24 resultados para Oligarchies


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In spatial environments we consider social welfare functions satisfying Arrow’s requirements, i.e. weak Pareto and independence of irrelevant alternatives. Individual preferences measure distances between alternatives according to the Lp-norm (for a fixed p => 1). When the policy space is multi-dimensional and the set of alternatives has a non-empty interior and it is compact and convex, any quasi-transitive welfare function must be oligarchic. As a corollary we obtain that for transitive welfare functions weak Pareto, independence of irrelevant alternatives, and non-dictatorship are inconsistent if the set of alternatives has a non-empty interior and it is compact and convex.


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[ES]La formación de oligarquías municipales es un fenómeno que, arrancando de la Baja Edad Media, va alcanzando madurez durante la época de los Austrias. En ese tiempo fue posible hacer compatible el crecimiento del poder real con el mantenimiento del poder de las oligarquías en su territorio. En el presente trabajo se analizan el desarrollo y las peculiaridades de este proceso en las principales villas de la Cornisa Cantábrica.


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Getulio Vargas foi o grande estadista do Brasil do século vinte. Vindo de uma família de senhores de terra, Getulio Vargas comandou a transição do Brasil de uma economia agrária para uma economia industrial. Um nacionalista, ele foi capaz de chamar os empresários industriais, a burocracia pública e os trabalhadores urbanos para um pacto político e uma estratégia nacionaldesenvolvimentista. Com um governo autoritário entre 1930 e 1945, ele quebrou a hegemonia das oligarquias agrária e mercantilista que dominavam o Brasil até então. Um populista, ele foi o primeiro político a estabelecer uma relação com o povo ao invés de apenas com suas elites. Em seu segundo governo, entre 1951 e 1954, ele completou seu projeto nacional. Depois dele e do governo Kubitschek, a revolução industrial e a capitalista do Brasil iniciada em 1940 podia ser considerada completa – o que abriu espaço para uma democracia mais consolidada no país.


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The characteristics of the Brazilian historic context, under which the predominant social relations have developed, have led to a process of income concentration and to the political power of the dominant classes. The slavery abolishment hasn't guaranteed the people the rights secured to privileged citizens in general. Such practices were observed during historic process as the low level literacy shown by the census of 1920, the political domination of oligarchies and the military coup, all as determining factors in process of political power concentration. The social indicators and the corruption are extremely unfavorable to our country, but we wonder if that happens only in underdeveloped societies. It is possible that even the American society, even the most developed societies, under the democratic capitalism, can suffer negative consequences of some corruption in the capitalism system. Our observations have led to the perception that all democratic society must be regulated by the State in order to preserve the stability of the system. It has also been observed that it is necessary more effective popular participation in order to neutralize economic groups¿ pressure. It has also become evident the necessity of reduction of commissioned office in the federal public administration. And, finally, it is fundamental to propose an amendment to the construction that allows the Public Ministry to have access to any bank, fiscal or telephonic information of anyone that is in office: It should be called "The Law of Moral Transparency". Those proposals will only be possible if there is massive popular participation and we hope that they express our people¿s will in order to appose to those who act only to obtain private benefits.


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The thought of Eloy de Souza is studied (1873-1959), that left a significant intellectual production in the journalistic, cultural and politicial scope on the Northeast and the dilemmas of the droughts. Through the method of content analysis, his journalistic and literary speech is investigated, looking at to understand the elaboration and/ or reiteration of categories, of representations and of values; it is verified how was conceived the constitution of the political thought and which is it´s principal slopes; the parliamentary speech, present in his interventions is analyzed in plenary session, participation in commissions and in his projects, particularly in the thematic area of the droughts. It is verified that his work is built in a political and ideological perspective inserting the bourgeoisie landowner's interests and Northeastern commercial and of it´s political strata, inside the historical block of agro-industry power that has as irradiation focus the area of the coffee represented politically by the oligarchies person from São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In that sense, two crucial categories emerge: the droughts and the country, as the Northeastern and Brazilian man's synthesis, with their resistance capacity and adaptation, and their creative effort in an adverse enviroment, that Eloy de Souza started to insert in his political speech. However, the vision that he passes of the "country suffer", expresses a certain idealization of a lifestyle that corresponds to a traditional dominance, that he want´s to be reproduced. Although it looked for the solution for the drought through the modernization of the economy by the adoption of advanced methods as the irrigation, his concern went back to the conservation of the economical and cultural political hegemony of that elite. Thus, his inquietude with the process of integration of the subordinate sections, justifies his consensual speech, harmonic as organic intellectual of the agrarian-commercial bourgeoisie of the Brazilian Northeast


