994 resultados para Morgenstern, Oskar


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Page 7 of the "American Jewish Cavalcade" scrapbook of Leo Baeck in New York found in ROS 10 Folder 3


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We analyze the von Neumann and Morgenstern stable sets for the mixed extension of 2 2 games when only single profitable deviations are allowed. We show that the games without a strict Nash equilibrium have a unique vN&M stable set and otherwise they have infinite sets.


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Tony Mann provides a review of the book: Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, Princeton University Press, 1944.


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The following properties of the core of a one well-known: (i) the core is non-empty; (ii) the core is a lattice; and (iii) the set of unmatched agents is identical for any two matchings belonging to the core. The literature on two-sided matching focuses almost exclusively on the core and studies extensively its properties. Our main result is the following characterization of (von Neumann-Morgenstern) stable sets in one-to-one matching problem only if it is a maximal set satisfying the following properties : (a) the core is a subset of the set; (b) the set is a lattice; (c) the set of unmatched agents is identical for any two matchings belonging to the set. Furthermore, a set is a stable set if it is the unique maximal set satisfying properties (a), (b) and (c). We also show that our main result does not extend from one-to-one matching problems to many-to-one matching problems.


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The study deals with the distribution theory and applications of concomitants from the Morgenstern family of bivariate distributions.The Morgenstern system of distributions include all cumulative distributions of the form FX,Y(X,Y)=FX(X) FY(Y)[1+α(1-FX(X))(1-FY(Y))], -1≤α≤1.The system provides a very general expression of a bivariate distributions from which members can be derived by substituting expressions of any desired set of marginal distributions.It is a brief description of the basic distribution theory and a quick review of the existing literature.The Morgenstern family considered in the present study provides a very general expression of a bivariate distribution from which several members can be derived by substituting expressions of any desired set of marginal distributions.Order statistics play a very important role in statistical theory and practice and accordingly a remarkably large body of literature has been devoted to its study.It helps to develop special methods of statistical inference,which are valid with respect to a broad class of distributions.The present study deals with the general distribution theory of Mk, [r: m] and Mk, [r: m] from the Morgenstern family of distributions and discuss some applications in inference, estimation of the parameter of the marginal variable Y in the Morgestern type uniform distributions.


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El proyecto del que aquí se habla presenta un doble objetivo: el primero, realizar un análisis histórico-crítico del diálogo mantenido entre psicoanálisis y educación en el periodo de 1900 a 1939, y el segundo, más concreto, se centra en el estudio pormenorizado de la figura del psicoanalista y educador Oskar Pfister como pionero del diálogo entre estas dos ramas científicas. La investigación está dividida en dos volúmenes. El primero de ellos, está dedicado exclusivamente a la exposición del proceso y de los resultados de trabajo de investigación. El segundo volumen, está compuesto por toda la documentación que ha sido necesaria para la elaboración de la tesis. Dentro del primer volumen, se puede hablar de una división del trabajo en tres partes: la primera de ellas, está dedicada a los descubrimientos freudianos y la educación; la segunda, trata el tema de la aplicación del psicoanálisis a la educación; y la tercera, se centra en el autor Oskar Pfister, como representante de la pedagogía psicoanalítica. Puesto que se trata de un estudio meramente descriptivo de análisis y síntesis de la información recogida, se puede decir que los instrumentos de los que ha valido el autor son las obras y publicaciones encontradas sobre el tema. La metodología empleada se inscribe dentro de las llamadas 'técnicas de contenido'. En concreto se trata de un estudio histórico-crítico en el que se aborda la interrelación entre el Psicoanális y la educación en un periodo preciso. Además es, tanto analítico como sintético. En este apartado se habla de cuatro conclusiones principalmente: en primer lugar, tanto el psicoanálisis como la pedagogía están en serias dificultades para colocarse en el rango de las ciencias experimentales; en segundo lugar, en la medida en que más nos acercamos a edades tempranas del individuo, mayor es el encuentro entre psicoanálisis y educación; además, se concluye que Freud tomó intensamente conciencia de lo difícil que es el acto de la educación. Para finalizar, Pfister, concluyó que el psicoanálisis lleva necesariamente a la educación..


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Transformer protection is one of the most challenging applications within the power system protective relay field. Transformers with a capacity rating exceeding 10 MVA are usually protected using differential current relays. Transformers are an aging and vulnerable bottleneck in the present power grid; therefore, quick fault detection and corresponding transformer de-energization is the key element in minimizing transformer damage. Present differential current relays are based on digital signal processing (DSP). They combine DSP phasor estimation and protective-logic-based decision making. The limitations of existing DSP-based differential current relays must be identified to determine the best protection options for sensitive and quick fault detection. The development, implementation, and evaluation of a DSP differential current relay is detailed. The overall goal is to make fault detection faster without compromising secure and safe transformer operation. A detailed background on the DSP differential current relay is provided. Then different DSP phasor estimation filters are implemented and evaluated based on their ability to extract desired frequency components from the measured current signal quickly and accurately. The main focus of the phasor estimation evaluation is to identify the difference between using non-recursive and recursive filtering methods. Then the protective logic of the DSP differential current relay is implemented and required settings made in accordance with transformer application. Finally, the DSP differential current relay will be evaluated using available transformer models within the ATP simulation environment. Recursive filtering methods were found to have significant advantage over non-recursive filtering methods when evaluated individually and when applied in the DSP differential relay. Recursive filtering methods can be up to 50% faster than non-recursive methods, but can cause false trip due to overshoot if the only objective is speed. The relay sensitivity is however independent of filtering method and depends on the settings of the relay’s differential characteristics (pickup threshold and percent slope).


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