991 resultados para Narrative poem


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O tema desta Dissertação de Mestrado é a análise dos conceitos de analogia e assurreição (objetos formais) na obra Soledades (objeto material) de Luis de Góngora, bem como suas implicações filosóficas e formais. Pretendi fazer uma análise do poema, tendo em vista perseguir a seguinte hipótese: a desmesura e a desproporção que as Soledades apresentam não são fruto de um mero capricho estilístico. Elas nascem de uma intervenção do furor poético, entendido como furor divino. Góngora teve acesso a essas concepções mediante o influxo de ideias herméticas e neoplatônicas na Península Ibérica. Tais influxos são responsáveis por uma amplificação especialmente aguda da doutrina da analogia. O desdobramento máximo dessa ênfase no princípio da analogia é propriamente a assurreição, tal como definida por Claude-Gilbert Dubois. A partir desses elementos, esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretendeu proceder a uma análise de alguns motivos, cenas e trechos do poema narrativo Soledades, de Luis de Góngora y Argote, mostrando como ele elabora a doutrina da analogia de proporcionalidade e em que momento essa analogia aguda produz a assurreição, ou seja, o corte transversal na hierarquia dos corpos institucionais, movimento este em geral entendido em termos teológicos e políticos como heresia. Por outro lado, há a importante relação entre hermetismo, neoplatonismo e literatura na Renascença, bem como a maneira pela qual a doutrina do furor poético se infiltrou nas artes e na poesia espanholas por via italiana nos séculos XVI e XVII. Concentrei-me no conceito de assurreição e na análise do deslocamento metafísico-teológico das analogias de proporcionalidade presentes nas Soledades, cotejando-as com a distribuição dos lugares naturais de cada elemento do cosmos, fixada sobretudo por Santo Tomás de Aquino, a maior autoridade da teologia católica na Península Ibérica do século XVII


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These poems mark the fault lines of myth, dream and memory, of a doubled identity emerging from the clash of war, desire and the cacophony of the city. 1974/Dead Sister , a narrative poem with a cast that includes Lewis Carroll’s Alice, Freud’s Dora, the Lady of Shalott, Ophelia, Esther, female cowboys and other deposed goddesses is ‘an autobiography’ of an imaginary dead twin. Alev Adil delineates the traces of a sense of displacement, but while the poems mark those frenetic uncertainties and erasures they celebrate the plenitude of new stories, epistemologies and possibilities born out of falling into fracture (the fracture of memory, gender, identity, culture) more than they mourn any loss. Venus Infers is haunted by the deities of ancient Greek myths and their contemporary manifestations. Eurydice is hiding out in Hackney, sometimes glimpsed on the Jubilee Line; Ariadne remembers her ancient palace as she prowls the endless corridors of a London hotel; Penelope still waits for peace in the ruins of Marash/Varosha. Cyprus often features in these poems, both as a landscape for myth and as a site for contemporary, and contested, memories. [From the Author]


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Fra Bernat Hug de Rocabertí (c.1420-1485) was a prominent member of the Order of the Hospital in the Crown of Aragon in which to attain the dignity of Castilian of Amposta, the most important dignity in the Crown. This work is a historical biography of him, since he entered into the Order by the hand of his brotherin- law, fra Joan de Vilagut, until he became a confidant of King Joan II and his side took part in Catalan Civil War in the fifteenth century. In parallel, Rocabertí also devoted himself to poetry and wrote at least two pieces, the Estrampa, so far unpublished, here this work is published critically, and La glòria d’amor, a long narrative poem, which is a study of possible chronology. Moreover, also studied other people linked to Bernat Hug, like his brothers, authors of some interesting battle letters, also published for the first time, or their brothers-inlaw, among them Joan de Vilagut, also a poet, and Guillem Tinter, who had a poetic Exchange with Vilagut. The whole work is accompanied by transcription of an interesting collection of documents.


