942 resultados para Mussa, Alberto. Enigma de Qaf


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Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC), Curs 2008-2009, Directora: Dra. Mònica Rius


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Ao trazer registros de como a cultura árabe ou o imigrante árabe foi representado pela literatura brasileira desde os escritos coloniais, pretendemos refletir sobre a ficção brasileira contemporânea, que, diferentemente dos períodos anteriores, lança um olhar profundo sobre a imigração árabe para o Brasil, o que possibilita uma releitura do processo de inserção do imigrante na sociedade brasileira, principalmente para os descendentes de primeira e segunda geração. O corpus escolhido é composto por duas narrativas: o romance Dois irmãos (2000), de Milton Assi Hatoum, escritor manaura, nascido em 1950, filho de imigrantes árabes sírio-libaneses; e a narrativa O enigma de Qaf (2004), de Alberto Mussa, carioca, nascido em 1961, neto de imigrantes árabes. Nossa pesquisa busca demonstrar que as obras ficcionais de escritores descendentes de imigrantes permitem uma reflexão densa sobre os conflitos da condição migrante, porém numa perspectiva diferente da visão estereotipada ou mesmo de uma tematização preconceituosa. Entendemos ser a literatura um espaço privilegiado para trazer à tona outras visões sobre a cultura árabe, deixando de lado, consequentemente, a única história já delineada pelo colonizador europeu, aquela contida nos livros didáticos, divulgada nos grandes meios de comunicação de massa e na história universal, segundo a qual os árabes são terroristas, fundamentalistas, desumanos, opressores da mulher, o turco da prestação, o vendedor ambulante. Trata-se, assim, de adotar um viés pós-colonial, segundo os estudos de Eloína Patri dos Santos (2005), na medida em que, sob tal viés, o colonizado pode relatar a sua experiência, de acordo com a sua própria versão, com a sua voz. A análise é elaborada por meio de três eixos: o ethos identitário, o pathos do exílio e o logos da memória. Com a abordagem desses eixos, buscamos enfatizar a construção, nos dois romances, de um espaço de enriquecimento cultural por meio de personagens despidos de exageros folclóricos, de uma ambientação sem exotismos, da tematização de ritos árabes sem estereótipos, e, principalmente, do maior legado da cultura árabe para a humanidade: a língua árabe. Buscamos, dessa forma, contribuir para uma maior compreensão da ficção brasileira contemporânea, além de colaborar com as pesquisas que tratam das representações e figurações do árabe produzidas no Brasil


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Despite a wide acceptance that primary producers in Australia subscribe to a stewardship ethic, land and water degradation remains an ongoing problem. Recent calculations suggest that the economic cost of Australia's environmental degradation is amounting to more than $A3.5 billion a year with an estimated cost of managing (not overcoming) problems of salinity, acidification, soil erosion totalling $A60 billion over the next decade. This paper argues that stewardship itself is an unsatisfactory concept when looking to landholders to respond to environmental problems, for rarely does the attitude of stewardship translate into behaviours of improving natural resource management practices on private land. Whilst there is some acceptance of the environmental problem among primary producers, a number of external constraints may also impede the uptake of conservation-orientated practices. In light of the prevailing accounts of poor adoption of sustainable practices a number of policy options are reviewed in this paper, including formal regional partnerships, regulatory frameworks and market-based measures. It is concluded that the contentious nature of some of these new opportunities for change will mean that any moves aimed at reversing environmental degradation in Australia will be slow.


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Meta-analyses estimate a statistical effect size for a test or an analysis by combining results from multiple studies without necessarily having access to each individual study's raw data. Multi-site meta-analysis is crucial for imaging genetics, as single sites rarely have a sample size large enough to pick up effects of single genetic variants associated with brain measures. However, if raw data can be shared, combining data in a "mega-analysis" is thought to improve power and precision in estimating global effects. As part of an ENIGMA-DTI investigation, we use fractional anisotropy (FA) maps from 5 studies (total N=2, 203 subjects, aged 9-85) to estimate heritability. We combine the studies through meta-and mega-analyses as well as a mixture of the two - combining some cohorts with mega-analysis and meta-analyzing the results with those of the remaining sites. A combination of mega-and meta-approaches may boost power compared to meta-analysis alone.