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Esse artigo tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir aspectos de interesse sanitário no processo de imigração estrangeira para o estado de São Paulo, na primeira década após a proclamação da República. Objetiva também apresentar as relações da imigração com a formação dos serviços sanitários estaduais e com a elaboração do modelo tecno-assistencial por eles adotado a partir da década de 1890. Num momento em que a febre amarela era a mais freqüente e letal das epidemias que afetavam o estado, matando principalmente os estrangeiros, a defesa do fluxo migratório foi um dos fios condutores das ações em saúde pública. A combinação entre os interesses da cafeicultura, a expansão ferroviária, imigração e febre amarela definiu os rumos da ação sanitária promovida pelas oligarquias no poder nesse período em São Paulo. A organização autoritária do Estado brasileiro não dava espaço à implantação de ações individuais de assistência à saúde. Sempre reivindicada pela população urbana e rural, somente com o desenvolvimento da medicina previdenciária no país, na década de 1930, difundiram-se as ações de assistência individual à saúde.


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Our goal is to investigate the reasons behind the presence of clientelist-type practices among the popular classes in Brazil, highlighting the decade of the 1990s. Our proposal gives salience to factors regarding the phenomenon's socio-political conjuncture, thereby taking us beyond explanations that rely exclusively on historical-cultural aspects or that sustain an economic bias. We use bibliographic and journalistic sources, from which we develop our own interpretation of the period. Thus, we observe that clientelist practices are encouraged to manifest themselves at the level of national political organization particularly within the federal sphere yet are also reflected at state and municipal levels, due to the coalition of political forces created through the implantation of a neoliberal project in Brazil. The latter has joined modern Brazilian social democracy and old regional oligarchies situated primarily within the PFL, PP, PTB and certain sectors of the PMDB, whose representatives are known for their attachment to patrimonialist and paternalistic practices. The inclusion of the latter in the conservative pact that has promoted neo-liberal political reform has thus meant awarding new value to such practices. Herein lies partial explanation for the vigor with which practices such as fisiologismo, apadrinhamento, abuse of state machinery, buying and selling of votes and clientelism have manifested themselves on the national scene over the course of the 1990s.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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This paper analyzes patterns of political mobility of a specific social stratum - immigrants and their descendants - in the western region of São Paulo, where coffee economy prevailed since the last quarter of the XIXth century. We investigate the main agents of local politics in seven cities: from the traditional oligarchic regime characteristic of the Old Republic to the processes of political transformation in the thirties that resulted in the post-war re-democratization, when a recomposition of local political elites takes place.


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En el marco del proyecto modernizador de las oligarquías rioplatenses, la enseñanza de la Historia cumplió un papel significativo. En ese proceso, sus integrantes, a través de distintos órganos de dirección gubernamental, intercambiaron, debatieron y enunciaron sus posturas respecto del papel que ésta debía cumplir. Este artículo tiene como objetivos valorar los aportes de las publicaciones oficiales de las Direcciones de Educación de Uruguay y Argentina como fuentes para el estudio del tema, hasta el momento, escasamente estudiadas desde el enfoque de la Historia de la Historiografía; y observar los argumentos expresados acerca de la pertinencia de la enseñanza de la Historia.


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Las villas y aldeas de Castilla recorrieron juntas un largo y difícil camino desde los siglos medievales, cuando se fueron conformando como cuerpos políticos, basados en servicios recíprocos que aspiraban a alcanzar el bien común del conjunto. La naturaleza jerárquicamente desigual de dicho cuerpo fue acentuándose y las cabezas jurisdiccionales llevaron a la práctica unas relaciones de dominio cada vez más acusado frente a las aldeas. En estas comunidades rurales, linajes en ascenso aspiraban, no obstante, a ampliar sus propias cotas de autogobierno. La armonía que debía presidir el cuerpo común de villas y aldeas fue desapareciendo, y la política regia de ventas de villazgos con fines hacendísticos, iniciada por Carlos V, respondió a una demanda de segregación que solucionaba al mismo tiempo las aspiraciones jurisdiccionales de las comunidades rurales y de sus nuevas oligarquías así como las necesidades de ingresos extraordinarios de la real hacienda