996 resultados para Modelo de Chapman-Richards


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The aim of the study was to develop a system of growth and yield models for thinned stands of Eucalyptus spp.; and to assess the behavior of the growth in scenarios with 10% decrease or increase in rainfall. The probability distribution functions Weibull 2 and 3 parameters and Johnson SB for different methods were fitted. Correlation between the fitted parameters with age was evaluated. Dominant height growth behavior was evaluated to check if thinned stand changes its growth when compared to a non-thinned stands. The stand variables dominant height and basal area were projected and simultaneously predicted and projected, respectively. Individual tree equations were fitted, which were fitted as functions of stand level variables in order to decrease the error propagation. R software was used to fit all the proposed models and consequently all the fitted models were evaluated by their parameters significance (F-test) and graphs of predicted values in relation to the observed values around the 1:1 line. Thus, the prognosis system was made by two ways, first one using the full data set, and for the second one the dataset was restricted at age 7.5. Increase and decrease in 20% of rainfall were assessed by updating the site index function. Method of moments was the most precise to describe the diameter distribution for every age in eucalyptus stands for Johnson SB and Weibull 2 parameters pdfs. When observed for each pdf the correlation for their fitted parameters with age, we noticed that shape parameters for a thinned stand were no longer correlated with age, differently of non-thinned stands. Thus, thinning effect was accounted in the basal area prediction and projection modeling. This result emphasized the necessity of applying the Parameter Recovery method in order to assess differences and capture the right pattern for thinned and non-thinned stands in the future. Dominant height was not influenced by thinning intensity. Therefore the fitted Chapman-Richards model did not account for a stand being thinned or not. All the fitted equations behaved with good precision, no matter using full or precocious dataset. The prognosis system using full and/or precocious date set was evaluated for when using Parameter Recovery method for Sb and Weibull pdfs, and by then, graphical analysis and precision statistics showed appropriated results. Finally, the increase or decrease in rainfall regime were observed for eucalyptus stand yields and we may notice how important is to observe this effect, since the growth pattern is strictly affected by water.


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En el noroeste del Chubut, los álamos se encuentran establecidos en cortinas de protección en predios de pastoreo o donde se cultivan pasturas y forrajes en secano. El Populus nigra ‘Italica’ es el clon más difundido en plantaciones lineales, ubicadas en diferentes calidades de sitio. No existen antecedentes sobre crecimiento en altura e Índice de Sitio en la zona. Se seleccionaron ocho sitios de muestreo, donde fueron apeados 24 árboles dominantes, a los que se les realizó análisis fustal. Con los pares de datos de edad-altura, resultantes del análisis de fuste de los árboles muestra, se ajustó el modelo de Chapman-Richards mediante técnicas de regresión no lineal. Se construyó una familia de curvas de crecimiento en altura, según la metodología de curva guía. Las curvas de Índice de Sitio, basadas en altura y edad, se construyeron mediante deducción matemática a partir de la función de crecimiento en altura, tomándose como edad de referencia 25 años a la altura del pecho. Se definieron cinco calidades de sitio, con un rango de 4 metros, con Índices de Sitio comprendidos entre 19 y 35 m.


