983 resultados para Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg


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BACKGROUND: The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate the content of ellagic acid in fruits consumed by the Brazilian population, including native ones; (2) to further characterize rich sources in relation to ascorbic acid, phenolics contents and in vitro antioxidant capacity; and (3) to study the distribution and effect of ripening stage on ellagitannins content of jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba). The content of free ellagic acid and ellagic acid derivatives such as ellagitannins was analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). RESULTS: Ellagic acid was detected in 10 out of a total of 35 fruits analyzed. The content of free ellagic acid in fruits varied from 0.0028 to 0.085 g kg(-1) (FW) and total ellagic acid varied from 0.215 to 3.11 g kg(-1) (FW). All the seven fruits belonging to the Myrtaceae family evaluated in this study presented high contents of ellagitannins in their composition, with jabuticaba, grumixama and cambuci (all native from Brazil) showing the highest total ellagic acid contents. Jabuticaba, the most consumed in Brazilamongthose and already adapted to commercial plantations, contained concentrated phenolics compounds, including ellagitannins, in the peel. Anthocyanins (cyanidin derivatives) increased significantly through ripening of jabuticaba and were not present in the pulp or seeds. Samples collected from three different locations during summer, winter and spring had total ellagic contents varying from 1.88 to 3.31 g kg(-1) (FW). The decrease in ellagic acid content with ripening was more accentuated for pulp (eight times) compared to seeds (2.3 times) and peel (2.0 times). CONCLUSION: These results showed the potential of jabuticaba as dietary source of ellagic acid and reinforced consumption of the whole fruit by the population. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram avaliadas jabuticabas 'sabará' maduras, acondicionadas em bandejas de polietileno tereftalato, revestidas externamente com filme plástico de PVC, esticável e alto aderente, de 12 e 20 micras, e em bandejas de poliestireno expandido, revestidas externamente com filme plástico de PVC, esticável e alto aderente, de 12 e 20 micras. Cada bandeja recebeu 25 frutos. As bandejas foram armazenadas à temperatura de 11±1ºC com 98%UR e em condições de ambiente (23,6 a 28,3ºC com 53,7 a 68,3%UR). Como controle utilizaram-se frutos acondicionados em bandejas de polietileno tereftalato (12x20x5cm) não recobertas com filme plástico. Considerando-se os resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que o uso de embalagem associada à baixa temperatura reduziu a perda de massa fresca, prolongou a vida-útil dos frutos com manutenção da aparência até 6 dias, não influenciou na evolução dos teores de acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis totais e pH, mas interferiu na evolução de carboidratos solúveis e vitamina C. Os frutos acondicionados não recobertos com filme plástico e armazenados em condições ambiente resistiram 2 dias, mas ao final não apresentaram aparência aceitável para comercialização, pois haviam emurchecido e enrugado. As condições de refrigeração (11±1ºC) melhoraram a resistência dos frutos acondicionados não recobertos com filmes plásticos, entretanto, após 4 dias apresentaram má aparência.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de jabuticabas submetidas a diferentes temperaturas de armazenamento refrigerado (AR). Após a colheita, os frutos fisiologicamente maduros foram acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), revestidas por filme plástico de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e armazenados sob refrigeração a 0; 3; 6; 9 e 12 ± 1ºC e U.R. 87 ± 2%, sendo avaliados a cada 5 dias. Os frutos foram avaliados quanto à perda de massa, atividade respiratória, pH, acidez titulável, sólidos solúveis, ácido ascórbico, textura, pectina total e solúvel, atividade da enzima polifenoloxidase (PFO), compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante. Para frutos refrigerados a 9 e 12ºC, o pico respiratório atrasou em relação aos demais tratamentos, além de apresentarem as menores taxas respiratórias. O teor de sólidos solúveis aumentou com o tempo de armazenamento para todas as temperaturas, contudo, em 9 e 12ºC, esse aumento foi em menor proporção. A firmeza e o teor de ácido ascórbico também foram superiores nos frutos armazenados a 9 e 12ºC, enquanto os contéudos de pectina solúvel foram menores. Observou-se a diminuição da atividade da enzima PFO ao longo dos 30 dias do AR, independentemente da temperatura utilizada; entretanto, os menores valores foram encontrados nos frutos mantidos a 9 e 12ºC. Os frutos armazenados a 12ºC apresentaram os maiores conteúdos de compostos fenólicos totais e a maior atividade antioxidante ao final do experimento. Nesse sentido, a temperatura de 12ºC foi a mais efetiva na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita das jabuticabas.


