973 resultados para Organizational action


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This paper challenges the predominant view that legitimation is merely a specific phase in merger or acquisition processes. We argue that a better understanding of postmerger organizational dynamics calls for conceptualization of discursive legitimation as an inherent part of unfolding merger processes. In particular, we focus on the recursive relationship between legitimation and organizational action. We have two objectives: to outline a theoretical model that helps one to understand the dynamics of discursive legitimation and organizational action in postmerger organizations, and to examine a revealing case to distinguish the inherent risks and problems in discursive legitimation. Our case analysis focuses on the merger between the French pharmaceutical companies BioMérieux and Pierre Fabre. We adopt a critical multimethod approach and distinguish specific discursive dynamics and pathological tendencies in this case. The analysis highlights the unintended consequences of discursive legitimation, the central role of sensegiving and sensehiding in discursive legitimation, the inherently political nature of legitimation and the risks associated with politicization, the special problems associated with fashionable discourses and the role of the media, the use of specific discursive strategies for legitimation and delegitimation, and the crucial role of actual integration results. This analysis adds to the existing research on mergers and acquisitions by treating discursive legitimation as part of the merger dynamics. In particular, our case analysis provides a new explanation for merger failure. We also believe that the recursive model connecting discursive legitimation and delegitimation strategies to concrete organizational action makes a more general contribution to our understanding of organizational legitimation.


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This paper challenges the predominant view that legitimation is merely a specific phase in merger or acquisition processes. We argue that a better understanding of postmerger organizational dynamics calls for conceptualization of discursive legitimation as an inherent part of unfolding merger processes. In particular, we focus on the recursive relationship between legitimation and organizational action. We have two objectives: to outline a theoretical model that helps one to understand the dynamics of discursive legitimation and organizational action in postmerger organizations, and to examine a revealing case to distinguish the inherent risks and problems in discursive legitimation. Our case analysis focuses on the merger between the French pharmaceutical companies BioMérieux and Pierre Fabre. We adopt a critical multimethod approach and distinguish specific discursive dynamics and pathological tendencies in this case. The analysis highlights the unintended consequences of discursive legitimation, the central role of sensegiving and sensehiding in discursive legitimation, the inherently political nature of legitimation and the risks associated with politicization, the special problems associated with fashionable discourses and the role of the media, the use of specific discursive strategies for legitimation and delegitimation, and the crucial role of actual integration results. This analysis adds to the existing research on mergers and acquisitions by treating discursive legitimation as part of the merger dynamics. In particular, our case analysis provides a new explanation for merger failure. We also believe that the recursive model connecting discursive legitimation and delegitimation strategies to concrete organizational action makes a more general contribution to our understanding of organizational legitimation.


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This dissertation explores the complex process of organizational change, applying a behavioral lens to understand change in processes, products, and search behaviors. Chapter 1 examines new practice adoption, exploring factors that predict the extent to which routines are adopted “as designed” within the organization. Using medical record data obtained from the hospital’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) system I develop a novel measure of the “gap” between routine “as designed” and routine “as realized.” I link this to a survey administered to the hospital’s professional staff following the adoption of a new EHR system and find that beliefs about the expected impact of the change shape fidelity of the adopted practice to its design. This relationship is more pronounced in care units with experienced professionals and less pronounced when the care unit includes departmental leadership. This research offers new insights into the determinants of routine change in organizations, in particular suggesting the beliefs held by rank-and-file members of an organization are critical in new routine adoption. Chapter 2 explores changes to products, specifically examining culling behaviors in the mobile device industry. Using a panel of quarterly mobile device sales in Germany from 2004-2009, this chapter suggests that the organization’s response to performance feedback is conditional upon the degree to which decisions are centralized. While much of the research on product exit has pointed to economic drivers or prior experience, these central finding of this chapter—that performance below aspirations decreases the rate of phase-out—suggests that firms seek local solutions when doing poorly, which is consistent with behavioral explanations of organizational action. Chapter 3 uses a novel text analysis approach to examine how the allocation of attention within organizational subunits shapes adaptation in the form of search behaviors in Motorola from 1974-1997. It develops a theory that links organizational attention to search, and the results suggest a trade-off between both attentional specialization and coupling on search scope and depth. Specifically, specialized unit attention to a more narrow set of problems increases search scope but reduces search depth; increased attentional coupling also increases search scope at the cost of depth. This novel approach and these findings help clarify extant research on the behavioral outcomes of attention allocation, which have offered mixed results.