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This essay aims to analyze the book Engano geográfico Marília Garcia, published in 2012. It is a long narrative poem that recounts a trip through Spanish and French landscapes, and which allows to question various shifts of the poetic voice. One of them, marked by the duplicity between geographic and poetic journey which I could characterize as a be­ 76 Revista semestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – UFES tween-place given by the sign of waiting. A second, through a dialogical instance that allows a process of depoetization of the language with its permeability to other voices. Finally, through the presence of several pronouns “I”, “he”, “she”, “you”, without explicit textual reference, and that would indicate a kind of closeness of the loving attention.


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El Romance nueuamente hecho de Calisto y Melibea, pliego suelto impreso en 1513 (Jacobo Cromberger, Sevilla), un "romance-cuento" (según Menéndez Pidal) de 680 versos octosilábicos, atestigua una pronta transformación genérica: de la prosa dramática de Celestina a un poema narrativo con narrador extradiegético. La trama concisa incluye los típicos motivos narrativos del romancero hispánico (por ejemplo, el protagonista como un cazador) y acentúa el tema del pecado y el castigo (tomado de los paratextos de Celestina), también presente en los primeros pliegos sueltos cantados por ciegos. Existen evidencias de que el texto base ha sido la Comedia, no la Tragicomedia. Este texto temprano debería ser considerado un hito en la historia de la celestinesca


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El Romance nueuamente hecho de Calisto y Melibea, pliego suelto impreso en 1513 (Jacobo Cromberger, Sevilla), un "romance-cuento" (según Menéndez Pidal) de 680 versos octosilábicos, atestigua una pronta transformación genérica: de la prosa dramática de Celestina a un poema narrativo con narrador extradiegético. La trama concisa incluye los típicos motivos narrativos del romancero hispánico (por ejemplo, el protagonista como un cazador) y acentúa el tema del pecado y el castigo (tomado de los paratextos de Celestina), también presente en los primeros pliegos sueltos cantados por ciegos. Existen evidencias de que el texto base ha sido la Comedia, no la Tragicomedia. Este texto temprano debería ser considerado un hito en la historia de la celestinesca


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El Romance nueuamente hecho de Calisto y Melibea, pliego suelto impreso en 1513 (Jacobo Cromberger, Sevilla), un "romance-cuento" (según Menéndez Pidal) de 680 versos octosilábicos, atestigua una pronta transformación genérica: de la prosa dramática de Celestina a un poema narrativo con narrador extradiegético. La trama concisa incluye los típicos motivos narrativos del romancero hispánico (por ejemplo, el protagonista como un cazador) y acentúa el tema del pecado y el castigo (tomado de los paratextos de Celestina), también presente en los primeros pliegos sueltos cantados por ciegos. Existen evidencias de que el texto base ha sido la Comedia, no la Tragicomedia. Este texto temprano debería ser considerado un hito en la historia de la celestinesca


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Narrative poem.


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Narrative poem.


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A narrative poem.


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El concurso de transformación mágica, esquema narrativo difundido en la tradición popular, se presenta en dos variantes principales: los hechiceros que compiten pueden metamorfosearse en varios seres o crear esos seres por medios mágicos. En cualquier caso el concursante ganador da a luz criaturas más fuertes que superan las de su oponente. La segunda variante fue preferida en el antiguo Cercano Oriente (Sumeria, Egipto, Israel). La primera se puede encontrar en algunos mitos griegos sobre cambiadores de forma (por ejemplo, Zeus y Némesis). El mismo esquema narrativo puede haber influido en un episodio de la Novela de Alejandro (1.36-38), en el que Darío envía regalos simbólicos a Alejandro y los dos monarcas enemigos ofrecen contrastantes explicaciones de ellos. Esta historia griega racionaliza el concurso de cuento de hadas, transfiriendo las fantásticas hazañas de creaciones milagrosas a un plano secundario pero realista de metáfora lingüística.


