995 resultados para Oil mill wastewater
Palm oil is one of the two most important vegetable oils in the world's oil and fats market. The extraction and purification processes generate different kinds of waste generally known as palm oil mill effluent (POME). Earlier studies had indicated the possibility of using boiler fly ash to adsorb impurities and colour in POME treatment. The adsorption treatment of POME using boiler fly ash was further investigated in detail in this work with regards to the reduction of BOD, colour and TSS from palm oil mill effluent. The amount of BOD, colour and TSS adsorbed increased as the weight of the boiler fly ash used was increased. Also, the smaller particle size of 425µm adsorbed more than the 850µm size. Attempts were made to fit the experimental data with the Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms. The R² values, which ranged from 0.8974-0.9898, 0.8848-0.9824 and 0.6235-0.9101 for Freundlich, Langmuir and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms respectively, showed that Freundlich isotherm gave a better fit followed by Langmuir and then Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm. The sorption trend could be put as BOD > Colour > TSS. The apparent energy of adsorption was found to be 1.25, 0.58 and 0.97 (KJ/mol) for BOD, colour and TSS respectively, showing that sorption process occurs by physiosorption. Therefore, boiler fly ash is capable of reducing BOD, Colour and TSS from POME and hence could be used to develop a good adsorbent for POME treatment.
Calcium precipitation can have a number of effects on the performance of high-rate anaerobic performance including cementing of the sludge bed, limiting diffusion, and diluting the active biomass. The aim of this study was to observe the influence of precipitation in a stable full-scale system fed with high-calcium paper factory wastewater. Granules were examined from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (volume 1,805 m(3)) at a recycled paper mill with a loading rate of 5.7-6.6 kgCOD.m(-3).d(-1) and influent calcium concentration of 400-700 gCa(.)m(-3). The granules were relatively small (1 mm), with a 200-400 mum core of calcium precipitate as observed with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Compared to other granules, Methanomicrobiales not Methanobacteriales were the dominant hydrogen or formate utilisers, and putative acidogens were filamentous. The strength of the paper mill fed granules was very high when compared to granules from other full-scale reactors, and a partial linear correlation between granule strength and calcium concentration was identified.
Olive mill wastewater, hereafter noted as OMWW was tested for its composition in phenolic compounds according to geographical areas of olive tree, i.e. the plain and the mountainous areas of Tadla-Azilal region (central Morocco). Biophenols extraction with ethyl acetate was efficient and the phenolic extract from the mountainous areas had the highest concentration of total phenols' content. Fourier-Transform-Middle Infrared (FT-MIR) spectroscopy of the extracts revealed vibration bands corresponding to acid, alcohol and ketone functions. Additionally, HPLC-ESI-MS analyses showed that phenolic alcohols, phenolic acids, flavonoids, secoiridoids and derivatives and lignans represent the most abundant phenolic compounds. Nüzhenide, naringenin and long chain polymeric substances were also detected. Mountainous areas also presented the most effective DPPH scavenging potential compared to plain areas; IC50 values were 11.7 ± 5.6 µg/ml and 30.7 ± 4.4 µg/ml, respectively. OMWW was confirmed as a rich source of natural phenolic antioxidant agents.
This study investigated the application of an advanced oxidation process combining hydrogen peroxide with ultraviolet radiation (H2O2/UV) to remove recalcitrant compounds from Kraft bleaching effluent. Anaerobic pre-treatment was performed to remove easily degraded organics using a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor. Bleaching plant effluent was treated in the HAIB reactor processed over 19 h of hydraulic retention time (HRT), reaching the expected removal efficiencies for COD (61 +/- 3%), TOC (69 +/- 9%), BOD5 (90 +/- 5%) and AOX (55 +/- 14%). However, the anaerobic treatment did not achieve acceptable removal of UV254 compounds. Furthermore, there was an increase of lignin, measured as total phenols. The H2O2/UV post-treatment provided a wide range of removal efficiencies depending on the dosage of hydrogen peroxide and UV irradiation: COD ranged from 0 to 11%, UV254 from 16 to 35%, lignin from 0 to 29% and AOX from 23 to 54%. All peroxide dosages applied in this work promoted an increase in the BOD5/COD ratio of the wastewater. The experiments demonstrate the technical feasibility of using H2O2/UV for post-treatment of bleaching effluents submitted to anaerobic pre-treatment.