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This study aimed to evaluate the hydrothermal effect on conservation of two jabuticaba fruits, Myrciaria jabuticaba Vell. Berg. Fruits were subjected to thermal treatment by 10 min at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC and wrapped into expanded polystyrene trays, stored at 9 ºC and 85-90% RH, being evaluated every 5 d. Shelf life, weight loss, respiratory rate, soluble solids, titrable acidity, texture, C vitamin, pH, total and soluble pectin and polypheno loxidase activity were evaluated. Lower shelf life was observed for control treatment (31 d) and largest was found at 15, 20 and 25 ºC (45 d). A sligthly delay was observed in the breathing pick at 15, 20 and 25 ºC at 25 d and not in the 20 d as observed in the other treatments. Soluble solids increased with storage time for all of temperature treatment, but at 15, 20 and 25 ºC increase was smaller. Texture an C vitamin were higher in fruits stored at 25 ºC. Soluble pectin was smaller at the end of storage period, at temperatures of 20 and 25 ºC. Polyphenoloxidase activity decreased along 30 d regardless storage temperature. Treatments at 20 and 25 ºC were the most effective for mainteining posthaverst quality of the jabuticaba fruits.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A jabuticabeira é considerada uma das fruteiras mais típicas do Brasil. Entretanto, há poucos estudos sobre esta planta na literatura, e mesmo sua classificação botânica é muito controvertida. Este trabalho faz comparações entre as espécies de jabuticabeiras, usando as técnicas de marcadores morfológicos (organografia) e moleculares RAPD. As características morfológicas das plantas, usadas como marcadores morfológicos, foram comparadas com espécimes presentes nos herbários dos Estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais e com as descrições obtidas em revisão de literatura especializada. As diferenças moleculares entre as espécies foram determinadas por meio do uso de marcadores RAPD. O experimento foi realizado nas cidades de Piracicaba, Jaboticabal e Ituverava do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Diferenças morfológicas e moleculares entre as plantas estudadas foram identificadas, e quatro grupos distintos de espécies foram definidos: Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg, M. coronata Mattos, M. jaboticaba (Vell.) O. Berg. e M. phytrantha (Kiaersk.) Mattos. A técnica de marcadores moleculares, aliada à técnica de marcadores morfológicos, mostrou ser uma ferramenta importante na identificação de espécies de jabuticabeiras.


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The GC-MS analysis revealed that the leaf essential oils of Myrciaria tenella (DC.) Berg and Calycorectes sellowianus O. Berg (Myrtaceae) were composed of 34 and 37 compounds, respectively. The main constituents of M. tenella oil were beta-caryophyllene (25.1%), and spathulenol (9.7%), while for C. sellowianus were guaiol (13.1%) and beta-caryophyllene (8.6%). The anti-inflammatory effect of both essential oils was investigated in vitro and in vivo. Both oils reduced significantly (p < 0.005) the treated neutrophils chemotaxis with 93% and 91% inhibition for M. tenella and C. sellowianus, respectively. However, in the systemic treatment with the essential oils (50 mg/kg p.o.) only the M. tenella oil was able to significantly reduce the carrageenan-induced paw edema with a similar effect to that observed for indomethacin (10 mg/kg), the positive control.


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The jabuticaba fruit tree from classified in the Myrtaceae family and Plinia genre. There are about nine species of this fruit tree, that include as most important, Plinia trunciflora (jabuticaba de cabinho), naturally occurring in southwestern Paraná State, Brazil, P. cauliflora (jabuticaba Paulista or Jabuticaba Açu) and P. jaboticaba (Vell) (jabuticaba sabará), with all the over species producing fruit for the industry or fresh consumption. Nevertheless, there aren‟t commercial orchards with this culture, with highest yield part from extractive. This fact can be combined with lack of technical knowledge for the plants produce in the field. As these species are found in the forest, the first point is whether they can adapt to other light intensity conditions. The aim of this work was to identify the adaptive behavior of jabuticaba fruit seedling and tree when they were put in different light intensities and what this can be considered ideal for the growth, as well as, its influence in the leaves secondary compounds production. Two experiments were conducted, with the first involved with the study of the seedlings and the second with plants in the field. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Paraná State - Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized and a block design with four treatments and four replications of 10 seedlings or two plants per plot, according to nursery or orchard conditions, respectively. The treatments were base according to the light intensity. The treatments used were, 1 - full sun, similar the orchard condition, with 0% shading; 2 - side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition; 3 - side and top cover with shade cloth, representing stage where the forest canopy is closing, focusing only indirect sunlight; 4 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a closed canopy condition, with PPD (photon flux density) of 10% (90% shading); 5 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a more open canopy condition with PPD 65% (35% shading). The growth and development seedling and plant characteristics were evaluated once by month, as also, during time part in the plants the secondary metabolites leaves, soil activity microbiological and the fresh and dry matter root and shoot and, root length from seedlings. For the growth and development of jabuticaba Açú Paulista seedling recommend to use of side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition. In orchard, for the growth and development of plants jabuticaba Híbrida tree it was recommended the use of side and top cover with shade cloth of some type. For production of secondary metabolites of leaves, the plant must to be full sunlight condition orchard.