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The capacity to identify, interpret, and prioritise environmental issues is critical in the management of corporate reputation. In spite of the significance of these abilities for corporate reputation management, there has been little effort to document and describe internal organizational influences on these capacities. Contrary to this state of affairs in the discipline of public relations, a long history of ethnographic research in cultural anthropology documents how sets of shared environmental perceptions can influence and moderate environmental factors in cultural populations (see for example, Durham, 1991 ). This study explores how cultural “frames of reference” derived from shared values and assumptions among organizational members influence organizational perceptions, and consequently, organizational actions. Specifically, this study explores how a central attribute of organizational culture--the property of cultural selection-- influences perceptions of organizational reputation held by organizational members. Perceptions of reputation among organizational members are obvious drivers to both the nature of and rationale for organizational communication strategies and responses. These perceptions are the result of collective processes that synthesise (with varying degrees of consensus) member conceptualisations, interpretations, and representations of the environmental realities in which their organization operate. To explore how cultural selection influences member perceptions of organizational reputation, this study employs ethnographic research including 20 depth interviews and six months of organizational observation in the focal organization. We argue that while external indicators of organizational reputation are acknowledged by members as significant, the internal action of cultural selection is a far stronger influence on organizational action.


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The ability of organizational members to identify and analyse stakeholder opinion is critical to the management of corporate reputation. In spite of the significance of these abilities to corporate reputation management, there has been little effort to document and describe internal organizational influences on such capacities. This ethnographic study conducted in Red Cross Queensland explores how cultural knowledge structures derived from shared values and assumptions among organizational members influence their conceptualisations of organizational reputation. Specifically, this study explores how a central attribute of organizational culture – the property of cultural selection – influences perceptions of organizational reputation held by organizational members. We argue that these perceptions are the result of collective processes that synthesise (with varying degrees of consensus) member conceptualisations, interpretations, and representations of environmental realities in which their organization operates. Findings and implications for organizational action suggest that while external indicators of organizational reputation are acknowledged by members as significant, the internal influence of organizational culture is a far stronger influence on organizational action.


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Relatório E1CEB - Relatório de estágio em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: Atualmente, a sociedade encontra-se em constante mutação, pelo que urge formar profissionais de educação capazes de responder aos seus desafios, assim como formar cidadãos críticos e responsáveis e estimular a sua participação ativa na sociedade. Desta forma e, no âmbito das unidades curriculares (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada na Educação Pré – Escolar e no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), parte integrante dos 1.º e 2.º anos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º CEB, respetivamente, surge o presente relatório que apresenta o processo de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional da mestranda. Assim, o presente documento pretende ser uma reflexão crítica sobre o processo formativo da formanda, revelando mobilização de conhecimentos teóricos e práticos e uma metodologia construtivista de Investigação – ação, que sustentou as práticas educativas e permitiu um conhecimento sólido e sustentável. Realça, ainda, o desenvolvimento da prática em díade de formação que estimulou o crescimento e a reconstrução de novos conhecimentos enriquecidos por uma reflexão sistemática e contínua. Este trabalho colaborativo promoveu um ambiente educativo profundo, significativo e agradável, contribuindo para a formação individual e coletiva dos vários intervenientes do contexto educativo. Acresce que, ao longo das práticas, a mestranda teve em consideração tudo o que foi aprendendo e desenvolvendo nas diversas UC’s, construindo a sua conceção de educadora e de professora, num contexto relacional e de consciência reflexiva que permitiu uma formação articulada com a ação pedagógica e organizacional, a partir da experiência e transformação dos saberes, eixos fundamentais para a profissionalidade docente.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre le Département de communication de l'Université de Montréal (sous la direction de François Cooren)et le Centre de sociologie des organisation de Sciences Po Paris (Institut d'études politiques de Paris; sous la direction de Bruno Latour).