For the energy valorization of alperujo, residue of the olive oil two phases extraction process, it is necessary to perform a drying process to reduce moisture content from over 60% to less than 10%. In order to reduce primary energy consumption and get an economic return, usually in this kind of drying facilities Gas Turbine CHP is used as a heat source. There have been recently in Spain some fires in this kind of GT-CHP facilities, which have caused high material losses. In some of these fires it has been suggested that the fire was caused by the output of incandescent alperujo in the flue gasesof the drying system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine experimentally and analytically under which operational conditions a process of alperujo self-ignition in the drying process can begin, and determine the actual fire hazard in this type of TG-CHP system. For analytical study, the temperature and initial composition of the combustion gases of the Gas Turbine at the entrance of the drying process was calculated and the gas equilibrium conditions reached in contact with the biomass were calculated and, therefore, the temperature of the biomass during the drying process. Moreover, the layer and dust ignition temperature of alperujo has been experimentally determined, according to EN 50281-2-1: 2000. With these results, the operating conditions of the drying process, in which there are real risk of auto-ignition of alperujo have been established.Para la valorización energética del alperujo, residuo del proceso de extracción en dos fases del aceite de oliva, es necesario realizar un proceso de secado para reducir su contenido de humedad de más del 60% al 10% m/m en b.h. Con el fin de reducir el consumo de energía primaria y obtener una rentabilidad económica, normalmente en este tipo de instalaciones de secado se usa la cogeneración con turbina de gas (TG) como fuente de calor. En España en los últimos años han ocurrido algunos casos de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones de cogeneración, que han supuesto pérdidas materiales muy elevadas. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar analítica y experimentalmente las condiciones operativas del secadero bajo las cuales podría comenzar un proceso de autoinflamación del alperujo y determinar el riesgo real de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones. Para el estudio analítico, se ha planteado y validado el modelo matemático que permite calcular la temperatura y la composición de los gases de combustión a la entrada y a la salida del secadero, en función de las curvas características de la TG, de las condiciones atmosféricas, del caudal y del grado de humedad de la biomasa tratada. El modelo permite además calcular la temperatura de bulbo húmedo, que es la máxima temperatura que podría alcanzar la biomasa durante el proceso de secado y determinar la cantidad de biomasa que se puede secar completamente en función del caudal y de las condiciones de entrada de los gases de combustión. Con estos resultados y la temperatura mínima de autoinflamación del alperujo determinada experimentalmente siguiendo la norma EN 50281- 2-1:2000, se demuestra que en un proceso de secado de alperujo en condiciones normales de operación no existe riesgo de autoencendido que pueda dar origen a un incendio.
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Biofuels derived from industry waste have potential to substitute fossil fuels (Diesel and Gasoline) in internal combustion (IC) engines. Use of waste streams as fuels would help to reduce considerably life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and minimise waste processing costs. In this study an investigation into the fuel properties of two waste derived biofuels were carried out, they are: (i) Glidfuel (GF) biofuel - a waste stream from paper industry, and (ii) Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) biodiesel - biodiesel produced from palm oil industry effluent through various treatment and transesterification process. GF and POME was mixed together at various proportions and separately with fossil diesel (FD) to assess the miscibility and various physical and chemical properties of the blends. Fuel properties such as kinematic viscosity, higher heating value, water content, acid number, density, flash point temperature, CHNO content, sulphur content, ash content, oxidation stability, cetane number and copper corrosion ratings of all the fuels were measured. The properties of GF, POME and various blends were compared with the corresponding properties of the standard FD. Significance of the fuel properties and their expected effects on combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of the IC engine were discussed. Results showed that most properties of both GF and POME biodiesel were comparable to FD. Both GF and POME were miscible with each other, and also separately with the FD. Flash point temperatures of GF and POME biodiesel were 40.7°C and 158.7°C respectively. The flash point temperature of GF was about 36% lower than corresponding FD. The water content in GF and FD were 0.74 (% wt) and 0.01 (% wt) respectively. Acidity values and corrosion ratings of both GF and POME biodiesel were low compared to corresponding value for FD. The study concluded that optimum GF-POME biofuel blends can substitute fossil diesel use in IC engines.
The production of olive oil generates several by-products that can be seen as an additional business opportunity. Among them are the olive pits, already used for heat and/or electricity generation in some mills. They contain compounds that are commercially very interesting and, if recovered, contribute to the sustainability of the olive mills. The work presented in this paper is a preliminary evaluation of the economic feasibility of implementing a system based on a batch prototype with 1 m3 for the extraction of high value-added bioactive molecules from olive pits that are separated during the production of virgin olive oil. For the analysis, a small representative olive mill in Portugal was considered and the traditional Discounted Cash Flow Method was applied. Based on the assumptions made, the simple payback for implementation a system for the extraction of value-added molecules from the olive pits is around 7 years.
