994 resultados para Moulds for metal injection


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A combinação da Moldagem por Injeção de pós Metálicos (Metal Injection Moulding MIM) e o Método do Retentor Espacial (Space Holder Method - SHM) é uma técnica promissora para fabricação de peças porosas de titânio com porosidade bem definida como implantes biomédicos, uma vez que permite um alto grau de automatização e redução dos custos de produção em larga escala quando comparado a técnica tradicional (SHM e usinagem a verde). Contudo a aplicação desta técnica é limitada pelo fato que há o fechamento parcial da porosidade na superfície das amostras, levando ao deterioramento da fixação do implante ao osso. E além disso, até o presente momento não foi possível atingir condições de processamento estáveis quando a quantidade de retentor espacial excede 50 vol. %. Entretanto, a literatura descreve que a melhor faixa de porosidade para implantes de titânio para coluna vertebral está entre 60 - 65 vol. %. Portanto, no presente estudo, duas abordagens foram conduzidas visando a produção de amostras altamente porosas através da combinação de MIM e SHM com o valor constante de retentor espacial de 70 vol. % e uma porosidade aberta na superfície. Na primeira abordagem, a quantidade ótima de retentor espacial foi investigada, para tal foram melhorados a homogeneização do feedstock e os parâmetros de processo com o propósito de permitir a injeção do feedstock. Na segunda abordagem, tratamento por plasma foi aplicado nas amostras antes da etapa final de sinterização. Ambas rotas resultaram na melhoria da estabilidade dimensional das amostras durante a extração térmica do ligante e sinterização, permitindo a sinterização de amostras de titânio altamente porosas sem deformação da estrutura.


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A indústria automóvel necessita aumentar a produtividade de forma sistemática, com vista à redução de custos e incremento da competitividade. A otimização dos produtos e processos é uma constante. O presente trabalho foi solicitado pela empresa FicoCables, do Grupo FICOSA, tendo em vista a otimização do processo de injeção de pequenas peças injetadas em ZAMAK, que constituem o bloqueio na extremidade de cada cabo metálico inserido nos automóveis para abertura da mala, portas, travão de mão, reservatório de combustível, capô, etc. A empresa possui cerca de 52 equipamentos de injeção de ZAMAK, cuja temperatura dos bicos era mantida com base numa chama de gás. Os sucessivos problemas de controlo do sistema ditaram uma mudança estratégica no aquecimento desses bicos, passando a ser usadas resistências elétricas anelares. No entanto, esta mudança veio a apresentar problemas inesperados, os quais se vieram inclusivamente a tornar em problemas de segurança, devido ao desgaste interior prematuro dos bicos, os quais apresentaram esmo problema de rotura. Paralelamente, todos os parâmetros relacionados com este processo de fabrico estavam também estudados de forma algo incipiente, pelo que se tornou necessário compreender e dissecar todas as variáveis relacionadas com o processo e implementar sistemas que impedissem o ajuste não controlado dos parâmetros por parte dos operadores. Também os moldes foram alvo de ações de melhoria, com vista a evitar problemas na zona de contacto do bico com o molde. O processo foi analisado em pormenor, permitindo um controlo muito mais apurado do mesmo. Os resultados fizeram sentir-se de forma imediata, graças ao trabalho desenvolvido neste estudo e à abertura demonstrada pela empresa para implementar todas as soluções propostas. O resultado final traduz-se num incremento significativo da segurança para os operadores, num controlo muito mais apurado de todos os parâmetros envolvidos no processo, numa maior garantia da qualidade nos produtos injetados em ZAMAK e em ganhos financeiros significativos para a empresa.


