874 resultados para Migration interne


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Les études effectuées sur l’intégration économique des migrants au Canada ont jusqu’ici été réservées aux migrants internationaux. Le présent document fait état des résultats et des caractéristiques des migrants ayant effectué une migration à l’intérieur de leur propre province entre 1996 et 2007. En opposition aux difficultés d’intégration économique des migrants internationaux, notre recherche démontre que les migrants intraprovinciaux s’intègrent dans leur nouvel environnement à un niveau économique légèrement supérieur à la population d’accueil. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide du volet longitudinal de l’Enquête sur la dynamique du travail et du revenu (EDTR) dévoilent que les migrants intraprovinciaux ont un revenu annuel médian de 38 017$, soit un revenu légèrement supérieur à celui des non-migrants. Notre étude permet toutefois de constater que les caractéristiques personnelles des migrants sont des déterminants bien plus importants du revenu. Les hommes gagnent en moyenne un peu plus de 10 000$ de plus par année que les femmes, et ce, autant chez les migrants que chez les non-migrants. Le niveau d’éducation est aussi une variable significative du revenu. L’écart entre le revenu médian des migrants ayant complété le secondaire et ceux ayant un niveau universitaire est de près de 12 000$. Finalement, on remarque que le groupe d’âge des 46-55 ans est celui qui affiche les plus hauts revenus alors que le groupe de 16-25 ans est celui qui présente les plus bas revenus. Cette recherche démontre que l'expérience de la migration peut être très différente selon les points d'origine et de destination. Toutefois, les caractéristiques personnelles telles que le sexe, l’âge et le niveau d’éducation ont un impact significatif sur le revenu.


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Depuis quelque temps, au Japon, on utilise de plus en plus le terme « Kansaï » pour désigner la région du Kinki (littéralement « le voisinage de la capitale »). Cette thèse propose d’analyser l’émergence de cette entité régionale et de son discours culturel dans le but de pallier le manque de recherches antérieures sur la diversité socioculturelle et le régionalisme au Japon. Il y existe, d’une part, une volonté de considérer le Japon comme une entité homogène, et d’autre part, un contexte dans lequel le Japon lui-même prône l’homogénéité de son peuple. Historiquement, ces énoncés ont été réfutés à plusieurs reprises par différents chercheurs et organismes. Entre-temps, sur le plan régional, la diversité devient de moins en moins clairement observable dû à l’urbanisation, aux moyens de transport, à la migration interne et au développement des médias de masse. Cette situation à l'époque post-industrielle a engendré aujourd’hui le discours régionaliste du Kansaï. Dans ce contexte, cette étude porte spécifiquement sur le discours culturel concernant la région et la population du Kansaï, c’est-à-dire la région Kinki, où étaient situés les anciennes capitales et le berceau de l’État japonais du Yamato. On observe une modification et une transformation de cette région depuis l’époque Tokugawa. À partir de l’époque Meiji, l'intégration spatiale de l’archipel japonais est devenue indissociable de l’émergence de l’État soi-disant « moderne ». En outre, une distinction existe toujours entre le Japon de l’Ouest (Kansaï) et le Japon de l’Est (Kantō) qui repose sur des différences de coutumes et de mentalités, ainsi que sur des variations linguistiques : une dichotomie mieux représentée de nos jours par l’opposition entre les villes d’Osaka et de Tokyo. Aujourd’hui, le Japon permettre une centralisation continuelle à Tokyo et l’équilibre du pouvoir sur le plan économique s’en trouve fragilisé. Dans cette thèse, j’examine l’émergence de l’entité Kansaï dans ce contexte socio-économique, depuis l’arrivée du phénomène que les Kansaïens appellent « l’affaissement de terrain » du Kansaï, le jibanchinka, jusqu’aux revendications récentes pour l’introduction d’un système quasi-fédéraliste, le dōshū-sei, dans le contexte du développement régional déséquilibré du pays. En m'appuyant sur mon enquête effectuée sur terrain auprès des gens du Kansaï, je soutiens que leur discours régionaliste est bel et bien existant, mais ne repose pas sur l’homogénéité de la région. Il repose plutôt sur la position du Kansaï en tant qu’antithèse à la tendance centralisatrice perçue par les Kansaïens comme étant plutôt de nature tokyoïte. Leur discours met l’accent sur la diversité existant à l’intérieur même de la région tout en soulignant que celle-ci constitue l’entité kansaïenne. Mots-clés : Japon, Kinki, Kansai, Osaka, Nihonjinron, région, villes, discours culturel, État-nation, multiculturalisme, Oda Sakunosuke, Tanizaki Jun’ichiro.


