1000 resultados para Neoplasias das Glândulas Suprarenais


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OBJETIVO: este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar a freqüência relativa e a distribuição das neoplasias epiteliais benignas e malignas de glândulas salivares. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte histórica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: registradas no Laboratório de Patologia e Citologia, em Aracaju-SE, no período de janeiro de 1980 a dezembro de 1999, considerando-se as variáveis sexo, idade, tipo racial, localização anatômica e diagnóstico histopatológico. RESULTADO: Dos 162.312 casos registrados, 245 (0,15%) foram de neoplasias epiteliais de glândulas salivares, sendo 187 de natureza benigna (76,33%) e 58 (23,67%) malignas. O adenoma pleomórfico foi o tumor benigno mais identificado (89,94%) e o carcinoma adenóide cístico foi o representante maligno mais prevalente (22,41%). As neoplasias benignas ocorreram principalmente entre as 2º e 3º décadas de vida, exibindo predileção pelo sexo feminino, enquanto as malignas foram diagnosticadas entre as 6º e 7º décadas de vida, sendo as mulheres o principal alvo. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que o padrão epidemiológico das neoplasias estudadas está em consonância com a maioria da literatura pesquisada.


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Pós-graduação em Biopatologia Bucal - ICT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Salivary gland neoplasms exhibit a wide variety of biological behavior and a high morphological diversity raises the interest in researching these lesions. The stem cells are the main source for the generation and maintenance of cell diversity, disorders in the regulation of these cells can lead to the production of altered stem cells, termed cancer stem cells capable of generate the tumor. Researches on cancer stem cells and associated proteins have been developed in some oral cancers; however, their role in salivary gland neoplasms is not well established. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the tumor parenchyma cells exhibiting stem cell characteristics, by evaluating the immunoreactivity of OCT4 and CD44, in a number of cases of salivary gland neoplasms. The sample consisted of 20 pleomorphic adenomas, 20 mucoepidermoid carcinomas and 20 adenoid cystic carcinoma located in minor and major salivary glands. The expression of OCT4 and CD44 was evaluated by the percentage of positive cells (PP) and the intensity of expression (IE), it is realized the sum of the scores, resulting in the total score immunostaining (PIT) ranging 0-7. All studied cases showed positive expression of OCT4 and CD44 and higher values than the control groups. It was observed that for OCT4 luminal cells and non-luminal were immunostained in the case of pleomorphic adenomas and adenoid cystic carcinoma. Already the immunoreactivity of CD44 was particularly evident in the non-luminal cells of these lesions. In mucoepidermoid carcinomas for both markers, there was immunoreactivity in squamous and intermediate cells and absence of staining mucous cells. For both markers, a statistically significant higher immunostaining was verified in neoplasms located in the major salivary glands compared with lesions in the minor salivary (p<0.001). At the total sample and in the group of minor salivary glands, malignant neoplasms exhibited higher immunoreactivity for OCT4 than pleomorphic adenoma. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the lesions and between their classifications histomorphologic. Analyzing the correlation between OCT4 and CD44 immunoexpressions, a statistically significant moderate positive correlation (r = 0.444) was observed. The high expression of OCT4 and CD44 may indicate that these proteins play an important role in identifying cancer stem cells, allowing a prediction of biological behavior of salivary gland neoplasms.


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A neurofibromatose é uma doença que pode afectar todos os órgãos. As suas manifestações clínicas podem ser muito variáveis e associam-se-lhe, frequentemente, neoplasias. é o caso do feocromositoma, que na sua forma benigna, coexiste em 10 % dos casos; contudo, a descrição da associação com a forma maligna é uma raridade, o que justifica o interesse da divulgação da nossa experiência. Salientamos, no entanto, que o feocromocitoma não é a única causa de hipertensão na doença de Von Recklinghausen.


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Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de uma mulher de 51 anos, internada por Hipertensão Arterial (H.T.A.) grave, com paroxismos, não controlável médicamente. A investigação clínico laboratorial-Imagiológica, permitiu detectar um feocromocitoma da glândula supra-renal direita, que foi excisado cirurgicamente com êxito. Discutem em seguida o Diagnóstico,diferencial, e terminam com uma breve revisão da literatura dos aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos, preparação préoperatória e de técnica cirúrgica mais relevantes.