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A novel manufacturing process for fabricating microneedle arrays (MN) has been designed and evaluated. The prototype is able to successfully produce 14 × 14 MN arrays and is easily capable of scale-up, enabling the transition from laboratory to industry and subsequent commercialisation. The method requires the custom design of metal MN master templates to produce silicone MN moulds using an injection moulding process. The MN arrays produced using this novel method was compared with centrifugation, the traditional method of producing aqueous hydrogel-forming MN arrays. The results proved that there was negligible difference between either methods, with each producing MN arrays with comparable quality. Both types of MN arrays can be successfully inserted in a skin simulant. In both cases the insertion depth was approximately 60% of the needle length and the height reduction after insertion was in both cases approximately 3%.


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The demand by high performance materials that have to support severe service conditions at a reasonable cost has been forcing the powder metallurgy to improve constantly. The most recent and more important innovation in the area is the process of powder injection.Powder injection molding (PIM) is a technology capable of producing a new range of components from powders. This advanced technology overcomes the existent limitations in the forming of products with complex geometry. The process presents countless variations which are used in the industry today. Invariably, it consists of mixing the powders and a thermo-plastic binder, injecting the mass in the mold in the wanted form, debinding, sintering and making optional secondary operations, as for example, machinery.The purpose of this work is to review the metal injection molding techniques and apply the low pressure injection molding process to family of parts using metallic powder with 10 mum particle size. This work also comments the design and construction of a low pressure injection machine and injection molds. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A strain gauge instrumentation trial on a high pressure die casting ‘HPDC’ die was compared to a corresponding simulation model using Magmasoft® casting simulation software at two strain gauge rosette locations. The strains were measured during the casting cycle, from which the von Mises stress was determined and then compared to the simulation model. The von Mises stress from the simulation model correlated well with the findings from the instrumentation trial, showing a difference of 5.5%, ~ 10 MPa for one strain gauge rosette located in an area of low stress gradient. The second rosette was in a region of steep stress gradient, which resulted in a difference of up to 40%, ~40 MPa between the simulation and instrumentation results. Factors such as additional loading from die closure force or metal injection pressure which are not modelled by Magmasoft® were seen to have very little influence on the stress in the die, less than 7%.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção e caracterização de componentes sinterizados de titânio para aplicação biomédica, obtidos através do processo de fabricação chamado de Moldagem de Pós por Injeção ( MPI ), ou “Metal Injection Molding” ( MIM ) na língua inglesa. Para a produção dos componentes de titânio, utilizou-se de pós de hidreto de titânio produzidos pelo processo de Hidretação-Dehidretação ( HDH ), no Laboratório de Transformação Mecânica - UFRGS. Foram realizados ensaios para a caracterização dos componentes sinterizados quanto às suas propriedades mecânicas, resistência à corrosão, características morfológicas e de biocompatibilidade. Este trabalho concentra-se no desenvolvimento e produção de componentes para área odontológica ( implantodontia ) e médica, visando a implementar a técnica de Moldagem de Pós por Injeção ( MPI ) de hidreto de titânio para aplicação na produção de implantes, tendo em vista que, atualmente, este processo não é utilizado para tal fim. Para as análises de biocompatibilidade foram produzidos parafusos corticais para utilização como implantes. Após a caracterização morfológica e química dos implantes produzidos foram realizados ensaios in vitro de corrosão e in vivo de biocompatibilidade onde foi possível observar algumas características da superfície do implante como, por exemplo, a susceptibilidade à corrosão por frestas e elevado recobrimento ósseo do implante.


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Microwave heating technology is a cost-effective alternative way for heating and curing of used in polymer processing of various alternate materials. The work presented in this paper addresses the attempts made by the authors to study the glass transition temperature and curing of materials such as casting resins R2512, R2515 and laminating resin GPR 2516 in combination with two hardeners ADH 2403 and ADH 2409. The magnetron microwave generator used in this research is operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a hollow rectangular waveguide. During this investigation it has been noted that microwave heated mould materials resulted with higher glass transition temperatures and better microstructure. It also noted that Microwave curing resulted in a shorter curing time to reach the maximum percentage cure. From this study it can be concluded that microwave technology can be efficiently and effectively used to cure new generation alternate polymer materials for manufacture of injection moulds in a rapid and efficient manner. Microwave curing resulted in a shorter curing time to reach the maximum percentage cure.


