the state (prohibition of insufficient protection or Untermassverbot). The offense of fuel adulteration is taken as an object of study, since it is a vital market to a nation dependent of people and good s movement for their living, driven by fossil and biofuels. Such a crime affects essential legal interests to the development of society, interests such as the environment, consumer relations and economic order, particularly the principle of free competition. This paper seeks to analyze the need of a greater efficiency of this particular criminal protection, once concluded the conduct harm and social fear as a consequence by it as growing, and therefore having its former crime type, engraved in Article 1 of Law No. 8.176/1991, rewritten in compliance with the criminal law s principle of legality. Thus, the reformation proposals and legislative creation involving this crime were observed, with emphasis on the bill No. 2498/2003, which keeps it as blank heterogeneous criminal norm, kind of penal normative whose constitutionality is raised, including the forethought of criminal responsibility in the perpetrating of the offense as culpable and subsequently increasing the applicable minimum penalty, as well as the inclusion of new activities in the typical nucleus