919 resultados para Ordem SV(O) e VS


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O presente trabalho trata do valor funcional das duas ordens de palavras naturais do português falado: SV(O) e VS. A ordem SV(O), que representa a relação tópico - comentário, implica transitividade relativamente alta. Em conseqüência, constitui geralmente a porção de figura do discurso, contribuindo, assim, para a progressão discursiva. A ordem VS, por sua vez, que apresenta apenas o comentário, implica baixa transitividade. Conseqüentemente constitui a porção de fundo, contribuindo, assim, para a montagem do cenário discursivo. As duas ordens configuram, portanto, juntamente com o grau de transitividade, marcas do relevo discursivo.


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O português falado do Brasil, contrariamente à afirmação de que é uma língua SVO (sujeito-verbo-objeto), apresenta duas ordens predominantes: SV(O) (sujeito-verbo-(objeto)) e VS (verbo- sujeito). Essas duas ordens, na verdade, representam dois padrões de construção sintática, o nominativo e o ergativo. Do ponto de vista paradigmático-identificacional, a ordem SV(O) corresponde ao padrão nominativo, e a VS, ao ergativo, uma vez que o Si (sujeito de verbo intransitivo) da estrutura VS apresenta a mesma matriz de traços do O (objeto) da estrutura SV(O), em contraposição ao St (sujeito de verbo transitivo). Há assim um alinhamento Si-O, característico das línguas ergativas, em construções existenciais/apresentativas (com verbo de um lugar existencial - V1e), mas um alinhamento St-Si, característico das línguas nominativas, em construções com verbos de dois lugares (V2) e de um lugar não-existencial (V1 ~e). O português apresenta, portanto, com as estruturas intransitivas, uma ergatividade cindida.


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0:- ions have been detected and measured in a positive column of glow discharge in oxygen between 0.04 and 0.17 Torr. A suitable ion-molecule reaction has been proposed, which appears to be supported by the mass spectrometer measurements.


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Annealing dependence of the lattice parameter, resistivity, magnetoresistance and thermopower have been studied on Nd0.87Sr0.33MnO3 thin films deposited on LaAlO3 and alumina substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Upon annealing at 800 degrees C and 1000 degrees C the lattice constant of the LaAlO3 film tends toward that of the bulk target due to reduction in oxygen vacancies. This results in a metal-insulator transition at temperatures which increase with progressive annealing along with a decrease in the observed low temperature MR. Using a magnon scattering model we estimate the e(g) bandwidth of the film annealed at 1000 degrees C and show that the magnon contribution to the resistivity is suppressed in a highly oxygen deficient film and gains prominence only upon subsequent annealing. We also show that upon annealing, the polaron concentration and the spin cluster size increases in the paramagnetic phase, using an adiabatic polaron hopping model which takes into account an exchange dependent activation energy above the resistivity peak.


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This article re-examines the relationship between framing and postposition of the subject in contemporary French, using oral data from the French Oral Narrative Corpus. The authors argue that the widely-supported binary distinction between 'SV-framing' and 'VS-nonframing' is in fact much more complex, with some clear counterexamples to accepted theory and others that force us to re-consider the definition of framing.


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Based on Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008)’s Functional Discourse Grammar (FDG), this article aims to analyze the natural and marked orderings of argument constituents in declarative sentences of Brazilian Portuguese taken in IBORUNA corpora. In this way, we conclude that the two natural orderings, proposed by Pezatti (1992), are determined by semantic factor, especially by semantic functions, while the marked ordering ir determined by pragmatic factor, especially by the attribution of pragmatic functions.


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This study examines the L2 acquisition of word order variation in Spanish by three groups of L1 English learners in an instructed setting. The three groups represent learners at three different L2 proficiencies: beginners, intermediate and advanced. The aim of the study is to analyse the acquisition of word order variation in a situation where the target input is highly ambiguous, since two apparent optional forms exist in the target grammar, in order to examine how the optionality is disambiguated by learners from the earlier stages of learning to the more advanced. Our results support the hypothesis that an account based on a discourse-pragmatics deficit cannot satisfactorily explain learners’ non-targetlike representations in the contexts analysed in our study.