In this work, oil mill wastewater (OMW), a residue generated during olive oil extraction, was evaluated as an inducer of rhamnolipid production. Using a medium containing as sole ingredients corn steep liquor (10%, v/v), sugarcane molasses (10%, w/v) and OMW (25%, v/v), Pseudomonas aeruginosa #112 produced 4.5 and 5.1 g of rhamnolipid per liter in flasks and reactor, respectively, with critical micelle concentrations as low as 13 mg/l. Furthermore, in the medium supplemented with OMW, a higher proportion of more hydrophobic rhamnolipid congeners was observed comparing with the same medium without OMW. OMW is a hazardous waste which disposal represents a serious environmental problem; therefore, its valorization as a substrate for the production of added-value compounds such as rhamnolipids is of great interest. This is the first report of rhamnolipid production using a mixture of these three agro-industrial by-products, which can be useful for the sustainable production of rhamnolipids.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Le acque di vegetazione (AV) costituiscono un serio problema di carattere ambientale, sia a causa della loro elevata produzione sia per l’ elevato contenuto di COD che oscilla fra 50 e 150 g/l. Le AV sono considerate un refluo a tasso inquinante fra i più elevati nell’ambito dell’industria agroalimentare e la loro tossicità è determinata in massima parte dalla componente fenolica. Il presente lavoro si propone di studiare e ottimizzare un processo non solo di smaltimento di tale refluo ma anche di una sua valorizzazione, utlizzandolo come materia prima per la produzione di acidi grassi e quindi di PHA, polimeri biodegradabili utilizzabili in varie applicazioni. A tale scopo sono stati utilizzati due bioreattori anaerobici a biomassa adesa, di identica configurazione, con cui si sono condotti due esperimenti in continuo a diverse temperature e carichi organici al fine di studiare l’influenza di tali parametri sul processo. Il primo esperimento è stato condotto a 35°C e carico organico pari a 12,39 g/Ld, il secondo a 25°C e carico organico pari a 8,40 g/Ld. Si è scelto di allestire e mettere in opera un processo a cellule immobilizzate in quanto questa tecnologia si è rivelata vantaggiosa nel trattamento continuo di reflui ad alto contenuto di COD e carichi variabili. Inoltre si è scelto di lavorare in continuo poiché tale condizione, per debiti tempi di ritenzione idraulica, consente di minimizzare la metanogenesi, mediata da microrganismi con basse velocità specifiche di crescita. Per costituire il letto fisso dei due reattori si sono utilizzati due diversi tipi di supporto, in modo da poter studiare anche l’influenza di tale parametro, in particolare si è fatto uso di carbone attivo granulare (GAC) e filtri ceramici Vukopor S10 (VS). Confrontando i risultati si è visto che la massima quantità di VFA prodotta nell’ambito del presente studio si ha nel VS mantenuto a 25°C: in tale condizione si arriva infatti ad un valore di VFA prodotti pari a 524,668 mgCOD/L. Inoltre l’effluente in uscita risulta più concentrato in termini di VFA rispetto a quello in entrata: nell’alimentazione la percentuale di materiale organico presente sottoforma di acidi grassi volatili era del 54 % e tale percentuale, in uscita dai reattori, ha raggiunto il 59 %. Il VS25 rappresenta anche la condizione in cui il COD degradato si è trasformato in percentuale minore a metano (2,35 %) e questo a prova del fatto che l’acidogenesi ha prevalso sulla metanogenesi. Anche nella condizione più favorevole alla produzione di VFA però, si è riusciti ad ottenere una loro concentrazione in uscita (3,43 g/L) inferiore rispetto a quella di tentativo (8,5 g/L di VFA) per il processo di produzione di PHA, sviluppato da un gruppo di ricerca dell’università “La Sapienza” di Roma, relativa ad un medium sintetico. Si può constatare che la modesta produzione di VFA non è dovuta all’eccessiva degradazione del COD, essendo questa nel VS25 appena pari al 6,23%, ma piuttosto è dovuta a una scarsa concentrazione di VFA in uscita. Questo è di buon auspicio nell’ottica di ottimizzare il processo migliorandone le prestazioni, poiché è possibile aumentare tale concentrazione aumentando la conversione di COD in VFA che nel VS25 è pari a solo 5,87%. Per aumentare tale valore si può agire su vari parametri, quali la temperatura e il carico organico. Si è visto che il processo di acidogenesi è favorito, per il VS, per basse temperature e alti carichi organici. Per quanto riguarda il reattore impaccato con carbone attivo la produzione di VFA è molto ridotta per tutti i valori di temperatura e carichi organici utilizzati. Si può quindi pensare a un’applicazione diversa di tale tipo di reattore, ad esempio per la produzione di metano e quindi di energia.