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OBJETIVO: neoplasias de células de Hurthle são tumores da glândula tireóide de baixa incidência que apresentam muitas controvérsias quanto à distinção entre carcinomas e adenomas. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar fatores preditores de malignidade neste tipo específico de neoplasia. MÉTODOS: entre janeiro de 1999 e junho de 2006, 56 casos de neoplasia de células de Hurthle foram diagnosticados em nossa instituição e foram estudados retrospectivamente. RESULTADOS: trinta e sete pacientes apresentaram diagnóstico patológico de adenoma de células de Hurthle (ACH), enquanto 19 casos foram diagnosticados como carcinoma de células de Hurthle (CCH). No grupo de pacientes com adenomas a idade média foi de 47,8 anos, sendo que trinta e cinco (94%) eram do sexo feminino e apenas dois (5,5%) casos do sexo masculino. O tamanho médio dos adenomas foi de 2,1 cm variando de 0,3 a 6,0 cm. Entre os 19 casos de carcinomas a média de idade foi de 51,1 anos, sendo quatorze casos em mulheres (73%) e cinco em homens (26,4%). O tamanho médio dos nódulos neste grupo foi de 3,8 cm, variando de 2,0 cm a 7,5 cm. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com neoplasias de células de Hurthle apresentando nódulos maiores que três centímetros, principalmente em homens, apresentam maior risco de malignidade.


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The expression of glucose transporter protein 1 (GLUT-1), as well the angiogenesis has been associated to clinical behavior and aggressiveness in tumors of various origin. It is believed that the expression of this protein denotes metabolic demand of the tumor cells and, thus its influence upon the formation of new blood vessels. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and the adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) represent, respectively, the most commom benign and malignant tumors of salivary glands. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the immunohistochemical expression of GLUT-1 and its correlation with angiogenesis in cases of PAs, ACCs and MECs considering their histological grades. The sample consisted of 20 PAs, 20 ACCs and 10 MECs. The cases were analyzed and classified according to their histological grades. The expression of GLUT-1 was evaluated in the parenchyma lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells, according to the following scores: 0 (no cell immunomarked), 1 (up to 25% of tumor cells immunostained), 2 (25 - 50% of tumor cells immunostained) and 3 (more than 50% of tumor cells immunostained). The angiogenic index was analyzed by counting the microvessels immunostained by anti-CD34 antibody, in 5 fields (200X). The analysis of the expression of GLUT-1 in tumor parenchyma showed statistically significant differences between benign and malignant groups (p = 0.022). The average number of microvessels in PAs was 40.4, 21.2 in ACCs and 66.5 in MECs, with significant differences between groups (p <0.001). When compared to the expression of GLUT-1 and angiogenic index as a whole, there was no significant correlation between the number of microvessels and the expression of GLUT-1 (r = 0.211, p = 0.141). In conclusion, the results of this study suggest not only that differences in biological behavior between PAs, ACCs and MECs may be associated to the expression of GLUT-1, but also that benign and malignant salivary gland present differences in the average number of microvessels, with higher levels considered more aggressive tumors. Furthermore, the number of newly formed microvessels can be independent of the metabolic demand of the tumor cells


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Upper eyelid tumours, particularly basal cell carcinomas, are relatively frequent. Surgical ablation of these lesions creates defects of variable complexity. Although several options are available for lower eyelid reconstruction, fewer surgical alternatives exist for upper eyelid reconstruction. Large defects of this region are usually reconstructed with two-step procedures. In 1997, Okada et al. described a horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap for reconstruction of a large upper eyelid defect in a single operative time. However, no further studies were published regarding the use of this particular flap in upper eyelid reconstruction. In addition, this flap is not described in most plastic surgery textbooks. The authors report here their experience of 16 cases of horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flaps used to reconstruct full-thickness defects of the upper eyelid after tumour excision. The tumour histological types were as follows: 12 basal cell carcinomas, 2 cases of squamous cell carcinomas, 1 case of sebaceous cell carcinoma and 1 of malignant melanoma. This technique allowed closure of defects of up to 60% of the eyelid width. None of the flaps suffered necrosis. The mean operative time was 30 min. No additional procedures were necessary as good functional and cosmetic results were achieved in all cases. No recurrences were noted. In this series, the horizontal V-Y myotarsocutaneous advancement flap proved to be a technically simple, reliable and expeditious option for reconstruction of full-thickness upper eyelid defects (as wide as 60% of the eyelid width) in a single operative procedure. In the future this technique may become the preferential option for such defects.