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A violação dos direitos humanos das pessoas que sofrem de transtornos mentais foi reconhecida diante da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. O caso Ximenes Lopes Vs Brasil revelou de que forma o Estado, que deveria ser maior guardião dos direitos deste grupo, reiteradamente mantinha práticas de isolamento, maus-tratos em hospitais psiquiátricos que não condiziam com o respeito à sua dignidade humana. As condições em que ocorreu a morte de “Damião Ximenes Lopes” revelaram também a ocorrência de atos desumanos e degradantes que vinham sendo praticados indevidamente em nosso país. A Corte Interamericana além de determinar o pagamento de indenização pecuniária requereu prontamente que o Estado brasileiro garantisse que novas violações como esta não se repetissem mais.O Governo Federal, em decorrência destas premissas estruturou um processo de desinstitucionalização da assistência psiquiátrica que trouxe avanços significativos porém ainda não representaram as necessidades reais dos que dela necessitam. A avaliação destes programas nos remete à discussão fundamental de como o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos pode supervisionar estas medidas de não-repetição contribuindo para um novo olhar sobre as pessoas possuidoras de transtorno mental.


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A Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, por meio da Secretaria de Ordem Pública e a operação Choque de Ordem, bem como o Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, atra-vés da Secretaria de Segurança Pública e do projeto UPP, demonstram que é cada vez mais constante no cotidiano carioca a adoção de políticas de lei e ordem. Em tempos de Jornada Mundial da Juventude, Copa do Mundo e Olimpíadas, controlar, vigiar, punir, neutralizar são expressões que se destacam nas políticas de segurança pública. As esta-tísticas oficiais demonstram que a adoção de políticas de lei e ordem provocaram, nos últimos cinco anos, crescimento significativo da população carcerária fluminense, com destaque para as prisões provisórias e para o elevado aumento de adolescentes apreen-didos, o que gerou sérias consequências para a execução penal e contribuiu para o au-mento do déficit de vagas do sistema penitenciário do estado do Rio de Janeiro.


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En la Enfermedad Coronaria (EC) existen factores genéticos, socioculturales, medioambientales y raciales adicionales a los factores de riesgo cardiovascular mayores que podrían influir en su presentación. Se desconoce el impacto de la raza en la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria en los pacientes extranjeros que son enviados a nuestro Servicio. Objetivos: Comparar la severidad de la EC multivaso en una población de pacientes de las Antillas y Nacionales, pareados por la escala Framingham. Metodología: Realizamos un estudio de corte transversal, comparando pacientes colombianos contra pacientes provenientes de las Antillas holandesas con similares factores de riesgo según escala de Framingham, catalogándolos por grupos de riesgo bajo, intermedio, alto y muy alto. Todos con EC severa multivaso documentada por angiografía coronaria desde enero del 2009 hasta Junio de 2011. Se excluyeron pacientes con antecedentes de intervención percutánea o quirúrgica previa. Resultados: Ingresaron 115 pacientes internacionales y 115 pacientes nacionales. La relación hombres/mujeres 3:1. La proporción de grupos de riesgo fue de bajo riesgo 2.5%, intermedio 15%, alto 19.3%, y muy alto 63.4%. El Syntax Score en pacientes nacionales fue 14.3+/-7.4 y en internacionales 22.2+/-10.5 p: 0.002. Conclusiones: En pacientes provenientes de las Antillas Holandesas, valorados en nuestra institución, se observó una mayor severidad de la enfermedad coronaria comparada con una población nacional con factores de riesgo similares. Estos hallazgos sugieren la influencia de la raza y factores genéticos en la severidad y extensión de la EC