Dissertação submetida à Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Microbiologia Aplicada.
The purpose of this thesis work was the valorization of the main by-products obtained from olive oil production chain (wastewater and pomace) and their utilization in innovative food formulation. In the first part of the thesis, an olive mill wastewater extract rich in phenols were used in the formulation of 3 innovative meat products: beef hamburgers, cooked ham and würstels. These studies confirms that olive mill wastewaters extract rich in phenols could be an alternative for the reduction/total replacement of additives (i.e., nitrites) in ground and cooked meat preparations, which would promote the formulation of healthier clean label products and improve the sustainability of the olive oil industry with a circular economy approach, by further valorizing this olive by-product. In the second part of the thesis, the lipid composition and oxidative stability of a spreadable product obtained from a fermented and biologically de-bittered olive pomace, was assessed during a shelf-life study. This study confirmed that olive pomace represents an excellent ingredient for the formulation of functional foods In the third and last part of the thesis, carried out at the Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona, Spain), during a period abroad (3 months), three extracts obtained from purification of olive mill wastewaters, were subjected to in-vitro digestion and characterized. From the analysis of the three phenolic extracts, it emerged that the most promising extract to be used in the food field is the spry-dried one. Thanks to its formulation containing maltodextrins it manages to maintain its antioxidant capacity even after being underwent to in-vitro digestion. This thesis work is a part of the PRIN 2015 project (PROT: 20152LFKAT) "Olive phenols as multifunctional bioactives for healthier food: evaluation of simplified formulation to obtain safe meat products and new foods with higher functionality", coordinated by University of Perugia.
Although most of the accidents occurred in Olive Oil Mill (OOM) resulted from “basic” risks, there is a need to apply adequate tools to support risk decisions that can meet the specificities of this sector. This study aims to analyse the views of Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) practitioners about the risk assessment process in OOM, identifying the key difficulties inherent to the risk assessment process in these sector, as well as identifying some improvements to the current practice. This analysis was based on a questionnaire that was developed and applied to 13 OSH practitioners working at OOM. The results showed that the time available to perform the risk assessment is the more frequent limitation. They believe that the methodologies available are not an important limitation to this process. However, a specific risk assessment methodology, that includes acceptance criteria adjusted to the OOM reality, using risk metrics supported on the frequency of accidents and workdays lost, were indicated as being also an important contributions improve the process. A semi-quantitative approach, complemented with the use of the sector accident statistics, can be a good solution for this sector. However, further strategies should also be adopted, mainly those that can lead to an easy application of the risk assessment process.
Olive mill wastewaters (OMW) and vinasses (VS) are effluents produced respectively by olive mills and wineries, both sectors are of great economic importance in Mediterranean countries. These effluents cause a large environmental impact, when not properly processed, due to their high concentration of phenolic compounds, COD and colour. OMW may be treated by biological processes but, in this case, a dilution is necessary, increasing water consumption. The approach here in proposed consists on the bioremediation of OMW and VS by filamentous fungi. In a screening stage, three fungi (Aspergillus ibericus, Aspergillus uvarum, Aspergillus niger) were selected to bioremediate undiluted OMW, two-fold diluted OMW supplemented with nutrients, and a mixture of OMW and VS in the proportion 1:1 (v/v). Higher reductions of phenolic compounds, colour and COD were achieved mixing both residues; with A. uvarum providing the best results. In addition, the production of enzymes was also evaluated during this bioremediation process, detecting in all cases lipolytic, proteolytic and tannase activities. A. ibericus, A. uvarum and A. niger achieved the highest value of lipase (1253.7 ± 161.2 U/L), protease (3700 ± 124.3 U/L) and tannase (284.4 ± 12.1 U/L) activities, respectively. Consequently, this process is an interesting alternative to traditional processes to manage these residues, providing simultaneously high economic products, which can be employed in the same industries.