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Dans la présente recherche, nous nous sommes penchés sur le processus du transfert intra-organisationnel de connaissances au sein d’entreprises multinationales (EM). Partant du triple constat suivant : les connaissances organisationnelles constituent un avantage stratégique (Barney, 1991 ; Bartlett et Ghoshal, 1998), les transferts intra-organisationnels constituent la raison d’être des EM (Gupta et Govindarajan, 2000), lesquelles ont accès à un vaste bassin de connaissances disséminées à travers le monde par le biais de leurs filiales et les mécanismes organisationnels internes sont plus efficaces que ceux du marché (Williamson, 1987 ; Casson, 1976) pour transférer des connaissances entre unités organisationnelles; nous nous sommes intéressés aux facteurs pouvant affecter l’efficacité de ce processus de transfert. Ayant identifié, lors de notre revue des écrits théoriques, une multitude d’approches permettant d’appréhender ce phénomène, nous proposons, dans notre recherche, un modèle théorique intégrant les trois étapes propres au processus de transfert, soit : la détermination des connaissances à transférer, la sélection des mécanismes de transfert appropriés et, finalement, l’évaluation, d’une part, de l’efficacité des transferts et, d’autre part, de l’ensemble des facteurs contextuels ayant un impact sur l’efficacité de ce processus. Sur le plan théorique, cette recherche oppose deux courants dominant ce champ disciplinaire. L’approche stratégique, exprimée par la théorie des ressources, met l’accent sur l’importance prépondérante des facteurs organisationnels internes sur l’efficacité de toute action organisationnelle (Bartlett et Ghoshal, 1998 ; Barney, 1991). Cette approche s’oppose au courant institutionnel, lequel considère plutôt que les choix et les actions organisationnels sont surtout conditionnés par les contraintes de l’environnement externe (Ferner, 1997; Kostova, 1999; Scott, 1991). Les résultats de notre recherche démontrent que, malgré l’existence de contraintes de nature institutionnelle et culturelle, l’efficacité du processus de transfert des connaissances associées à la gestion des ressources humaines relève davantage des conditions organisationnelles internes et, plus particulièrement, de l’implication de la haute direction, du rôle accordé à la fonction RH et de l’alignement entre la stratégie corporative, la stratégie RH et la culture organisationnelle. Sur le plan méthodologique, il s’agit d’une recherche exploratoire qualitative menée auprès de trois EM (2 canadiennes et 1 française) oeuvrant dans les secteurs de la métallurgie et des télécommunications. Les données empiriques proviennent de 17 entrevues approfondies que nous ont accordées, au Canada, en France, en Allemagne et en Suisse des cadres responsables de la gestion des ressources humaines, affectés au siège social des EM en question ou œuvrant au sein de leurs filiales, et de sources documentaires secondaires.


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O objeto desta dissertação é identificar a percepção dos stakeholders acerca da ação organizacional empreendida pelo Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - TCERJ, no exercício de uma de suas competências institucionais, sustação da execução de ato e/ou de contrato, complementadas por um estudo de caso. Identificando, a partir das contribuições dos stakeholders, eventuais deficiências e potenciais correções na atuação do órgão estatal no exercício da competência em destaque.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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The literature on ambiguity reflects contradictory views on its value as a resource or a problem for organizational action. In this longitudinal empirical study of ambiguity about a strategic goal, we examined how strategic ambiguity is used as a discursive resource by different organizational constituents and how that is associated with collective action around the strategic goal. We found four rhetorical positions, each of which drew upon strategic ambiguity to construct the strategic goal differently according to whether the various constituents were asserting their own interests or accommodating wider organizational interests. However, we also found that the different constituents maintained these four rhetorical positions simultaneously over time, enabling them to shift between their own and other’s interests rather than converging upon a common interest. These findings are used to develop a conceptual framework that explains how strategic ambiguity might serve as a resource for different organizational constituents to assert their own interests whilst also enabling collective organizational action, at least of a temporary nature.


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This chapter introduces activity theory as an approach for studying strategy as practice. Activity theory conceptualizes the ongoing construction of activity as a product of activity systems, comprising the actor, the community with which that actor interacts and those symbolic and material tools that mediate between actors, their community and their pursuit of activity. The focus on the mediating role of tools and cultural artefacts in human activity seems especially promising for advancing the strategy-as-practice agenda, for example as a theoretical resource for the growing interest in sociomateriality and the role of tools and artefacts in (strategy) practice (for example, Balogun et al. 2014; Lanzara 2009; Nicolini 2009; Spee and Jarzabkowski 2009; Stetsenko 2005). Despite its potential, in a recent review Vaara and Whittington (2012) identified only three strategy-as-practice articles explicitly applying an activity theory lens. In the wider area of practice-based studies in organizations, activity theory has been slightly more popular (for example, Blackler 1993; 1995; Blackler, Crump and McDonald 2000; Engeström, Kerosuo and Kajamaa 2007; Groleau 2006; Holt 2008; Miettinen and Virkkunen 2005). It still lags behind its potential, however, primarily because of its origins as a social psychology theory developed in Russia with little initial recognition outside the Russian context, particularly in the area of strategy and organization theory, until recently (Miettinen, Samra-Fredericks and Yanow 2009). This chapter explores activity theory as a resource for studying strategy as practice as it is socially accomplished by individuals in interaction with their wider social group and the artefacts of interaction. In particular, activity theory’s focus on actors as social individuals provides a conceptual basis for studying the core question in strategy-as-practice research: what strategy practitioners do. The chapter is structured in three parts. First, an overview of activity theory is provided. Second, activity theory as a practice-based approach to studying organizational action is introduced and an activity system conceptual framework is developed. Third, the elements of the activity system are explained in more detail and explicitly linked to each of the core SAP concepts: practitioners, practices and praxis. In doing so, links are made to existing strategy-as-practice research, with brief empirical examples of topics that might be addressed using activity theory. Throughout the chapter, we introduce key authors in the development of activity theory and its use in management and adjacent disciplinary fields, as further resources for those wishing to make greater use of activity theory.


