1000 resultados para Neoclassicism (Art)


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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Includes indexes.


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"Catalogo cronologico delle opere di Antonio Canova, pubblicato dal C.L. Cicognara": p. [117]-132.


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Ce mémoire de maîtrise est consacré à un aspect peu étudié de l'art de Jacques-Louis David, c'est-à-dire l'influence caravagesque dans les œuvres de l'artiste. Les différentes périodes de la production de l'artiste sont étudiées en fonction d'identifier cette influence et la façon dont elle s'est manifestée. Cette influence est apparue à partir de la deuxième moitié du 18e siècle dans la peinture française pendant une période de réforme de l'art pictural. Jacques-Louis David n'est pas le seul artiste à s'être intéressé au caravagisme. L'intérêt pour Caravage et ses suiveurs coïncidait aussi avec un intérêt pour le naturalisme et le dessin d'après nature. Le maître de David, Joseph-Marie Vien, a joué un rôle important dans la promotion de ces deux notions. C'est lors de son premier voyage en Italie avec son maître Vien que Jacques-Louis David entra pour la première fois en contact avec le caravagisme. C'est à partir de ce moment que son oeuvre commença à se transformer alors que l'artiste s'affranchit de l'influence de la peinture rococo. Le Salon de 1781 qui suivra ce voyage sera un moment très important dans sa carrière et les œuvres qu'il y présenta étaient grandement marquées par le caravagisme, ce qui se manifeste par la couleur, la lumière et par le rendu naturaliste du corps. Le jumelage entre le naturalisme et l'idéalisme joue un rôle important dans la formation de l'esthétique davidienne. Après ce Salon, l'influence caravagesque s'exprimait de façon moins évidente dans son œuvre, mais elle était toujours présente et se manifestait plutôt par l'emprunt de motifs. Nous avons identifié cette influence jusqu'à la fin de la carrière de l'artiste. Nous voyons aussi dans ce mémoire que le rapport entre David et Caravage peut aussi être effectué par le biais d'une manifestation d'homosexualité et d'androgynie dans le travail des deux artistes. Ce mémoire n'est pas axé sur l'interprétation des œuvres, mais plutôt sur des analyses qui permettent de mettre en évidence l'influence caravagesque


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In this article, the author discusses how she applied autoethnography in a study of the design of hypermedia educational resources and shows how she addressed problematic issues related to autoethnographic legitimacy and representation. The study covered a 6-year period during which the practitioner’s perspective on the internal and external factors influencing the creation of three hypermedia CD-ROMs contributed to an emerging theory of design. The author highlights the interrelationship between perception and reality as vital to qualitative approaches and encourages researchers to investigate their reality more fully by practicing the art of autoethnography.


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Designers and artists have integrated recent advances in interactive, tangible and ubiquitous computing technologies to create new forms of interactive environments in the domains of work, recreation, culture and leisure. Many designs of technology systems begin with the workplace in mind, and with function, ease of use, and efficiency high on the list of priorities. [1] These priorities do not fit well with works designed for an interactive art environment, where the aims are many, and where the focus on utility and functionality is to support a playful, ambiguous or even experimental experience for the participants. To evaluate such works requires an integration of art-criticism techniques with more recent Human Computer Interaction (HCI) methods, and an understanding of the different nature of engagement in these environments. This paper begins a process of mapping a set of priorities for amplifying engagement in interactive art installations. I first define the concept of ludic engagement and its usefulness as a lens for both design and evaluation in these settings. I then detail two fieldwork evaluations I conducted within two exhibitions of interactive artworks, and discuss their outcomes and the future directions of this research.


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An international festival that champions a pioneer role in promoting media/digital art in Hong Kong. Apart from organising international video screenings in which the latest media art with the most recent trend and development being introduced, a series of artist-in-resident workshops, exhibitions, seminars and symposiums were also hosted with a view to enhancing culture exchange and stimulating media art creation among overseas and local artists


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Jacques Ranciere's work on aesthetics has received a great deal of attention recently. Given his work has enormous range – taking in art and literature, political theory, historiography, pedagogy and worker's history – Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross (UNSW) seek to explore his wider project in this interview, while showing how it leads to his alternative insights into aesthetics. Rancière sets aside the core suppositions linking the medium to aesthetic judgment, which has informed many definitions of modernism. Rancière is emphatic in freeing aesthetic judgment from issues of medium-specificity. He argues that the idea of autonomy associated with medium-specificity – or 'truth to the medium' – was 'a very late one' in modernism, and that post-medium trends were already evident in early modernism. While not stressing a simple continuity between early modernism and contemporary art, Ranciere nonetheless emphasizes the ethical and political ramifications of maintaining an a-disciplinary stance.


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The service-orientation paradigm has not only become prevalent in the software systems domain in recent years, but is also increasingly applied on the business level to restructure organisational capabilities. In this paper, we present the results of an extensive literature review of 30 approaches related to service identification and analysis for both domains. Based on the consolidation of a superset of comparison criteria for service-oriented methodologies found in related literature, we compare and evaluate the different characteristics of service engineering methods with a focus on service analysis. Although a close business and IT alignment is regarded as one of the core beneficial promises of service-orientation, our analysis suggests that there is a lack of unified, comprehensive methodology for service identification and analysis integrating and addressing both domains. Thus, we discuss how our results can inform directions for future research in this area.