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Foram estudados tumores de mama em cadelas, comparando o seu padrão citológico, obtido através da Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF), com os resultados da histopatologia. Num período de um ano, as cadelas trazidas ao Hospital Veterinário -- UNESP -- Câmpus de Jaboticabal foram submetidas a exérese cirúrgica dos tumores mamários. As amostras foram avaliadas de acordo com parâmetros estruturais utilizados nos tumores mamários humanos, como grau de atipia, critérios nucleares, padrão de cromatina e nucléolos, alta celularidade e pouca coesão intercelular. Utilizaram-se estes critérios para diferenciar tumores mamários benignos de malignos com 63% de diagnósticos concordantes, sensibilidade de 73% e especificidade de 83%. Nossos dados mostraram ter uma correlação positiva com o prognóstico, demonstrando que é possível reconhecer variáveis estruturais de malignidade na citopatologia para obter um diagnóstico precoce e um prognóstico seguro.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Foi avaliada, no presente estudo, a prevalência dos casos de tumores benignos e malignos de glândulas salivares maiores e menores que ocorreram na população atendida no hospital Dr. Luiz Antônio Natal/RN, no período de 1989 a 2005, bem como as possíveis associações existentes entre os aspectos clínico e patológicos exibidos pelos referidos tumores, visando à obtenção de parâmetros indicadores de diagnóstico e/ou prognóstico. Dos prontuários dos pacientes foram obtidas todas as informações clínicas necessárias para a realização do trabalho. A análise dos dados revelou que dos 303 tumores de glândula salivar estudados, a maioria (71%) foram benignos, o mais comum foi adenoma Pleomórfico. As médias de idades para os tumores benignos e malignos foi de 49,2 e 58,5 anos, respectivamente. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre estes tumores foram observadas para as seguintes variáveis: idade média, o tamanho do tumor e duração da doença. Em relação ao tamanho do tumor, carcinoma mucoepidermoide mostrou-se 1,74 vezes menor que o de outros tumores malignos. Uma associação entre o diagnóstico histológico e variável consistência do tumor foi observada. Os dados apresentados neste estudo são relevantes para a compreensão das diversas características exibidas por estes tumores, já que corroboram uma série de estudos anteriores


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The balance between the expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) has been related to various physiological and pathological processes, including salivary gland morphogenesis and tumor invasion and metastasis processes. Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) and adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) respectively represent benign and malignant neoplasias of salivary glands. Although they share the same cell origin, they present distinct biological behavior. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of MMPs -2, -7, -9 and -26, and of TIMPs -1 and -2, in cases of PA and ACC of minor salivary glands. Twenty cases of PA and twenty cases of ACC were assessed according to the presence, intensity and location of MMPs and TIMPs in the tumor parenchyma. Most of the PAs and ACCs presented a high expression of MMP -2, -7, -9 and -26 and of TIMP -1 and -2, predominantly located in tumor cells. There was no significant difference in the expression of MMPs -2 (p=0.359), -7 (p=0.081) and -26 (p=0.553), as well as of TIMPs -1 (p=0.657) and -2 (p=0.248), between the parenchyma of PAs and ACCs. However, MMP-9 showed a significant difference of expression between the two tumors, with the ACC showing more intense marking for this gelatinase (p=0.041). The strong expression of MMP-9 observed in the parenchyma suggests that this gelatinase may play an important role in the biological behavior of these tumors. On the other hand, although there was no significant difference between the marking of MMP -2, 7 and 26 in the studied tumors, the data, when analyzed as a whole, suggest that these proteases may take part in the process of tissue remodeling in both tumors, but do not present a direct relation with the pattern of aggressiveness of ACC. Nonetheless, matrilisins may indirectly influence the behavior of this tumor due to their capacity of activating MMP-9, strongly expressed in the parenchyma of ACC