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Objetivo: Determinar la concordancia entre microscopia de luz vs microscopia electrónica de transmisión para la detección de Biopeliculas en pacientes con Rinosinusitis Crónica Diseño: Estudio de concordancia. Materiales y Métodos: Analizamos 34 muestras de pacientes llevados a Cirugía Endoscópica Funcional por Rinosinusitis Crónica. Fueron procesadas para valoración mediante microscopia de luz usando Hematoxilina-Eosina, Gram, Acido Peryódico de Schiff, Giemsa y Microscopia Electrónica de Transmisión (MET). Resultados: No se identificaron Biopelícula en ninguna de las muestras analizadas bajo Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión (MET), estos resultados son concordantes con los resultados obtenidos con las coloraciones histológicas Hematoxilina-Eosina (H-E), Gram, Giemsa y Acido Peryódico de Schiff (PAS), mostrando una concordancia absoluta con test de Kappa para resultados negativos del 100%. Conclusión: Existe una alta concordancia entre los hallazgos observados entre la MET y la Microscopia de luz para los resultados negativos


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Purpose. To assess the relative clinical success of orthokeratology contact lenses (OK) and distance single-vision spectacles (SV) in children in terms of incidences of adverse events and discontinuations over a 2-year period. Methods. Sixty-one subjects 6 to 12 years of age with myopia of - 0.75 to - 4.00DS and astigmatism =1.00DC were prospectively allocated OK or SV correction. Subjects were followed at 6-month intervals and advised to report to the clinic immediately should adverse events occur. Adverse events were categorized into serious, significant, and non-significant. Discontinuation was defined as cessation of lens wear for the remainder of the study. Results. Thirty-one children were corrected with OK and 30 with SV. A higher incidence of adverse events was found with OK compared with SV (p < 0.001). Nine OK subjects experienced 16 adverse events (7 significant and 9 non-significant). No adverse events were found in the SV group. Most adverse events were found between 6 and 12 months of lens wear, with 11 solely attributable to OK wear. Significantly more discontinuations were found with SV in comparison with OK (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The relatively low incidence of adverse events and discontinuations with OK is conducive for the correction of myopia in children with OK contact lenses.


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This work has as object the elaboration of social environmental indicator of disaster risk that are present in precarious areas of human occupation, related to intense environmental dynamic from the perspective of the studies about the subject in Geography. The District of Mãe Luiza in Natal, capital city of Rio Grande do Norte, was defined as the study area. The place was chosen because it presents –historically- several vulnerability conditions and exposure to disaster risk. After a local social environmental description, two indexes were elaborated: the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI or IVS in Portuguese), based on 17 (seventeen) variables arranged on a questionnaire addressed to the population nucleus of the district, on regular grid (systematic sampling), classified into 5 (five) levels of SV from the weighted average; and the Physical and Natural Exposure to the Mass Movements Index (EMMI or IEMM in Portuguese) which had 16 (sixteen) variables that feature conditions of exposure to the mass movements in the district with classified levels from the weighted average of 1 (one) to 5 (five). The relationship between these two results, specialized in the district map, produced the Social Environmental Vulnerability Index (SEVI or IVSA in Portuguese) of Mãe Luiza, also classified into 5 (five) levels, following the Boolean logic correlation for cartographic overlay with use of computer software ArcGIS v.9.3, being named as: Very Low; low; average; high; and Very High Environmental Vulnerability in District. The study is based on the methodology proposed by Guerra et al (2009) for EMMI and by Almeida (2010) for SVI. They were modified and adapted according to the local reality, producing a new methodology in this study area. It was concluded that the neighborhood has most of its area with High and Very High Socio-environmental vulnerability to disasters, defined seven (7) critical areas, with Very High IVSA, and hazards associated with mass movements or flooding. In the end, the main issues that were found, such as generating elements for proposing mitigation measures and/or the proposed interventions were enumerated, related to structural order of vulnerability factors: how low constructive pattern of households; poor urban drainage; Real Estate forsaken in landslide routes; infrastructure ready access roads and slope containment. And social: as a lack of education about environmental risk; income and education of residents; presence of persons with limited mobility and/or those with special needs. This reality highlights the need for urgent action applied to the resolution and/or reduction of these problems, which is focusing the end of this work.