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Inclut la bibliographie


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Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous nous sommes penchée sur la situation des familles immigrantes originaires du Maroc. En mobilisant les notions de solidarités familiales (Pitrou, 1978; Dandurand et Ouellette, 1992), de transnationalisme (Glick Schiller et al., 1992 et 1995) ainsi que les travaux sur les liens entre réseaux sociaux et modifications des rôles conjugaux, nous avons examiné l’impact de la migration sur l’organisation du foyer selon trois aspects : (1) la dynamique interne de la famille, (2) la redéfinition des rôles conjugaux et (3) le maintien des liens familiaux malgré la distance géographique. En nous appuyant sur six entretiens semi-directifs avec des couples marocains arrivés au Québec depuis au moins deux ans, nous avons pu constater la manière dont les liens familiaux et les solidarités sont réagencés pour pallier la distance et comment les liens amicaux accèdent à un nouveau statut et prennent une nouvelle fonction dans cette recomposition.


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Leukocytes are critical effectors of inflammation and tumor biology. Chemokine-like factors produced by such inflammatory sites are key mediators of tumor growth that activate leukocytic recruitment and tumor infiltration and suppress immune surveillance. Here we report that the endocrine peptide hormone, relaxin, is a regulator of leukocyte biology with properties important in recruitment to sites of inflammation. This study uses the human monocytic cell line THP-1 and normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to define a novel role for relaxin in regulation of leukocyte adhesion and migration. Our studies indicate that relaxin promotes adenylate cyclase activation, substrate adhesion, and migratory capacity of mononuclear leukocytes through a relaxin receptor LGR7-dependent mechanism. Relaxin-stimulated cAMP accumulation was observed to occur primarily in non-adherent cells. Relaxin stimulation results in increased substrate adhesion and increased migratory activity of leukocytes. In addition, relaxin-stimulated substrate adhesion resulted in enhanced chemotaxis to monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. These responses in THP-1 and peripheral blood mononuclear cells are relaxin dose-dependent and proportional to cAMP accumulation. We further demonstrate that LGR7 is critical for mediating these biological responses by use of RNA interference lentiviral short hairpin constructs. In summary, we provide evidence that relaxin is a novel leukocyte stimulatory agent with properties affecting adhesion and chemomigration


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Before 2001, most Africans immigrating to Australia were white South Africans and Zimbabweans who arrived as economic and family-reunion migrants (Cox, Cooper & Adepoju, 1999). Black African communities are a more recent addition to the Australian landscape, with most entering Australia as refugees after 2001. African refugees are a particularly disadvantaged immigrant group, which the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (in the Community Relations Commission of New South Wales, 2006) suggests require high levels of settlement support (p.23). Decision makers and settlement service providers need to have settlement data on the communities so that they can be effective in planning, budgeting and delivering support where it is most needed. Settlement data are also useful for determining the challenges that these communities face in trying to establish themselves in resettlement. There has been no verification of existing secondary data sources, however, or previous formal study of African refugee settlement geography in Southeast Queensland. This research addresses the knowledge gap by using a mixed-method approach to identify and describe the distribution and population size of eight African communities in Southeast Queensland, examine secondary migration patterns in these communities and assess the relationship between these geographic features and housing, a critical factor in successful settlement. Significant discrepancies exist between the primary data gathered in the study and existing secondary data relating to population size and distribution of the communities. Results also reveal a tension between the socio-cultural forces and the housing and economic imperatives driving secondary migration in the communities, and a general lack of engagement by African refugees with structured support networks. These findings have a wide range of implications for policy and for groups that provide settlement support to these communities.


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We study MCF-7 breast cancer cell movement in a transwell apparatus. Various experimental conditions lead to a variety of monotone and nonmonotone responses which are difficult to interpret. We anticipate that the experimental results could be caused by cell-to-cell adhesion or volume exclusion. Without any modeling, it is impossible to understand the relative roles played by these two mechanisms. A lattice-based exclusion process random-walk model incorporating agent-to-agent adhesion is applied to the experimental system. Our combined experimental and modeling approach shows that a low value of cell-to-cell adhesion strength provides the best explanation of the experimental data suggesting that volume exclusion plays a more important role than cell-to-cell adhesion. This combined experimental and modeling study gives insight into the cell-level details and design of transwell assays.