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The ENIGMA (Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis) Consortium was set up to analyze brain measures and genotypes from multiple sites across the world to improve the power to detect genetic variants that influence the brain. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) yields quantitative measures sensitive to brain development and degeneration, and some common genetic variants may be associated with white matter integrity or connectivity. DTI measures, such as the fractional anisotropy (FA) of water diffusion, may be useful for identifying genetic variants that influence brain microstructure. However, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) require large populations to obtain sufficient power to detect and replicate significant effects, motivating a multi-site consortium effort. As part of an ENIGMA-DTI working group, we analyzed high-resolution FA images from multiple imaging sites across North America, Australia, and Europe, to address the challenge of harmonizing imaging data collected at multiple sites. Four hundred images of healthy adults aged 18-85 from four sites were used to create a template and corresponding skeletonized FA image as a common reference space. Using twin and pedigree samples of different ethnicities, we used our common template to evaluate the heritability of tract-derived FA measures. We show that our template is reliable for integrating multiple datasets by combining results through meta-analysis and unifying the data through exploratory mega-analyses. Our results may help prioritize regions of the FA map that are consistently influenced by additive genetic factors for future genetic discovery studies. Protocols and templates are publicly available at (http://enigma.loni.ucla.edu/ongoing/dti-working-group/).


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The pattern of structural brain alterations associated with major depressive disorder (MDD) remains unresolved. This is in part due to small sample sizes of neuroimaging studies resulting in limited statistical power, disease heterogeneity and the complex interactions between clinical characteristics and brain morphology. To address this, we meta-analyzed three-dimensional brain magnetic resonance imaging data from 1728 MDD patients and 7199 controls from 15 research samples worldwide, to identify subcortical brain volumes that robustly discriminate MDD patients from healthy controls. Relative to controls, patients had significantly lower hippocampal volumes (Cohen’s d=−0.14, % difference=−1.24). This effect was driven by patients with recurrent MDD (Cohen’s d=−0.17, % difference=−1.44), and we detected no differences between first episode patients and controls. Age of onset ⩽21 was associated with a smaller hippocampus (Cohen’s d=−0.20, % difference=−1.85) and a trend toward smaller amygdala (Cohen’s d=−0.11, % difference=−1.23) and larger lateral ventricles (Cohen’s d=0.12, % difference=5.11). Symptom severity at study inclusion was not associated with any regional brain volumes. Sample characteristics such as mean age, proportion of antidepressant users and proportion of remitted patients, and methodological characteristics did not significantly moderate alterations in brain volumes in MDD. Samples with a higher proportion of antipsychotic medication users showed larger caudate volumes in MDD patients compared with controls. This currently largest worldwide effort to identify subcortical brain alterations showed robust smaller hippocampal volumes in MDD patients, moderated by age of onset and first episode versus recurrent episode status.


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The Enhancing NeuroImaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium is a collaborative network of researchers working together on a range of large-scale studies that integrate data from 70 institutions worldwide. Organized into Working Groups that tackle questions in neuroscience, genetics, and medicine, ENIGMA studies have analyzed neuroimaging data from over 12,826 subjects. In addition, data from 12,171 individuals were provided by the CHARGE consortium for replication of findings, in a total of 24,997 subjects. By meta-analyzing results from many sites, ENIGMA has detected factors that affect the brain that no individual site could detect on its own, and that require larger numbers of subjects than any individual neuroimaging study has currently collected. ENIGMA's first project was a genome-wide association study identifying common variants in the genome associated with hippocampal volume or intracranial volume. Continuing work is exploring genetic associations with subcortical volumes (ENIGMA2) and white matter microstructure (ENIGMA-DTI). Working groups also focus on understanding how schizophrenia, bipolar illness, major depression and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affect the brain. We review the current progress of the ENIGMA Consortium, along with challenges and unexpected discoveries made on the way.