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Numerous natural compounds found in fruits, grains and vegetables have antioxidant activity. This work aimed to characterize jabuticaba seeds (Myrciaria cauliflora Berg) by proximate composition, antioxidant activity and fatty acids profile of their extracted oil. To obtain the extract, the dehydrated and triturated seeds were extracted with ethyl alcohol for 30 min, at a proportion of 1:3 of seeds:ethyl alcohol, under continuous agitation, at room temperature. Afterwards, the mixture was filtered and the supernatant dehydrated at 40 °C aiming to determine, by direct weighing, the extract's dry matter yield. According to the results, the jabuticaba seeds are an important source of total carbohydrates, and also presented relevant antioxidant activity. In the jabuticaba seeds oil, a significant percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids stood out, with linoleic and α-linolenic being the main component, essentials fatty acids.


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Different solvents were evaluated for the extraction of jabuticaba anthocyanin pigments, identifying, quantifying and verifying the stability of the anthocyanins, as well as the conduction of three antioxidant activity assays and determination of the vitamin C levels. The maceration with ethanol acidified with HCl 1.5 mol L-1 (85:15) provides better pigment extraction and stability. The skin is anthocyanin rich, presenting 1.59 and 2.06 g 100 g-1 of dry matter in the Paulista and Sabará varieties, respectively. Cyanidin 3-glucoside is the majority pigment of the skins, followed by delphinidin 3-glucoside. The highest level of vitamin C was found in the skins and seeds of both varieties. It was verified that the skins, presented more antioxidant activity, in free radical capture, as well as in retarding the lipid oxidation process.


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The purpose of this study is to examine the reception of Matthew 5 in Martin Luther s sermons; in other words to investigate how Luther interprets and applies Jesus teaching of the better righteousness and the law in Mt 5. The study applies the reception-historical approach and contributes to the history of effects and the history of interpretation in New Testament exegesis. The study shows that Luther understands the better righteousness of Mt 5 as good works and fulfillment of the law. Luther s interpretation coheres with the intention of the Evangelist, even if Luther s overall concept of righteousness is foreign to Matthew. In Luther s view righteousness is twofold: The greater righteousness of Mt 5 is the second and the actual righteousness (iustitia activa), which follows the first and the foreign righteousness (iustitia passiva). The first righteousness (faith) is for Luther the work of God, while the second righteousness (good works) is co-operation between a Christian and God. In this co-operation the law, as it is taught by Jesus, is not the opposite of the gospel, but the gospel itself in the sense of Christ as an example . The task of the law is to show the dependence of a Christian on God and to help one to love and to serve one s neighbour (brothers as well as enemies) properly. The study underlines a feature in Luther s thinking that has received little attention in Lutheran theology: Luther insists on preaching the law to Christians. In his view Mt 5 is directed to all Christians and particularly to pastors, for whom Jesus here gives an example of how to preach the law. Luther believes similarly to Matthew that Jesus reveals the real meaning of Mosaic Law and confirms its validity for Christians in Mt 5. Like Matthew, Luther insists on the practicability of the commandments of Mt 5 in his view Christians fulfil the law also with joy yet his interpretation of Mt 5 attenuates the radical nature of its commandments. Luther s reception of the individual pericopes of Mt 5 is considerably generative and occasionally contradictory, which is explained by the following factors, among others: Luther receives many ideas from tradition and reads them and his own theological concepts into Matthew s Gospel. He interprets Mt 5 through his understanding of some Old Testament passages as well as Paul. Most of all, Luther s reception of Mt 5 is shaped by his own experience as a preacher, by his relation to his religious enemies, rulers and to the congregation of Wittenberg. Here Luther shares with Matthew the experience of being opposed and concern about the upright living of the believers, which in both cases also explains the polemical tone of the paraenesis.