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Il Consiglio di Amministrazione (CdA) è il principale organo di governo delle aziende. La letteratura gli attribuisce tre ruoli: controllo, indirizzo strategico e collegamento con l’ambiente (networking). Precedenti studi empirici hanno analizzato se un Consiglio di Amministrazione è attivo o meno in tutti e tre i ruoli in un dato momento. Nel presente lavoro, invece, si propone un approccio «contingente» e si analizzano i ruoli svolti dal CdA al variare delle condizioni interne (aziende in crisi o di successo) ed esterne (aziende in settori competitivi o regolamentati).. L’indagine empirica è stata condotta su un campione di 301 imprese italiane di grandi dimensioni. I risultati supportano la tesi iniziale secondo cui le condizioni interne ed esterne incidono sul ruolo svolto dal CdA. In particolare i risultati evidenziano che il CdA non svolge sempre tutti e tre i ruoli nello stesso momento, ma esso si concentra sul ruolo o sui ruoli che assumono grande importanza nella situazione in cui si trova l’azienda. Con riferimento alle condizioni interne, nelle imprese in crisi il CdA è attivo in tutti e tre i ruoli, mentre in quelle di successo prevale un orientamento verso la funzione strategica. Nelle aziende che operano in settori competitivi il ruolo di controllo è più pressante mentre nei settori regolamentati prevale una funzione di networking.


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Numerous studies have reported links between insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and the extra-cellular matrix protein vitronectin (VN). We ourselves have reported that IGF-I binds to VN via IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) to stimulate HaCaT and MCF-7 cell migration. Here, we detail the functional evaluation of IGFBP-1, -2, -3, -4 and -6 in the presence and absence of IGF-I and VN. The data presented here, combined with our prior data on IGFBP-5, suggest that IGFBP-3, -4 and -5 are the most effective at stimulating cell migration in combination with IGF-I and VN. In addition, we demonstrate that different regions within IGFBP-3 and -4 are critical for complex formation. Furthermore, we examine whether multi-protein complexes of IGF-I and IGFBPs associated with fibronectin and collagen IV are also able to enhance functional biological responses.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that IGF-I associates with VN through IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP) which in turn modulate IGF-stimulated biological functions such as cell proliferation, attachment and migration. Since IGFs play important roles in transformation and progression of breast tumours, we aimed to describe the effects of IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes on breast cell function and to dissect mechanisms underlying these responses. In this study we demonstrate that substrate-bound IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes are potent stimulators of MCF-7 breast cell survival, which is mediated by a transient activation of ERK/MAPK and sustained activation of PI3-K/AKT pathways. Furthermore, use of pharmacological inhibitors of the MAPK and PI3-K pathways confirms that both pathways are involved in IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complex-mediated increased cell survival. Microarray analysis of cells stimulated to migrate in response to IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes identified differential expression of genes with previously reported roles in migration, invasion and survival (Ephrin-B2, Sharp-2, Tissue-factor, Stratifin, PAI-1, IRS-1). These changes were not detected when the IGF-I analogue (\[L24]\[A31]-IGF-I), which fails to bind to the IGF-I receptor, was substituted; confirming the IGF-I-dependent differential expression of genes associated with enhanced cell migration. Taken together, these studies have established that IGF-I:IGFBP:VN complexes enhance breast cell migration and survival, processes central to facilitating metastasis. This study highlights the interdependence of ECM and growth factor interactions in biological functions critical for metastasis and identifies potential novel therapeutic targets directed at preventing breast cancer progression.