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Policy/program implementation, e.g., the process of fulfilling policy/program directives, is fundamentally tied to change. Implementation studies have examined the process, identifying many critical organizational variables although individuals perform the activities.^ Many of the studies are predicated on the rational, goal oriented model of organizations and examine implementation, presenting only the goal-oriented view. Organizational change and its resistance, however, are not fully explained by the rational model of organizations. There are other schools of thought providing different views of organizations from which explanation may emerge. Bolman and Deal (1984, 1991a, 1994) provide a different perspective for examining organizations Bolman and Deal argue organizations should be viewed through four different frames or lenses. Framing and reframing organizational action captures the complexity of action and provides better understanding of organizational processes. Understanding of implementation of policies/programs also will benefit from the use of the four-frame approach.^ The goal of this research is to provide a better understanding of the implementation process by examining individual attitudes toward change, the dependent variable of this research, and studying the relationship between the dependent variable and frame. The research was conducted in two phases. In Phase One, a survey was sent to 306 school administrators and teachers in magnet programs in Dade County, Florida. The survey instrument was composed of 55 questions including six from Bolman and Deal's Leadership Orientation Survey (1988) and 38 questions about organizational change. In Phase Two, more in-depth analysis of four school was conducted, to further explore the relationship between frame and attitude toward change.^ The results revealed that frame was a factor in explaining differences in personal Attitude Toward Change and Comfort Level with Change. Individuals using the symbolic frame had more positive attitudes toward change and were also more comfortable with change. The results of Phase Two of the research partially supported this finding in that the most fully implemented program was the product of an administrator who had chosen the symbolic frame. ^


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No contexto educativo português existem, atualmente, orientações legais para que as escolas sejam, por um lado, sujeitas a processos de avaliação externa e, por outro, induzidas a criar mecanismos de autoavaliação. Embora a escola seja, pelo menos em parte, um “locus de produção normativa”, na prática não tem sido fácil o diálogo entre a avaliação externa e os processos de mudança e melhoria, através da autoavaliação institucional. Num contexto onde as politicas nem sempre criam os estímulos e as condições adequadas, a ação organizacional em torno dos processos avaliativos acaba por refletir o jogo dos atores. Face à “natureza política” da avaliação, as escolas e os seus atores recorrem a “soluções organizacionais” que lhes permitem, em função dos interesses e dos objetivos individuais e organizativos, gerir as pressões e as expetativas do seu meio institucional. O presente trabalho pretende encontrar respostas sobre os efeitos do programa de avaliação externa das escolas (AEE) nas dinâmicas de autoavaliação e nos planos de ação para a melhoria da escola. Trata-se de uma investigação inserida numa matriz de cariz essencialmente qualitativo que opta pelo estudo de casos múltiplos. A informação foi recolhida através de várias fontes: observação direta, grupo focal (focus group), entrevistas, inquérito por questionário e análise documental. Os resultados tendem a evidenciar que as organizações educativas, nas respostas às prescrições externas para a avaliação e melhoria da escola recorrem a estratégias e táticas plurais, de tal modo que as mudanças que ocorrem, mais do que respostas à necessidade de eficácia e melhoria interna da escola, traduzem-se em processos de adaptação, que variam consoante as tensões existentes entre o contexto institucional e o ambiente competitivo onde as escolas estão inseridas; Abstract: The Evaluation of Schools: Effects of External Evaluation in the dynamics of Self-evaluation of Schools In the Portuguese educational context, there are currently legal guidelines for schools to be subject to external evaluation process, on the one hand, and on the other hand induced to create self-assessment mechanisms. Although the school is at least partly a "normative production locus", in practice the dialogue between the external evaluation and the processes of change and improvement through institutional self-assessment has not been easy. In a context where the policies do not always create the incentives and the right conditions, the organizational action around the evaluative process ends up reflecting the set of actors. Before the "political nature" of the evaluation, the schools and their actors recur to "organizational solutions" that allow them, in the interests of individual and organizational goals, to manage the pressures and expectations of its institutional environment. This work aims at finding answers to the effects of the External Schools Evaluation (ESE) programme, in the dynamics of self-evaluation and action plans for the improvement of school. It is an investigation inserted into an oriented matrix, essentially of qualitative nature that opts for multiple case studies. The information was collected through various sources: direct observation, focus group, interviews, questionnaire survey and document analysis. The results tend to show that educational organizations, in response to the external requirements for assessing and improving, use plural strategies and tactics. Similarly, the changes that occur in the structures, processes and practices, more than answers to the need for efficiency and indoor improvement of the school, result into adjustment processes, that change according to the existing tensions between the institutional context and the competitive environment where schools are located.


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Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.