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Our understanding of the origin and fate of the IgE-switched B cell has been markedly improved by studies in mouse models. The immediate precursor of the IgE-switched B cell is either a relatively naive nonswitched B cell or a mature IgG-switched B cell. These 2 routes are referred to as the direct and indirect pathways, respectively. IgE responses derived from each pathway differ significantly, largely reflecting the difference in time spent in a germinal center and thus time for clonal expansion, somatic hypermutation, affinity maturation, and acquisition of a memory phenotype. The clinical and therapeutic implications for IgE responses in human subjects are still a matter of debate, largely because the immunization procedures used in the animal models are significantly different from classical atopic sensitization to allergens from pollen and mites. On the basis of the limited information available, it seems likely that these atopic IgE responses are characterized by a relatively low IgG/IgE ratio, low B-cell memory, and modest affinity maturation, which fits well with the direct switching pathway. It is still unresolved how the IgE response evolves to cover a wide epitope repertoire involving many epitopes per allergen, as well as many different allergens from a single allergen source. © 2013 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.


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Resumen: El fragmento 194 (Kassel-Austin) del poeta cómico Antífanes, proveniente de su obra Safo (c. 360 a.C.), reproduce un diálogo entre la poetisa y un personaje desconocido que da cuenta de una adivinanza. La imagen propuesta de una mujer que protege a sus hijos, silenciosos, mientras lloran ante quien los quiera escuchar es, pues, resemantizada en el pasaje, a la vez, desde una dimensión política y un plano autorreferencial. Examinada inicialmente como una pólis que cobija a los demagogos corruptos, la escena familiar termina siendo decodificada en términos poéticos: se trata de una tablilla de escritura con letras que resultan sus mudos descendientes. El enigma, por tanto, supone una interesante estrategia para consolidar desde una visión cómica la polivalencia de la imagen maternal como un mecanismo metafórico eficiente para cargar las tintas sobre aquellas temáticas a las que el género concede un tratamiento privilegiado.


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Resumen: La Antigone de Sófocles y el Corpus Hippocraticum delinean ya los rasgos propios del derecho natural. La ética de Aristóteles, luego, ofrece una primera noción explícita del derecho natural, que San Alberto Magno comenta en Super ethica. Sin embargo, en De inventione de Cicerón el teólogo alemán encuentra su definición de derecho natural: “lo que cierta fuerza innata introdujo”. En De bono V q. 1 San Alberto determina los alcances de esta definición y completa una presentación acabada de la noción de derecho natural. También advierte San Alberto que el hombre, con respecto a la ciencia del intelecto práctico, se encuentra doblemente en potencia. Primero, está en potencia de conocer los principios primeros de esta ciencia y, segundo, una vez conocidos éstos, se encuentra en potencia de inferir a partir de ellos las conclusiones de la ciencia práctica. Poseídas estas conclusiones, finalmente, el hombre está en potencia de aplicarlas en la acción práctica. Intrigado por el modo en que los primeros principios son conocidos, San Alberto advierte que el conocimiento de las nociones correspondientes a estos principios sólo accidentalmente debe ser atribuido al descubrimiento o determinación de los nombres con los que llamamos a estos principios. En verdad, es necesaria la intervención de la luz del intelecto agente para llevar al acto el conocimiento de los principios. En este punto el discurso de San Alberto retorna a la definición ciceroniana: aquella fuerza innata que introduce el derecho natural no es otra que la luz del intelecto agente.


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Resumen: A finales de la década del treinta, especialmente luego de la visita de Maritain en 1936 a la Argentina, surgieron con mucha fuerza una serie de debates dentro de los círculos intelectuales católicos argentinos. Uno de los temas tratados, entre otros, fue el valor de la democracia y, especialmente, su posible justificación como sistema político y su concordancia con las enseñanzas de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, aun aquellos que defendían la democracia no representaban un grupo homogéneo: tanto las fuentes intelectuales a las que recurrían como los fundamentos antropológicos de sus argumentaciones eran diversas. El presente artículo se propone desarrollar la defensa de la democracia que hicieron R. Pividal y A. Duhau, dos de estos intelectuales católicos. Como intentaré demostrar, aun cuando coinciden en resaltar el valor de la democracia y su plena concordancia con el catolicismo, la recurrencia a autores diversos (Maritain y a través de él la oposición a Maurras y Rousseau en un caso y Adam Smith y el Liberalismo escocés en el otro) generan que las argumentaciones de uno y otro difícilmente coincidan en mucho más que en esa positiva valoración que hacen del sistema democrático.


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Fecha: 3-7-1937 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 1-1 / Nº de pág.: 2 (mecanografiadas)