976 resultados para Museums -- Educational aspects
Mode of access: Internet.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2015
La pedagogia museística ha evolucionat de forma considerable en els últims anys, passant d'unes teories pedagògiques hermètiques i estables, on el centre és l'objecte patrimonial; a unes teories constructivistes, on el centre és el visitant. En el present treball s'analitza i compara les propostes pedagògiques de quatre museus característics de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, enmarcant aquestes a les noves teories pedagògiques i analitzant el seu estat actual.
L'educació és, avui, una activitat important per a les institucions museístiques. La tasca educativa dels museus es pot considerar, sobretot, educació no formal. Les TIC, posen a l'abast dels museus multitud d'eines. L'ús que se'n fa, varia d'una institució a una altre; ho veurem a partir d'estudis de cas de tres institucions museístiques. Els propis museus, grups de treball, autors, administracions... han detectat la necessitat d'analitzar l'ús que les institucions museístiques fan de les TIC amb finalitats educatives; es dóna una importància creixent al fet de disposar d'eines i metodologies el màxim d'homogènies per analitzar aquest ús; l'objectiu d'aquest treball va en aquesta direcció: avaluar l'ús i també -imprescindible- els resultats educatius reals. He optat per estructurar la informació en un programa informàtic. La justificació és doble: simplificar els processos d'adquisició, gestió i avaluació de la informació i per altre banda, assegurar, amb la implementació, que l'estructura conceptual és robusta. Això s'ha aconseguit raonablement; conscient però que , més important que el programa en sí, -per això no s'aprofundeix en el seu funcionament intern- és l'estructura de dades utilitzada; per arribar a aquest resultat, ha estat necessari reflexionar sobre determinats conceptes; s'han inclòs part d'aquestes reflexions perquè són les bases del model de dades utilitzat.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The proposed work is located in education field in exhibition spaces of art and seeks to analyze a process of formation as a mediator focusing on the public's relationship with art, taking into account the fact that often the general public does not dominate the codes of this area, being incumbent upon mediator introduce them. One of the main points to be analyzed is the impact that can be generated by the contact of the visitor with the mediator in the exhibition space, considering a spectrum of possibilities, where at one end focuses the belonging and in the other the symbolic violence. In this direction this research aims to build a relationship of emancipation and autonomy of both, the educator and the visitor. It is known that the concept of public is a generalization, therefore, the analysis of the mediation process, are having as support the experiences lived by the mediator, especially, in the relationship with the lay public. The locations of the experiences lived, were the SESC Pompéia and the Pavilion of the Bienal of São Paulo, different places, but both with the potential to generate reception and / or distances, shot through space (architecture), bodies, codes, accesses, works of art, repertoires, expographic and especially through the mobilization of educator front of all these issues. The cutting of the research covers the experience of the educator (as an intern and professional) in six exhibitions, in these two spaces, between the years 2010 to 2015.
The proposed work is located in education field in exhibition spaces of art and seeks to analyze a process of formation as a mediator focusing on the public's relationship with art, taking into account the fact that often the general public does not dominate the codes of this area, being incumbent upon mediator introduce them. One of the main points to be analyzed is the impact that can be generated by the contact of the visitor with the mediator in the exhibition space, considering a spectrum of possibilities, where at one end focuses the belonging and in the other the symbolic violence. In this direction this research aims to build a relationship of emancipation and autonomy of both, the educator and the visitor. It is known that the concept of public is a generalization, therefore, the analysis of the mediation process, are having as support the experiences lived by the mediator, especially, in the relationship with the lay public. The locations of the experiences lived, were the SESC Pompéia and the Pavilion of the Bienal of São Paulo, different places, but both with the potential to generate reception and / or distances, shot through space (architecture), bodies, codes, accesses, works of art, repertoires, expographic and especially through the mobilization of educator front of all these issues. The cutting of the research covers the experience of the educator (as an intern and professional) in six exhibitions, in these two spaces, between the years 2010 to 2015.
Main objective of the dissertation is to illustrate how social and educational aspects (in close interaction with other multifunctional aspects in organic agriculture) which are developed on different multifunctional organic farms in Italy and Netherlands, as well as established agricultural policy frameworks in these countries, can be compared with the situation in Croatian organics and can contribute to further developent of organic issues in the Repubic of Croatia. So, through different chapters, the dissertation describes the performance of organic agriculture sectors in Italy, Netherlands and Croatia within the national agricultural policy frameworks, it analyzes the role of national institutions and policy in Croatia in connection with Croatia's status of candidate country for enterance into EU and harmonization of legislation with the CAP, as well as analyzes what is the role of national authorities, universities, research centres, but also of private initiatives, NGOs and cooperatives in organic agriculture in Netherlands, Italy and Croatia. Its main part describes how social and educational aspects are interacting with other multifunctional aspects in organic agriculture and analyzes the benefits and contribution of multifunctional activites performed on organic farms to education, healthy nourishment, environment protection and health care. It also assess the strengths and weaknesses of organic agriculture in all researched countries. The dissertation concludes with development opportunities for multifunctional organic agriculture in Croatia, as well as giving perspectives and recommendations for different approaches on the basis of experiences learned from successful EU models accompanied with some personal ideas and proposals.
This paper describes a methodological proposal for the design, creation and evaluation of Learning Objects (LOs). This study arises from the compilation and analysis of several LO design methodologies currently used in Ibero-America. This proposal, which has been named DICREVOA, defines five different phases: analysis, design (instructional and multimedia), implementation (LO and metadata), evaluation (from the perspective of both the producer and the consumer of the LO), and publishing. The methodology focuses not only on the teaching inexperienced, but also on those having a basic understanding of the technological and educational aspects related to LO design; therefore, the study emphasizes LO design activities centered around the Kolb cycle and the use of the ExeLearning tool in order to implement the LO core. Additionally, DICREVOA was used in a case study, which demonstrates how it provides a feasible mechanism for LO design and implementation within different contexts. Finally, DICREVOA, the case study to which it was applied, and the results obtained are presented