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ENGLISH: Catches of skipjack tuna supporting major fisheries in parts of the western, central and eastern Pacific Ocean have increased in recent years; thus, it is important to examine the dynamics of the fishery to determine man's effect on the abundance of the stocks. A general linear hypothesis model was developed to standardize fishing effort to a single vessel size and gear type. Standardized effort was then used to compute an index of abundance which accounts for seasonal variability in the fishing area. The indices of abundance were highly variable from year to year in both the northern and southern areas of the fishery but indicated a generally higher abundance in the south. Data from 438 fish tagged and recovered in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to compute growth curves. A least-squares technique was used to estimate the parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function. Two estimates of the parameters were made by analyzing the same data in different ways. For the first set of estimates, K= 0.819 on an annual instantaneous basis and L= 729 mm; for the second, K = 0.431 and L=881. These compared well with estimates derived using the Chapman-Richards growth function, which includes the von Bertalanffy function as a special case. It was concluded that the latter function provided an adequate empirical fit to the skipjack data since the more complicated function did not significantly improve the fit. Tagging data from three cruises involving 8852 releases and 1777 returns were used to compute mortality rates during the time the fish were in the fishery. Two models were used in the analyses. The best estimates of the catchability coefficient (q) in the north and south were 8.4 X 10- 4 and 5.0 X 10- 5 respectively. The other loss rate (X), which included losses due to emigration, natural mortality and mortality due to carrying a tag, was 0.14 on an annual instantaneous basis for both areas. To detect the possible effect of fishing on abundance and total yield, the relation between abundance and effort and between total catch and effort was examined. It was found that at levels of intensity observed in the fishery, fishing does not appear to have had any measurable effect on the stocks. It was concluded therefore that the total catch could probably be increased by substantially increasing total effort beyond the present level, and that the fluctuations in abundance are fishery-independent. The estimates of growth, mortality and fishing effort were used to compute yield-per-recruitment isopleths for skipjack in both the northern and southern areas. For a size at first entry of about 425 mm, the yield per recruitment was calculated at 3 pounds in the north and 1.5 pounds in the south. In both areas it would be possible to increase the yield per recruitment by increasing fishing effort. It was not possible to assess potential production of the skipjack stocks fished in the eastern Pacific, except to note that the fishery had not affected their abundance and that they were certainly under-exploited. It was concluded that the northern and southern stocks could support increased harvests, especially the latter. SPANISH: Las capturas de atún barrilete que sostienen las pesquerías principales de la parte occidental, central y oriental del Océano Pacífico han aumentado en los últimos años; así que es importante examinar la dinámica de la pesquería para determinar el efecto que pueda tener sobre la abundancia de los stocks. Se desarrolló un modelo hipotético, lineal para standardizar el esfuerzo de pesca a un solo tamaño de barco y tipo de arte. Luego se usó el esfuerzo standardizado para computar un índice de la abundancia que pueda dar razón de la variabilidad estacional en el área de pesca. Los índices de la abundancia variaron mucho de un año a otro tanto en el área septentrional como en el área meridional de la pesquería, pero indicaron una abundancia generalmente superior en el sur. Se emplearon los datos de 438 peces marcados y recuperados en el Océano Pacífico oriental para computar las curvas de crecimiento. Una técnica de mínimos cuadrados fue usada para estimar los parámetros de la función de crecimiento de van Bertalanffy. Se hicieron dos estimativos de los parámetros mediante el análisis de los mismos datos, de diferente manera. Para el primer juego de estimativos, K=0.819 sobre una base anual instantánea y L∞=729 mm; para el segundo, K=0.431 y L∞=881. Estos se correlacionaron bien con los estimativos obtenidos usando la función de crecimiento de Chapman-Richards, que incluye la de von Bertalanffy como un caso especial. Se decidió que la última función proveía un ajuste empírico, adecuado a los datos del barrilete, ya que la función más complicada no mejoró significativamente el ajuste. Los datos de marcación de tres cruceros incluyendo 8852 liberaciones y 1777 retornos, fueron usados para computar las tasas de mortalidad durante el tiempo en que los peces estuvieron en la pesquería. Se usaron dos modelos en los análisis. Los mejores estimativos del coeficiente de capturabilidad (q) en el norte y en el sur fueron 8.4 X 10-4 y 5.0 X 10-5 , respectivamente. La otra tasa de pérdida (X), la cual incluyó pérdidas debidas a la emigración, mortalidad natural y mortalidad debida a llevar una marca, fue 0.14 sobre una base anual instantánea para las dos áreas. Con el fin de descubrir el efecto que posiblemente pueda tener la pesca sobre la abundancia y el rendimiento total, se examinó la relación entre la abundancia y el esfuerzo y entre la captura total y el esfuerzo. Se encontró que a los niveles de la intensidad observada en la pesquería, la pesca no parece haber tenido ningún efecto perceptible en los stocks. Por lo tanto se decidió que mediante un aumento substancial del esfuerzo total, más allá del nivel actual, la captura total probablemente podría aumentarse, y que las fluctuaciones de la abundancia son independientes de la pesquería. Los estimativos del crecimiento, mortalidad y esfuerzo de pesca fueron usados para computar las isopletas del rendimiento por recluta del barrilete, tanto en las áreas del norte como del sur. Para una talla de primera entrada de unos 425 mm, el rendimiento por recluta fue calculado en 3 libras en el norte y 1.5 libras en el sur. En ambas áreas sería posible aumentar el rendimiento por recluta mediante un aumento del esfuerzo de pesca. No fue posible determinar la producción potencial de los stocks del barrilete pescado en el Pacífico oriental, excepto para observar que la pesquería no ha afectado su abundancia y que ciertamente se encuentran subexplotados. Se concluyó que los stocks norte y sur pueden soportar un aumento en el rendimiento, especialmente este último. (PDF contains 274 pages.)