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This doctoral thesis entitled “Miguel Botelho de Calvalho‟s Poetry. Study and edition of Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe (1621) and Rimas Varias (1646)” is born to approach Miguel Botelho de Carvalho‟s (1595-?) life and works. He was a Portuguese poet that lived during the Spanish monarchy reign (1580-1668) and is inexorably referred to in the works of Portuguese poets who wrote in Spanish during the 17th century. The works by this author of which we are certain were written from 1621 to 1646 – namely: an epyllion about the love affairs between Píramo and Tisbe (Fábula de Píramo y Tisbe, Madrid, 1621), a pastoral novel (Prosas y versos del pastor de Clenarda, Madrid 1621), as well as the works printed after his travel to India. This last period includes his narrative poem divided into six cantos, La Filis (1641) and another publication containing two works: a poetic anthology entitled Rimas varias and his approach to drama in Tragicomedia del martir d’Ethiopía (Ruán, 1646). Botelho de Carvalho is constantly being referred to among the critics, above all in general studies about that period. Few of them have delved into the author, nonetheless. The treatment given to writers who are included both in Portuguese and Spanish philosophical streams is still a niche to be explored nowadays and that highly contributes to a deeper knowledge of reality, which is on many occasions not looked at...


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This doctoral dissertation examines the description of the North as it appears in the Old English Orosius (OE Or.) in the form of the travel accounts by Ohthere and Wulfstan and a catalogue of peoples of Germania. The description is discussed in the context of ancient and early medieval textual and cartographic descriptions of the North, with a special emphasis on Anglo-Saxon sources and the intellectual context of the reign of King Alfred (871-899). This is the first time that these sources, a multidisciplinary approach and secondary literature, also from Scandinavia and Finland, have been brought together. The discussion is source-based, and archaeological theories and geographical ideas are used to support the primary evidence. This study belongs to the disciplines of early medieval literature and (cultural) history, Anglo-Saxon studies, English philology, and historical geography. The OE Or. was probably part of Alfred s educational campaign, which conveyed royal ideology to the contemporary elite. The accounts and catalogue are original interpolations which represent a unique historical source for the Viking Age. They contain unparalleled information about peoples and places in Fennoscandia and the southern Baltic and sailing voyages to the White Sea, the Danish lands, and the Lower Vistula. The historical-philological analysis reveals an emphasis on wealth and property, rank, luxury goods, settlement patterns, and territorial divisions. Trade is strongly implied by the mentions of central places and northern products, such as walrus ivory. The references to such peoples as the Finnas, the Cwenas, and the Beormas appear in connection with information about geography and subsistence in the far North. Many of the topics in the accounts relate to Anglo-Saxon aristocratic culture and interests. The accounts focus on the areas associated with the Northmen, the Danes and the Este. These areas resonated in the Anglo-Saxon geographical imagination: they were curious about the northern margin of the world, their own continental ancestry and the geography of their homeland of Angeln, and they had an interest in the Goths and their connection with the southern Baltic in mythogeography. The non-judgemental representation of the North as generally peaceful and relatively normal place is related to Alfredian and Orosian ideas about the unity and spreading of Christendom, and to desires for unity among the Germani and for peace with the Vikings, who were settling in England. These intellectual contexts reflect the innovative and organizational forces of Alfred s reign. The description of the North in the OE Or. can be located in the context of the Anglo-Saxon worldview and geographical mindset. It mirrors the geographical curiosity expressed in other Anglo-Saxon sources, such as the poem Widsith and the Anglo-Saxon mappa mundi. The northern section of this early eleventh-century world map is analyzed in detail here for the first time. It is suggested that the section depicts the North Atlantic and the Scandinavian Peninsula. The survey of ancient and early medieval sources provides a comparative context for the OE Or. In this material, produced by such authors as Strabo, Pliny, Tacitus, Jordanes, and Rimbert, the significance of the North was related to the search for and definition of the northern edge of the world, universal accounts of the world, the northern homeland in the origin stories of the gentes, and Carolingian expansion and missionary activity. These frameworks were transmitted to Anglo-Saxon literary culture, where the North occurs in the context of the definition of Britain s place in the world.