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Erosion characteristics of high chromium (Cr, 16-19%) alloy cast iron with 5% and 10% manganese (Mn) prepared in metal and sand moulds through induction melting are investigated using jet erosion test setup in both as-cast and heat-treated conditions. The samples were characterised for hardness and microstructural properties. A new and novel non-destructive evaluation technique namely positron lifetime spectroscopy has also been used for the first time to characterise the microstructure of the material in terms of defects and their concentration. We found that the hardness decreases irrespective of the sample condition when the mould type is changed from metal to sand, On the other hand, the erosion volume loss shows an increasing trend. Since the macroscopic properties have a bearing on the microstructure, good credence is obtained from the microstructural features as seen from light and scanning electron micrographs. Faster cooling in the metal mould yielded fine carbide precipitation on the surface. The defect size and their concentration derived from positron method are higher for sand mould compared to metal mould. Lower erosion loss corresponds to smaller size defects in metal mould are the results of quicker heat transfer in the metal mould compared to the sand mould. Heat treatment effects are clearly seen as the reduced concentration of defects and spherodisation of carbides points to this. The erosion loss with respect to the defects size and concentration correlate very well.


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Metal-mold reaction during Ti casting in zircon sand molds has been studied using scanning electron microscope, energy and wave length dispersive analysis of X-rays, X-ray diffraction, microhardness measurements, and chemical analysis. Experimental results suggest that oxides from the mold are not fully leached out by liquid Ti, but oxygen is preferentially transferred to liquid Ti, leaving behind metallic constituents in the mold as lower oxides or intermetallics of Ti. The electron microprobe analysis has revealed the depth profile of contaminants from the mold into the cast Ti metal. The elements Si, Zr and O were found to have diffused to a considerable distance within the Ti metals. A possible mechanism has now been evolved in regard to the reactions that occur during casting of Ti in zircon sand molds.


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We study a junction of a topological insulator with a thin two-dimensional nonmagnetic or partially polarized ferromagnetic metallic film deposited on a three-dimensional insulator. We show, by deriving generic boundary conditions applicable to electrons traversing the junction, that there is a finite spin-current injection into the film whose magnitude can be controlled by tuning a voltage V applied across the junction. For ferromagnetic films, the direction of the component of the spin current along the film magnetization can also be tuned by tuning the barrier potential V-0 at the junction. We point out the role of the chiral spin-momentum locking of the Dirac electrons behind this phenomenon and suggest experiments to test our theory.


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We show that a liquid organic precursor can be injected directly into molten magnesium to produce nanoscale ceramic dispersions within the melt. The castings made in this way possess good resistance to tensile deformation at 673 K (400 degrees C), confirming the non-coarsening nature of these dispersions. Direct liquid injection into molten metals is a significant step toward inserting different chemistries of liquid precursors to generate a variety of polymer-derived metal matrix composites. (C) The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2013


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A method has been developed for determining of heavy metal ions by field-amplified sample injection capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection. The effects of the 2-N-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid/histidine (MES/His) concentration in the sample matrix, the injection time and organic additives on the enrichment factor were studied. The results showed that MES/His with a low concentration in the sample matrix, an increase of the injection time and the addition of acetonitrile improved the enrichment factor. Four heavy metal ions (Zn2+, Co2+, Cu2+ and Ni2+) were dissolved in deionized water, separated in a 10 mM MES/His running buffer at pH 4.9 and detected by contactless conductivity detection. The detection sensitivity was enhanced by about three orders of magnitude with respect to the non-stacking injection mode. The limits of detection were in the range from 5 nM (Zn2+) to 30 nM (Cu2+). The method has been used to determine heavy metal ions in tap water.