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Paraserianthes falcataria is a very fast growing, light wood tree species, that has recently gained wide interest in Indonesia for industrial wood processing. At the moment the P. falcataria plantations managed by smallholders are lacking predefined management programmes for commercial wood production. The general objective of this study was to model the growth and yield of Paraserianthes falcataria stands managed by smallholders in Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia and to develop management scenarios for different production objectives. In total 106 circular sample plots with over 2300 P. falcataria trees were assessed on smallholder plantation inventory. In addition, information on market prices of P. falcataria wood was collected through rapid appraisals among industries. A tree growth model based on Chapman-Richards function was developed on three different site qualities and the stand management scenarios were developed under three management objectives: (1) low initial stand density with low intensity stand management, (2) high initial stand density with medium intensity of intervention, (3) high initial stand density and strong intensity of silvicultural interventions, repeated more than once. In general, the 9 recommended scenarios have rotation ages varying from 4 to 12 years, planting densities from 4x4 meters (625 trees ha-1) to 3x2 meters (1666 trees ha-1) and thinnings at intensities of removing 30 to 60 % of the standing trees. The highest annual income would be generated on high-quality with a scenario with initial planting density 3x2 m (1666 trees ha-1) one thinning at intensity of removing 55 % of the standing trees at the age of 2 years and clear cut at the age of 4 years.


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Site-specific height-diameter models may be used to improve biomass estimates for forest inventories where only diameter at breast height (DBH) measurements are available. In this study, we fit height-diameter models for vegetation types of a tropical Atlantic forest using field measurements of height across plots along an altitudinal gradient. To fit height-diameter models, we sampled trees by DBH class and measured tree height within 13 one-hectare permanent plots established at four altitude classes. To select the best model we tested the performance of 11 height-diameter models using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The Weibull and Chapman-Richards height-diameter models performed better than other models, and regional site-specific models performed better than the general model. In addition, there is a slight variation of height-diameter relationships across the altitudinal gradient and an extensive difference in the stature between the Atlantic and Amazon forests. The results showed the effect of altitude on tree height estimates and emphasize the need for altitude-specific models that produce more accurate results than a general model that encompasses all altitudes. To improve biomass estimation, the development of regional height-diameter models that estimate tree height using a subset of randomly sampled trees presents an approach to supplement surveys where only diameter has been measured.