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Objective: This study documents the mental health status of people from Burmese refugee backgrounds, recently arrived in Australia; then examines the contributions of gender, premigration and postmigration factors in predicting mental health. Method: Structured interviews, including a demographic questionnaire, the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire, Postmigration Living Difficulties Checklist and Hopkins Symptom Checklist assessed premigration trauma, postmigration living difficulties, depression, anxiety, somatisation and traumatisation symptoms in a sample of 70 adults across five Burmese ethnic groups. Results: Substantial proportions of participants reported psychological distress in symptomatic ranges including: posttraumatic stress disorder (9%); anxiety (20%), and; depression (36%), as well as significant symptoms of somatisation (37%). Participants reported multiple and severe premigration traumas. Postmigration living difficulties of greatest concern included communication problems and worry about family not in Australia. Gender did not predict mental health. Level of exposure to traumatic events and postmigration living difficulties each made unique and relatively equal contributions to traumatisation symptoms. Postmigration living difficulties made unique contributions to depression, anxiety and somatisation symptoms. Conclusions: While exposure to traumatic events impacted on participants’ mental wellbeing, postmigration living difficulties had greater salience in predicting mental health outcomes of people from Burmese refugee backgrounds. Reported rates of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms were consistent with a large review of adults across seven western countries. High levels of somatisation pointed to a nuanced expression of distress. Findings have implications for service provision in terms of implementing appropriate interventions to effectively meet the needs of this newly arrived group in Australia.


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Heart damage caused by acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a leading cause of death and disability in Australia. Novel therapies are still required for the treatment of this condition due to the poor reparative ability of the heart. As such, cellular therapies that assist in the recovery of heart muscle are of great current interest. Culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a stem and progenitor cell population that has been shown to promote tissue recovery in pre-clinical studies of AMI. For MSC-based therapies in the clinic, an intravenous route of administration would ideally be used due to the low cost, ease of delivery and relative safety. The study of MSC migration is therefore clinically relevant for a minimally invasive cell therapy to promote regeneration of damaged tissue. C57BL/6, UBI-GFP-BL/6 and CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were utilised to investigate mMSC migration. To assist in murine models of MSC migration, a novel method was used for the isolation of murine MSC (mMSC). These mMSC were then expanded in culture and putative mMSC were positive for Sca-1, CD90.2, and CD44 and were negative for CD45 and CD11b. Furthermore, mMSC from C57BL/6 and UBI-GFP-BL/6 mice were shown to differentiate into cells of the mesodermal lineage. Cells from CD44-/-/GFP+/+ mice were positive for Sca-1 and CD90.2, and negative for CD44, CD45 and CD11b however, these cells were unable to differentiate into adipocytes and chondrocytes and express lineage specific genes, PLIN and ACAN. Analysis of mMSC chemokine receptor (CR) expression showed that although mMSC do express chemokine receptors, (including those specific for chemokines released after AMI), these were low or undetectable by mRNA. However, protein expression could be detected, which was predominantly cytoplasmic. It was further shown that in both healthy (unperturbed) and inflamed tissues, mMSC had very little specific migration and engraftment after intravenous injection. To determine if poor mMSC migration was due to the inability of mMSC to respond to chemotactic stimuli, chemokine expression in bone marrow, skin injury and hearts (healthy and after AMI) was analysed at various time points by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT PCR). Many chemokines were up-regulated after skin biopsy and AMI, but the highest acute levels were found for CXCL12 and CCL7. Due to their high expression in infarcted hearts, the chemokines CXCL12 and CCL7 were tested for their effect on mMSC migration. Despite CR expression at both protein and mRNA levels, migration in response to CXCL12 and CCL7 was low in mMSC cultured on Nunclon plastic. A novel tissue culture plastic technology (UpCellTM) was then used that allowed gentle non-enzymatic dissociation of mMSC, thus preserving surface expression of the CRs. Despite this the in vitro data indicated that CXCL12 fails to induce significant migration ability of mMSC, while CCL7 induces significant, but low-level migration. We speculated this may be because of low levels of surface expression of chemokine receptors. In a strategy to increase cell surface expression of mMSC chemokine receptors and enhance their in vitro and in vivo migration capacity, mMSC were pre-treated with pro-inflammatory cytokines. Increased levels of both mRNA and surface protein expression were found for CRs by pre-treating mMSC with pro-inflammatory cytokines including TNF-á, IFN-ã, IL-1á and IL-6. Furthermore, the chemotactic response of mMSC to CXCL12 and CCL7 was significantly higher with these pretreated cells. Finally, the effectiveness of this type of cell manipulation was demonstrated in vivo, where mMSC pre-treated with TNF-á and IFN-ã showed significantly increased migration in skin injury and AMI models. Therefore this thesis has demonstrated, using in vitro and in vivo models, the potential for prior manipulation of MSC as a possible means for increasing the utility of intravenously delivery for MSC-based cellular therapies.