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A engenharia geotécnica é uma das grandes áreas da engenharia civil que estuda a interação entre as construções realizadas pelo homem ou de fenômenos naturais com o ambiente geológico, que na grande maioria das vezes trata-se de solos parcialmente saturados. Neste sentido, o desempenho de obras como estabilização, contenção de barragens, muros de contenção, fundações e estradas estão condicionados a uma correta predição do fluxo de água no interior dos solos. Porém, como a área das regiões a serem estudas com relação à predição do fluxo de água são comumente da ordem de quilômetros quadrados, as soluções dos modelos matemáticos exigem malhas computacionais de grandes proporções, ocasionando sérias limitações associadas aos requisitos de memória computacional e tempo de processamento. A fim de contornar estas limitações, métodos numéricos eficientes devem ser empregados na solução do problema em análise. Portanto, métodos iterativos para solução de sistemas não lineares e lineares esparsos de grande porte devem ser utilizados neste tipo de aplicação. Em suma, visto a relevância do tema, esta pesquisa aproximou uma solução para a equação diferencial parcial de Richards pelo método dos volumes finitos em duas dimensões, empregando o método de Picard e Newton com maior eficiência computacional. Para tanto, foram utilizadas técnicas iterativas de resolução de sistemas lineares baseados no espaço de Krylov com matrizes pré-condicionadoras com a biblioteca numérica Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation (PETSc). Os resultados indicam que quando se resolve a equação de Richards considerando-se o método de PICARD-KRYLOV, não importando o modelo de avaliação do solo, a melhor combinação para resolução dos sistemas lineares é o método dos gradientes biconjugados estabilizado mais o pré-condicionador SOR. Por outro lado, quando se utiliza as equações de van Genuchten deve ser optar pela combinação do método dos gradientes conjugados em conjunto com pré-condicionador SOR. Quando se adota o método de NEWTON-KRYLOV, o método gradientes biconjugados estabilizado é o mais eficiente na resolução do sistema linear do passo de Newton, com relação ao pré-condicionador deve-se dar preferência ao bloco Jacobi. Por fim, há evidências que apontam que o método PICARD-KRYLOV pode ser mais vantajoso que o método de NEWTON-KRYLOV, quando empregados na resolução da equação diferencial parcial de Richards.


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En la mayoría de los países, los negocios familiares representan un alto porcentaje de todas las empresas constituidas. Colombia no es la excepción a este comportamiento, donde las empresas familiares representan el 70% de todas las compañías, según la Superintendencia de Sociedades, en las que se incluyen PYMES y grandes grupos económicos. Este trabajo de grado tiene como objetivo estructurar un modelo de gestión eficiente para la empresa AJ Colombia S.A.S. una empresa mediana que se ha venido estructurando de manera empírica, por lo que tras el análisis de sus procesos encontramos posibles mejoras usando herramientas como el Cambio Estratégico y la Reingeniería, además de la generación de valor por medio de los Inventarios.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Research surrounding the transition from II to I millennium cal BC in Eastern Iberian Peninsula has a large and extensive tradition of investigation. However, the chances to do research on this historical process have been limited by the lack of a well contextualized and dated stratigraphic sequence. For this reason, recent studies in this topic have followed the periodic proposals which were developed in closer regions and areas, especially in the South East and North East of the Peninsula. The investigation perspective about the Late Bronze in Eastern Iberian has however now improved, with the development of several archaeological investigations, the increase in the number of sites being dated and more recent studies into the region helping to bring about this change. As such, it is now in the correct state to be able to propose a new periodization and delve into the changes which occurred in the transition between 1500 and 725 cal BC.


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We present a mass-conservative vertex-centred finite volume method for efficiently solving the mixed form of Richards’ equation in heterogeneous porous media. The spatial discretisation is particularly well-suited to heterogeneous media because it produces consistent flux approximations at quadrature points where material properties are continuous. Combined with the method of lines, the spatial discretisation gives a set of differential algebraic equations amenable to solution using higher-order implicit solvers. We investigate the solution of the mixed form using a Jacobian-free inexact Newton solver, which requires the solution of an extra variable for each node in the mesh compared to the pressure-head form. By exploiting the structure of the Jacobian for the mixed form, the size of the preconditioner is reduced to that for the pressure-head form, and there is minimal computational overhead for solving the mixed form. The proposed formulation is tested on two challenging test problems. The solutions from the new formulation offer conservation of mass at least one order of magnitude more accurate than a pressure head formulation, and the higher-order temporal integration significantly improves both the mass balance and computational efficiency of the solution.


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Handwritten on verso: Mormons, Ratibor


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.